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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:49 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 44Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:03 am
[b:fc3e220ff5]It's just another war , another family torn. Our voices will be heard this night , with another kill, and with it, the countdown to destroy ourselves begins.[/b:fc3e220ff5]

[i:fc3e220ff5]There is a secret side of me, one I will never let you see. Under lock and key, its freedom restrained, caged within the twisted and complex mind of mine. I feel her deep within, beneath my skin, shes scratching on the walls, in the closet and in the halls. When awaken, I cannot control it, most stay away from me, my beast is ugly. Shes hiding under the bed, in my body, in my head.

Hiding in the dark, her teeth are razor sharp, there is no such thing as an escape for me, she wants my soul, my heart. Why can no one hear me scream? Maybe its just a dream, maybe shes inside of me, the dark nails of Lane are controlling my mind, cant anyone stop this monster? Save me from this, make it end?

Her voice is all I hear, did I get what I deserve? Were my past memories so horrid, so unforgivable, that she had to come back to haunt me day and night? Am I guilty of murder, for having withdrawn my sisters last breath decades ago to end her suffering? Under the right circumstances, my hands carried death to my sibling.

It was but a matter of nights, before I could hear Lanes soft and tender voice within my head, I could not explain why I could hear her, I content myself believing that her spirit inhabited my body, both sharing it, to our own desires.

I, Caro, for years afterwards mistreated her, restrained her, abused her, and would have killed her another time if she was present, flesh and blood in front of me once more. And no matter how vile my actions were towards her, she would always forgive me, allowing myself second chances. Like an idiot, I did not realize that by my mischief and misguidance, I was slowly turning my innocent little sister into a vile, twisted and corrupted monster.

The roles now reversed, she guides me to regret what Ive done unto her for so many years, leading me to complete isolation by murdering everyone I once knew, loved ones, friends and family, even simple acquaintances.

Tonight, Lane carries me back to a former dear friend of mine, and I can only imagine for what purpose.

I hate what Ive become, I must confess I feel like a monster....[/i:fc3e220ff5]

Last edited by Carolane on Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

As children, we all had fears. But for a few of us, the nightmares never go away.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:06 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
((Holy crap, an IC post!?! It's about time. Kudos, keep going!!))

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:21 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 44Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:03 am
[b:14fb1236e4]Who's going to fight for whats right, help us survive ? Were in the fight of our lives, and were not ready to die.[/b:14fb1236e4]

[i:14fb1236e4]There was nothing in sight, let alone memories left abandoned, black skies and the occasional lighting sparks emanating from the few gothic yet Celtic looking electric lanterns left standing. I was but a few breaths away from yet another nightmare, waiting to begin, plus, Lane had no need nor the desire for me to prove her upcoming scene wrong, no matter how appalling it may be.

Lane grew dependent of her occasional nightly felonies, and I on the other hand, could not bare to notice anymore of her villainies. Her, the secret side of me, was gaining slowly more territory on me, deep within, I saved my strength on a daily basis, to restrain her under my control the best I could, If she ever came out, she would tear me up, break me down.

She scrutinized the residence thoroughly, most rooms were empty of anything that could trigger any sort of interest in her, at least until she stumbled upon the master bedroom. In there, a couple around their mid twenties were sleeping, unaware of the monster that was roaming around them, to my surprise, she did not hastily rush anything, as she would usually do, instead she delicately began to cascade the tip of her knife along the girl’s arm, to conclusively place the sharp object within the girls hand, carefully taking care to place her arm so the knife presses softly against her beloved stomach.

" You cannot be serious Lane... " I tried to reason with her, obviously this couple had fled from where-ever they lived, as no mere mortal in their early age could own such a residence. It was obvious that they came in here for the thrill, to enjoy one another, in a different set of play than their own.

