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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 12:01 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 2Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:31 am
For the third time that night, Cassie broke into tears and flung her arms around him, sobbing helplessly. Haven patted her awkwardly on the back and then frantically grabbed a nearby clean rag to stem the tide of crimson flowing down her cheeks. It wouldn't do for his shirt to be drenched in blood and have the clerk see it.

[i:0970f6d95c]"Cassie! What's wrong!?? I thought this would please you. Why are you crying?"[/i:0970f6d95c] Her answer was muffled against his chest but he got the gist of it. [i:0970f6d95c]"I....never have to......prey on.......worry about HAPPY!......."[/i:0970f6d95c] Shortly, her cries tapered off, as she had managed to regain her control, but she continued to sniff and blot at her face as she gazed at him in sheer gratitude.

A sudden look of consternation flickered in her eyes and she turned her gaze to the precious box of frozen life. [i:0970f6d95c]"But...."[/i:0970f6d95c], she paused in bewilderment and then looked at her benefactor with concern, [i:0970f6d95c]" on earth am I going to keep them all from spoiling? I have no place to keep them!"[/i:0970f6d95c]

Haven grinned from ear to ear. [b:0970f6d95c]This[/b:0970f6d95c] he could solve as well. And the way things were going, it looked like he could do no wrong tonight. Well, except for that little white lie he'd told Lucien and Julius. His smile faded slightly and he actually contemplated going to those two men anyway, despite her plea. He owed Cass big time and he always paid his debts! Besides, he couldn't stand the pain it was causing her, to think they thought less of her, because he'd covered for her.

[i:0970f6d95c]"That's something we can easily fix."[/i:0970f6d95c], he reassured her, [i:0970f6d95c]"Ever heard of a mini refridgerator?"[/i:0970f6d95c] At first, his companion's smile broke out like the sun coming out from behind a dark cloud and then her eyes widened as she slowly shook her head negatively. [i:0970f6d95c]"Well, one of those will do the trick for you! Come on, let's get this stuff back to the hall and then we might just have enough time to make it to the appliance store before it closes!!"[/i:0970f6d95c]

He chuckled as he hefted their cargo and then gave her an engaging smirk. [i:0970f6d95c]"You [b:0970f6d95c]do[/b:0970f6d95c] realize, now that you don't have to go hunting up sustenance, you really will have some time to help me do some study in Aurum, won't you?"[/i:0970f6d95c] Her enthusiastic nod was all Haven could have asked for as he chivvied her out the door and on their way back to their rooms.

Lightning is a force of nature to be reckoned with, not ignored. Are you ignoring me?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:06 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
In the town of Touraine pen was being applied to paper...

[i:e209a1e4b1]...whilst the impromptu fireworks displays are often pleasing to the eye, I am fairly sure that you will find that there are laws governing the amount of noise produced...[/i:e209a1e4b1]


The school buildings shook as another blast echoed through the grounds. Those students who looked out of the window were treated to the sight of Julius rolling along the ground to smash into a nearby wall with a heavy crack to the head.

[i:e209a1e4b1]"Ouch."[/i:e209a1e4b1] Said he, petulantly, wiping a trail of blood from his lip.

[i:e209a1e4b1]"What does it take to kill you?"[/i:e209a1e4b1] Roared the unknown mage hovering a few feet from his position.


It had been early evening when she had arrived, poking around the school grounds trying to find the illusions. Julius had been watching with some amusement. The woman was clearly a mage of some substance, for she had found her way through the magical camouflage and into the school fairly easily. Julius had thought that perhaps he had better meet her.

[i:e209a1e4b1]"Good evening."[/i:e209a1e4b1] Said the mage to Julius, standing at the main doors.

[i:e209a1e4b1]"Hello there."[/i:e209a1e4b1] Replied Julius with a jaunty smile.

[i:e209a1e4b1]"I..."[/i:e209a1e4b1] She seemed hesitant, but clearly made a decision. [i:e209a1e4b1]"I am looking for a large node which I believe to be currently in the possession of an oracle. I have divined that such a thing exists in this area and the aura of this place..."[/i:e209a1e4b1]

Julius nodded and said nothing.

The woman seemed somewhat nonplussed. [i:e209a1e4b1]"I am Mortisha of House Bonisagus."[/i:e209a1e4b1] she rambled.

Julius grinned impishly. [i:e209a1e4b1]"Welcome Mortisha to the Darrant Industries School of Magic. I am Julius Darrant, Headmaster, House Tremere, Estranged."[/i:e209a1e4b1]

Mortisha coughed. [i:e209a1e4b1]"A Tremere. Clearly the divinations led me astray. I have been led here to save another shredded Avatar and send it to the afterlife."[/i:e209a1e4b1]

Julius raised an eyebrow. [i:e209a1e4b1]"Can we just talk about this for a moment?"[/i:e209a1e4b1]

Mortisha shook her head. [i:e209a1e4b1]"What's to say. The wizard's march is upon you and all your house. Defend yourself, if you can, undead hedge wizard."[/i:e209a1e4b1]

Mortisha pointed and a large ornamental stone urn lifted from it's base and slammed into Julius, smashing into shards.

[i:e209a1e4b1]"Can you please not damage the garden."[/i:e209a1e4b1] Said Julius. [i:e209a1e4b1]"The landscaping really wasn't cheap."[/i:e209a1e4b1]


By now, a large group of students were assembling outside, both fearful and awestruck at the prospect of anyone besting Julius in any kind of magical duel.

Sensing a sufficient audience, the wizard grinned. [i:e209a1e4b1]"More magic than you have, Mortisha of Bonisagus."[/i:e209a1e4b1]

Julius rose slowly into the air, Mortisha's blasts now flowing around the shield of his [i:e209a1e4b1]Parma Magica[/i:e209a1e4b1].

[i:e209a1e4b1]"It is not your divinations that lead you astray, but your own ancient prejudices."[/i:e209a1e4b1] Announced Julius in a voice that all could easily hear. [i:e209a1e4b1]"Look at my students, kindred and mortals side by side learning together.

You would never have cast such spells normally, the backlash of paradox would destroy you, yet you blast me with fire and light as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Touraine is awake, by my hand and magic is permitted here.

And, where magic and magical auras combine, so does the very land give up it's essence for the working of wonders."[/i:e209a1e4b1]

All eyes followed to where Julius pointed. The water from Nyoko's fountain now had a visible blue glow about it.

[i:e209a1e4b1]"Quintessence."[/i:e209a1e4b1] Whispered Mortisha.

