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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:57 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
Poe gave the armour-clad guards a wry grin. His eyes were alert, no more than usual, and his stance although relaxed still gave off an air of readiness. He winked at Tyler as the youth ushered the guards out. Tyler’s look would have sank a battleship, if he were old enough.

Poe merely fluttered his lashes and smiled idiotically. The effect was distinctly sarcastic, something of his father Gabriel supposed.

[i:88b7a7e9a7]“Like father, like son?”[/i:88b7a7e9a7] Poe offered.

[i:88b7a7e9a7]“We’ll see. You certainly have Porter’s...balls.”

“I can understand your suspicion, O’Brien. But what I said is true. I am Porter’s son. Not his Childe. But I am of the same blood. I suppose you’ll want answers, you must have questions, no?”

“Questions? Yes, you could say that. But first. What should I call you? Porter doesn’t seem appropriate. You might look like him, but you are certainly not him.”

“A thinly veiled insult? Come now, O’Brien. We have much more pressing matters than who stepped on whose grass. A name name, though it was not given, is Poe. Marneus Poe.”

“Marneus eh? Wasn’t that one of Porter’s names?”[/i:88b7a7e9a7]

Poe smiled a little. Sadly.

[i:88b7a7e9a7]“Yes, but it was the Lady Eveshka that inspired me to take it. He has fond memories of being called Marnie. Though I must admit I prefer, Poe.”[/i:88b7a7e9a7]

It was a wasted attempt to lighten the tension in the room. The Ventrue was renowned for his stern manner when “on duty”.

[i:88b7a7e9a7]“You have his memories? How is that possible? Just what in hell are you?”

“I told you. I’m his son. The rest is a story best served for another time when we have the luxury. There is more than just genetics inherited from parents. That is all I can say.”

“Why did you destroy Woodrow?”

“Ah, now we’re getting to the bones of it.”

“He was there when Porter met his maker. I felt compelled to avenge his misdeed. Be honest, O’Brien. You were glad to see him go, even just a little. It’s okay, your secret’s safe with me.”[/i:88b7a7e9a7] He grinned cheekily, his hands clasped at his back.

[i:88b7a7e9a7]God. He even has [b:88b7a7e9a7]the grin[/b:88b7a7e9a7].[/i:88b7a7e9a7] Gabriel thought as he leaned on his desk.

[i:88b7a7e9a7]“We’ll see what’s safe with you, Mr Poe. You spoke of deeper water, what did you mean?”[/i:88b7a7e9a7]

Gabriel’s expression seemed to relax, but his eyes said otherwise. He ran his fingers through his blond locks.

[i:88b7a7e9a7]“Please. It’s just Poe....”[/i:88b7a7e9a7] He mirrored Gabriel’s gesture, adding a twist of his goatee to the affair.

Gabriel noted the imitation, though he was far from flattered.

[i:88b7a7e9a7]“Blonde. Porter was dark haired. Another quirk of genetics?”

“A gift from my Sire.”

“And his name?”

“You’re straying from what matters. We are in serious danger, O’Brien. Not just you, nor me. But all of the Clans. And though I am as yet unable to discover, it has something to do with a fellow named Von Ritter.”[/i:88b7a7e9a7]

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 2:48 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Despite his calm exterior during his brief stint as a suspect, Poe was visably more relaxed as he accompanied Gabriel throughout the ever-lasting interior of his manor. Busts of great Roman generals and politicians cast their stoney eyes over him as they made their way through the silent halls.

There were no signs of guards or any indication of security whatsoever, but Poe's keen instincts informed him that he was still very much being watched.

[i:fb571ee2ee]"You'll forgive me if I'm skeptical."[/i:fb571ee2ee] Gabriel said, his hands clasped loosely behind his back. [i:fb571ee2ee]"It's not often that I receive visitors reporting the deaths of my close associates."[/i:fb571ee2ee]

[i:fb571ee2ee]"But nonetheless it's true Mr. O'Brien."[/i:fb571ee2ee] Poe said flatly.

((crap...time constraints...sorry. i'll continue tomorrow

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:21 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
The two spoke well into the early hours of morning, finally retiring to the customary sounds of the security detail running it's customary morning rituals. The two blonde figures parted ways at the base of the stairs, Gabriel retreating to his private wing and Tyler leading Poe to the lavish guest quarters.