" Shhh... you will wake them up before my delightful surprise, doll... " she replied, whispering in a manner I knew but all too well. It was with a sick and perverted smile, that Lane led us to hide within the nearby clothes closet, there was but barely enough place for us, but she intended certainly not staying for hours in there.

" Look Caro, with no hands.. " she whispered before giving presence to an horrendous and ear piercing shriek. Startled, the girl woke up stiffly, the hand in which Lane placed the murderous weapon pushing through the flesh of her beloved.

In his wake, he only realized for a brief moment before dying, that his beloved killed him, of course, he would never really know why, and that was the sort of sickness that Lane was feeding upon every single time.

She enjoyed all to much, the horrendous scream of the girl, not knowing how everything really happened, all she knew, is that she murdered her beloved, she could not explain how nor why, she had just been tricked by Lane.

It took moments for the girl to flee, she stayed close to the corpse of her beloved, not really wanting to leave, even though she had to. Engulfed in tears, she eventually left.

" Tsk.. this is boring, I expected him to live at least a bit longer " she spoke, opening the door of the closet, blowing a kiss to the corpse.

And with this, my nightmare continues...[/i:14fb1236e4]

Last edited by Carolane on Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

As children, we all had fears. But for a few of us, the nightmares never go away.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:43 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 44Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:03 am
[b:cedc838d8b]In the end, everything we do, is everything we've done...[/b:cedc838d8b]

[i:cedc838d8b]After the last night, I was severely wondering if her random display of cruelty was the product of pure coincidence, or was she really starting to target anything in sight, no longer choosing her preys. Either ways, after so many malevolent display of her growing disease, sickness, whatever you may call the pulse that pushes her to do what she does, you would have to wonder why has the kindred society allowed her to compromise the very masquerade that keeps us alive so far.

Have they grown lenient on her for her Malkavian nature? Sometimes I even wonder if any of them are still even alive, after all, the only kindred I have seen, are former friends of mine, none of them were Elders, Princes or even of any decent titles, society wise at least, as all of those I refer to, are gone. Perhaps Lane was trying to get the attention of someone in particular, perhaps she was even trying to get the society to come after her? But for what reason.. I wonder.

Tonight, her behaviour was much different than usual, she pleasured the idea of simply perusing the local streets, her eyes meticulously browsing for something in particular, her delicate hand dusting off the occasional brick walls of certain alleys, always next to a door. I could swear she was searching for a nest of sorts, perhaps for refuge?

"You will get us into problems dear, I am not sure the locals would appreciate us sticking our nose into their property “ I made the remark, hopefully she would perhaps tell me more about it.

"Soon Caro, you will understand everything, for now shush... Or Ill gut you, with no hands " she giggled maliciously at her own remark, somewhat typical of her. No matter how much I was afraid of getting caught, perhaps it could prove to be the only solution to stop her, and me at the same time.

" There we are.... " she smiled, she had just found what she was looking for, judging by the symbol on the wall, it seemed to be referring to an elder... [/i:cedc838d8b]

Last edited by Carolane on Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:15 am, edited 3 times in total.

As children, we all had fears. But for a few of us, the nightmares never go away.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:14 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 44Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:03 am
[b:fff064cf6a]Today Im speaking my mind, and if kills me tonight, I will be ready to die...[/b:fff064cf6a]

[i:fff064cf6a]So many memories left abandoned, bathing amongst dried corpses and the smell of death, definitely welcoming for the grave robbers once referred as Cappadocians, and somewhat rather annoying if not even disturbing for us to see, well, speaking for myself here, Lane on the other end seemed to be rather pleased, if not by the ambiance, surely by who she was expecting to meet.

Who are you looking for Lane... I inquired, evidently, this particular being was not a symbol of safety, judging by its cryptic, decaying and rather oldish looking residence of his or hers. Lane’s silent treatment was something I knew well, I was used to her either ignoring me, or simply answering me in unsolvable riddles, but this time, I knew she didn’t wanted me to know what was coming, perhaps she was afraid I would attempt to refrain her from it, judging her powers reigning over me for now, it was surely not for that, and that, was scaring me a little.

