{SoC} Survivors of Cascadia

Vegas Wrap Up
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Author:  Gabriel [ Tue May 15, 2007 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Vegas Wrap Up

Well..I'm back from Sin City.

What can I say but......wow.

My friends wedding was positively spectacular. They stayed at the EXTREMELY high end Wynn Hotel, as did I. I had a standard room...but as a person who works in the hospitality industry, I can say it looked like a suite.

Way bigger than a standard room, one wall totally devoted to windows. LCD televisions, the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in (literally!), and high rollers everywhere.

It was first class all the way. Exquisite food, gambling, Vegas shows, the Strip...absolutely and positively insane.

I'll post some pics when I get them...but in the meantime...here's an interesting story for you...and 100% true.

So...the ceremony had just been held and we were all having our pictures taken with the bride and groom. We took the pics in by the ceremony hall and a few outside. And then, at the bride's request we were to take a few in the lobby area that stood between the regular guest area, and the tower suites (REALLY high roller) area.

It's an shaded indoors area with trees and ponds throughout, with exotic fish swimming about, etc.

Anyway, myself and one other guest were the only friends in attendance. All the other guests were family members. So everyone was getting their pics taken and then my friend Brian's (the groom) dad waved myself and Chris (the other friend) over.

"You're honorary family members today! Get in the picture!"

We complied, but I placed myself in the back of the pic. I figured let the family be in the front, if you can barely see me that's fine. After all, I'm just a friend. So we all stood to face the photographer and took a pic or two. Behind us was a pair of nondescript double doors.

Suddenly, a guy in a blue polo shirt and hat and a kid was standing next to me and was saying...

"Oh is this a wedding? Let me get in the picture."

I was thinking, 'Who is this shmuck! This is a wedding, no time for jokes by strangers.'

Suddenly there was a collective gasp among the wedding party. I took a step forward to see the man's face more clearly (I was standing beside him and couldn't get a clear view of him)...

...Tom Hanks.

No lie. He went up and kissed Bethany's (the bride) hand and shook Brians. He posed for some wedding pics and then said goodbye.

Needless to say, we were shellshocked. I'll post pics when I get em!

P.S. I also saw Dennis Rodman and J. Peterman from Seinfeld.

Author:  Isabella Garrett [ Tue May 15, 2007 10:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow! What a thing to be able to tell your children/grandchildren that Tom Hanks was present at your wedding!!

Author:  Porter [ Tue May 15, 2007 11:48 pm ]
Post subject: 


Did ya have time to say "Run Forrest" as he left?

Author:  Julius Darrant [ Wed May 16, 2007 3:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok, Tom Hanks stock just went up a few points. That was a nice thing to do.

Author:  Gabriel [ Wed May 16, 2007 4:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, he was extremely polite!

He told Bethany how pretty she looked and everything. Really good guy. His son looked horrified frankly. You could tell his son was just so friggin' sick and people clammering all over his father all the time.


Also...not as tall as you'd think. He was eye level w/ me.

Anyway, my camera was dying so I could only snap ONE pic...and of course it's the back of his friggin' head. But again, as soon as I get the pics I'll throw em up.

Author:  Gabriel [ Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Photos as promised!

I'm fourth from the left for those who care and Tommy boy is in the blue shirt.



...and just because that last photo doesn't do Brian or Bethany any justice (mostly because Brian's making some bizarre ass face) here's a better pic of the newly weds.


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