As the began to dip low behind the horizon, painting Gabriel's estate in orange and red hues, the sleeping Gangrel was roused by odd noises. Still in the myst of half-sleep, he stumbled from the large sleeping quarters into the hallway, his feet padding softly on the tile floor. Natural instincts began to set in, and his senses became sharpened and acute. Keeping to the shadows, more by habit than plan, Poe approached the banner overlooking the main parlor.

There, standing perfectly still amongst a flurry of scrambling servants, Gabriel supervised the early evening activities. From what Poe could decipher, several large trunks were being removed from the estate, and the soft pure outside confirmed a waiting vehicle. The Ventrue host turned around, sensing Poe's presence.

[i:00dc0e6620]"Good evening Poe."[/i:00dc0e6620] he called genially. The sleek figure moved into the light, revealing a chiselled torsoe, a good deal more streamlined than his progenator's. Gone was the bulky, raw power of the ancient Gangrel Porter. It was replaced with an intelligence. A pinpoint of strength, whose owner was prepared and able to hone to his greatest advantage. [i:00dc0e6620]"I apologize if the noise woke you."[/i:00dc0e6620]

[i:00dc0e6620]"No, not at all. I was already awake."[/i:00dc0e6620] his reply was met with a wry smile as Gabriel instantly recognized the lie.

[i:00dc0e6620]"Of course."[/i:00dc0e6620]

Poe motioned to the workers, who continued their labors apparently without notice of him.

[i:00dc0e6620]"Going on a trip Gabriel?"[/i:00dc0e6620] the previous evening's conversation had done little in the way of convincing the Ventrue of Poe's somewhat outrageous story, but it had at least put the two Kindred on a first name basis.

[i:00dc0e6620]"We are."[/i:00dc0e6620]


[i:00dc0e6620]"Lets discuss this over an early dinner, shall we?"[/i:00dc0e6620]



Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:57 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
[i:568fbf41fc]“An early dinner, eh? And the guards? Will they be joining us?”[/i:568fbf41fc]

Gabriel gave a knowing glance towards Tyler who immediately understood its meaning. He didn’t realise Poe had witnessed the act of attempted deception.

[i:568fbf41fc]“Oh, I think we’re beyond needing guards. I intend for a civilised evening. Something to relax us before our excursion. What do you say?”[/i:568fbf41fc] He looked warmly at Poe, and even though the warmth was feigned it still took some of the chill from the hallway.

Poe tilted his head as though aware of something else in the air. Affirming to himself that his instincts were correct he agreed.

[i:568fbf41fc]“I will need to get changed first. I have a car hidden by a copse of trees. It has a travel-bag in it and a few essential [b:568fbf41fc]items[/b:568fbf41fc].”[/i:568fbf41fc] His voice lingered on the closing word.

[i:568fbf41fc]“Ah the car. Yes my grounds-man has already brought it into my garage. As for your bags....Tyler has already seen to their delivery to your quarters. Shall we quarter of an hour?”[/i:568fbf41fc]

Poe was impressed, though not in awe. Gabriel noted the quiet display of self-assuredness as the leonine guest was led to his room.


The Gangrel dressed leisurely. He was intent on repaying the impression Gabriel’s preparations had made upon him. He lifted the hardcased travel bag from the bed and unpacked a favoured suit by Daniel Hechter. It was no dinner jacket, but the fawn lines of the fabric combined with the black shirt and tie made his angular frame all the more regal. He finished the transformation from freshly wakened predator to sleek socialite with Golce Gabbana shoes, silver cufflinks that glittered with the movements of his arms, and a silver fob watch, whose chain hung almost imperceptibly from his jacket pocket.

[i:568fbf41fc]“Very much the dandy gent.”[/i:568fbf41fc] He self-mocked in the mirror.

Under the neatly folded collection of garments he could just make out the line of the sword, Talion. He ran a soothing finger along her sheath whispering.

[i:568fbf41fc]“Not tonight. Least not yet.”[/i:568fbf41fc]

He closed the door to his room, walking with a cat’s prowling gait to the dining room below.


Tivauld had served Gabriel loyally now for four years. He was contractually referred to as Gabriel’s “Honour Guard“. A title he frequently used to keep the other guards in line. Not that his six foot nine frame and steel grey glare wasn’t as effective.