The descent to deeper grounds seemed endless, everlasting stairways and corridors eventually led us to a large sacrificial looking chamber. Thought the room was guilded with numerous unlit torches, there was one, shining brightly in the middle of this imposing room, its dim light reigning over an altar, I could not really describe it entirely, as I never seen anything like this before.

" Oooooh yesssss... this is it sister, finally!" Lane spoke, her voice giving birth to numerous echoes of her own self. I knew Lane was brave, even reckless at times, but even her, was hesitant to proceed to the next step, the altar in question had two holes, large enough to insert her arms, in a manner to expose her naked wrists.

Lane ignored my pleas to abandon her foolish idea, and knelt down in front of the altar, inserting both of her arms within the sockets, her wrists exposed to god knows what. The sound of gears locking into place made its presence felt by numerous noises, until silence became once more, and it came with a firm grip upon ourselves, the altar had just locked tightly, preventing any sort of movements from our end.

Lane moaned softly as the altar swiftly slit her wrists, her precious life vitae cascading down within some sort of drain at the bottom of the said sadistic machinery. The wound was not healing, and we were losing more and more blood, at a point that our vision began to blur.

" Tonight, duality has come, one being, yet two, I offer my services to you, in exchange for your wisdom and guidance, my servitude represents many, two must become one...” Lane spoke very weakly, and as she spoke, my eyes could not help but to notice, that our blood was racing within numerous cracks on the ground, that almost looked like veins... all of it, leading to a single imposing coffin not so far from our position, all of it made visible as the torches suddenly lit.

" Lane... what have you done... "[/i:fff064cf6a]

Last edited by Carolane on Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

As children, we all had fears. But for a few of us, the nightmares never go away.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:41 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 44Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:03 am
[b:b29f1062f9]Six feet deep is the incision, in my heart, an harmless prison[/b:b29f1062f9]

[i:b29f1062f9]With a vision blur, as glancing throught water with crystalized eyes, I could swear the coffin lid litteraly opened by itself, nothing plausible, but those are the facts, facts of a blured vision however.

Lane, seemed to beleive firmly in what she was doing, me on the other hand, felt our lives escaping our grasp slowly with each red drop being sucked away, and as I began to wonder why and where this sacrifice was of any use, my eyes were host of a vision that would bring a smile only to Sabbat.

The veins gathered upon the walls, then the ceiling, to conclusively amass itself right over the opened coffin, needless to say, I beleive I knew what was coming...

Frightened I closed my eyes as the blood violently cascaded down inside the coffin, minutes after, silence was born, and nothing dared disturb it.

A figure began to take form, rising from its resting place, it placed one foot outside the coffin, than the second one, tilting its head to a side, it looked at us, as if somehow, it knew me... or perhaps Lane?

" Cold was my soul, untold was the pain, I faced when you left me a rose in the rain so I swore to the razor that never enchained would your dark nails of faith be pushed throught my veins again " it spoke.

Seemingly this thing knew Lane, perhaps in her days as a mortal? because ever since our "merge" I never, ever, seen such a persona before.

" Love..... " Lane weakly spoke, glancing at the approaching figure, which by all means didnt shared the same enthusiasm...[/i:b29f1062f9]

As children, we all had fears. But for a few of us, the nightmares never go away.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:33 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((very poignant! please keep it up!

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:32 am Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
((still reading, the IC posts this is great))

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:48 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 44Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:03 am
[b:837c853b80]I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you[/b:837c853b80]

[i:837c853b80]This obsession, or what ever you may call the feelings Lane had for this hideous creature was repulsive, unrealistic and disturbing, truth be told, it was right on the verge of insanity. I beleive words of advice was far from being a solution at this very moment, after all, she never really listened to me, why would that change tonight. I had and still have no desires into hurting whats left of her, I had done so much wrong to her in the past, a malice that caused her to become what she is today, I fear deep inside what would happen if I confronted her again, but really, couldnt be worse than this now does it?

