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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 5:45 pm Reply with quote
((good post, but i'll have to get to it later. gota go to work then god, i'm

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 12:32 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
((Can I leave this dungeon yet?? I hate to see this thread die, as I'm kind of in a predicament here I'd like to be out of. This was already posted in the Awakening to Pandemonia... Silence thread, but I think it looks much better here))

Sometime later, Echoe found himself in a cell in the Prince's dungeon with nothing to to but sit... and think.

He thought about the girl he had followed the night he had awakened. he thought about the rage that swelled up inside of him when he watched her kill those boys in the pizza parlor. there must still have been some humanity left inside of him....

He thought about the apartment she had been living in, and the Bum she had staying there. Did she intend to ghoul him, or was she just letting him know of her nature in defiance of the Camarrilla laws?

He thought about the twins.. why were they always following him? what did they want? Something about a key. Get the key. Gabriel has a key. He would have to talk to Gabriel about it, whenever he got out of here. If he ever got out of here.

He thought about what he had done to get into this place. Why was he in this place? He remembered running from the girl's apartment. He remembered waking up beneath the old battered Elysium. The place was ruined.. why had he gone there? He remembered seeing Mark show up with the girl.... something happened there.. two other vampires showed up, and an alligator. Then the Twins came. The Twins.

The twins came and then they were in his haven after dawn, and the twins were gone. Where did the time go? Did the twins take it? It was just he and Mark... and the girl. The girl was throwing things... breaking things that were already broken. He would find a new haven after he got out of this place... If he got out of this place. People knew where that place was. Too many people from the looks of the Place.

The girl was clearly a danger and threat to all kindred in the city, so they brought her to Valek. But she told Valek a lie. And now he was here. Mark had been here. But Mark left. Now, alone here... he sat, rocked, and continued to think.

When he got out of here, the girl would be tortured. Hopefully, she was already being tortured. The twins might be looking for the girl. Maybe they were already torturing her. Maybe they had destroyed her. No... she was safe. He was sure.

Echoe screamed.
Echoe held his head and screamed. and screamed. he screamed from anger, from frustration, from confusion. no tea in the last year and a half and he just had to SCREAM.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 2:56 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Location: Sydney Mines, CanadaJoined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:35 am
As michael walks aimlessly around his havin, leon (the Tzimisce he once diablarized) speeks to him.

Leon: yes, you know you want to make it pritty. Go ahead, fix it, FIX IT!

Michael: No leave us alone. we don't want your help anymore. leave us be. LEAVE US BE! [size=18:1dbf7d7f5d][/size:1dbf7d7f5d] LEAVE US BE! [size=12:1dbf7d7f5d][/size:1dbf7d7f5d]

michael then listens for a minute and hears nothing in his head.

Michael: YES! we said leave us and he did!

Leon: No i didn't, Now work!

michael sheepishly walks over to a young very ugly child, looks at him and begins to work.

over they screams of the child he hummed a happy little tune.

Michael: the voice is right we do like this!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 5:39 pm Reply with quote
User avatarBone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
((yeah, i'm hoping not either... i'm still trying to figure out where the hell i

Cut the sky to cry down blood.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:53 am Reply with quote
Measha came right out of the wall walked up to Echoe as he sat in the prison. She sat down in front of him and said with a purr, "I just came from the most WONDERrrrrrful Salon de The. I lapped up several saucers of spiced Chai. I bet you would like that right now wouldn't you?" She laid down in front of him with her front paws daintily crossed and licked her furry little chops and narrowed her eyes in feline contentment, all the while looking at Echoe.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 1:56 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
Echoe's beautiful silece had been disturbed. He looked down at the cat curled up in front of him and thought how lovely it would be to have a nice hot cup of Earl Grey.

"A T-t-talking K-c-cat.. cat... N-now Ive seen it all.. seen it all.. it all.. .all.."

He didnt know whether to be terrified or pleased that he had a visitor. It would be unlikely the cat could be a servant of any hunters, so he reached forward and touched its fur.. just to see if it was real. He ran his fingers through the soft fur and smiled slightly.

"tea.. tea... tea... tea... "

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:03 am Reply with quote
Measha started purring and rolled onto her back so Echoe could rub her tummy. She squirmed around rubbing her back against the hard ground with a blatant smile on her face. Suddenly she stopped and with a pronounced, "Pfffft" she stood up and looked at him.