[i:e209a1e4b1]"More than Quintessence."[/i:e209a1e4b1] Replied Julius. [i:e209a1e4b1]"Pure [/i:e209a1e4b1]vis[i:e209a1e4b1] as in the old days. As there was a thousand years ago when I first met Bonisagus."[/i:e209a1e4b1]

The fire died in Mortisha's hand. [i:e209a1e4b1]"Perhaps what I sought was here after all. What should I do?"[/i:e209a1e4b1]

[i:e209a1e4b1]"Stay, teach."[/i:e209a1e4b1] Said Julius simply. [i:e209a1e4b1]"We all have much to learn."[/i:e209a1e4b1]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:12 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 25Location: Somewhere close to Bath's ChantryJoined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:40 am
From the far edge of the grounds' perimeter a pair of binoculars was lowered...

[i:c0968d7f69]"Hmmm.... Guess Julius has been busy....."[/i:c0968d7f69]

The female figure in dark blue and black motorcycle leathers slipped on her helmet and fired up a bike that looked like it came out of 'Akira' swiftly hurtling off to her Orleans located haven....

Morathi pondered her options, as an astor it was her duty to keep an eye on what Julius was up to, however Julius was first a friend she had promised not to interfere in the affairs of. Secondly Julius was exceptionally skilled, he had undoubtedly sensed her presence despite the Astor enchanted counter detection wards sewn into her leathers. It was unlikely she would be able to monitor Julius over prolonged time...

Maybe she should just be brazen and walk openly through the gate...

[i:c0968d7f69][color=darkblue:c0968d7f69]"Maybe he can help me teach you the magics of my time...." [/color:c0968d7f69][/i:c0968d7f69]

Morathi's control of her motorcycle wavered... The wraith of an ancient chinese magus trapped in a freezing crystal that had been fused to her own unbeating heart spoke so rarely in recent nights the sudden whisper came as a shock. And this was the first time the symbiotic wraith had ever offered to reveal his arcane secrets, somewhere deep down in the astor part of her mind a warning whisper of 'Why now' was drowned out by the potential of such an offer, lore from over 3,000 years past taught first hand by a master....

Could she afford to miss such a chance....

The motorcycle purred softly in the cool night air as it sped its rider to Orleans....

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...."

Edgar Allen Poe
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:14 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 2Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:04 am
Joel kept having recurring dreams. They woke him up nearly every night from his sleep. The visions contained within them always dealt with a far away place somewhere in France. This place was deep in the woods that grew along the banks of a wide majestic river. The river and the surrounding environs were so familiar to him it was as if he'd been there before. After weeks of these dreams and visions, after sleepless nights spent searching the internet for information on France in the hopes that he'd stumble across an answer he finally did get an answer. One of the visions that had gone through his head was the double spired skyline of a particular cathedral. Evidently this cathedral was in the city of Tours. He'd never heard of the city nor ever seen any images of this city. Yet there it was. So, without knowing where he would stay, nor what he would find, 24 year old Joel Harker boarded a US Air flight from Newark International Airport bound for Paris.

Upon his arrival in Paris he took the TGV [i:52fdf712a0]Atlantique [/i:52fdf712a0] for Tours. He arrived at Gare St. Pierre de Corps outside the city and saw with his own eyes the twin spires of the Cathedrale de St Gatien standing out in the skyline of Tours. He picked up his rucksack and started walking towards the cathedral hoping to find an answer.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:14 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:47 am
Haven, unaware of what was going on back at the school with the battle between Julius and the unknown magus, nodded as they carted a few small, insulated crates out of the bloodbank's back door, and headed towards a small appliance store that had caught Haven's eye on the way.

Haven looked over at Cassie as they stepped out in front of the store, "I got this one.." He said softly, then stepped into the door, talking quietly with the man at the counter, who nodded repeatedly, especially at the sight of the money Haven put down in front of him, then went out of sight, coming back with a carboard box, and a tilt cart, which he pushed out the door for Haven.

This of course, presented a problem, as there was now two boxes, Three carts, and one refrigerator. Have of course, just hefted one of the boxes up on top of the fridge, and they moved off, Haven towing the cart. Laughing and making small talk, the two made their way back across town.

Yet, carrying large boxes at late night attracts attention, especially when it comes to young people, and tonight, a trio of local thugs were on the prowl. Haven felt a hot wind right before he saw the three step out in front of him, and sighed.

[i:e82f23d9a6]"Hey little boy, hey little girl, whatcha got in the boxes," [/i:e82f23d9a6]One of them jeered, completely unaware of what they were dealing with... Haven on the other hand, was completely aware of what was in front of him. Three men, dressed in punk outfits, one with a chain, one with a set of brass knuckles, and one with a suspicious bulge at the waistline that looked like a handgun.

[i:e82f23d9a6]"Just step back Cassie, I'll deal with these guys," [/i:e82f23d9a6]He said, drawing ugly laughter from the trio in front of them; Haven was neither large nor imposing, a slender youth, who though graceful and quick, was no obvious threat to the three. [i:e82f23d9a6]"Playin hero for your girlfriend pal? No good to her dead!"[/i:e82f23d9a6] Another one piped up, and immediately pulled a chain from around his belt.

The one with the gun grinned, [i:e82f23d9a6]"Lets have some fun with her when we're done with him, eh?"[/i:e82f23d9a6] he said. That however, was a huge mistake, because now it was getting personal with Haven. Haven's eyes narrowed as the gun was pulled, adrenaline kicking in, the world around him slowing.

The first thing that caught his attention in the slow motion world was the geyser of something in their midst, visible in the streetlights. The second thing that caught his attention, was the smell of the chemical used to give propane a bitter smell so you would know that the scentless gas was leaking; It was faint, and dispersing quickly, but the three were practically right on top of it.

By the time the gun was out, Haven had already formulated a plan, and the words were pretty much spoken. [i:e82f23d9a6]"Creo Validus Ignem!" [/i:e82f23d9a6]He said firmly and made a quick gesture, light and fire flaring into existence flashing as the spell grew out of proportion to what was normally expected of this particular spell, and a massive burst of silver flame flew from his hand directly into the gas leak.

All hell broke loose at that point, it looked as though a small volcano had erupted directly under the three, while Haven remained untouched, dancing backwards. Turning, he saw Cassie practically running backwards, nearly letting go of her package as she backed away from where the flames had erupted.

Haven sighed, and grabbed the cart the fridge was on (thankfully undamaged) and ran after her, trying to keep up with her til she calmed, when he caught up to her, panting from the exertion, he smirked, [i:e82f23d9a6]"Sorry about that,"[/i:e82f23d9a6] He said, and led the way back to the school, where they set up the minifridge, and put all the blood packets inside.