He had monitored the stranger’s motions carefully since his arrival on the estate grounds.

He had met Porter a number of times in the past, and although he had grown oddly fond of the scruffy visitor, he would not allow those feelings to colour his vision. This “Poe” was an unknown. That made him, in Tivauld’s eyes, dangerous [b:568fbf41fc]and[/b:568fbf41fc] compelling.

Gabriel’s instructions, though sullied by Tyler’s translations were simple. The stranger was to be “tested”. And Tivauld in his years of service was quite the examiner.


Gabriel was waiting patiently when Poe appeared through the massive oak door.

[i:568fbf41fc]“Please, take a seat. I wanted to avoid anything too heavy, so I took the liberty of ordering. Pork medallions, tarragon sauce for an appetiser? Yes? Excellent.”[/i:568fbf41fc]

Poe wasted little time.

[i:568fbf41fc]“So. What do you know about Von Ritter?”

“Ahren Von Ritter. Somewhat of the decadent. Name Ahren is Teutonic I believe? A cad by all accounts. Disgraced by the Ventrue, thought to have been destroyed by...well unknown circles. That what you mean?”[/i:568fbf41fc]

Poe [b:568fbf41fc]was[/b:568fbf41fc] impressed. The Ventrue had done some digging.

[i:568fbf41fc]“Something like that, yes. But what does he have to do with you?”

“I had hoped you had that answer.”[/i:568fbf41fc] Gabriel, if he knew the answer to Woodrow’s riddle, wasn’t giving anything away.

Poe sipped from a glass. It was a chilling white, to match the kosher meat they were being served with.

He let it freeze his mouth, cooling the fire in his belly.

[i:568fbf41fc]“I believe that is called checkmate.”[/i:568fbf41fc]

Gabriel mirrored his companion’s motions.

[i:568fbf41fc]“Quite. Why should I trust you? Why are you here?”

“If you would listen, I’m here to save us both. And if you’re honest with yourself, you feel compelled to trust me.”

“You presume a lot, Poe. More than you should. I could have you destroyed.”

“But you won’t. Not only because you’re curious. But also because your guts are telling you not to. I’m not your enemy, Gabriel. But I have a feeling who is.”

“We’ll see. In point of fact, that has something to do with our little day out.”[/i:568fbf41fc] He rolled the cuts of meat around his tongue before swallowing. An act he had grown adept at mimicking. Poe, only recently removed from the mortal coil, was still quite used to it.

The two vampires took their fill of the meals offered, and the company shared before Gabriel finally informed Poe of their destination. The Gangrel was seen to be slightly alarmed but nonetheless eager.


The night was spent making final preparations, the two Kindred retiring again for the coming day. As the preparations were completed, Poe and Gabriel made their way outside. Poe’s bags were placed in the rear of the Mercedes as Gabriel finalised certain details with Tyler.

As they left the cover of the overhanging masonry that shielded the entrance, Poe was struck from behind....

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 7:58 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Poe’s meager figure launched into the night, completely bypassing the section of the circle driveway, and slamming into the dewy grass of the lawn. His body initially tumbled and jerked, creaking great divots of impact, before finally his inherent feline instincts kicked in. Immediately his hands found earth, his fingers clawing the moist soil for grip. He distorted and manipulated his body so that by the time he finally came to a stop he sat on his haunches, peering back towards his unknown assailant.

From Gabriel’s vantage point next to the car, Poe was barely visible, only a startling set of eyes and an animalistic set of fangs discernable. Tivault stood at the door, rubbing his great club of a fist thoughtfully. Gabriel wondered at the fact that the blow from such an impressive instrument hadn’t split the Gangrel’s head open like a pumpkin.

The giant descended the steps, removing the tunic he wore over his massive frame. Grotesque clumps of muscles bulged from underneath his skin. Long jagged scars striped his body, reminders of his mortal days as a sailor in the Persian army. He was hired not solely for him physical prowess, but for the degree of eloquence he contained as well. There were more than several nights he had recounted his role in the great naval battle of Salamis to his earnestly intrigued employer.

But here in the present day, he stood like a bronze colossus of old, his intense gray eyes washing playfully over Poe, who in turn alternated furious glances between Tivauld and Gabriel.

“O’Brien, I wouldn’t have assumed you the kind of man who would resort to sneak attacks.” He snapped, his voice full of accusation.

