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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:23 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

Dressed in an elegant ankle-length white dress in a style suitable for her mortal identity as the singer Lucilla Troy, Morathi had come up to the more public areas of the museum to compare a symbol found during her studies in the chantry' archives with a similar one she had found on one of the public artifacts, hoping to have identified a clue to cracking the code protecting the secrets of a particulary interesting scroll. It was then that she noticed the man stepping through the public entrance to the museum

She studied the man that had entered with interest, he was clearly not a local inhabitant by his style of dress, and it was a little late for most tourists to be visiting. A cursory check of his aura revealed a faint dark blue glow, a glow she had seen often around visitors to the chantry in New Orleans whilst she was a regentia, the telltale faintness of a suspicious vampire entering potentially hostile ground...

Gracefully she moved towards him, pretending to be studying the artifacts on display as she closed the distance between them, then a show of suddenly noticing the man before she almost walked into him in her apparently distracted state...

[i:8cc3da07ae]"Oh I'm sorry... I was a little wrapped up in my studies of these artifacts... They are quite interesting... Witnessess to so many secrets that may never be retold..."[/i:8cc3da07ae]

She smiled warmly, her emerald eyes gauging the man's reaction for possible reasons for his intent in visiting, she doubted it was for minor chit-chat, and it was very likely he sought esoteric information from her House and Clan...

[i:8cc3da07ae]"Ah!... Where are my manners let me introduce myself... My name is Lucilla Troy... I'm a singer and I've been conducting some background research for my next stage appearance in Vienna....."[/i:8cc3da07ae]

She introduced herself, her english accented voice soft and polite as she casually dropped the name of the location of House Tremere's home office, hopefully a subtle enough clue as to what she was without advertising it in the public part of the museum. It would also serve to remind the guest that they were still in the public area of the chantry.

[i:8cc3da07ae]"But I'm sure you came here to seek the answers to questions yourself... Hmmm... I know... The staff here have been very helpful to me.... Perhaps I could talk them into assisting you as well..... Mr?..."[/i:8cc3da07ae]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:24 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

Isaac slipped into the working area undetected. Off to his left he could see an odd archway being unearthed. Farther off in the distance he saw a group of civilian news crews with cameras rolling. Evidently this was something of an exciting discovery in Egyptology. Using his night vision goggles, Isaac saw what looked like an armed patrol coming across the sand. They were on foot and were nearly 1000 meters off still. They were moving towards where Daniel sat hidden.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:26 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

[i:fe24b617e5]"Mr. O'Brien, and I'm sure I would be a fool to turn down such a generous offer."[/i:fe24b617e5] Gabriel said with a smile, letting his eyes trace over her curves. [i:fe24b617e5]"Especially from such a stunning creature as yourself."[/i:fe24b617e5]

Intentionally dressed down so as not to come off too high handed, Gabriel had chosen a simple dark indigo turtle neck. Although the heat was stifling during the daytime, with the near proximity to the Nile, the Chantry was actually quite cool. A simple pair of dress slacks would surely suffice for such a meeting, but even so Gabriel could not help but wear a pair of Rockford dress shoes. Inexpensive, yet stylish.

As he soaked in her aura, he felt the interval of silence growing dangerously short. She was so self exacting. Relenting to drag the moment out as long as possible, Gabriel felt silent and wore a thinly veiled look of lust. Ms. Troy merely giggled, the melody of her voice echoing off the high crown of the museum.

[i:fe24b617e5]"Well, you flatter me Mr. O'Brien, why don't we see about finding you some assistance?"[/i:fe24b617e5] She extended her hand toward him, her wrist slightly cocked. Narrowing his eyes and releasing a ravaging smile, he placed his hand gently under hers and the pair paced the marble halls of the museum.

[i:fe24b617e5]"Forgive me for saying so, but you have an incredible voice."[/i:fe24b617e5]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:27 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

Eveshka sat in her office watching the television with a Priest from St. Gatien's Cathedral in Tours. She was much calmer now that she had heard from Julius and could start to actually put some sense to things again. She and the Priest had been talking about the root meanings in Hebrew and Aramaic of certain Biblical names. The one in particular was Enoch. The priest had told her that the name meant "Dedicated." Eveshka found that to be profound and was about to ask some more questions on the matter when a flash on the Television caught her eye and the two turned to watch a very visibly shaken CNN correspondent outside Baghdad speaking:

[i:12f8de537c]The anti-aircraft fire began a few moments ago from the northern part of Baghdad. There have been several explosions on the ground followed by what appear to be secondary explosions from munitions, that are not supposed to be in existence, exploding. No [a large explosion over his right shoulder which causes him to look over at it for a moment] no uh... no Coalition Aircraft have been heard over head. We believe the explosions are being made primarily by cruise missiles from American and British Warships in the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterreanean. [another explosion lights up the night sky far off to his left. The correspondent looks over his left shoulder for several moments and then turns back to the camera] At this time we are receiving word that we are to be moved away from the city. We now take you to a press conference at the Coalition Central Command Headquarters.[/i:12f8de537c]

The priest and Eveshka regarded each other silently for a moment. The priest narrowed his eyes a moment, looking back at the television, and then said, "Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour your judgement has come." Eveshka merely blinked and said nothing.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:30 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

The pieces were impressive, many dating back centuries upon centuries. They attempted to ensare Gabriel's attention from the captivating beauty who accompanied down the museum's many silent hallways. As alluring as the artifacts were, the Ventrue's conviction prevailed, and he kept his eyes firmly on Ms. Troy for much of the time.