"I'm sorry Echoe, but I am not really here. Currently I am in Paris. They have a nice selection of tea there. As I can't normally speak and am not here in reality, i would have to say you are seeing a dream of mine somehow. See.... look."

Measha pointed with her paw at a flashing pink and purple fish leaping out and then back into the ground as if it were water. "Now watch this," said Measha. She did a backflip and disappeared under the floor, water splashing around, and making the floor ripple.

Echoe touched the floor and it was still solid. He sat up a bit straighter and tried to see where she went. Suddenly a wet kitty head popped out of the floor next to him with a flashing pink and purple fish in her mouth. "Flowy... I flink ah em wanking op. Glotta lun," said Measha with the fish wriggling around in her mouth. "Sleeya san," said the cat and disappeared back into the floor.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:17 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
Arial somehow found away out of Angelica haven, but she had no clue as to where she was. The only thng she could do is run, run as fast as she could and head back to the city to find Bob. She had no clue as to what she was going to do? The only other vampire she fealt comfortable with was Valek, but if he ever found out she lied to him Arial knew Valek would kill her.

Arial stopped to try to gain some direction as to where to go from here. She reached in her pocket and fealt the ring Valek gave her she twirled betweened her fingers and placed it back in her pocket and continued in the direction she was heading.

[b:09f38a5a83]A few Hours later[/b:09f38a5a83]

Arial made it back to the city and glanced around as a news paper blew up to her feet. She glanced down at the headlines that read [i:09f38a5a83][b:09f38a5a83]Bitting Bandit Caught after turning himself in[/b:09f38a5a83][/i:09f38a5a83]

"This cant be, How, Why.. Did Bob do that."

Arial could not worry about Bob now she had other things to worry about and Bob would be safe where he is at. Right now she had to find Mark and finish this once and for all. Arial headed back to her apartment and arrived just in time before the sunlight rose above the horrizon.

She laid in her bed trying to figure out how to get Mark and Echo out of Valek prison and then she had to find a spot to meet them to discuss what she was going to do to settle this mess.

((sorry for the absent my father passed away a few weeks ago and I havent felt like doing much but im doing better now and loose on your city agains so let the fun times continue))

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 9:10 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
Arial woke the next night starving and hungery for blood, she searched the apartment and dug up some reserve blood she had Bob donante in case of an emergency.

After cleaning herself up Arial headed back out to the streets of Cascaida in search of the perfect place to hold her meeting with Mark, then she figured after she found a good place she have to somehow get Valek to release them, then get a message to Mark and Echo to meet her. So much to do and she fealt her time was running out.

After hours of searching she came across an old warehouse almost on the outskirts of the city, she peeked inside to check out the seen and from what she saw brought a huge smile across her face.

-Arial-" This will be perfect"

Arial decided she need to relax and headed back to city and stubled across a night club. She crossed the street, not paying much attention, she almost ran smack dab into the dark van parked in front of the club. After changing her direction she walked into the club and made a be line for the bar. She found a nice seat near the bar that would not make her stand out so much. She figure she doesnt need any more extra attention to herself.

She sat their for a few hours just thinking about her sitution when her eyes caught a glimps of a cute guy checking her out. She smiled at him flirtatatiously and glanced away for a second. By the time she looked back towards him he was already in the proceess of bringing a drink her direction.

He was a tall built man not to many mucsles but very fit. His long hair was slicked back into a pony tail. and his face was perfectly shaped, with the most beautiful blue eyes she had every seen.

"Hello, you looked kinda of thirsty so I brough you drink, my name is Zack."

Arial gave him a look over again pleased at what she saw and begain to smile.

-Arial- "Thank you, please sit down I could use some company right about now."

There was a brief uncoftable silence neither not knowing what to say next, but before things got to awkward Zack broke the silence.

-Zack-"Im in town on business, and wondering if you know of any excitment that goes on here at night. or is it always this quiet around her"

-Arial-"If you look in the right plaes the evening are filled with excitment, perhaps later I can show you what a night with me is like."

-Zack-"Well that sounds good but first dose me have a name, or perhaps Angels dont have names."

Arial tried not to laugh at his lame, but cute attempt at a line. She glanced away and then back to answer him

-Arial-"Arial, Arial LaMonte, I just moved her myself...What kinda of business do you do."

-Zack-"Well I cant really say, but lets just say I work for a special orgainization."

-Arial-"ewe sounds exciting are you FBI, CIA, come on you can tell me I can keep a secret."