“Well Poe, you’re mistaken on two counts. One, I’m hardly a man any longer, and two it wasn’t I who attacked you from behind. Tivauld has taken this action on his own.” The Ventrue lied and leaned against the car, now content to watch just how able the young Gangrel was. Tivauld was an interesting case. He was without a doubt one of the most powerful ghoul’s Gabriel had ever run across. He was a gift from Gabriel’s grand-sire Victorrio, fed for centuries upon the ancient Ventrue’s vitae until eventually he grew to where he could maintain life merely by the essence of the great Ventrue.

He acted as a two-fold gift. First and foremost, he was an impressive addition to Gabriel’s security staff. Second, he was a visual representation of Victorrio’s health. Should any harmful action ever befall the great Ventrue, Gabriel would see it reflected in his servant.

“But why?” Poe asked, returning his full attention to the advancing giant.

“You’ll have to ask him that.”

Tivauld walked to the edge of the drive, his toes brushing the wet grass. Hidden from view behind his massive frame, several unarmed security personnel filed out of the doorway, joining Tivauld.

“Well young Childe of Ennoia, let us see if you are worth the effort.” The massive Persian said. His great arms still crossed, he motioned for the men to move forward. They complied, advancing in an ever tightening semi-circle around the Gangrel.

Poe grumbled in annoyance and slowly rose to his full height. The guards were brawny, able-looking men. The somewhat vacant stare in their eyes and gaunt expressions gave away their identity as ghouls, although nowhere near the potency of their leader. The youth removed his jacket and shirt folding them neatly, perturbed at having nowhere to place them but the wet grass. Next he removed his loafers and socks. The sight of the shirtless, shoeless fighter sparked memories of Porter in Gabriel’s mind, but the true test was yet to come.

The Gangrel stepped forward and back, rocking his body slowly at first and then gradually into a quick rhythm. Within seconds he was performing a simple dance, his feet constantly moving within a small square-like pattern. His eyes measured his opponents, who looked between one another in confusion. Finally, one of the suits advanced. Poe leapt forward, twisting himself upside down in the air and planting one hand firmly in the grass. The momentum of the movement carried his foot and fast in a great arch through the air. It struck the guard precisely where the shoulder meets the neck and was heralded by the crisp snap of the spine. The guard crumpled to the ground instantly, his death apparent by the lack of any attempt to break the fall with him arms. He simply bent at the knees and fell forward.

His companions were hesitant to respond, so Poe took the initiative. Pushing against the ground, he launched himself back to his feet. Taking two tentative steps backwards, he lurched forward, leaping from one foot to other in great circles. The roundhouse kick did not cease however, but instead continued in a series of deadly spins, forcing his attackers backwards. Poe ended the maneuver half turning in midair and landing in a squatting position. The more aggressive of the security detail, now not content to be intimidated in front of their employer, rushed forward to engage. The first to reach him was a red-haired fellow who drew his foot up to strike Poe’s face. When the kick came, Poe was still squatting, and leaned forward and extended his arms outwards. The kick missed his face, and in fact completely bypassed his head, completely traveling over it. As Poe leaned forward, he stood from his squatting position until he legs were fully extended and he remained bent at the waste at a nearly 45 degree angle. The result was that the attackers leg traveled down the small of his back, and as Poe stood the man was thrown backwards, his own leg used as leverage to spin him in a complete cycle in the air.

The next opponent moved in and Poe danced nimbly, preferring to respond rather than attack now. He attempted to grapple the lithe Gangrel, but was denied each time. Finally he lurched forward in desperation, only to have the Gangrel summersault and bring both feet in firm contact with his jaw. Shattered, the attacker collided with the empty space where Poe had previously stood, and did not move after.

The melee continued for the brief duration of a minute, Poe dispatching his foes seemingly without effort. The young Kindred used his body with startling ability and precision. Limbs and necks were snapped as if they were twigs by horrifying strikes and scissor-kicks.

When the commotion stopped, Gabriel’s lawn was the worse for wear. The dew now held a ghastly crimson hue, and great clumps of earth were overturned in the area surrounding the battle. The stationary corpses, lying in unnatural poses, were not particularly pleasing either. The Ventrue looked on with disapproval.

Tivauld beamed despite his broken men. The prospect of a capable warrior delighted him, and the man seemed to grow larger because of it.