The nameless narrowed its position as I kept drifting into numerous thoughts, sadly, none of them were of any help to me. As a solution began to take shape, a crude, cold and decaying hand grasped our visage firmly, forcing our attention completely upon the nameless.

Im trying to stay calm, but the being in front of me is anything unlike I ever seen, words could not begin to describe, it was where imagination lost its name and meaning.

“ This is the night where it all fails you, the test subject from the experiment, there is no reason, no lesson, no time like the present, tell me right now, why should I spare your miserable face after all you took away from me!? ”

The skin around the jaw structure of the creature began to heal slowly as it spoke. It was clear somehow it knew Lane, and she had better have a good reason for its awakening, it was obvious that if the answer was not sufficent, we would more than likely suffer the consequences.

“ I can see you but you cant see me, I could touch you and you could not even feel me..” Lane as always, answered in riddles, and curiously, the riddle seemed to have triggered a good ammount of interest within the nameless.

“ I took away your time, your means to be a king amongst our kind, for I felt it was the right thing to do at the time, but I realized otherwise with time, the Kindred can no longer live freely, thought their numbers greatly diminished, they spread an infection that can not be cured other by complete anihilation of the species.”

Lane, being an entity living within me ever since her departure from the world of the living, somehow held a key to unleash an endless well of souls that could bring power beyond imagination to someone who knew how to control it, and I beleive, this was the sole reason of the Nameless’s awakening, and he, had just understood what Lane was offering him....

The means to control both human and vampire alike, as a king amongsts anything living, or dead..

I had to do something, but what...[/i:837c853b80]

As children, we all had fears. But for a few of us, the nightmares never go away.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:09 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 44Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:03 am
[b:bc64320df2]Your opinion? My justification![/b:bc64320df2]

[i:bc64320df2]No matter how much effort I put forth, the restraint of the altar we were restrained to, remained tall , strong and unbreakable. Was this our destiny since day one? Being a simple tool, the last piece of a complex puzzle to another’s malicious scheme? And if it is, I categorycaly refuse any sort of obedience to any of it!


The gears within the altar now sustained us no more, resulting into what seemed a never ending downfall into a very cold abyss. Our delicate body transmitting shivers from head to toes, told us clearly that either the floor was really cold, or we were litteraly on the verge of death, kind of ironic for a vampire isnt it.

My eyes couldnt stop nesting themselves within those of the Nameless, all of this chit chat of earlier, just seemed unreal, even for a vampire. Real or not, I did not intend to simply wait and see, with those thoughts in mind I managed to pull myself up with much difficulty, how I did it ? I honestly have no clue, for all I knew, most of our blood had been drained for this monster’s resurection.

My defiance and resiliance triggered a sarcastic smirk upon the newly formed visage of the creature, clearly to it, I was not being representative of any sort of danger, and I do mean in every aspect of the word.

In a desperate attempt of survival, I threw a punch that never found its target, resulting into a very vicious reply from the Nameless.

The pain taken from its numerous hits were untolerable, I have been thrown into countless walls, ceiling and throught so many doors, that I couldnt keep track of what was happening anymore, the pain reached such a peak, that my entire body seemingly had shut down to it, I could see it torturing me, but couldnt feel anything anymore, and slowly, my vision faded as I fainted.

From there, nothing but pure and absolute nothingness..... [/i:bc64320df2]

As children, we all had fears. But for a few of us, the nightmares never go away.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 4:48 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 44Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:03 am
[b:05f4f1912a]No one ever really told me, that silence and loneliness defines and relates closely to sitting alone inside your head.[/b:05f4f1912a]

[i:05f4f1912a]How long have I been out, hours, days, weeks? I could not place my finger on it. It was only when I awoke that I found an answer to my question. IV’s containing blood were attached to me, without a doubt, I had been laying there for God knows how long.