[i:e82f23d9a6]"That was crazy," [/i:e82f23d9a6]He said and chuckled right before he left, as it was nearly daytime, [i:e82f23d9a6]"See you tomorrow night Cassie," [/i:e82f23d9a6]He said as he walked out her room door.

The morning paper reported that a gas leak had erupted in flame, killing three local gang members. No other casualties were reported.

When people have power, they seek to use it.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:13 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 2Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:04 am
Joel sat at a cyber cafe along Rue Lavoisier directly across from the cathedral. He had been in Tours for several days now. He was staying with a family down in Velpeau off Rue Legras but still spent most of the time at the cathedral. And so he sat sipping coffee and surfing the internet for anything about Tours.

He found that the place was built on Gallo-Roman ruins. That was interesting enough he supposed. He also found that the place had been sacked every couple of hundred years right up to and including the Second World War. Bad place for a city he figured.

"Hmmm," he said as he came across a blog about paranormal events in and around Tours. It seemed that some kook thought that the place was inhabited by vampires, wizards, and all manners of things that go bump in the night. Granted he'd only been here for four days, but still, the only odd thing he saw was a group of french guys all decked out like the meanest of Harley Davidson afficianados and they were all riding motor scooters. He deducted several points off of the French male for that little escapade. They all hung out at a bar called "Rue 66." Simply amazing, he thought, here the French supposedly hate everything the US stand for, and they seem to emulate its vile and decadent society. The best was when he encountered "Nixon Jeans" complete with a US $1 bill on the tag.

Anyways, he thought with a smirk..... Seems the weirdoes hang out around Place Plumereau but...

Joel coughed and spilled some coffee down his front. The so called incidents of paranormal activity seem to be centered around the cathedral. The cathedral that had haunted his dreams; dreams which had not stopped and had actually gotten more vivid and memorable since his arrival in Tours. He looked out at the cathedral and logged off of his computer. He crossed the street as the electric lights were turning on around the cathedral. It was getting dark. The bells of the cathedral would start tolling. He figured he'd attend a mass that night. Perhaps some new lead would break as to why he was here.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:55 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:47 am
Haven was walking down the corridor to his room when he stopped, and thought about something. He had just been in an incident with non-magical people, who, though they had been thugs at the very best, had ended up dead as a result of the encounter.

The thought that the headmaster would wish to know was ringing very strongly in his head.

Haven was of course, momentarily torn, there was the childish instinct to avoid getting in trouble, yet Haven was no longer a child, he was young, but no child, and the burden of responsibility and integrity was something that Haven no longer took lightly. Then, Haven remembered the dissapointed, semi-hurt look that had crossed Julius's face for that breif moment when he had lied, and, with a sigh, Haven turned around, and headed for Julius's office, having learned his way about fairly swiftly.

Wishing to be polite, and not disturb the headmaster of the school too much, Haven knocked three times on the door, and announced himself,[i:59bfe434ae] "Headmaster? Its me Haven, I have... something I wish to tell you,"[/i:59bfe434ae] he said swiftly, hoping to see Julius soon.

Then again, Julius was a very busy individual, so, Haven sat in a chair situated outside of the office, and relaxed to wait, blinking his eyes sleepily; he had already started to lose his regular sleeping pattern, socializing with vampires and being mortal generally meant that one lost the eight hour stretches of nighttime sleep, and developed a set of what could best be termed as short, three hour naps.

He was dozing off as he waited already, though he was trying very hard to stay awake. Unfortunately, trying is not always the same as doing, and he slipped very rapidly into a nightmare, only to awaken with a cold sweat, looking up at the clock hanging nearby. Five minutes had passed, Haven saw... that was unusual. Nightmares required dreaming, which required REM cycles, and those took quite some time to occur.

Haven felt an almost intolerably hot breeze blow past him, and wiped his brow with a sleeve.

When people have power, they seek to use it.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 2Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:31 am
Cass stood before Lucien's door and chewed on her lower lip, shredding it in her nervousness. Her inate sense of knowing when he was nearby had told her he was there but it couldn't tell her what kind of a mood he was in. Given the last time she'd seen him, she was sure her reception was going to be less than cordial. Still, she needed help and he [b:57f20f79c9]had[/b:57f20f79c9] told her, back at the chantry, that she could come to him with any problems she harbored. He'd sort of elected himself her mentor. No one else would.

She took a deep breath, knocked lightly on the panel and waited. Then waited some more. With a resigned sigh, she knocked a tad more loudly, convinced, now, that he was deep in his researches. He wasn't going to be happy about being interrupted but Cassie was well aware that matters wouldn't wait. Not with Headmaster Julius, at any rate. The bogeyman had a way of sniffing things out and she wasn't going to get herself into any more hot water!

The door opened abruptly and a perturbed Tremere greeted her with stone cold eyes, hand on his hip and a flattened mouth. Cassie's eyes rounded and she stammered, [i:57f20f79c9]"I....I guess....this really...isn't a good time."[/i:57f20f79c9] Her hands curled into fists and caused the blood to rush into her face, giving the appearance of a blush. [i:57f20f79c9]"I'll just....come back later!"[/i:57f20f79c9], she finished in a rush and turned to go.

Lucien reached out a hand to her shoulder, effectively halting her in mid-motion, as his eyes softened, [i:57f20f79c9]"No, Cassandra, it's alright. You wouldn't disturb me if it wasn't important to you."[/i:57f20f79c9] His gentle grip pulled her into the sitting room of his quarters as he shut the door and prying eyes out. His own turned wary as he sat her down on a two-seater sofa and took a chair opposite, [i:57f20f79c9]"Now, tell me what the problem is."[/i:57f20f79c9]

The young woman folded her hands into her lap but they didn't stay peaceful, once there, as she clasped and unclasped them until the knuckles were white. Not that she noticed what she was doing, although it said much to her advisor. Casting her eyes down to the floor, she began what sounded like a confession of sorts. [i:57f20f79c9]"Well, I've not been around to see you much because....because I've been busy with friends."[/i:57f20f79c9] She paused and looked up at her hero, to see how he was taking this announcement and was surprised to see his face light up like a christmas tree!

[i:57f20f79c9]"Cassandra! That's wonderful!! See, I [b:57f20f79c9]told[/b:57f20f79c9] you this would be a good move for you!! And you didn't believe me, I know you didn't!"[/i:57f20f79c9] His smug grin chided her gently and she gave a hesitant one in return, hoping she was once again on friendly grounds. [i:57f20f79c9]"But, you see, the problem is that this...I mean, these[/i:57f20f79c9] "friends" [i:57f20f79c9]are mortals and.......I don't think they understand, [/i:57f20f79c9][b:57f20f79c9]really[/b:57f20f79c9][i:57f20f79c9] understand, about us....about the Kindred."[/i:57f20f79c9] Cassie ground to a halt and appeared lost and confused for a moment, then she glanced away, towards the door, her voice fading off into a pensive whisper.

