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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:44 pm Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 1Joined: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:25 pm
[size=12:813e47d830]((Note, this is a freeform Nosferatu only thread. Although on occasion Malks may be welcome ;) I hope you all enjoy it and that some of you take part :)[/size:813e47d830]

[i:813e47d830]The bowels of Cascadia...[/i:813e47d830]

The sewer yawned.

Of course, it was simply a complex series of tunnels, pipes, drains and underground pools, it couldn’t “yawn”. But it did.

The sound may or may not have simply been the rumblings of tube trains travelling above, or the echo of water rushing from an opened sluice in the distance. But to him it seemed like it was yawning. The nights always started the same. He would wake from his resting place, temporarily oblivious to the aches his form enforced upon him. But then as his wide nostrils would flare, drawing in the fetid air, he would quickly reassert his position.

His eyes still half shut with sleep would begin to pick out details littering his chamber. Ancient shit, almost primordial in its foulness, clung to the walls. Trying to dry on the concrete, only for a passing piss-infected deluge of water to rush over it, washing the tunnel he slept in “clean”.

He pushed his claw like fingers into a particularly loathsome heap of something wet and cold, drawing out a plastic spoon. He flicked some of the gloop, using the spoon as a simple catapult, at a watching rat, chuckling as the rodent, deeply offended, ran off screeching.

No doubt he would have one of the Broodmates on his case later. The rat did look awfully familiar...

He straightened his suit jacket, straightening his imaginary tie mockingly. Spitting out a mouthful of raw sewage he wiped his fanged maw on his jacket sleeve. His naked, elongated skull glistened in the low light the warren offered.

A sound in the distance made him start. Something crashed. Something then bellowed. And finally there was a half-hearted “fuck it”.

One of the warren’s inventor types had managed to break whatever crap they were trying to build.

He lurched off in the direction of the spawning pools, his stubby snout wrinkled in concentration as he considered the best way to spend the night.

A sighing to his left made him smile, which sadly only served to make him look even more ghastly.

[i:813e47d830]“Morning sexy.”


Acetone, one of the Warren’s more hideous residents stood sheathed in shadow. The air thicker, more cloying, more acrid, just like her namesake when she was around. She nodded, that much he could see. But in all their time in the Warren. He had never seen her true face.

[i:813e47d830]“Going someplace nice today, Acetone?”

“Shopping. They need new outfits.”

“Might see you up top later then. Fancy a visit to the Ladies Dressing room myself.”[/i:813e47d830] He sniggered obscenely, falling silent as she shrugged and sloped away.

He watched her disappear in the opposite direction, then plodded knee deep in the porridge of algae, excrement and urine. Rats squeaked as he passed, some were just saying hello, others were trying to pass on information, and a scant few were simply being rude.

Manes pulled himself onto a rusted iron ladder, climbing the slippery scum covered rungs. A narrow grate, rusted shut, served as a barrier between the passage and the spawning pools beyond it.

He dislocated his shoulders, cracking them as he pulled himself up. Then, with supernatural resolve and strength, he slimed into the pools. His craggly fingers finding purchase on the rot rouge floors.

"I can squeeze between buildings through spaces you can't even see. I can walk behind you so close my breath raises gooseflesh on your neck and you won't hear me. I can feed off your filth and live under your bed and you will never know unless I want you to."
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:31 pm Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 330Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
Drain walked thru the cramped hall on his way to the meeting room. He had another busy day ahead of him, the whole city was trying to keep its secrets from him.. and as usually he and his clan wneted to know everything.Drain lit a cigar as he crossed the threshhold of the meeting room..

The room was what most in the Cammerilla would have expected from the Nosferatu. Hidden under the city off one of the many Subway stops. It was dirty.. with oders seeming to emit from eveything.. THe walls were were a mixture of rock. and pannelling, Brown cheap pannelling. The floor was Hardwood. covered with throw rugs. at one time they may have been fit enough to be hung in a Tremeres Haven.. but now with many muddy feet crossing them daily. they were nothing but brown Rugs.but it was upto date. The large table was home to 10 computer screens. one at each seat. The chairs although mismatched were fairly clean. The whole place was lit by a mixture of candle light and small personal table lamps at each seat.

With in 30 min the meeting was begining. alll the key players were presant. The assembled would pass along all the information to whom they saw fit to keep in the loop. Which in true Nosferatu fashion was eveyone in the warren.

"First item on the agenda" Drain said as he exhaled a plume of grey blue smoke. "That Venture Tyler. He made a deal yesterday with the city council to put up an industrial park he did this thru his puppet Whitherspoon. by tomarrow night id like to see a copy of what that suit is planning to putting there. The transcript of the meeting is in the your computers under Tyler"

"Also there seems to be a at least a pair of Neonates , most likely, hunting around the clubs. please find out who these are and if they are sabbatt leak there whereabouts to the Brujah. and if they are just unrully Brujah.. remind them that This city has laws. and the prince would like them enforced"

" OH and Cain the assimite is in the city, Ill need someone to follow him.. and to whom ever does this. Remember he is a killer.. and a good one. so keep your distance. but don't loose him.. He will of course know he is being followed but id like to make sure we know where he is at all times.. id like to know who his target is."

"There was a rumer going around that the former Prince was intown?.. well that is now false"

(Damn real life.. i have to go))(( I love tie in storylines LOL))

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 2:19 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Joined: Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:11 pm
(( Here comes the occasianal Malk ))

Daisy had been wandering the dark streets for what seemed like days thought it had only been a few hours. She had no idea where she was but there was a hint of familiarality she couldnt grasp. She stopped in a dark shadowy alley and very slowly put her hear up to the stones of an old abandoned looking building in the hope that the wall would whisper to her what direction she should take. Hearing nothing, she pushed her hair back out of her face and continued down the alley hiding in the shadows.
She spotted what looked like a very dim light just ahead of her wich seemed to be coming from the ground. She dropped to all fours and crawled towards it. When she reached the source of light she was peering down what seemed to be an old sewer grate. She carefully lifted it and set the top down next to her and sat still and quiet for a moment just listening. The only sound reaching her ear was the occasianal scammper of a rat or two. Biting her lip she began to slowly climb down the old rusted ladder reaching over her head and placing the grate firmly back in place.
Once inside her eyes widened as she scanned the hallway she had entered. She saw something scammper out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head quickly and spotted a rat with somekind of goo covering its side. She lunged at it catching it by its tail as she held it up examining it she decided flatley, I will call you .....Fred. Holding onto Fred she began to make her way down the dimly lit corridor...........

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