They chatted innocently enough, both baiting one another with subtle traps within the conversation, each vying for the other to give something away. As Gabriel smiled and once more swept his blonde hair from his cheek with his free hand, he sensed it. Something welling up deep within, a primordial fear. He clung to his outward pleasantness to conceal the fear underneath. There was no conceivable way he could prove it or even get a firm grasp on it, but Ms. Troy was a significant deal more powerful than she was letting on.

She smiled, as if sensing his fear, and placed her free hand upon his. Turning him towards her, she stooped slightly to meet his downward gaze.

[i:ae1a902a28]"Mr. O'Brien, you mentioned earlier I had a beautiful voice?"[/i:ae1a902a28]

[i:ae1a902a28]"It's true Ms. Troy,"[/i:ae1a902a28] Gabriel said, taking slow steps as to resume their walk. [i:ae1a902a28]"It's enchanting."[/i:ae1a902a28]

She stopped abrubtly, halting him with such force that hinted at greater might than was evident. Regaining a slightly more suspicious smile she looked him over.

[i:ae1a902a28]"You didn't mention ever attending one of my shows before..."[/i:ae1a902a28]

[i:ae1a902a28]"Well that's because I haven't Ms. Troy,"[/i:ae1a902a28] Gabriel dropped his smile, and shifted towards the ravaging siren. [i:ae1a902a28]"again forgive me if I'm being boorish, but it was your laugh. Such a could not be gifted?"[/i:ae1a902a28]

The concern lifted from Ms. Troy's face like a mask and she broke into embarrassed laughter, leaving Gabriel to wonder if it was genuine or all part of the on-going ruse.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:32 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

Julius sat at his desk pondering over hundreds of languages and dialects, his Skull sitting within easy reach. He had gotten a fax from Eveshka just the night before. It was an ancient map of what is today the region encompassing the eastern Mediterreanean, the Black, and the Caspian Seas. Apparently she thought that the fabled city of Enoch was plotted on the map. The problem was that the boundaries of those bodies of water were nowhere near where they were now or ever conceivable were. Julius had discussed the map with some contacts of his who seemed to be quite enthralled with it. They thought it was a very novel hypothesis but quite impossible as the meandering of particular tributaries seemed to suggest that the flow of the water was reversed so that the Caspian and Black Seas appeared to actually be FRESH water and not SALINE. Were that the case, this map would be indicating land that had not been above water for literally thousands of years. It made no sense, unless all of the myths of Caine and the Antedeluvians were actually true.

The language still boggled his mind. With the help of his Skull, he had spliced together bits of different languages and gotten words that made sense, but only when read singlely. When put together they were nonsense.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:13 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

Eveshka sat at her desk going over countless documents about the state of her realm and of her finances and all manners of god-awful things that bored her to tears. She looked at her “day” planner and then out the window onto her gardens. Soft lights lit up the snow covered boughs and paths. She had heard from Renee the other day. Apparently she thought that Eveshka was going about things the wrong way by donating large amounts of money to social programs for mortals, and not just finding a mortal protégé for whom she could be a patroness.

“Montcalm?” called Eveshka.

“Oui, Comtesse?” responded Montcalm.

“The state of the realm is in order, non?” she asked.

Montcalm smiled and responded, “It is better than I have seen it in 150 years, Comtesse.”

Eveshka nodded without smiling. Things in Touraine seemed to be running smoothely. Fore the most part she had rooted out the opposition and dealt with it in her characteristically elegant way. They were given the choice between blood bonding and thus Eveshka worship, and Final Death. To her amusement, a slim minority chose Final Death. The rest were pining away somewhere. She had of course had to register at least some of them with Madame Guil. It wouldn’t do to show ALL of her cards now would it. About the only thing that seemed to have gone wrong was that Measha had disappeared. She’d been gone for nearly a month.

So there was nothing really going on. She already hated the constant parties. She was not a neonate trying to prove herself. She already KNEW she was the most glamorous, artistically and aesthetically perfect woman on the face of the planet. She knew she was a Goddess. She had no reason to be solicitous towards those who were inferior to her. So…..

“Fuck it,” she muttered. “Montcalm, I’ll be going to Cairo for a little while.”

Montcalm nodded as she stood up and swept out of the room. Within a few hours the arrangements had been made, she had gotten a hold of Julius and he arranged a Darrant Industries Gulf-Stream V to pick her up the next day at the Aerodrome de Tours. The next day she left for Cairo with a small entourage of bodyguards, not that any of them were anywhere near as powerful as she. It just looked good. She took with her all of her scroll notes and several expensive evening gowns by Jean-Paul Gaultier. She smiled as the wheels touched down in Cairo thinking of spending some time with Julius again. It had been quite a while since she had seen him.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:16 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

[b:3f4145d208][i:3f4145d208]Cairo, The Museum Chantry[/i:3f4145d208][/b:3f4145d208]

“But you are correct, Ms Troy. I did indeed come here seeking answers.”