[i:57f20f79c9]"They don't seem to know that fire is more terrifying to us than bullets and chains. That we're stronger than we appear and don't need protecting. That they should be watchful and wary at all times when around one of us."[/i:57f20f79c9] When she turned back to Lucien, there were shimmering rubies threatening in her sapphire eyes. [i:57f20f79c9]"But most of all, how do I know the friendship is genuine? I......I really want it to be real, Lucien. I've never had another friend, except you since.........."[/i:57f20f79c9] She fell silent as she reined in her anxieties and waited to see what he would say.

She was rewarded with an pleased look, as if she had mastered a hard lesson. [i:57f20f79c9]"These are all common concerns, Cass, when dealing with mortals but nothing you really need to fret over so much. Time alone will answer your questions because, frankly, I'm not a god who can give you pat answers. However, I can speak with Julius and see if maybe a quick dissertation on vampires, in general, might not be a bad idea. But not everything, my dear. We don't want to give away [b:57f20f79c9]all[/b:57f20f79c9] our secrets, now do we?"[/i:57f20f79c9] The wink he gave her made her feel like one of the priviledged few to be in-the-know.

[i:57f20f79c9]"As to your young man, Haven,"[/i:57f20f79c9] he grinned gleefully at her shocked expression, [i:57f20f79c9]"his intentions are up front. I know he meant well, in trying to shield you from Julius's anger, but anyone willing to do that isn't looking for favors or to use you to climb up in the eyes of the elders. He obviously didn't want to see you hurt, that's all. His method just wasn't well thought through. I hope you both learned a lesson from that and won't see fit to lie again."[/i:57f20f79c9]

Cassie stammered a bit, at his serious countenance, then ended up giving him her assurances, that she'd [b:57f20f79c9]never[/b:57f20f79c9] do anything like that!, before once again making apologies for having disturbed him. She barely heard his rejoiner, that his door was always open to her, before she fled his all-too-knowing presence. Her feet seemed to have been given wings as she ran the entire way back to her own apartment. By the time she made it to her bedroom, she was actually breaking into tiny red sweat beads and she felt hotter than she'd ever been before. Like the inside of a volcano. Had someone tinkered with her thermostat? She decided to go and check on it.

Lightning is a force of nature to be reckoned with, not ignored. Are you ignoring me?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:22 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 2Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:04 am
Joel sat in the back of the Cathedral listening to the mass. The fact that he couldn't understand a word of it was irrelevant. He used a phrase book to communicate with the Frenchies. But he sat there and looked around. It was about the time when the priest was reading from the Book of John that he began to feel an odd tingling sensation. It seemed as if he knew that something was going to happen.

[i:44d27181ec] The stained glass windows rattled with each crash. They lit up as the explosions rent the night air apart. They were coming closer and closer. The sanctuary was filled with screaming and praying parishoners. Mostly they were screaming. The sound of low flying propellar driven planes grew louder and louder as they came closer. Dust fell from the rafters. The very pillars of the cathedral shook. The windows behind the altar exploded inwards with a crash, showering the choir with broken glass, metal, and stone. Was it the Germans? The Americans? Who could tell? Who cared? A hand bathed in blue light came up into view. What looked like pure energy shot up towards the vaulted ceiling from this uplifted hand and although the bombing continued, the cathedral ceased shaking..... [/i:44d27181ec]

"Monsieur," said a quiet but aged voice. "La masse c'est fini."

Joel looked up at the priest uncomprehendingly.

"Ze mass is ovair," the priest said with a smile. "You were dreaming I sink. Come." He held out his aged wrinkled hand to the young man.

"Were you in this church during the war?" asked Joel in a shaky voice.

The priest nodded.

"I dreamed of something odd that must have been from the war," said Joel.

"Come," said the priest. "Tell me of ziss dream."

The two went out and across the street to the rectory where Joel relayed what he saw. The priest was quite astonished. Young Joel had told him with perfect detail of an event that had happened more than 60 years ago with the vividness and clarity of one who had first hand knowledge.

After Joel left the priest called a fellow man of the cloth in Orleans and told him of his conversation. Unknown to them, the cainite overlords of the region were also listening in. The transcript of the conversation was written down and was put into a bin on a desk marker "Priority." Agents of the Comtesse de Touraine would be visiting Joel soon.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:43 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Julius sat impassively as he listened to Haven's "confession". The silence which followed had the boy fidgeting nervously in his seat, whilst waiting for some terrible punishment to be handed down. Rumours of the wrath of Julius had been circulating quietly around the school for some time.

[i:0a89edf2fd]"It's my fault."[/i:0a89edf2fd] Said Julius finally. Haven blinked.

[i:0a89edf2fd]"I've been so concerned with lofty goals and training in the arts of magic that I have neglected to consider your other needs. You may be a promising wizard, but you are still a teenage boy in need of proper adult supervision and guidance. I've neglected to provide that, for which I apologise."[/i:0a89edf2fd]

Haven swallowed nervously. He didn't like the way this was going at all.

[i:0a89edf2fd]"Your ancestor Wren Ashley entrusted your safety to me and clearly I have done a poor job of honouring that trust so far. This is about to change."[/i:0a89edf2fd]

[i:0a89edf2fd]"Firstly, I shall be appointing our new mortal teacher to be responsible for caring for you and younger mortals. Doubtless she will wish to impose rules pertaining to being out of the school in the middle of the night. Secondly, whilst the tutors already here can teach you well in the art of magic, there are other elements of your schooling we have neglected. Language, mathematics, history, the sciences. Mundane but important for a proper education. We can't have ignorant wizards, now can we. In a year or two, you will be of an age to take examinations for appropriate qualifications in these subjects and we will have to arrange those too."[/i:0a89edf2fd]

[i:0a89edf2fd]"It is also clear to me that I need to address the issue of mortals and kindred together in such close proximity. I confess I am somewhat disappointed by your apparent lack of experience in this area and will be writing to Mr. Ashley with my thoughts."[/i:0a89edf2fd]

[i:0a89edf2fd]"Until Ms Mortisha has had opportunity to provide you with new rules, you will not leave the school grounds."[/i:0a89edf2fd]

[i:0a89edf2fd]"Now, unless there's anything else, you can run along and play."[/i:0a89edf2fd]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 5:21 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 25Location: Somewhere close to Bath's ChantryJoined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:40 am
Willow Ducheski nervously toyed with one of her Auburn bangs of hair as she waited for the 'Headmaster' to finish in his office, glancing nervously at her escort of four members of security staff from Eveshka's estate. It seemed her mistress' domination of their minds had locked them into helping her settle into the school, they had already moved Willow's cases into an empty room for her and now seemed to be attached to her without further instrutions from Morathi.

