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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 5:38 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
Arial Collasped to the ground as the steak was remvoed from her chest. Her body laid motionless, for a few minutes before she rose to her knees. As her sight became more clearer, she noticed the dark stranger she met in the grave yard a few nights past.

Slowly she rose to her feet and examined her surrondings, an noticed Mark and another she had not seen before standing behind her. She turned her attention back to Valek as he demanded an explination.

-Valek-"The two have brought here on the crimes of breaking the Tradition all Kindred must follow in this city, is there any truth in these accustions.

It took Arial a few minutes to gain her bearings completely. She then appoarched Valek standing to left side of him where she could keep her eye on the two behind her.

-Arial-"To be honest I have no Idea what Traditions are. so I can not tell you weather any violation by me was commited, however I feel I do owe you this Valek."

She took a breif pause and rubbed her jaw which was still soar from havng her fangs removed, then begain to speak again.

-Arial-"I owe you saving your life as you did mine the other night in the graveyard. You know of my gift, I know things I should not possible know, and what I saw when Mark kiddnapped me and was holding me captive is this......I seen your death Valek, These two have plot that would come in the near future, cospiring with those Sabbot people. I seen them together, a steak through your heart, your body hung by your feet as the slowly lower you piece by piece into a pit of fire, Mark laughing histerically as your body burns in the pit."

Arial paused as she could hear Valek begin to groan in anger, his eyes narrowing shifting focus from Arial to Mark and back to Arial again.

-Arial-"They discovered my gift and learned somehow of our meeting last night, So they kiddnapped me to detain me from meeting with you, for they feared that if we had our meeting, then I could possible know of there plot against you and tell you. They even tried to talk me into going along with it, To help them SEE the most oppurtune time to kill you. When I refused they beat me and torchered me by removing my fangs, until I was unconcious. They then decided to deilver me to you as gift hoping you would destroy me, bring Irony to the sitituation, by you killing the one person who could save you."

Arial paused and glanced back at the two then back to Valek.

-Arial-"I have no reason to lie to Valek, for this reason alone, you where the only Vampire I met, that did not try to take advatage of my Insight if that was the case I would of moved on to the next city as I had to do from New York when the Prince there wanted to use my gift for her own personal gain. As far as the crimes they accuse me of I have no idea if I broke any laws."

Valek remained silent as Arial finished her explantion of what happened, then stepped slightly behind Valek staring at Mark and Echo, rasing her right hand and giving them both the finger.

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 7:43 am Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
[i:9b97d31fb5]As Mark Archer and Echoe were stepping back slowly, knowing very well that Valek was capable of the worst things. The Dark Prince aura was radiating with an anger and hatred never saw before in a Kindred, his eyes shifting to a pitch black color, the Dark Prince lat out a powerful demonic scream, the voice heard wasnt the one that the Kindred were used to hear in Valek's, but clearly one of a thousand years old Demon. Every single window exploded in pieces and doors closing shut rather violently as the scream was continuing . As the Malkavian's remained silent and not moving, the Dark Prince spoke in a voice that seemed to be the one of a thousand wraiths speaking at once.

" How come am I not surprised Archer, after all, how many times have you gone against my word in the past, you even got as far and challenged me in the past. When you think about it, what better way to get closer to me by gaining my trust and then stabb me in the back ! "

Mark Archer stepped foward as he yelled " She tells nothing but lies Valek ! who will you trust, me who's been there for decades or this clanless bitch ! "

" Clan ... clan ... bitch ... bitch ... " spoke Echoe as he tried to repeat the only words he heard from Mark as he was speaking so fast .

The Dark Prince were still burning with the same hatred, Arial could feel the aura of Valek very well, however she turned back slowly as she felt an aura even more powerful than the Prince himself. As Valek's sire, Angelica, arrived next to him she gave a quick look to Arial as if to say don't worry. The 4th gen Cappadocian spoke as she looked to Mark and Echoe

" Betrayal, murder, chaos, anarchy, doesnt it sounds good to your ears Malkavian's. I can read your mind Archer, asking yourself the why's of my precense, this is a question you will never know get the answer to . " spoke Angelica, she recently has gained back her freedom as the Kindred community allowed her to stay in Cascadia.

" We are the demons that dwells in the darkest flames, the Evil from inside, holders of the spears, where Evil strike we are the knives behind it, we are war, we are pain, we are all everyone can never slay, we are grief, we are fear in the night, thus we have spoken, thus shall it be " spoke both the Dark Prince and Angelica.

