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PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 2:16 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
Arial stopped struggling to free Marks hand from her arm. Looking down at the ground then rasing her head her smile almost turning into a laughter.

-Airal- "I dont know of your tradition nor this masqurade thing you speak of, and im sorry for breaking your precious stupid rules. Also if you wanted to be my friend tieing me up and kidnapping is not the way to go about it. Im a pretty nice person if you really think about it, and a simple hello would get you alot better results then this method. I have met your Prince last night, and Valek is the important meeting I have to get to. If you want me to accept your terms I dont think standing him up would doo any of any good. Now you seem honest in your willingness to help, and if you would be so kind to come with me and take me to the address in my pocket, where Valek told me to meet him, I would accept your offer. so how about it do we have a deal?"

Arial stared at Mark, his expression unchanged. She braced herself for a beating, should he have refused her offer. But waited for his answer as he released her arm and paced around her in a circle.

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 2:24 am Reply with quote
Kevin stood in the alley watching over his 'girls', he ran his hand through what little hair he had left. It was a constant sore point for him, every morning he was sure that he had less, he put it down to all the worry he was going over the last few years. All it took for one of his girls to get in a car with a nutcase and his profits would be down and he would have the cops round asking questions. And there where just too many wack jobs on the streets these days all the respectible people where in their beds with their families. But what could you do, wasnt like any of them could find jobs that paid as much as working the streets so they put up with the danger. Reaching in to his pocket Kevin pulled out a cigerette, placing it in his mouth then after a quick search pulled out his lighter. Just as he sparked up he saw the silloute of a person standing before him, the cigerette fell slowly from his lips.

Even before the cigerette had reached the ground Kevin found himself up against the alley wall with the strangers hand at his throat. Nails dug into Kevins throat causing a slight trickle of blood to run down his neck and shirt, the pain snapped Kevins mind to the present and let him know that this stranger ment business.

'Hello Kevin, I have it on good authority that you are just the man to help me find someone.' Thin beeds of sweet ran down Kevin forehead, he wanted to say he didnt know anything, that he didnt want to know anything. But the next thing he knew he had a rather worn copy of the front page of a newspaper thrust in his face.

'Where is this girl, I think she lives round here yet appears to have dissappeared of the face of the planet.' With a slight twist of his hand he increased the presure on Kevins throat to let him know this wasnt a request. 'Shes a nice looking girl isnt she Kevin, you cant tell me that you wouldnt want her to join your 'stable', put the squize on her till shes working the streets and on her way to an early grave. Better than most the skanks you watch over right Kevin.'

Kevins eyes were wide with fear and his brain worked iratically trying to remember if he had seen the girl in the picture or whether he could spin a lie that would be convincing enough that the stranger would buy it. 'I...I seen her about yeah sure, sure she lives round here, dont know what she does round here. I aint seen her in the last night might of moved on but I..I...oh God please dont kill me.' Kevin broke into uncontrolable sobs, and found himself in a heap on the floor with the strangers face in his. 'Where' was all he said and Kevin found himself uncontrollably pointing in the direction he thought the girl in the picture had lived.

Turning quickly Kaydian strode off in the direction that Kevin had indicated, if nobody had seen her in the last couple of days chances where he was chasing after a pile of ash. But even if that was the case he would hopefully find some foot prints in the ash to lead him to what he was looking for, other kindred.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 2:32 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
((psssst if arial the girl you looking for you need to follow the yellow brick road then look for the house with a witch under it, turn left at snow whites dead body and then look under a big rock and you will find her :roll: )

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 2:52 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Joseph had been in the city for almost a month now. IT was really a beautiful city so long as you look beyond the corruption, murder, and decay. On this particlar night he had decided to go for a walk. He observed many buildings one his treck around the streets, large corperate building, small family owned markets, and many abaded buildings.

While walking past an old abandoed factory building he observed in a wndow a flash of fire, which was soon accompanied by a woman screaming. To joseph she sounded in trouble, and naturally he jumped to help, and maybe he could get a snack out of his good deed?

His entry to the buildig was simply, the door was already busted in so silently he climbed up the stairs. the doorto the room the people were in was ajar. he heard bits and pieces of a conversation on his way up the tairs, but now he coud heear clearly. “what do you say young one?” qustioned a deep and solmn voice.