The shy twenty three year old Ducheski revenant had already tried telling them she did not need their help any more, but did not seem to be able to muster enough command in her voice to dismiss them, and now she wondered if other pupils seeing her outside Julius' office thought she was under arrest or something....

Nudging her glasses back into place she reread her letter of introduction again from Morathi. Julius had never really met his former whip's aide, but she had from time to time provided him and his companies with invaluable aid, given enough time and spare parts she could work near magical wonders with technology having inheirited her rare bloodline's talent for invention. It seemed her mistress wanted to loan her skills to Mr Darrant's school facilities while she also took the time to expand her education. Morathi had also suggested that exposure to fellow pupils of her own generation may be good for helping her in social interactions outside of her family and Morathi's Tremere connections.

She looked up... It seemed the Headmaster's meeting was drawing to a close, she swallowed nervously and hoped she would not give in to her building urge to hide in a safe corner of her room and send the Headmaster an E-mail rather than face such an important man....

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...."

Edgar Allen Poe
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:47 am
Haven shook his head woefully, and then nodded to Julius, but as he turned, he said, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Math and the like again? You realize I'm a college graduate... right?" [/i:3fff6a2ef0]Then, without any further words, the fourteen year old walked out of Julius's office, breathing a deep sigh of relief once the door was shut.

Noting the new person that was standing there, he nodded, then turned and headed for his room, but on the way, he almost literally bumped into Cassie, once again. Cassie blinked twice and stared at him before words began to spill out of her mouth in a haphazard fashion, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"... er... Lucien knows... what happened and so Julius probably does too and I'm sorry and I didn't mean too!"[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

At this, Haven smirked almost knowingly, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Yeah, I know Julius knows. I told him what I did myself."[/i:3fff6a2ef0] He said, then continued, [i:3fff6a2ef0]".... I got in REALLY big trouble. But I'm not expelled or anything, so thats good."[/i:3fff6a2ef0] Cassie blinked at this revelation, looking Haven over for whip or burn marks before whispering, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"What....what did he do to you?" [/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Haven sighed as he said, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Well I'm not allowed to go out of the school in the middle of the night anymore... Mostly he seemed dissapointed." [/i:3fff6a2ef0]Cassie blanched at the statement, whispering, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Oh No! You can't be serious?"[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Haven shrugged, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"I am serious, still, I'm not kicked out, so that is one worry off my mind." [/i:3fff6a2ef0]Cassie gave a deep, relieved sigh before speaking again, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Umm......did he say anything else?" [/i:3fff6a2ef0]She asked. Haven shook his head, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Not much, only that.... he is writing Wren... he didn't say it himself, but I think Julius was glad that he heard it from me."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

At this statement, there was a mixed look of relief and worry on Cassie's face, she vaguely remembered hearing about Wren, and suspected that was Haven's guardian or something of that matter. Looking about, she found another chair placed in the hallway for the comfort of visitors and waiting students, and sat in it.

A moment of silence passed between them before Cassie finally spoke again, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"I knew he'd know about it." [/i:3fff6a2ef0]Haven nodded before answering, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"honestly? I think that Julius, for all his reputation as temperamental and the rumors.... well, he... and I know it sounds weird, but he acts kind of like a father. I realized it when I saw the dissapointed look on his face when I told the lie."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Cassie blushed as she considered this, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Well, he's the Tremere personified at its worst and, truthfully, it's best. To hear Lucien talk about him, he can do no wrong. If...if he's MAD at you, then you KNOW you've done something unforgiveable!"[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

In spite of this, Haven chuckled a little before he spoke, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"He wasn't looking to rip my head off, if thats what you mean. He was upset it seemed, a bit on the quiet side with his answer, but he wasn't incensed."[/i:3fff6a2ef0] Cassie pondered over this bit of information for a moment, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Well,.....I suppose we either did something relatively minor OR he had other more important things to think about. I'm just glad you' one piece... Haven, this is serious, we need to really be careful in the future!" [/i:3fff6a2ef0]She said in a worried tone.

As ever, Haven was cheerful and nonchalant about things as he replied, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Yeah, I plan to learn some er... illusion. Next time, I'll just scare the idiots off... though hopefully, there is no next time," [/i:3fff6a2ef0]then, grinning he continued, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"so what did Lucien say? ... Nevermind that, I need to explain something... a few things, in fact, to you. About why I did what I did."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Cassie looked at the floor, shuffling her feet and wringing her hands, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Umm.... not much, just that my concerns were common ones and that time would sort them out... and.... er.....ok. But you really didn't need to, you know," [/i:3fff6a2ef0]she said, looking almost guilty about the way things had turned out.

Haven, however, would have none of that 'you don't need to' and spoke anyway, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"... You know my last name is Ashley, right? Well, what you don't understand... is that I'm not just Haven Ashley. I'm an Ashley... as in the prominent Ashley family of Stonehaven, England. As in I'm, with my parents kinda MIA, well, I own chunks of microsoft, IBM, and the Ashley furniture corporation..." [/i:3fff6a2ef0]He said, then went on, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"But.... more than that, traditionally, Ashleys have been taught to value two traits,"[/i:3fff6a2ef0] He said, drawing a nod from Cassie, who was listening intently, a decidedly curious look on her face. [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Courage, and what could best be termed as chivalry... the willingness to set yourself in harms way for others. Its drilled into us practically from birth, ever since Wren Ashley... of the Brujah, founded the mortal line, almost a thousand years ago in England,"[/i:3fff6a2ef0] Haven said, then, after a moment's pause, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"And I apologize for the use of fire. Wren taught me a bit about vampires... specifically why it was important that I don't go setting anyone's shoes alight. But... I couldn't just let him shoot me."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Cassie however, was apparently in a state of shock, while she had registered and understood everything Haven had said, she had trouble dealing with one statement. [i:3fff6a2ef0] "You said 'Brujah'?" [/i:3fff6a2ef0]She asked, trying to make sure that she had heard correctly. Haven however, was unphased by her apparent shock, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Yeah, Wren is er.... well, he is definitely a Brujah vampire...."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Finally, as Haven was speaking, Cassie realized what he had said about the gun, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"No! You could have just let him shoot ME! Haven, bullets won't kill me. Hurt, yes! But not kill! Didn't you know that? AND!....they would never have been able to have hurt me in any way. A touch of dominance and they would have been eating from my hand, dear friend! You and your fire were more of a danger than THOSE three,"[/i:3fff6a2ef0] this last brought a tentative smile to Cassie's face. Haven, however, had an easy counter to her answer about guns, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Yes well, the problem is, we mortals? well, we tend to react, especially when we see a gun. Guns aren't lethal to you, but I assure you... if he aimed for me, it would have been very lethal to me"[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Cassie's smile vanished, in its place, a decidedly embarrased look appeared, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Well, true. I did forget about that," [/i:3fff6a2ef0]She said, though suddenly Haven looked at once apologetic and smug at the same time... how he managed that expression was anyone's geuss, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"oh, the gas mane? I already had that figured. You were well out of range," [/i:3fff6a2ef0]He said, then went on, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"I think... and react, very quickly. The smell of propane was in the air, and I saw what looked like a steamjet. Now, given the clear air, and the faint smell of propane..." [/i:3fff6a2ef0]He might have said more, but Cassie cut him off, "[i:3fff6a2ef0]Haven, gas mains are unpredictable. I may, I may NOT have been safe. I can't take that chance!"[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