Where was I, I wondered as I pulled myself out of the bed, which took a good ammount of effort I might add. Pacing towards the nearby patio door, whom which was hidden behind an expensive set of tissu, I realized that I was in... Cascadia.

Thought relieved, I couldnt shake the feeling that something seemed awefuly wrong, as I glanced once more at the city, the obvious striked me, the place was litteraly empty, no cars moving around, nobody walking on the streets, only the presence of snow falling, and the occasional traffic lights switching from red to green.

There was no signs of war, nothing that could poke out any sort of reasons for such a phenomenon. Somewhat in shock, I sat back down at the edge of the bed, taking the time to tear off the plastic tubes relying me to the IV. Suddenly, something else strucked me, Lane was not talking, and I couldnt feel her presence in me.

“ Lane... ? “ I kept repeating, to no avail, I received no answers, no menaces, nothing at all. It was as if she left me, gone. Panic began to take control over me, quickly I opened the wardrobe doors in search of any sort of clothing.

Curiously, all of my belongings were carefuly folded within the wardrobe. As my hand reached for it, I heard three long knocking sound upon the wooden door.


My entire body began to shake, part of me wanted to stay away from the door as the knocking kept repeating themselves, but curiousity got the best of me as my hand reached for the handle, turning it slowly..... [/i:05f4f1912a]

As children, we all had fears. But for a few of us, the nightmares never go away.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:13 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSisterPosts: 27Location: anywhere but the past.Joined: Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:30 pm
((mmm... I'm absolutely loving this...))

Learn to Love. Know thyself. Question Everything. Seek Truth. Shatter all Illusions.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:27 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 44Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:03 am
[b:885896edda]I miss... God I miss, waking up beside you...[/b:885896edda]

[i:885896edda]A reflection of myself slowly revealed itself as my hands pushed the door with uncertainty, was I facing a mirror, or simply an illusion? At that very moment I could not tell the difference, everything felt so real, even to myself.

As my eyes drowned into the vision, my own reflection faded back in sparks, revealing the one of my dearest lost sister, smiling sadistically, but her bleeding eyes could not hide that even in this, something was wrong.

I’ve been so alone for so long, forgotten by the world, forgotten to myself. I forgot how much it hurts to be so...alone, without her. My friends had disappeared or died, no more enemies to fear ,and giving another quick glance by the window on my right in the corridor made me realize, that even the world seemed inexistent. Something was happening to me and I didn’t knew why.

“ There’s nobody left who cares your alive, was it worth it....Now who will catch you on your way down? “ Lane’s whispers echoed within my head moments before the mirror shifted to my own reflection once more, and conclusively shattered.

It was as if everything that made sense, everything I once knew, was no more. How can a Vampire see itself within a glass, a mirror? How can the world stop turning so abruptly? Nothing of this magnitude goes on without someone noticing, and yet, I was living this nightmare, alone, with nobody else but me to rely on, this is just insane, I cant possibly be alone within the area, someone, something, had to be there... and truth be told, I am afraid of finding out.

Taking a moment to calm down, I glanced at the broken shards upon the ground, I could still see your reflection in them Lane, somehow I was always afraid that night would come, wake up and find you gone, even tho you promised never to abandon me, you brushed myself away.

I memorized the color of your eyes as my own glance lost itself inside yours, my lips shattering, my eyes tearing, my lungs gave in to endless session of screams...

[color=red:885896edda]God I miss, waking up beside you.... [/color:885896edda][/i:885896edda]

As children, we all had fears. But for a few of us, the nightmares never go away.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:59 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 44Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:03 am
[b:ea5ab7cc79]There is a curse between us, between me and you...[/b:ea5ab7cc79]

[i:ea5ab7cc79]I know I should stop believing in the unbelievable, Lane can’t obviously repent the unthinkable, her scheme had obviously started to breathe, and quite frankly, the puzzle she keeps drawing in front of me simply sinks me deeper into a state of mind that has no names, an emotion that prevents me from seeing everything as clear as it should, it was as if she was altering my reality, and quite honestly, I have no ideas on how she can pull such strings.