“Excellent, NOW the test begins young one.” He strode forward to meet his foe…

((i was going to post more tomorrow or possibly tonight, but if you'd like to take the Tivauld/Poe fight on personally Frank, feel free. just let me know so i don't bang out a whole sequence for naught.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 8:02 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((P.S. If you DO decide to post the fight, please don't kill Tivauld as I've grown somewhat attached to him :)

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 9:32 pm Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
[quote:7ca1e598b1="Gabriel"]((P.S. If you DO decide to post the fight, please don't kill Tivauld as I've grown somewhat attached to him :)[/quote:7ca1e598b1]

[size=18:7ca1e598b1]:: PUDDLES ::[/size:7ca1e598b1]

[size=12:7ca1e598b1]OOOOOO!! It hurts my poor headache to laugh like that.....but it was worth it!! :shock: [/size:7ca1e598b1]

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:57 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((Frank. If u don't post I will. And I'll make Poe cry like a sissy.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:13 pm Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Now THAT would be interesting. :D :shock:

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:11 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
((Sorry Gabe. It's total shit. Just been really busy and tired this wk :/

Poe wiped what blood he could from his hands. His trousers were damp now, from both dew and the blood and sweat of his attackers.

He grimly smeared blood from his chin and stretched his limbs. Bones popping as he released knots in his body. He looked up at the behemoth “Tivauld” and gave a resigned growl.

[i:7f01403aa4]“Lets be done with it.”[/i:7f01403aa4]

Tivauld simply smiled. His huge veiny arms hanging at his waist as if too weary to bother trying to defend himself.

Poe started walking towards him.

This was one on one. His acrobatics weren’t going to be as useful here. The point was to cripple your opponent by expending as little time and energy as possible. He clenched his right fist, giving Tivauld a teasing wink as he moved closer.

He jabbed at Tivauld’s nose. Full force. Right on the button.

And yelped as his knuckles cracked. Tivauld’s face impossibly unmarked. His nose unbroken. The giant who should have tumbled backwards unconscious simply stared at the lithe leonine Gangrel. A look of apparent disappointed amusement in his eyes.

His retort sent Poe flying across the lawn as he threw a devastating uppercut into Poe’s exquisitely bearded jaw.

[i:7f01403aa4]“Okay. That was different. What are you feeding this guy, O’Brien?”[/i:7f01403aa4] He was annoyed at the Ventrue. Resorting to addressing him by his surname again.

He clicked his jaw, wincing as the bone hopped back into place.

Tivauld moved forward. Fast. Poe had just enough time to raise his arms in defence as the massive Ghoul rained a thunderous collection of punches upon his diminutive opponent. He kicked at Tivauld’s gut as the two wrestled. Knocking him down, albeit briefly. Tivauld grabbed one of Poe’s legs, swinging him into the wing mirror of the Crossfire he was renting. Poe growled, slashing at Tivauld’s arm with a clawed finger. Drawing blood for the first time bolstered him on.

Tivauld reacted less than favourably. He surged towards Poe, who evaded capture following a sequence of moves that he spiralled through as though natural.

The Gangrel closed in on the bleeding Ghoul, hoping to finish him off before he could muster more strength. He wasn’t fast enough, landing on the roof of a parked BMW, The impact crushing the car.

Gabriel looked on impassively as his Honour Guard started to beat the unliving shit out of the so-called “Son of Porter”. Poe’s nose was broken with the first hit. The second breaking a tooth and fracturing a femur as Tivauld stamped on it. Hard.

Poe was being thrown like a ragdoll. Growling he slashed out with his claws.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 3:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
No whimpers yet.

I've heard crunches, slams, grinding, bangs, snaps, grunts, whooshes, cracks, pops, whams, smashes, tinkles, yelps and growls. :shock:

But NO whimpers.

::cheerleading section starts chanting "GO POE, GO!! GO POE, GO!!"::

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:15 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((that'll do Frank, that'll do :) thanky, i'll either post this afternoon (assuming i don't see anything more from you)

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 12:01 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
Tivauld was beating him. That much was certain. He wanted to resist the urge to drop to all fours and gut the damn Ghoul in his cat form. And for once he did. Healing the shattered leg took time, and blood. But having full function in his limbs was integral to his success.