[i:3fff6a2ef0]"I didn't aim at the mane itself, for that very reason."

"You don't realize that even the apparent threat of fire can.....well, make us go mad!"[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Haven blinked, it was his turn to look embarrassed, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Actually, I'm well aware, and, unfortunately, I am... you might call me a bit insane at times... I think and form plans very quickly. Too quickly, as you may have noticed,"[/i:3fff6a2ef0] he said, but Cassie continued with her statement, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"And when we "frenzy", we're apt to hurt anything and anyONE in our path! I'm....I'm really going to hate myself when I am forced to damage you in any way." [/i:3fff6a2ef0]At this statement, she looked very upset.

Haven finally understood at least one of Cassie's concerns, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Cassie, look at me and listen very carefully,"[/i:3fff6a2ef0] he said, waiting until she looked at him directly before he continued, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"I know you could hurt me. I am well aware of the power of a vampire. I am also aware, that I could, with my fire, cause that harm." [/i:3fff6a2ef0] Cassie, for her part only nodded as Haven went on, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"I take the risk, because I think that its worth it. If you miss out on the good, because you're afraid of the bad. Well, it makes for a very sad, very wasted existence."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Cassie shook her head sadly, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"I know you THINK you understand, Haven, but I AM the undead. Nothing but bad comes from us. Nothing. And if I'm ever put in a situation where I will be forced to drain your blood, well......I don't know how I could live with myself." [/i:3fff6a2ef0]she said, but Haven however, wasn't finished, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"And to be truthful, I will be blunt. I am mortal, and while, as Julius told me, my life will be considerably longer, barring accidents and the like, than that of the standard mortal, I will eventually die. So I don't worry about it... and by the way... thats where you're wrong..."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Cassie sighed, then spoke, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"I still think of ending it," [/i:3fff6a2ef0]She hung her head, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"But I'm..... too much of a coward."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

[i:3fff6a2ef0]"Well, thats why you hope against it. And no, Quitting is the cowards way out... I told you, Wren Ashley is still alive, right? almost a thousand years old..."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

A sigh came from Cassie, who didn't know what line of thought Haven was leading on, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"I know. That's the teaching of the Catholic church that is still with me,"[/i:3fff6a2ef0] She said, nodding at Haven's statment... it was hard when everyone tried to talk at once, and they seemed be doing it quite a bit at the moment.

A long moment passed, before Haven spoke again, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"He is still very much human. He has lost none of the compassion in his soul to the ages... When he was first embraced... he was terrified by it. He thought about ending it, All of this, he told me, " [/i:3fff6a2ef0]Haven said as Cassie listened, her eyes going wide as saucers.

[i:3fff6a2ef0]"But he went on, and he went from being a commoner, and yes, he was born common... the mixed blood child of the crusades, to a noble. In the Eleven-twenties, there was a tyrant, called Coldhill. Wren managed a bloodless coup, and took his position, before his son, begotten just before Wren was turned, was even born," [/i:3fff6a2ef0]He said, Cassie a captivated audience for his story.

[i:3fff6a2ef0]"In spite of the hatred of his sire... and trust me, they hated each other with a passion, Wren managed to forge a place of wealth and power. And freed a lot of people doing it, saved them from execution. He set up funds to help widowed wives, the sick, and mothers with too many children."[/i:3fff6a2ef0] He said, making a growing impression with every word, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"He lived with his wife and child for a few years, before he vanished. People thought he was slain, saving people from a burning church in the city of stonehaven. The city he built through a combination of savvy and goodwill."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Cassie was in awe, for any vampire to have accomplished something like that seemed amazing to her, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Wow," [/i:3fff6a2ef0]she said in an almost reverent whisper. Haven smiled as he spoke, he was glad that he seemed to make an impression on Cassie, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"And if he is to be believed, he kept a journal, faithfully, of his entire life. It saved his soul... in the fourteen-hundreds you see, he did the impossible. The death of his wife Anaya hit him very hard, when she died of illness. He had slowly lost his humanity after that, and finally, seemed to be completely given over to the beast."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Cassie's eyes somehow got wider, as unintentionally, before she could even think about her question, she blurted out, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Really?!?!" [/i:3fff6a2ef0]Haven nodded gravely, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Even his closest vampire friends, Bartholemew, of Gangrel, and Raye, the Toreador assasin, gave up on him, and planned his death... He was raging, he told me, in his haven one evening, and knocked over one of his diaries. He says he doesn't know what made him pick it up and read it... but he ended up reading through the whole set of books." [/i:3fff6a2ef0]He said, pausing to let all of this sink in, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"When he emerged next from solitude... he was himself again. The same Wren that started the family. And for that matter, the same one that still watches over my family."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

For a moment, Cassie was struck dumb, as though the gift of speech had been stolen from her, but finally, she whispered, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Do you think... I could to that? Conquer my beast the same way he did?" [/i:3fff6a2ef0]Haven shrugged, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"I can tell you only what I believe... I believe that vampires want to turn away from their memories of mortality. They want to forget. I believe, that this lets the beast at them," [/i:3fff6a2ef0]He said, and Cassie nodded... it made a disturbing sort of sense. [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Me, I'd rather forget. Forget it all,"[/i:3fff6a2ef0] she said with a shudder before Haven continued, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Because as they forget, they lose their sense of who they are, of self, of how they felt about things. Thats what eventually causes the beast to win. Because they forget who they are," [/i:3fff6a2ef0]He said.

Cassie looked down, "[i:3fff6a2ef0]Trust me! There are times when I wonder just how dead I am inside," [/i:3fff6a2ef0]she said, and then got up to pace for a moment, then looked back at Haven, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"You think so? You think that I can eventually conquer my own dark nature?" [/i:3fff6a2ef0]She asked wonderingly, almost desperately, as though it was a shred of hope that she had long ago lost.