Zack laughed a bit, and even though he shouldnt mention it to her for he might either find him to be nuts and run away, or might not even care. But he went against his better judgement not because he shouldnt say anything but more along the lines is was he found Arial so damn cute.

-Zack-"Well you can say I work with the Catholic Church, investigating well.. to put it bluntly Vampires."

Arial face went from a smile of interest to a look of concern, but as far as Zack knew, her look was one of thinking he was a nut case. Thoughts rushed through her mind. Maybe he knows about me and is after me as well, perhaps he knows of all the Vampires in the city and been watching us the past few days, a few minutes passed by and realized she better say something before Zack got up and walked away.

-Arial-"Your serious arent you....Tell me what do you do when you find one and have you ever found one."

-Zack-"I know it sounds crazy but just like the govement hides secrets from the public there are things out there that not even the govements know about kinda of a Big Brother watching a Big Brother type thng. but when we find one well we destroy the blood suckers, and yes I have killed many."

-Arial-"Well tell me how can you tell weather someone was a vampire or not?"

Zack smiled at Arial at her interest in what he did, he did not expect this kind of reaction.

-Zack-"Now days it not easy, pale skin for one but the gothic sub culture makes it hard to use that as a realable hint. Mainly we go by reports for local Churches, and other mysterious phenomeons. Another way that is if you get close to one, they dont breath and they have no heart beat after all they are just a shell with a monster possing it."

Arial smiled begining to realize he really had no clue who he was sittng with, nor did she belived he had any real proof of any of the vampires in this city, never the less she was very attractive to him and the thought of how long she can keep a relationship without him knowing what she really is was dangerously exciting and was turning her on very much

She used some of her blood to activate her heart beat, and begain to heave her chest in and out as her lungs inhaled and exhaled her dead body. she opened her jacket forcing her chest across the table, her breast moving in and out with the rythm of her heart beat.

-Arial-"What about me care to check me for a heart beat, you never know I could be what you are here looking for waiting for my oppurtunity to bite you and suck you dry."

Arial smiled as he began to catch on to her sexual endendo(sp) and cocked his head with a smile as he reached his hand across the table and wraped it around her left breast pressing down until he felt the beat of her heart, beating faster now with excitment.

-Zack-"Everything feels okay her I think your safe at least from me that is."

Arial stood up and striaghtened her clothes walked over to Zack's side of the table reaching out and grabing his hand.

-Arial-"Come on lets get out her and go for a walk maybe we can hunt some vampires together, if anything else just get to know each other better."

Arial dragged him out the front door and the two begain to stroll down the cold streets together as they continued to talk.

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:41 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
Arial and Zack continued to walk and chat as the hours flew by, then things where silent between before Zack spoke agian.

-Zack- "I never expected for someone to be so understanding in my occupation, or have so much interest either."

Arial stoped near a wall low enough for her to sit on and part her ass down on it. She realized an oppurtunity had presented itself to her, she realized how her new friend could help her.

-Arial-" There is a reason for that, that is because I believe you, I know there are vampires out there."

-Zack-"You so?"

-Arial-"Well they are the reason I moved her, see back into New York, I ran into a few, they tried to kill me..I killed one in my shop then been on the run ever since. I been wanting to atleast go back to try to get my stuff out of my magic shop, but im too afraid, either that the vamps will come after me again, or the police would arrest me for murder. I have know clue as to what the aftermath of my action is up there. Either way If I go back Im dead."

Zack was speachless, for a second but he believed her, , maybe more because he was falling for her, but never the less she had opened the door for him to help her so he deciided to take it.

-Zack- "Well I tell you what, it seems are work is done here, nothing but a wild goose chase more the less, tomarrow I can make some phone calls, then gather my team and can go retrieve your belongings for you. that is if you would like me to."

-Arial-"you would do that for touched, everything I own is pretty much in that shop....and if you find a Vampire named Rachel she is the boss one stick a stake up her ass for me. I can even give you direction to her home."

-Zack-"Sounds like quite a story, I would like to hear about it someday, maybe on our first real date over dinner or something."

-Arial-"That would be nice, it is getting kinda of late or maybe eairly I should be heading home."

-Zack-"Would like me to walk you home?"

-Arial-"Thats okay I live right around the corner from here, I be fine just give me a number so I can call you tomarrow or something."

Zack took out a pencil and paper out of he coat pocket and wrote his digits down on the paper and handed it to Arial. As Arial took the paper she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the check and began to walk away. Zack watched as she faded into the night, then turned and headed back to the club.