The sound of thousands of footsteps were heard as an army of corpses and skeletons arrived to surround the two Malkavian's .

" You two will be kept in a cell until we find out if those visions were the thruth or not "

Mark frowned as he stated " I am not going in this cell, I'm telling you that it is nothing but lies ! "

Smiling evily the Dark Prince replied " If it is lies like you say, then you have nothing to worry about and you shall be set free once we find out, a week time will be enough for me to find this out . Until then you will be kept in a cell with your friend . "

Clearly seeing that both of them were in no position to deal anything, they agreed to it. The two Malkavian's were brought down to the cells down in the dungeon where no sun rays could penetrate, protecting them from any arm until the thruth would be found. The Kindred community got contacted about this recent acts and agreed to the Dark Prince decisions.

As Mark and Echoe were now in two different cells, down the dungeon, Echoe spoke

" This ... this ... is nothing ... thing ... but .... problems ... blems for us ... us "

Mark sat crossing his arms as he answered very calmly " Stop talking for now Echoe " said Mark as he took out Arial's two fangs to look at them " I knew she would bring us problems .... "

The dungeon where the two Malkavian's were kept was clearly a maze, thousands of corridors, guarded by Cappadocian's and demonhounds, made any escape impossilbe. The Dark Prince then came to talk to the two Malkavian's as he looked at them both as Mark finished his last sentence

" If what she says is the truth, I assure you will suffer for eternity Archer, same goes for your friend, however if what she says reveals to be false, you will be set free and judged accordingly, meanwhile until I find this out, you will both be kept in here, there is enough blood reserves in both of your cells to last a week time. By then everything will have revealed itself to me. Then and only then will I come back to you two . " After those words the Dark Prince left to go back to ground level where Arial was still waiting, surrounded by the Cappadocian guards.

Ordering his creatures to leave and go guard the dungeon, Valek approached Valek with the same anger he had earlier as he spoke

" I saved your life once, you owe me a life boon, however I will not hesitate to kill you if you are trying to play your way around me, as of now the visions you told me of my past were true, that is why I didnt hesitated in believing what you told me earlier, however if this reveals to be false, things wont be easy for you. Now in no way do I want to use your gift for personal reasons, as a matter of fact it is yours and you shall use it for yourself only, but however tonight is different, I need to find the truth, and for this you will speak to me .... After you will be done, there is a room on the 12th floor, the sun is soon to rise and by the time you will be done talking you wont be able to get out .. " The Dark Prince sat on his throne, awaiting for Arial to talk .

(( Very nice post again everyone :) , some quality rping is shown by everyone :) ))[/i:9b97d31fb5]

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 6:27 pm Reply with quote
((i cant believe valek would do soemthing like that! lol
as if mark would ever trust the sabbat with anything .

But shes right if you mess with mark hell kill you :P lol

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 7:03 pm Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
(( Suuuuuuuuuure lol bring it on Marky Mark ! :P

I'll get rid of this pineapple with my butter knife ! oh wait, thats a plastic knife :( SHIT lol j/k man :P

But you have to admit that the whole thread as an interesting storyline, thanks to all the good rpers in it :) . I said it before, the rping taking here is some quality one :), keep it up everyone !

Hey Mark, check your pm's bud :) ))

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 8:05 pm Reply with quote
Mark sat with his legs drawn up to his chest and his arm’s hung over his knee’s with his head hung low letting out periodic hysterical laughs as he examined the cage around him that was to serve as a haven for several day’s. His attention drifted to the blood supply for a moment as he sighed heavily wondering if it would be safe to drink the vitae.

Raising his head he turned to face the wall behind which was Echoe. There strong mental connection allowed them to see and hear each other perfectly in there minds. “God I’m so bored and I’m hungry…in fact I’m starving. Hey and I can’t believe he didn’t believe us, especially since we brought him such a beautiful little gift to play with. People just aren’t trustworthy these days. No sense of community anymore. There isn’t enough love going around the world. Plus they don’t seem to have those little lickerish sherbet dipper things over here. How much worse could things get?”

Mark took of his jacket and rolled it up tightly to use as a pillow which he leant back on as he began to humm random tunes.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 9:12 pm Reply with quote
User avatarBone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
"This man is our prince?", she thinks as she hides in the shadows, "Now i know why i prefer being autarkis."
She watches from a dark corner.