Spinning away from the bear-like Ghoul, Poe looked around for something he could use. Disappearing into the slight gloom among the trees he used the low light level and the few resident wildfowl to great effect.

Tivauld, watching as the cowardly feral ran away decided to follow, albeit cautiously. His eyes cdarted as the birds reacted to Poe’s urgings. Dashing this way and that, the birds seemed to move with intelligence, an illusion that prompted Tivauld to follow.

Poe watched from a tree top before he sloped off.

Tivauld throttled the little pigeon as he realised the trick pulled. Poe had doubled back. It was possible the Gangrel had escaped him and Gabriel’s grounds. He felt a rise of panic in his stomach. Swallowing the knots as he looked for Gabriel’s reaction. Seeing none he resumed his search, not stopping until all the birds he could find were dead. Bodies squashed beyond recognition by even the most retentive of bird watcher. He was enraged. An emotion only bested by the sudden panic he felt when Gabriel’s Estate gates exploded inwards, the Crossfire roaring its challenge before it drove straight into Tivauld, sending him hurtling backwards.

Poe climbed from the car, walking to Tivauld’s side before removing one of the giant’s ears.

He glared at Gabriel before letting the giant’s face fall back onto the topsoil, gracelessly.

[i:45a46a4fda]“Where do we go next?”[/i:45a46a4fda]

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:33 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
[i:1597e97dc4]"Akeley's Field."[/i:1597e97dc4]

[i:1597e97dc4]"I'm sorry?"[/i:1597e97dc4] Poe turned his attention from the window and fleeting Cascadian scenery. The mangled mess of 'civilization' shot past the Bentley as the sleek vehicle wound it's way towards the airport.

[i:1597e97dc4]"Akeley's Field. You asked where we're going. That's where."[/i:1597e97dc4]

The Ventrue sat next to Poe, his legs crossed and outstretched in the ample space the luxury car provided. He looked genuinly unapologetic for the obvious, and brutal, test he had imposed upon Poe. Initially, Poe had demanded an explanation, only to be informed it had been vital for Gabriel to see his natural survival style. On whether or not he had passed the test, the Ventrue said he remained inconclusive. The young Gangrel had fought to maintain control over himself. Gabriel had merely smiled and said, 'Heir of Porter or not, I'm not leaving someone so capable behind.'

[i:1597e97dc4]"So...the warehouse is in Akeley's Field?"[/i:1597e97dc4]

[i:1597e97dc4]"No, it's in New Haven...just east of it. But Akeley's Field is where the shipping company's main office is located. We'll start there."[/i:1597e97dc4]

((i know i promised you more Frank, but i have to go for tonight. i don't want the actual arrival to be this slipshod.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Poe spent the better portion of an hour trying to decode the mixture of emotions that coarsed through him as the private jet neared it's destination. A deep, inner forboding had eclipsed his normally perceptive and alert contenance, and replaced it with an introvert who sat silently staring out the window, at the black inky ocean below. The several attempts by his host to spark conversation quickly petered off, and the Ventrue, nonplussed, flipped open a laptop and tended to his own matters.

Less than an hour later, the clouds that had previously been rendered invisible by a moonless night, now harbored a soft glow of purple. The warning of an approaching dawn hurried the pair of vampires and their massive retainer down the black river of a tarmac, towards the waiting safety of a heavly tinted limousine.

The young Gangrel paused at the threshold of the vehicle, one foot already inside. He glanced around his surroundings, it's features softening in the pre-dawn fog. The tiny airport looked deserted and unused. A relic of an age that had once hoped it would draw visitors. An obsolete artifact of a time gone by, and the death of a thousand dreams. Poe wondered whether he was simply experiencing the effects of burgeoning vampiric senses. Perhaps his training was bearing fruits he had not anticipated. Somehow it seemed unlikely. The gloomy atmosphere was thick enough that you could feel it upon you. The few Kine he saw shuffled about lifelessly, attending to their tasks. There was definately something unnerving about this place.


The patter of rain beat at his skull, and he flipped the collar of his coat up instinctively. He had to press on. The storm raged around him, great billowing clouds lighting up brilliantly for moments with great clashes of lightening, before disppearing again behind the torrents of rain. The surrounding countryside was hidden as well, all it's sights and sounds oppressed by the great downpour. Poe could see nothing but the road at his feet.