Morathi smiled gesturing toward a bench in front of a large statue of Osiris. The pair sat, admiring the sculpture for a moment. “What area in particular interests you, Mr. O’Brien?”

“I am searching for information on a particular scroll. A friend of mine recently misplaced it. I’m hoping that perhaps the… staff… may have heard something of it.”

“We have many writings in our library. Can you be a little more specific?”

“This scroll is said to be connected with something called Shal Ka-Mense.”

Morathi pondered for a moment, her Astor instincts immediately trying to make sense of a stranger, furthermore an American by his accent, turning up at the chantry. It could not be coincidence that he had walked in, announcing an interest in the scroll of Shal Ka-Mense, at precisely the same time that Julius was here researching it himself.

“There may be someone who could help you, Mr. O’Brien. Please wait here.”

Morathi glided away, humming a small piece from Madam Butterfly and adding just a hint of sensuality to her walk, carefully resisting the urge to turn her head back to observe the reaction. Entering the secret area of the chantry she headed for Julius’ office…

“…I too doubt it is coincidence.” Agreed Julius. “I suppose I had better see him…”

Morathi opened the door to an office inside the museum. Not within the chantry proper, but also somewhat beyond the normal public galleries.

Within and behind a desk sat Julius, who rose to his feet as the pair entered the room. “Thankyou, Ms. Troy.”

Gabriel smiled at Morathi as she left the room, heading, as Julius had instructed, to a smaller side room, to observe the meeting on video. Turning his full attention to Julius, he approached the desk and extended his hand.

"Forgive me for the abruptness of this meeting, Ms. Troy seemed rather insistent on me meeting you."

Julius took his hand, shaking it politely. "Please have a seat." He said, gesturing to the chair opposite the desk. Gabriel nodded and the two men sat down.

“What can House and Clan Tremere do for you... er.. Mr?"

"O'Brien, Gabriel O'Brien of Clan Ventrue."

“And I am Julius Darrant, of House and Clan Tremere."

"Well, to be as brief as possible Mr. Darrant, I come seeking information and Clan Tremere's aid."

“We are always pleased to assist our Ventrue allies in whatever way we can. How can I assist you today?”

“I've heard many stories of your exploits, and deciphering which are true and which are not, is quite a task.”

“Doubtless many of them are exaggerated. You shouldn’t listen to hearsay.”

Gabriel nodded. “Recently I've come across a bit of......trouble that seems to be tied in with a certain scroll. To be more specific, valuable information pertaining to this item was taken from the Prince's personal Haven in Cascadia, where I act as Seneschal.”

“I see, you're a long way from home, Mr O'Brien. What brings you all the way to Cairo for our help?” Asked Julius

“Well, the fact that I ran into you here was a happy coincidence. I followed the thief's clues to a certain doctor, and it was he who led me to beautiful Cairo...but as far as I've come, I'm afraid I'm no closer to understanding this mystery.”

“Then you wish our assistance in locating the thief and retrieving this property?”

Gabriel glanced at the door, feeling suddenly somewhat cautious towards this Tremere. If the “hearsay” was true, it was possible he was in mortal danger. Julius observed the motion, pretending not to have noticed when Gabriel turned back to him.

“To be frank with you Mr. Darrant, I've no idea what this mythical "scroll" is or why so many are seeking it. But it's in high demand...and among the Cainite world, as I'm sure I don't need to inform you, only the dangerous is in high demand.”

“Tell me about this scroll.” Requested Julius

“I'll tell you what little I've gathered. It's been called "The Scroll of Shal-Ka Mense", and apparently it may date back to the Sumerians. Again, I've no idea what this scroll can be used for...but there seem to be dark factors in league to find it.” Began Gabriel. “So as you can see, I've been able to piece together very meager bits and pieces....broken referances to ancient Deities and names here and there were picked up by my investigators....yours was among them.”

Julius’ thought for a moment then recited.

“The hunter's skill was great,
as they looked for their Father, and they did see
...ancient discipline used they to find
the road to Shal-ka-mense.”

“An obscure passage from the Chronicle of Shadows.” Explained Julius. “Part of the Valediction against Diablerie.”

Gabriel nodded slowly. “I've heard that before. I believe it was mentioned in a bit of communication I picked up from the good doctor. Seems rather vague to me.”

“Such myth generally is. Yet you've still not answered my question. How can I help?”

“The extensive knowledge of the Tremere is no great secret. I figured that aside from the Setites, if anyone was aware of the going ons in Cairo, it would be House Tremere. Even now, those very forces I mentioned are excavating in the desert west of here, and I have operatives following them blindly. If you could shed some light on this mystery, I'd be in your debt.” Replied Gabriel

Julius thought for a moment. “I'm not sure if I can. I've only recently arrived in Cairo myself, on business for my Clan. I'm afraid I have little current local knowledge.”

“Mr. Darrant, I'm not a superstitious man, but I AM a business man. I know when to trust my gut, dead as it may be. This is dangerous....but allowing events to unfold as they are would be far worse. Now that I've come across this information, I cannot allow such evil to continue unabated.”