[i:3fff6a2ef0]"Don't you see it? How memories of his old self restored someone who was gone? And yes... I believe you can... if it can be done, then I am sure you can.[/i:3fff6a2ef0]"

[i:3fff6a2ef0]"Me?!?!" [/i:3fff6a2ef0]She squeeked, "[i:3fff6a2ef0]But I'm such a wussie! I mean... I'm afraid of nearly everything!"[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

[i:3fff6a2ef0]"Bravery isn't being fearless.... it is being able to cope with that fear, and overcome it... In any case, it isn't a matter of sheer courage. I mean, sure, Wren had courage. He told me that he'd never have been able to survive without it, but it wasn't his courage that allowed him to be what he is"[/i:3fff6a2ef0] Haven said, finally deciding to take the chair that Cassie had abandoned.

[i:3fff6a2ef0]"Then what is it," [/i:3fff6a2ef0]Cassie said, swallowing hard.

[i:3fff6a2ef0]"It was... well, his diaries, definitely helped. But more importantly, were the fact that he had friends, people with him. Some were vampires, some were mortal. But he always had someone,"[/i:3fff6a2ef0] was Haven's immediate answer, as though he had expected the question from the moment he had begun speaking, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"He was always loved by his mortal bride, when she lived. When he was centuries into vampirism, he had loyal friends, and of course, his mortal descendants."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Cassie looked like she was ready to faint from exhaustion, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"I will definitely have to think more on this..."[/i:3fff6a2ef0] This comment about thinking brought a chuckle from Wren, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"I know you've probably caught on by now that I shouldn't be saying this... but don't think about it... logic always ruins something, not everything in the world is reasonable, or sane, not everything can be picked apart so simply."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Cassie sighed tiredly, her exhaustion showing even more visibly on her face, [i:3fff6a2ef0]"Yeah, you're right... Well, I'm truly glad you're ok. And I thank you for sharing all of this. I've much to think about. Would you mind if I just had some space to myself tonight? I really don't feel up to studying. I need to think.... alone."[/i:3fff6a2ef0]

Haven shrugged before he answered [i:3fff6a2ef0]".... That whole Auram thing? Don't worry about it. I was just looking to make a good friend. Besides... you're kinda cute."[/i:3fff6a2ef0] He grinned and walked off towards his room, leaving Cassie to stare at his retreating form, an expression of complete shock on her face.[i:3fff6a2ef0][/i:3fff6a2ef0]

When people have power, they seek to use it.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:00 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Julius hurled a paperweight at the door after Haven, thought better of it and it disappeared from midair and reappeared on his desk. With a wry grin he realised he was getting better at keeping his temper in check. It simply wouldn't do to have to explain to Wren why his descendant had become nothing more than a smoking pair of (expensive) shoes.

On the other hand, as Haven's appointed "guardian", Wren did deserve to know what had happened. A letter to Wren might be in order.

[i:5c36f7f90d]Mr. Ashley,

When I agreed to take on Haven as a student I did so on the understanding that despite his youth, he would have a basic grounding in relations between kindred and kine. That he would have been taught some common sense in his dealings with our kind, indeed with all creatures of the supernatural world we live in. Instead I find a distinctly unhealthy and blazé disregard for the nature of the situation in which he finds himself.

Before I get to the meat of the issue, let me provide a simple example. I have had cause to speak to him on a matter I shall detail below. On conclusion of this interview, he chose to talk back to me and storm from the office. I realise he's just a kid, but if he is to live in a world of adults and particularly kindred, someone has to explain that you do not insult elders. It doesn't matter how much of a fire-bug he thinks he is, when a kindred of any power fixes him with presence or dominate, he will come off the worst. Let's be honest here, even once his schooling is completed a, fledgling wizard is going to be no match for anyone who's been around the block.

He is however, more than a match for any mundane kine he might meet. Hence he now has the deaths of three such upon his conscience. I will, of course, ensure that his psychological welfare is cared for should this prove to be a problem. It would seem he has made a substantive withdrawal from a blood bank, owned by your family, in order to ingratiate himself with another student. A young Tremere in whom he would seem to have invested a large amount of teenage infatuation. Wandering the streets of Touraine in the middle of the night carrying a number of large boxes attracted the wrong kind of attention and led to the deaths of the miscreants who apprehended him.

I must take some share of the blame for this, having trusted Haven a little too far. It's easy to forget he is just a fourteen year old boy and needs more guidance than the older students. Nonetheless, again I would have expected him to have received a little more guidance from you, that embarking upon midnight escapades with kindred is foolhardy, that a masquerade is as important for a wizard as it is for kindred and that the streets are, frankly, dangerous at night.

I have appointed a new mortal lecturer to the school and she will be responsible for the care of Haven and any "under age" mortals who reside at the school. This should prevent a repetition of such problems. Until she has had a chance to set up appropriate rules and restrictions, I have confined Haven to school premises, largely for his own protection.

Finally, and again this is my fault. I am new at this and it simply didn't occur to ask, might I have a copy of Haven's educational record. I fear his outburst of temper might have been avoided, had I known from either one of you, that he was a college graduate.

Kind regards,

Julius Darrant.[/i:5c36f7f90d]

As he sealed the envelope, there was a timid, almost imperceptable knock at the door.

[i:5c36f7f90d]"Come."[/i:5c36f7f90d] Called the Wizard.

An auburn head poked itself slowly around the door, followed by a slender body and four attending goons which Julius immediately recognised from the estate. [i:5c36f7f90d]"Go home lads."[/i:5c36f7f90d] Commanded Julius.

As the last closed the door. He looked at the shape trying to hide at the back of the room. [i:5c36f7f90d]"Hello there, it's Willow isn't it? I thought I detected Morathi's presence in the area. Come, sit. You are very welcome here. Tell me what I can do for you?"[/i:5c36f7f90d]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 5:21 am Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 34Joined: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:01 pm
A few days after the letter was written, Wren was reading it, and with some considerable consternation. He could well imagine the trouble that Wren was getting into, and were it not for a considerable amount of experience in the fine art that was holding a Brujah temperament in check, he would be breaking things.

[i:01821e591c]"Thrice bedamned boy didn't listen, apparently," [/i:01821e591c]He said, and began writing a letter of his own.

[i:01821e591c][b:01821e591c]Dear Mister Darrant,

It would appear that Haven didn't listen to me when I tried to give him instruction on how best to interact with vampires. I however, am as much to blame as anyone can be, I did not apparently impress upon him the gravity of my lessons.