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 2:52 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
[quote:dba44c0771]Measha started purring and rolled onto her back so Echoe could rub her tummy. She squirmed around rubbing her back against the hard ground with a blatant smile on her face. Suddenly she stopped and with a pronounced, "Pfffft" she stood up and looked at him.

"I'm sorry Echoe, but I am not really here. Currently I am in Paris. They have a nice selection of tea there. As I can't normally speak and am not here in reality, i would have to say you are seeing a dream of mine somehow. See.... look."

Measha pointed with her paw at a flashing pink and purple fish leaping out and then back into the ground as if it were water. "Now watch this," said Measha. She did a backflip and disappeared under the floor, water splashing around, and making the floor ripple.

Echoe touched the floor and it was still solid. He sat up a bit straighter and tried to see where she went. Suddenly a wet kitty head popped out of the floor next to him with a flashing pink and purple fish in her mouth. "Flowy... I flink ah em wanking op. Glotta lun," said Measha with the fish wriggling around in her mouth. "Sleeya san," said the cat and disappeared back into the floor.

Echoe set his hand against the solid stone floor, and stared off into space, listening to the drip-drops echoing from the tunnel. The fact that this was another vision had not surprised him.

This cat was not the first being whose dreams he had been witness to, in, or a part of. His mind wanderd back to the memory of the beatuiful Adrianna, whose unlife had taken a turn for the worst. Echoe had witnessed the horrible burning death of this vampire, as her dream-self wandered in his waking visions. The burning had even been so real to him- that his hands and face were scarred from it, and the vampire that looked into his eyes as he watched, terrified, was also affected.

Adrianna's Spirit had not visited him in this place, or since he had risen from torpor... surely by now she was ancient history. Buried but not forgotten...

Cain had given him a gift or a curse... of which, he was unsure.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:07 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
Arial Arrived at her apartment a few minutes after sunrise, she didnt even realize the sun had risen, but still mangaged to get into saftey before her skin began to blistered. She stumbled in her front door and headed to her bed room, she completely undressed and layed there naked in her bed.

So much was running through her mind, Her first thoughts where about her friend Bob and how she was going to get him out of jail, then she thought about how she was going to get valek to let Mark and Echo go so she could meet with them, but her last thoughts was the man she found herself falling for,Zack the vampire hunter. What started out as a game to her after talking with him for a few hours she finally found someone who could possibly relate to her. That is if didnt kill her for what she was.

She had no Idea what to do about that sititution, does she tell him who she is, or she going pretending to be something she not anymore. How would the other vampires of the city percive this relationship? She knew if Valek found out he would probably most likely kill them both. Never the less she found him magnicficent and wonderful. Slowly she drifted off to sleep.

Arial began to have one of her visions as she slept, but this one was very much diffrent from her others, she was feeling if everything that was happening in her dream was happening in real time. She was seeing her self call the aide of a spirite who had found his way to Valek's Haven by her command.

She watched as the spirit weaved its ghostly body through the corridors working its way down to where Mark and Echo where being held. There was only one, the lonely Echo was leaning against the wall talking to himself as most Malks do. She commanded the spirite to open the cell and free him, then commanded to the spirite the address of the warehouse she found earlier at to meet her there tomarrow night around 2 am.

Arial vision began to fade into darkness, and for the remander of the night was left with nothng but blackness in her head.

((Echo the spirit really did open the cell if you want to use this opprtunity to get out also if you decide to meet Arial at the warehouse that is also optional for you and Mark you can play as you want either way she will be there waitiing with a "gift"))

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:07 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
((One problem with this. The spirit could not possibly get past the demons that guard Valek's domain. Second problem. Mark is being blood hunted because he escaped. Echoe has no desire to die at this moment. but until Valek notices, I'm going to play along.))

Echoe watched as a dark aura aproached the door to his cell, which opened at its touch.

"GO! GO AWAY!! GO!!"

The spectre stopped for an instant, as if startled.. then whispered something. It was the address of a warehouse near his old haven. Echoe noted the address by carving into his flesh with a rock that was laying around, and then waited, looking out at the open cell door.

"GUARD! GUARD!! guard.. guard.. guard...

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 12:30 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
((Echoe has left the dungeon. You will find him in the strange wanderer thread... Now about that caitiff...))

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 6:22 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
((I Valek knows what im up to so I think he will play along with if he doest we just kill him j/k every thing will be fine i will post here later))

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
Offline Profile ICQ

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