“What makes you believe this scroll to be evil?”

“It’s not the scroll, it’s those who seek it.”

“Then who seeks it?”

“In all honesty, I've no clue.”

“Then, with respect, Mr O'Brien, how do you know them to be evil?”

“I've heard their conversations Mr. Darrant and they are wicked. I can only give you my word.” Offered Gabriel.

“That's going to be difficult to accept. We have, after all, only just met.” Countered Julius.

“Of course. Perhaps then, there is something I can offer you for your assistance?”

“What do you suggest?” Asked Julius

Gabriel pondered for a moment. Darrant Industries has experienced success over the past year, I do not imagine that money holds much sway over it's owner.”

“Nor any of my Clan I suspect.”

Gabriel nodded. “I'm afraid my offer is meager Mr. Darrant, but here is what I would propose. If you would use your resources to provide me with any information you could find, I will work with my own to recover this scroll. Upon recovery, I would relinquish it to House Tremere, more specifically you. Undoubtably it would make for fascinating research.”

Julius pondered the irony of the offer, secure in the knowledge that he knew exactly where the scroll was. Safe and already in his hands.

“Of course, there's absolutely no guarantee that I can retrieve it, or that it even still exists. I only know that there are those who seek it. I will simply have to throw myself...” Gabriel choked internally as he swallowed his pride. “...upon your mercy and generosity.” Gabriel’s face took on a somewhat disgusted look, a couple of shades paler than before.”

“I will need to do some research, Mr O'Brien.”

“Of course. If I can be of any help, I hope you would not hesitate to ask it.”

“Well, as you already have operatives watching this dig, perhaps you could provide me with any information you have gained. If this dig is indeed linked to the scroll, such information would doubtless assist in guiding my research efforts.”

Gabriel pondered this for a moment, running his hand through his hair.

“I will get in contact with my operatives and inform them to take notice of even the slightest detail. The video footage they bring will be brought to you this chantry I suspect?”

“I will be here for a little while, though I will have further business to attend in Turkey soon.”

“I of course appreciate you donating some time from your busy schedule.”

Julius nodded as Gabriel stood, producing a card from his pocket. Julius stood politely and took the offered card.

“If at any time you wish to reach me, please call me at this number.” Said Gabriel

“Thankyou, Mr O'Brien. I will.”

The pair shook hands again. “Oh, one thing, if you please, Mr O’Brien?”

Gabriel cocked an eyebrow. “Of course…”

“Please call me Julius.”

“Of course Julius, then please…” Smiled Gabriel “…call me Gabriel”

Julius half bowed, Gabriel returning the gesture. “I look forward to receiving the report from your men, Gabriel.”

Gabriel nodded, “I can have it delivered as early as tomorrow morning…hypothetically. Where shall I have it dropped off?”

“Please have it brought to the museum library.” Replied Julius.

“Very well Julius. Is there anything else you require?”

“No thankyou, I believe that's all I need. I'll begin my research at once.”

“Again, my thanks to you and House Tremere.”

Gabriel nodded and started for the door, stopping just at the threshold. “Julius... Take care... I believe there are those who would be none to pleased to find out of your involvement in this matter.”

“I think I am safe enough here, but I thank you for your concern.” Replied the Tremere.

Gabriel smiled and nodded one final time before leaving the room, finding Morathi waiting to show him the way out. “You’ve surely not been waiting outside all this time Ms. Troy. I’m sure you’ve better things to do.” Smiled Gabriel.

“I knew you were finished, Mr O’Brien. We have our… ways.” Answered Morathi with a hint of mysteriousness.

After showing Gabriel back to the museum proper, Morathi returned to Julius’ office. “What did you make of that, Mora?” Asked Julius.

“He knows nothing. I don’t see him as a problem.”

Julius nodded, “I agree, but we’ll have to keep an eye on him. Meantime, he could be useful. Can you see what you can dig up on this excavation.”

Morathi gave Julius a look. “Hmm… oh sorry. Pun unintentional.” Said Julius sheepishly.

“I’ll see what I can find, Julius.” Agreed Morathi.

“Good.” Replied Julius. “I’ll see you get a copy of his report. Now then, you have some diving experience, I believe.”

“Some.” Answered Morathi, unsure where Julius was going.

Julius spread out the map Eve had faxed to him. “It looks like we might need to have a poke around on the sea bed of the Black, or perhaps Caspian sea. I’ve done some digging. Seems that a Dr. Ballard[1] has done some research which adds credence to this map. Can you furnish me with a list of what would be required to… continue his work?”

Morathi nodded. “It would require specialist equipment. Likely the latest technology would be needed.”

“No problem. I can have my R&D boys whip up whatever you need. Let me know. Also, I’ve not had any time to check out the city. Can you let me know where is a good place for a night out?”

“Night out?” Enquired Morathi, eyebrow raised.