I propose to rectify this by coming to teach at your school, I suspect that I can aid the mortals and vampires in the field of interacting without being harmful to each other. I will hand you a copy of Haven's educational records personally upon my arrival. I can say, that he is well versed in latin, though in decidedly few other languages. He also had a strong education in the sciences; he knows quite a bit about chemistry and physics.

As for Haven's rather... flippant attitude, I must once again apologize. Haven does try very hard, but if you... catch him with his guard down on a statement, he simply reacts; In many ways, Haven reminds me of myself before the embrace.

This however, is rather unfortunate, for at that time, I was immature and rash, prone to being reckless, as it were, I would like to meet this young Tremere that my descendant has taken an interest in. I have never known him to lack judgement where people are concerned, even pertaining to kindred.

As to my family's ownership of the bloodbank, I must confess, that is my doing. I have influenced the Ashley family's business ventures over the years, and the bloodbank was a means for me to avoid accidentally hurting people... I've been living off of donated vitae almost since the advent of those fine institutions.

Sincerely, Wren Ashley[/b:01821e591c][/i:01821e591c]

Wren then stood, addressed the envelope, and made a phone call to reserve a ticket. After packing, he set off, expressing the letter to Julius to ensure it would arrive before he did.

Cross that line, and I'll burn you down.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 8:52 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 4Joined: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:56 am
The air was sultry and still, the birds sang quietly from the trees, hiding from the mid-day sun. Nyoko sat beside the fountain that she had built and watched as Tameko chased the koi around their little pond. She thought back to the conversation with Julius late last week when he called her into his office.


She knocked lightly on the wooden panel of the Headmaster's office and was rewarded with and calm [i:58b8a34205]"Come in."[/i:58b8a34205] Pushing up the door, she saw the Kindred sitting behind his desk. He motioned her to sit in one of the comfortable chairs in front of him. Seating herself, she waited patiently, while Tameko slid off her shoulder to investigate the collection on small knives and magical paraphenalia that was gathered in a glass case along the wall.

[i:58b8a34205]"Well,"[/i:58b8a34205] said Julius, [i:58b8a34205]"you've been with us for a few months and have completed several projects for your instructors."[/i:58b8a34205] He picked up the folder that was resting on his desk. It was already opened to her progress evaluation from Ritualistic Magics class. [i:58b8a34205]"Unfortunately,"[/i:58b8a34205] he continued, [i:58b8a34205]"while you do well on the tests, your practice applications are utter disasters. Since it is the actual spell that makes up a majority of your grade, it is concerning. I have spoken with the teachers of your classes, and they report that they have discussed this with you, some at length, yet you still perform badly at the sticking point."[/i:58b8a34205]

He rose and came around the corner of the desk. [i:58b8a34205]"Care to explain this situation?"[/i:58b8a34205]

Nyoko squirmed under the eagle eye of the magus. Failure was not something that she had to deal with on a routine basis, so doing poorly was a humbling experience. Finally, she spoke with reluctance.

[i:58b8a34205]"I understand the theories behind the magic, but when I try to use them, nothing happens. Even the most basic becomes herculian when attempting spells."[/i:58b8a34205] She bowed her head in shame. This is not what Iko-san had in mind when he sent her here. She was dishonoring his faith in her. [i:58b8a34205]"I am sorry, Julius-san for my ineptitute."[/i:58b8a34205]

Julius placed a finger under her chin and raised it. [i:58b8a34205]"Do not apologize for this,"[/i:58b8a34205] he said. [i:58b8a34205]"I know that you have done your best. If you will permit, I need to do a test to see if there is something that can be done to alleviate the problem."[/i:58b8a34205] Nyoko saw the sincereity in his face and nodded slowly. [i:58b8a34205]"Good. Now hold still. This won't hurt a bit."[/i:58b8a34205]

The headmaster placed a palm on both sides of her head and looked into her eyes. The young mage felt a warmth radiate outward from his hands and begin to suffuse her body. Lasstitute swept over her and only the intent gaze of the man before her stopped her from closing her eyes. After several minutes, he leaned back and sighed.

[i:58b8a34205]"It's as I feared,"[/i:58b8a34205] he stated. [i:58b8a34205]"Your powers are not based in symbols and rituals, but with your will and personal power. Are you able to access the ley lines around the school?"[/i:58b8a34205]

Nyoko nodded again and said, [i:58b8a34205]"Some of them, though the major lines and the node under the school are still too much for me."[/i:58b8a34205]

[i:58b8a34205]"That answers my question nicely, and a few that I was going to ask."[/i:58b8a34205] He strolled back around the desk and picked up a pen. Writing on a slip of paper, he resumed talking. [i:58b8a34205]"We will begin by replacing a few of your classes with personal instruction until I can find a teacher with a similiar style to your own. You will have to continue the Correspondances class, but that will help focus your talent."[/i:58b8a34205] He finished writing and handed her the note. [i:58b8a34205]"Take that to the main office and they will rearrange your schedule. In the meantime, are you prepared to take on your first lesson?"[/i:58b8a34205]

At her eager head bobbing, Julius told her what she would be doing. [i:58b8a34205]"First, take a hand full of small pebbles, empty your mind of everything, then concentrate on building a tower with the pebbles one on top of the other without using anything but your own power to maintain the stack. When you have accomplished this proficiency, return to me and demonstrate it. There is your first task."[/i:58b8a34205]


Now, she sat in the hot gardens, stones in front of her. She had been practicing since that night, but filling your head with nothingness was [i:58b8a34205]HARD[/i:58b8a34205]. She was able to get a few rocks piled up before some noise would break her concentration and they would tumble to the grass. Finally, she told herself, in frustration, that if her Master thought this was a task she could do, then, she would.

She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds all about her. One by one she tuned them out, until all that was left was the lapping of the water as it bubbled through the fountain. Slowly, the babbling became white noise and faded away. Her mind was a still pool. She centered her power on the pebbles before her, seeing them with her mind's eye and started building a column. Time had no meaning, nothing distracted her, and just as the sun was setting, she placed the last one on the very top. A faint sheen of perspiration sat on her brow, but as Nyoko opened her eyes, she saw that all the stones were standing just as she had wanted.

She stared at them for a moment, not quite comprehending her accomplishment. Once it hit her, [i:58b8a34205]that she had done it[/i:58b8a34205], the rocks trembled slightly, then with a sway, fell back into the grass. But Nyoko had a smile on her face. It didn't matter she thought, as she scooped them up, I [i:58b8a34205]CAN[/i:58b8a34205] do it again. With that she rose, and calling to Tameko, strode towards the school in the fading light, excited to prove to Master Julius that his trust wasn't misplaced.

Knowledge is like the earth, it nourishes the young trees so they might grow strong.
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