"I dont know of your tradition nor this masqurade thing you speak of, and im sorry for breaking your precious stupid rules. Also if you wanted to be my friend tieing me up and kidnapping is not the way to go about it. Im a pretty nice person if you really think about it, and a simple hello would get you alot better results then this method. I have met your Prince last night, and Valek is the important meeting I have to get to. If you want me to accept your terms I dont think standing him up would doo any of any good. Now you seem honest in your willingness to help, and if you would be so kind to come with me and take me to the address in my pocket, where Valek told me to meet him, I would accept your offer. so how about it do we have a deal?"

slowly the door pushed open. "is there a problem here? I was walking by and hard a coimmotion, is everything alright?" The kindred has the appearace of a 16 year old , his appearance hides his extreme powers of elemental properties.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 3:14 am Reply with quote
((what sort of directions are those, they will get me locked up in the mental institute though guess thats where you are anyway. At this rate the tremere and the malk and the prince will fight over you and ill be left with BoB to talk to probley more interesting :D ))

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 4:16 am Reply with quote
User avatarBone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
"What is this?", Hermonie whispers in his ear.
She pushes her cloak back and reappears next to Arial and Mark.
She looks like a French beauty of certain distinction. Standing next to her is a 20 foot aligator.
"Where is this that we are standing?", she asks.

Cut the sky to cry down blood.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 5:55 am Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
[i:88f803dc05]Picking up the news paper, looking at the head title saying " Unexplained Deaths " , the Dark Prince smiled evily, obviously liking the latest crime been commited by whom so ever would have done it. Of course the Dark Prince thought that Arial could have been the one responsible for this, yet again the Prince had no evidence of whom it could have been, Cascadia counts many Vampires both in and out of the city, this could have either been commited by one of the hundreds of Vampires outside of the city, or more simply put by the young Arial, either way the Dark Prince always have been strict on the Kindred society rules and Traditions, and well known for his demonic ways of torturing those who broke the rules and/or Traditions. A Cappadocian Ghoul approached the Demonic Prince

" She is not loosing any time isnt she ... " spoke the Cappadocian ghoul, one of the hundreds of the Prince lackies . " How presomptuous, altought (sp) it would clearly make sense that this young one commited this crime, I have no solid proofs at hand, at least for now, in any case, she is expected here soon, and I shall find out by one way or another.... "

(( Bit short but just wanted to keep in the story lol, gonna add more on it later :) ))[/i:88f803dc05]

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 9:05 am Reply with quote
((ill post when i get backto work... funny how everyone comes along to get a bit of Mark's fun huh? lol

hmm pretty heavy stuff.... was i really talking that loud lol

anyone watch this space cus im a goanna scheme for a while then come back and kill you all.))

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 7:39 pm Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
(( LOL !! :) ))

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 8:04 pm Reply with quote
A little chuckle left Mark’s mouth in pure distaste of the situation around him. How awkward thing had become just because a few annoyances had managed to somehow find there way into the old abandoned building which had not seen any activity fro months and now at the most inconvenient time a party had decided to erupt; a happy festive gangbang of kindred.

Thoughts and words were communicated in silence between Mark and Echo who remained hidden in the shadows along with the conversation of there minds. Walking towards Arial he whispered into her mind “These are kindred and I know now what they want but we must be cautious to avoid any ‘necessary’ harm”

Turning to face the apparently 16 year old, a sly smile shot across Mark’s dark face as he acted ignorant to the world of darkness. “Oh no there is no problem here infact we were having quite a bit of fun until you showed up!” Mark wrapped his arms around Arial as he planted soft kisses along her neck, hoping not to alarm her into kicking somewhere he’s hate to lose.

Letting go of Arial he defiantly walked over to Joseph and smiled a sinister and dark smile. “You know I’ve always wanted to heave a threesome with someone as young as you. So young and innocent but you know I don’t think mummy dearest would be to pleased” A little chuckle escaped Mark’s lips as he walked back over to Arial. With out turning round to face Joseph he spoke again.

“Hey unless you’r up for it I suggest you leave me and my sweetie to it.”

Mark jumped slightly as Hermonie appeared from the shadows and he glanced in her directions. “Oh more fun great!” He looked to the 20 foot long alligator “did you really have to bring that pet along with you… well as long as it doesn’t shit on the floor I guess we will be fine.”