“Yes, a night out.” Julius beamed. “Eve is coming to Cairo!”
[1] [url=]Dr. Bob Ballard’s research.[/url]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:17 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
[i:8959908543]Cairo August 28, 2003, 22:00[/i:8959908543]

The stretch limousine drove down Sharia Salah Salem, headed toward the Citadel. Inside sat several polished looking mortal bodyguards, a Tremere Apprentice, and one unearthily beautiful Comtesse de Touraine with her hair pulled back in a tight bun, eye make up sparkling in the soft interior lights, and a diamante Bindi on her forehead. She looked more like a movie starlet than a moderately schizophrenic Toreador Goddess.

As the limousine made the gentle left turn towards the Citadel one of the bodyguards quietly said, “We are being followed.” “Act as if we do not know,” ordered Eveshka. “Do not deviate from your intended route.” The chase car, a light blue Fiat, stayed several cars back but persisted in following them. The limousine turned off of Salah Salem and onto a side street headed north along the right bank of the Nile and entered the Garden City. It pulled under the archway of a lavish hotel and came to a halt. The light blue Fiat drove by without the driver making any indication that he was the least bit interested in the limo.

Julius stood at the doorway wearing a perfectly tailored Armani Tuxedo. Looking more like James Bond than a Tremere Pontifex, he pulled a cigarette out of a platinum case and lit up as he began to stride over to the limousine. He opened the door for Eveshka, much to the surprise of the apprentice who had scooted around the other side to do the same thing. He gallantly kissed her gloved hand as she offered it to him. “How have you been doll,” asked Julius. Eveshka merely smiled. The two walked across the lobby and into the elevator. The doors opened and they stepped in alone.

Eveshka through herself on Julius as soon as the doors were closed. “Oh my god, I was so worried Julius. I heard you scream inside of me almost a month ago, and then there was nothing. I was frantic.”

Julius held her and petted her head. “It’s ok sweety. I’m ok now. Mora busted me out.” Julius went through the whole ordeal of what had happened to him, but left out the period of his Twilight. The two sat on the balcony and talked for several hours.

“You were Harpy to some Prince named Rhiannon back in Cascadia weren’t you Eve,” asked Julius. Eve rolled her eyes at the mention of the name Rhiannon. “Yes,” she asked. “Why?”

“Well, I just met the current Seneschal of Cascadia, an Irishman named Gabriel O’Brien. Do you know anything about him?”

Eve shrugged with her characteristically raised right eyebrow. “Never heard of him. As I understand it Cascadia went into a steep decline with the rise of Prince Valek after a huge Garou attack.” She looked off silently thinking of a very unhappy era seemingly life times ago. So many names ran through her head, some she remembered fondly, others not so fondly: Rhiannon, whom she once loved with her whole heart but now hated with a fury unmatched in all of her existence; her beloved Tromador, off somewhere trying to find Golconda; Euryon and Porter, both of whom she loved as brothers; Daisy whom she occasionally got along with; Ivy whom she loved as a sister but sadly from whom she became estranged in a power struggle that ended in Eveshka trying unsuccessfully to seduce Sorenti from her; Sorenti who was at times one of her bitterest enemies but probably could have been a close ally; her beloved Leila, and her equally beloved Doria, one of whom had experienced final death, the other still slept at Chateau de Chenonceau; Batgirl and Valek, probably the only two remaining Cappadocians in existence; and that horrid Mark Archer just to name a few.

“Why do you ask,” asked Eve.

Julius narrowed his eyes in thought and then responded, “Well, he had an interesting proposition for me.” Julius related the conversation in the chantry.

“Do you think he could be of any assistance,” asked Julius. Eveshka was quiet for a moment. Her ice blue eyes looked out at the Pyramids, bathed in orange floodlights, rising off in the distance.

“I was followed here tonight,” she said. “Having someone who could do no harm involved could only help us.” She looked at Julius, “He could be a decoy of sorts just to make them spread their assets out on all of us.” Julius smiled and laughed slightly. Eveshka continued, “If he gets caught,” she trailed off and shrugged with that right eyebrow cocked sinisterly. “One less Ventrue to annoy the world.”

The Pontifex asked, “And if he helps us and yields some good fruit?”

Eveshka turned and started kissing her way to his ear. Her tongue gently lapped around the delicate fleshy folds. She finally whispered, “Then we eat the good fruit and still see to it that there is one less Ventrue to annoy the world.” Julius laughed aloud saying, “My dear Comtesse you are truly ruthless.”

She hissed in his ear and then trailed her tongue down his neck and bit into him with her exposed fangs but did not ingest any vitae. Julius recoiled in shock and ecstasy, Eveshka never having done anything like that before. She pulled her head back with her eyes narrowed like a purring tigress. She had a dribble of blood rolling down her chin rather like, hmmmm… rather like semen Julius thought. He rather liked the look of that. She smiled with her fangs still out and her eyes still narrowed in a look of feral ferocity.

Her eyes flashed as she said, “You have no idea.” She pulled him to her feet and led him to the bedroom. “Are your cronies monitoring this penthouse,” she asked. Julius nodded after a moment. “Are they mortal,” she asked. Again Julius nodded, wondering where this was going. She leaned in, licked the base of his neck and said, “I want to give them hard-ons.” Julius laughed hysterically but went willingly along with her ministrations.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:18 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

Gabriel emerged from the museum and immediately spotted Tyler's eager face staring out from the driver's side of a rented automobile. Climbing in, the two began the long, slow ride back to the hotel through Cairo's tunnell like streets.