Dutifully, he followed the cracked yellow line, having little recoarse. He blinked and swatted the rain from his eyes, and then realized it would do no good. Ahead in the distance, a tiny figure emerged. The Gangrel hurried towards it, his footsteps sloshing in a rapid beat.

The figure gradually grew larger until Poe was standing no more than a hundred yards from her. Although the surrounding landscape was obscurred from his sight, she was clear amid the ferocious gale.

The young woman was completely naked, her skin a milky white. She had a mane of stark black hair that in the moisture clung to her shoulders and bare breasts, curling in tiny rivulets. Her face was soft, her features seemed to glow. Her eyes were most startling of all. While clearly marked with human intelligence, they were a viperish yellow and peered at him. She raised an outstretched arm, her palm turned upwards, as if beckoning.

She smiled softly, gently, tilting her head slightly. Poe began to move forward once more, drawn to her. Suddenly she drew back her hand, as though it had been struck by something. Her eyes filled with confusion, and her face distorted into a visage of malice. She opened her mouth and shrieked.

The sounds sent Poe to the pavement. The shrieks of hundreds of thousands of innocents, all in an unholy choir of agony enveloped him. The thunderstorms mighty bluster was drowned out in a sea of wailing that only intensified as it went. It grew louder and louder and Poe curled in the road's center, plugging his ears and adding his own scream to the fray. He could not block it out however, and when he opened his eyes to scream for mercy, she was looming over him, her mouth still agape and her eyes wild and terrified.

Her jaw unhinged and she descended upon him.


[i:c11e39f78f]"NO!"[/i:c11e39f78f] the lithe figure jerked from his bed, scrambling halfway across the room in a frenzy before he realty slowly crept back into his mind. By the time Gabriel arrived several minutes later, the haze of the nightmare was nearly cleared. The Ventrue found his new companion nude from the waste up, his sinewy body caked in dried bloodsweat.

[i:c11e39f78f]"Difficult night?"[/i:c11e39f78f] the Ventrue was dressed casually in a pair of khaki pants and a dark blue cashmire sweater with the collar of an unbuttoned, but clearly pressed, dress shirt protruding from his neckline. He stood idly with his hands in his pockets in the doorway.

Poe made his way to shakey legs and made his way to the bathroom.

[i:c11e39f78f]"No. I'm fine."[/i:c11e39f78f] he called out over the sound of the faucet.

Gabriel glanced down at the crimson sheets, the clear patterns of a thrashing body still clearly visible.

[i:c11e39f78f]"Good. We've got quite a trip to make today.[i] While we slept, Tivauld spent the day inquiring about Akeley's Field. It's really rather unusual what he dug up."[/i:c11e39f78f]

Poe continued to examine his haggard face in the mirror.

[i:c11e39f78f]"What's that?"[/i:c11e39f78f]

[i:c11e39f78f]"Apparently, there's not a working phone in Akeley's Field. So I couldn't reach my foreman."[/i:c11e39f78f]

The Gangrel returned from the bathroom, his face now cleared of blood. He matted his hair back onto his scalp.

[i:c11e39f78f]"No phones? That's a bit old fashioned."[/i:c11e39f78f]

[i:c11e39f78f]"More so than you know. In any case, I've arranged for a rental car. We'll leave in two hours or so. Tivauld will stay here and get the finer details of the investigation from the police."[/i:c11e39f78f]

Suddenly the room was filled with the repulsive sounds of something being torn asunder. The sound of flesh being shredded, an awful, heavy tearing. Poe could hear the snap of sinews and tendons. It dragged on for a moment or two, and the startled Gangrel cast frightened glances around the room, his eyes at last falling upon the Ventrue.

[i:c11e39f78f]"What was that?!"[/i:c11e39f78f] he shrieked. Gabriel looked confused.

[i:c11e39f78f]"What was what?"[/i:c11e39f78f]

[i:c11e39f78f]"That sound!"

All was silent.

"I didn't hear anything." didn't hear anything?"[/i:c11e39f78f] he put a hand to his forehead and shook it off. [i:c11e39f78f]"Ah...nevermind. I..I'm sorry. I'll be ready shortly."[/i:c11e39f78f]

Gabriel nodded and opened the door, stopping for a moment.

[i:c11e39f78f]"Don't rush yourself, we've still got two hours before we leave. Think about getting some more rest. You look like hell."[/i:c11e39f78f]

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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