Mark smirked “Well to answer your question we are in an old abandoned building that once used to be a hot spot but literally got so hot it burnt down and there’s not much use for it left… and as for this? It’s nothing and I think we will be leaving now…”

Turning to face Arial Mark spoke seriously to her, “ I think its time we go to that meeting of yours with that important person as it looks like nothing much is going to be achieved here.” Mark walked over to where Joseph was standing and pushed himself up against him as he leaned to whisper into his ear.

“You know if you ever want a good time honey…” Mark slid a piece of paper with his number into Joseph’s trousers “Just gimme a call”

Walking a bit further Mark glanced towards Hermonie “ It’s been a pleasure meeting you. I hate to love you and leave you but we have places to be”

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 8:59 pm Reply with quote
((some people have all the fun, im left wandering through the dirty streets of Cascadia tracking down Bob and you lot are having an orgy in an abandoned warehouse. I need to get one of those kindred locator rings but I havent saved up enough coupons form my breakfast ceral packets yet. Nice post and looks like things are getting complicated in there hope to see some fireworks :D ))

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 9:04 pm Reply with quote
((Hey your quite welcome to join in if you like.... maybe you found a bit of dirt from my shoe and tracked me to the ware house via your incredable stinky ability! :P

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 10:05 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
The situation had become a bit complicated. Joseph knew that to act would endanger the clan. His action must be delicate in this delicate situation. This Malkavian was disgusting, a no good Faggot, But Joseph stood there emotionless, avoiding conflict. Suddenly a woman and an alligator appeared no the situation was deadly. IT appeared the Malkavians didn’t know the woman, so maybe it would be fine.

The group of Malkavians began to walk towards the door. Telepathically he sent a message to the young thin blood. "MY name is Joseph Cabot, I am communicating securely to you through your mind, I do not know why these Malkavians want you, they are a dangerous brood and should not be trusted, you may not know much of Vampire kind, but these are not the people to teach you. If you require my help nod your head." He watched her for a response and readied his Elemental Powers for there escape.

Joseph whipered a few words "Sulfuris Tempistist, Impluere". A sever thunder storm picked up, and rain fell heavily upon the streets outside.

((if you need help i can help you escape through the window and with my powers of storm and such i can create a wind storm, dense fog, thunderstorm and turrental rain to stop all following except by maybe that gator....which could probally bite my head off....

Last edited by Luciano on Mon Jan 20, 2003 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 10:22 pm Reply with quote
((oh btw being able to see Echo would be a little hard since he has some huge obfuscate powers lol…. Check with him for the details. :P))

Mark impatiently waited by the door as he glanced over to Arial who seem to be standing and looking quite confused. Mark let out an exaggerated sigh as he smiled warmly. “Hey come on we’ve still got that important meeting to go to and no offence but I think these two strangers have wasted enough of our time”

Mark’s attention shifted to Hermonie. Who was she and why was she here and why now. All questions he longed to ask but the large alligator and the other presences in the room made him a bit to weary to remain within the building for to much longer.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 12:55 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
Arial wiped the wet kiss from her cheek, and cringed at the thought of having sex with any of these people, specially since her last sexual encounter resulted in her present condition. However she believed more in Mark's offer of having a few friends, now that vampires seemed to be poping out of the wood work. Sure she could try to survive on her own relying on her vision when her unlife was endanger, but the problem is her vision were sporatic and the one time she needed to see her immedited danger would not come and end her unlife.

Arial watched Mark untie her legs as he proceeded to help her up.

-Mark- “ I think its time we go to that meeting of yours with that important person as it looks like nothing much is going to be achieved here.”

-Arial- "Yes I think we should, the sooner you can teach me about this new life the better off I feel I can be, perhaps we can grab a bite to eat along the way, my little tricks earlier seem to have weakend me, and my hand hurts from the fire, I think I need to get some burn medicne for it or somethimg."

She proceeded to follow Mark towards the door when she recieved Joesphs telepathic message.

"MY name is Joseph Cabot, I am communicating securely to you through your mind, I do not know why these Malkavians want you, they are a dangerous brood and should not be trusted, you may not know much of Vampire kind, but these are not the people to teach you. If you require my help nod your head."

Arial walked by joeshp shaking her head no as she passed by him, signifying she feels safe with Mark, smiling as she passed by.

-Arial- "Let go Im ready, do you think I should make myself more presentable for the meeting or do I look fine." Arial checking out her outfit. Her black leather trench coat, covering a fishnet shirt where you can see completely through, what the coat was not covering, and her blue jeans. She stood by the door waiting for Mark to lead the way.

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
Offline Profile ICQ

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