"So will he help you?" Tyler asked, unable to contain his curiousity any longer.

"He says he will." Gabriel replied, pulling out his cell phone and waiting for optimum reception. He seemed in no better of a mood since his meeting with the Tremere.

"So...that's good. Right?"

"Tyler, Mr. Darrant is a savvy man. I heavily doubt he would offer his services so freely." Gabriel barked, his patience with the ghoul wearing dangerously thin. The pair rode in silence through the populated streets, Gabriel glancing out the window at the pedestrians pushing their wares on one another. From the driver seat, Tyler coughed.

" think he's up to something?" the ghoul's eyes shifted rapidly from his driving to his master.

"Of course he is. Only a fool would trust a Tremere like that..." He let out a gutteral growl of defeat. "...but in our current situation, I've no real choice but to rely on him."

"We could..."

"Listen Tyler," The Ventrue shot upright, turning towards the driver, his eyes twinkling. "I want you to arrange some things for me. Call back home from my cell phone later tonight and see if you can find that goddamned Porter. I want you to set up a task force for me."

"Standard team?"

"One standard with heavy backup. Get me choppers if they're available. Make sure EVERYTHING's clean, you hear me? I want the nametags, badges, and anything else that could tie them to MTC disposed of. That include serial numbers."

"From the small arms?"

"From the weapons, equipment, choppers...make sure everything's clean."

Tyler nodded, making mental notes of every order. In the passenger seat, Gabriel was a flurry of motion. Pulling out his notebook, he began scribbling frantic notes down, trying to piece the operation together. Suddenly he paused, and turned to Tyler.

"Better make sure they're equipped with napalm. Have them on standby and ready to move ASAP."

"Yessir," Tyler nodded once more as they neared the hotel. "This will of course take some time."

"You have until tomorrow evening."


The chime seemed impossibly loud in comparison to silence of the desert's unique silence. Stifling the panicked scream that was clammering up his throat, Daniel clawed at the now illuminated cell phone that was clipped to his belt, nearly dropping it as he did so.

How could be so STUPID?! He hadn't even put the damn thing on silent! He ducked low on the dune, a near mountain of sand seperating him from the diggers.

"Jesus...what is it?" he whispered with as much anger as stealth would allow.

"Is everything proceeding as planned?" What a ridiculous question!! How was he supposed to work with "Big Brother" watching over his shoulder.

"Yes! We're outside the dig!" Daniel's hands were already growing clammy with sweat. He cast a wary eye towards the digger's, who luckily had taken no note of him. On the other side of the encampment now, he could barely make out Isaac's slender form creeping through the shadows, panning his camera across the operation and getting several closeup shots of the personnel.

"There's been a slight change of plans." Gabriel's tinny voice contained almost a hint of amusement, as if he was going to enjoy putting the brother's through such trouble.

"What?!" Daniel whispered harshly in reply.

"You'll need to stay with the dig a bit longer than originally anticipated. Try to find out what the time schedule is and how long they estimate it will be before they reach their 'goal'. Once you find that out, we'll go from there."

"Wait wait wait....we're hardly equipped for this kind of..."

"You'll have the proper backup when the time comes. Come through for me and you two will be sitting pretty for the rest of your lives."

Daniel glanced back towards Isaac, his fear growing.

"I...I'll have to discuss it with Issac."

"Do it." with that Gabriel disconnected and Daniel leaned against the dune once more, drowning in his fears.


Gabriel threw the phone on the bed and crouched down behind Tyler, who sat on the floor rapidly inputing information upon his laptop. The ghoul had really been pulling his weight lately, and it showed. The one time playboy turned servant sat in a humble pair of cargo shorts, a cigarette dangling from his lips. His brown hair, tangled and mussed, sat on a mop atop his crown.

"How's the DMIS coming along?" Gabriel asked. For a moment Tyler said nothing, and the two listened to the harmony of sirens that paraded by their hotel window, filling the room with a threatening red light. As the police disappeared presumeably around the street, the Ventrue ghoul dramatically pounded the final key. He sat back, a proud smile on his face.

"Dismounted Mobility Imaging System uplinked and ready. Your boys will have no problem finding their way to the digsite." Tyler chuckled, very pleased with himself indeed.

"Excellent. If Isaac and Daniel contact you during the day, tell them to make sure they stop taping before my team arrives. We don't want them on tape."

Tyler stood, working the soarness from his joints.

"So we're bringing the video AND the artifact to Mr. Darrant?"

"He was only promised the video. So that's what he shall receive." Gabriel pulled his robe from the closet and headed towards the bathroom.

"Won't he be suspicious? I mean, an entire digteam wiped out and the prize stolen, and only Daniel and Isaac make it out?"