If I had to voice an opinion, I would firmly believe in some sort of curse, one of which is completely unheard of to me as of til now. Pulling myself together I stood up slowly, brushing the glass shards off my hair and shoulders.

I perused for an exit within the numerous corridors of this residence, each hallway looked like the previous ones, it was obvious by now, Lane was playing with me, the whole aspect of it sent chills down my spine as I simply could not seem to find an exit, it was only as I was about to give up that a stairway leading down to a single door made itself present in my eyes, strange, it was as if she was simply toying with me until breaking point, perhaps a simple coincidence? I think not.

I had to remain alert if I desired any chance to get out of this, I thought as I paced down the stairs and grasped the large handle upon the massive door. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and opened the door.

The door completely opened, with eyes closed still, nothing was happening, nothing except this sudden ache, this burning sensation invading my every senses.

As Caro opened her eyes, she quickly realized that this ache, this burning fever that engulfed her every senses was no more than the sun itself, weakened immediately by the sole murderer of vampires, she agonized, the flames of justice burning every little inches of her delicate skin, she could smell the burnt flesh at her last moments of agony, and as she was about to close her eyes forever, she abruptly woke up in the very same room she was in earlier, the IV’s still attached to her... then she realized that the situation was getting worse by the minute. As she began nervously to pull off violently the tubes off of her once more, she heard three long knocks at the door...

Simply terrified by what was happening to her, it was at this very moment that Caro’s sanity got flushed away, at least, the look in her eyes suggested as much...

Now, what lied behind the door? She wondered....

As children, we all had fears. But for a few of us, the nightmares never go away.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:57 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 44Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:03 am
[b:312433a5bc]Insanity is all around us[/b:312433a5bc]

[i:312433a5bc]‘’Leave me alone... ‘’ the words had barely managed to slip through my lips, I was beyond the meaning of the word confused, my fear escalated to measures one could not imagine, I did not know what would happen next, and judging by what I have seen, anything, simply anything could just shape itself into place.

Innocently lying on the night table was a gun accompanied by a simple note, seemingly written by hand, we could clearly read the words ‘use me’ . I tried picking it up but I simply could not, my hands were just trembling so bad, It could just prove dangerous to proceed. Just as I seemed to have regained control over myself, the door knob began the turn and shake, as if someone from the other side was trying to force its way inside.

Terrified, I picked up the gun and emptied the entire clip shooting with no real target at the door, hoping I would hit whatever was on the other side. A muffled noise of someone falling down on the floor had made itself audible seconds after, whatever was behind the door, I managed to get rid of it, at least I thought.

As I opened the door, my eyes were host of an horrible and impossible nightmare, I simply couldn’t forgive myself for what I had done. On the ground lied Laura De L’Hiver, she was like a sister to me, a long time friend of mine. No matter how real it seemed it just couldn’t be, she was already dead, I knew it, and yet, it seemed so real.

‘’ The nightmare, it ca...can kill you, just as it did to me, must be care...ful Caro, you are a mere mortal within this fade.. ‘’ she spoke weakly, her body trembling as blood oozed from the bullet wounds. I could not explain how nor why, but I knew somewhere deep inside, that this Toreador lying on the ground was somehow really her...

The guilt of such an action brought me on my knees, realizing what I had done, she placed her hand upon my visage, as she whispered her final words `` no one.. `` . Her visage had always been a soothing image, and even in her final moments, she smiled at me.

" Laura.... please don't leave me alone... "[/i:312433a5bc]

As children, we all had fears. But for a few of us, the nightmares never go away.
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