Cut the sky to cry down blood.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 9:16 pm Reply with quote
(( yea i don't like the camamrilla prince either lol

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 9:30 pm Reply with quote
((no ofense, but iyour hiding in the princes mansion, you better b nosfratu himself, valeks enhanced perception is almost max and chances are he can se you, evenif you are in a dark corner. auspex is good like that. and if he does find you, your smoked.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 9:33 pm Reply with quote
((Nah im pretty confident i could hide from Valek with my obfuscate so im pretty sure a nossie could manage it :P

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 10:13 pm Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
Arial Followed Valek, down the long dark corridors of his Haven, as he lead her to the 12th floor.

-Arial-"12th floor huh? I guess I should be glade its not the 13th floor you, know being such an unlucky number and all."

Valek continued to lead the way not finding her little observation too amusing. Arial begain to realize the dangerous game she was now playing, for if he found out the truth, She would be better off going back to New York and take the less painful death from Rachel.

Arial also new she could make her story more conviencing if she tells Valek about the others, they saw her being held captive by Mark, which could bring some proof to her story if she can find them. She also let out a smile thinking how this will teach Mark and his buddy, to mess with a Briujador

-Arial-"Dose this room have a window, you said the sun will be rising soon, Everymorning me and Bo......a friend of mine watch the sun rise together."

Valek stopped and turned to face , raisng a brow at her last remark, before opening a door and showing her a way into her room. Arial entered the room and took a seat waitng for Valek to speak to her.


[b:7a0f559796]Outside the church[/b:7a0f559796]

Bob watched Kaydian dissapear out of sight in the graveyard, as he focused his attention on the hunters inside, trying to pick up on what they were planning. Unfortunatly he did not have the powers he's newly found friends do to hear that far. But he new Arial was in trouble, and he had to think of something quick. He did the one thing he could think of and felt he owed it to Arial for all she has done for him.

Bob walked through the front doors of the church interupting the meeting, as group turned to face Bob.

-Priest-"Sorry sir the church is closed for a private meeting, you must come back tomarrow."

-Bob-"Im afraid I can not do that, I overwelmed with much quilt and must make a confession publicly so I can pay for my crimes. I am the bitting bandit, I killed those boys at the pizza places and wounded many others so I can steal there valuables.

This caught there attention enough to at least hear the old man out. They all begain to laugh.

-Officer1-" I dont think so the person we are looking for is a female."

-Bob-"Is that so, Well I enjoy dressing up as a women when I commit these acts, then use a Ice pick and poke holes in there neck, pretending im a vampire, all I want is to turn myself in and beg God for forgivness."

His story seemed conviencing enough for the officers, to atleast hold him for a while to check out his story, but for the hunters, they did not take his story to heart. Never the less the police took Bob in to custotiy(sp), some of the hunters departed the scene returning to where they came from. One group stayed behind just incase to check out any leads of vampires in this city. For now the heat was off Arial, and it as for Bob at least he will steal be off the streets in cozy 8X8 cell.

((This will teach you to mess with a Brujador on PMS Marky.... :twisted: )

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 11:13 pm Reply with quote
Well you maybe a Brujahdoor with PMS but Mark is something a whole lot worse.! He is a malkavian with DFAS and OAT!

And you know after you screw with Mark once you get a pretty big bad headache oh and yay 100!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 11:34 pm Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
((remembers the bruno/mark change...uh oh...yep don't mess with this malk

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 8:06 pm Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
(( Nice post Arial, I'll add to it today ))

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 8:26 pm Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
[i:1032d18557]" You are in a place where light will never be, do not expect to see the outside of this Domain anytime soon, at least until I find out the truth. " spoke the Dark Prince as he sat on a chair on the complete opposite of where Arial was sitting, keeping his amber red eyes on her searching for any signs of truth or lies, Arial knew that she had to be careful in her use of words, every single one of it would have to be well thought .

Arial glanced over the open door of the room, feeling somewhat uncomfortable with it, she carefuly placed every word to form the following sentence " I do not wish to sound harsh Prince Valek but.... " a short silence followed those words before the next were spoken " would it be possible to have the door closed ? "

Reaching for the door the Dark Prince slammed it shut, nearly taking the door off its frame.... returning to his seat the Prince spoke once more " Now tell me, is there something else you know that I should be aware of in this whole fucking thing .... " Clearly sensing that the Prince's patience was growing thin Arial spoke ....


Meanwhile down at the first floor, the demonhouds still roaming around the whole place, one of them caught a different smell in a corner, quickly moving around silently Hermonie succeeded in not getting found by this demonhound, as she turn the next corner she found herself in front of another who was now growling at the different smell he was capting ..[/i:1032d18557]

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 4:22 am Reply with quote
((Hermonie your in trouble...Welcome to hell. Have a nice day. :)

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