"They won't make it out." Gabriel replied before closing the door to the bathroom.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:19 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

Julius awoke with a start from a nightmare which seemed to encompass all the events of the past days. As a flying seagull, he had been enchanted by a Magus of House Diedne, chopped into fragments and finally put into a plastic bin liner and thrown into a river. Opening his eyes, the room was strange, the bed was strange and the woman, leant up on one elbow watching him, was strange. He blinked, trying to shake the dream away and orient himself. Hotel, hotel bed, Eveshka - reality came flooding back into his confused brain. "You look like shit." Smirked Eveshka, "Fidget fidget fidget... and who's Diedne? Some minor conquest that I should know about?"

Julius shook his head. "No. Or rather..." He screwed up his eyes, fighting the memory. Eveshka's smirk faded. "What is it, love?" She asked. "House Diedne was destroyed by House Tremere in the 10th century." Julius stopped, then continued somewhat matter of factly. "I remember it well, right up until the point where I was killed." Julius slumped back onto the pillow. "Killed." Replied Eveshka, half statement, half question. "Horribly and painfully. And from my perspective it happened only a few days ago."

"What happened, Julius. What did he do to you?"

"Not Abetorius... it was..." Julius shook his head. "It's still too fresh. Ask me again another time." He shivered involuntarily. Eveshka put her arms around him and drew him to her. Julius responded by holding onto her like she was a rock in a storm.

After a time, Julius relaxed a little. "I translated the scroll, love." Julius smiled weakly, the release of days of building tension simultaneously draining and rejuvenating. Eveshka cradled his head, stroking his hair. "And what does it say?"

"Lemon swordfish blancmange lawnmower aardvark." Replied Julius with a sigh. The hand stopped stroking. "Whatever are you babbling about?" Eveshka enquired. Julius nuzzled his head closer to her, trying to encourage the continuance of the relaxing stroking. Eveshka obliged. "Lots of disjointed words, making no sense. No sentences, no phrases, just a series of unrelated words. Maybe the whole thing is meaningless. Malk prank of the millenium."

"I don't know love." Replied Eveshka."There must be more to it than that."

"I suppose so." Julius replied.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:20 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

[i:b950111dd2][b:b950111dd2]CNN HEADLINE NEWS: SHOWDOWN IN THE GULF[/b:b950111dd2]

Coalition airforces struck key military installations in and around Baghdad this evening. Air forces flying from Central Turkey, Kuwait, carriers in the Persian Gulf and bombers from as far away as Sicily and Rammstein Airforce Base in Germany pounded strategic locations around Iraq. The Pentagon declined to give comment on whether or not this is a precursor to a ground war. NATO and Russian Ground Forces have been massing in Turkey, and other neighboring countries for months now. No Coaltion losses have been reported. Iraqi damage thus far is reported to be approaching several billion US Dollars in this, the conclusion of the first week of hostilities.[/i:b950111dd2]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:21 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

Eveshka walked away from Julius to turn off the TV that had just pronounced more doom and gloom. She suddenly remember the fax that Malik had sent her. She fetched it from her briefcase and walked over to Julius. "I brought this with me from France, Lover," said Eve. "This is from Dr. Malik of the Sorbonne. It is a completed translation from somewhere in the Scroll. I don't know where though." She gave it to Julius and he read it with his eyes widening with each passing stanza.

[i:4d3dbd9e2d]Therein passed the last of them, far beyond the boundaries of Shal Ka-Mense. Unto the desert. Unto the Hill. Unto the Sea and thrice beyond the New Kingdom. Therein lay Caine, First Born Caine. Pierced of the Heart. Pierced of the Flesh. Pierced of the Soul. Therein passed Nanna, survivor of Shal Ka-Mense. Behold the Splinter of Splinters. Piercer of the First Born. Piercer of the All Father. Unto Lamech it has gone. Unto Lamech it shall remain, until Nanna, the survivor of Shal Ka-Mense, returns to claim the Birth Right. Returns to complete the passage. Returns to rejoin the Line of Man and rule in the Light.[/i:4d3dbd9e2d]

He stood up and kissed Eveshka on the lips, ran his hands down her firm shapely flanks, and was about to go back to work when he kissed her again, grabbed her ass and said, "God, I love you." She smirked and said, "I know," and sauntered off to the balcony to look at the Pyramids off on the horizon.

Julius joined her after about 20 minutes. "Ya know Dollface? I should be able to parse together something from this translation," said Julius. "It's only a matter of aligning the characters mathematically to yield the ..... what?" Eveshka's eyes had glazed over beneath one rackishly arched eyebrow. "Oh yeah... um.. sorry," smirked Julius. "I do not recognize Mathematics as an artform [b:4d3dbd9e2d]Julie Baby[/b:4d3dbd9e2d] ," said Eve rather pevishly. Julius narrowed his eyes for a second and decided against getting into a pissing contest with Eveshka which would have ended in a wrecked hotel room, a large bill for Julius, and a slight setback in the Scroll research due to one overly temperamental Toreador "Goddess."

"Right," said Julius slowly. "Think of it as a poem. I just need to match up the meter of the two lines. It's like translation from English to French or vice-versa." Eveshka nodded in understanding. "All you need to do is find the commonality. So all of this comes down to one line. I need to find the one line from which this comes."

Eveshka walked back over to him and kissed his forehead both in affection and apology. "I have every confidence in you... Julius," she said, making a point to say his proper name rather than some dumb bastardization.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:22 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

[b:54a7cdf25d][i:54a7cdf25d]Cairo, Dawn[/i:54a7cdf25d][/b:54a7cdf25d]

On her hotel room balcony Morathi watched the sunrise, she was tired from her research and the natural drowsyness of the time of day but still had things to do, and needed to do them in privacy away from the chantry, what she was doing right now for example would raise too many questions she would rather remain unasked.

Deep within she could feel the contented spirit of the wraith trapped within her 'Heart' coiled up like a dozing cobra, savouring the feel of Morathi's flesh soaking up the warmth of the rising sun, and in return protecting her from the deadly light, yet potentialy it could awaken with deadly intent at any moment...

She had recently fed, sating her own hungers, but could feel the pangs of hunger from the spirit within. The sunbathing was sating the spirit's desire for tactile sensation for now but it was only a matter of time before it desired something more intense for her to provide, especially after the interesting and stimulating experience of the visit of Mr O'Brien.

To complicate the issue she was aware that Eveshka was also now in Cairo although they had not yet met. Their last meeting in France had been brief, but even so Eveshka had sensed the changes in her since York. Morathi had overcome her initial infatuation with her Mentor when she had left York to persue her duty to House and Clan as an Astor. But with the wraith's hunger building, Morathi hoped Eveshka's presence would not cataylse something potentially catasphophic whilst her self control was diminished by the wraith's hunger...

Well she would have to deal with that hurdle if and when she came to it... Meanwhile she had things to organise, isolating herself from her fellow tremere at this vulnerable time offered her the opportunity to persue her duties as an astor. Activating her satellite phone she dialed a number from memory.

[i:54a7cdf25d]"Willow... How is the project faring?.... Good... Send me the details of your latest report in the next databurst transmission you send me..... However I need you to prepare some information and equipment in a specialised field for me..."[/i:54a7cdf25d]

She proceeded to brief Willow on the rough outline of her current task and the equipment she would be needing for it, trusting in her Ducheski aide to be able to research the best available hardware. She also gave Willow the authorisations from Julius that would allow the Revenant to requisition the equipment from Darrant Industies R&D and arrange delivery ASAP...

Closing down the phone, Morathi looked down on the stirring city. The equipment she had ordered would take a few days to be delivered, material that specialised needed to be handled with care in its transportation, therefore she may as well use the time to sate the spirit within....

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:23 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

[i:6d518481d4]His feet sloshed through the quagmire with ever increasing difficulty. Each motion required the upmost effort, and no matter how he strained he could not make any progress.

The lake's muddy bottom slurped and sucked at his legs, almost becoming animate. Every agonizing step he took towards the distant shore only drove him deeper into the muck, weighing his clothes down with the fetid, greasy water of the lake.

His breath came in terse, taught bursts and rang like thunder in his ears. In a way it was nearly comforting as it nearly drowned the reality of his situation out. His head pounded, the blood still flowing freely from his forehead and casting a crimson trail in the water behind him.

An agonizing angry roar stretched through the air, and the youth could hear the creature scrambling from the shore behind him into the water's depths. The sounds of thrashing water heralded his pursuers rapid advance.

"Mein Gott!" he shrieked. Then the monster was upon him, shrieking and howling. Claws and arched fangs gnashing at him from every angle. As the massive, ravenous maul of the creature closed around him, he prepared to meet his fate....[/i:6d518481d4]

"ANTOINE!!!!" Gabriel shrieked, wrenching himself upright. The haze of the night terror clutched tightly, and he wavered for several seconds as finally reality set back in. The lights in the hotel room were off, and behind the thick drawn curtains a setting sun cast it's final rays over the bustling city of Cairo. Already, commuter traffic had begun, and the blare of car horns wafted up from the streets outside his room.

The airconditioner rumbled to life and Gabriel could feel the cold air wash over him, a result of his moisoned skin. In the faint light of the room, his blood drenched torso resembled the polished stone of the Roman sculptures he admired so greatly. The muddled bed looked like a murder scene, awash in blood. Bloody clenched handprints still clung to the sheets, and long arched trails marked where the Ventrue had thrashed.

The bathroom door swung open and bathed the room in light. Tyler stood wrapped in a towel, his face half covered in shaving cream. His darkened form rushed to the door and flung on the lights. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Gabriel ran his hands through blood soaked hair.

"Jesus Christ," Tyler whispered as he looked over the scene, "what happened?"

"Nothing for you to be concerned about." Gabriel replied, now more fatigued than he had fallen asleep in the first place.

"Sir...I heard you screaming. Sounded like a murder." Tyler threw on a pair of slacks and unbolted the door. Sticking his head outside, he glanced both ways before retreating back into the room. "Well, no one seems to have noticed yet...but I'll stay out here for a few, just in case."

"Don't worry about it Tyler, just get this mess cleaned up." Gabriel headed towards the bathroom, prepared to wash the drying blood from his body.

"Sir..." Tyler said, as he gathered the sheets up. Gabriel cocked an eyebrow. "Who's Antoine?"

"I don't know Tyler...." Gabriel trailed off, the fear now creeping back into his chest.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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