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PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 4:40 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
[i:6b2e78b91b]"...I have been turning this over in my mind for the past two days...i am concerned for the well being of that young girl, tonight i will venture to the prince's mansion to make an inquiry of who she is and to find anything about her well being i can.[/i:6b2e78b91b] he closed his journal and rturned it to his desk drawer. reaching into a small cage he removed a mouse ad tossed it towards a nearby small plant. the plant caught it between two large leaves that would be its mouth, it drained it of all its bood and tossed it, as it had been trained to do, into a nearby trash can. Joseph smiled and rose from his seat. He removed his jacket from a hook by the door and fled into the vastness of the night

[b:6b2e78b91b][i:6b2e78b91b]Prince's (Manison? castle? what is it anyway?) some time later[/i:6b2e78b91b][/b:6b2e78b91b]e

"I have come to see the prince." the tremere said nervously to a skeletal figure, who pointed to a chair as if saying to sit and wait. The prince wa in a meeting afterall and mustnt be distrurbed. after the meeting the servant would tell valek the tremere had arrived.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 6:06 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
Arial's emotions were running amuck inside her dead body, nervousness, fear, and even an attraction to Valek's dark persona. Arial laid her coat over the chair, and watched it slip off the back behind it. She turned around and bent over to pick it up. Her cresent moon shape tattoo on her lower back was visable through her fish net tank top. The tattoo seem to trigger something in Valek, as if he seen or heard about that mark from somewhere.

Arial picked her coat up and sat in the chair, this time laying her coat over her legs. She remained silent taking in everything Valek had just said before speaking.

-Arial-"I cant stay here, One I dont feel safe with Mark and his buddy this close, and two I have to go out tomarrow night and find the witness that saw Mark kiddnap me. As far as what I told you is the truth, think about it what do really have to gain from this. You said so yourself, Mark has been defient to you on numerous occassion, second of all why would he keep me from meeting with you? Now I know one of the person that saw me being held by Mark, his name was Joesph, the other was some weird person walking around with a pet alligator. If I can find them and bring them to you I can proove what I say be the truth."

Valek begain to pace around Arial in an almost mythodical way. a long silence was left between them before Arial broke the silence again.

-Arial-"Hey I got an idea you want me to do a tarrot card reading on you. I got my cards right here in my coat pocket, come on it will be fun."

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 6:26 am Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
(( Very nice posts both of you :), I'll add to it tomorrow during the day ! :) ))

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 7:31 am Reply with quote
User avatarEndeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
((sure. no problem))

Last edited by Rainmoon on Sun Jan 26, 2003 7:48 am, edited 2 times in total.

erm... ZOINK
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 7:40 am Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
(( Thanks for moving your post man ))

[i:dd78388d4a]"Hey I got an idea you want me to do a tarrot card reading on you. I got my cards right here in my coat pocket, come on it will be fun."

Seeming in deep thought after seeing the crescent moon tatoo on the back of Arial, the Dark Prince mind was elsewhere causing him not to hear the last sentence mentioned by the young Arial. Slowly taking out a strange looking dagger, the Dark Prince layed the blade of it in the palm of his hand as he spoke the following

" On the third day, there will be silence
The crows will feed on the carrion
plague will dance amongst the ruins
the last of the Wild Ones will leave this place
the last of the Moon Beast will fight and fall

And the Antediluvians will make for themselves an Empire of Blood
They will rule with iron talons
They will wrench the hearts of all still alive
And the full sum of the earth's living will come
and live in the Last City, called Gehenna
And there will be riegn of one thousand years,
and there will be no love, or life, or pity
they mighty will be as slaves
the virtuous will be made foul
every good gift, and every perfect gift will be tainted
by the Father of Darkness, whose power will come from the nether realms

When the snows consume the earth
and the sun gutters like a candle in the wind
then will there be born a women
the last Daughter of Eve
and in her will be decided the fate of all

And you will know this woman, except by the mark of the Moon on her
and she will face treachery,hatred and pain
but in her is the last hope "

" Pain " spoken in a demonic voice by the Dark Prince as he slit the palm of his hand with the dagger, the sound of the flesh getting cut was clearly heard by Arial as she looked at the blood drip on the ground, each drop falling on the brick floor quickly turned in a small flame that quickly disapeared, looking at his wound closing shut after healing, Arial dropped her tarot cards on the ground, the cards fell to form the shape of a crescent moon. Not touching them Arial looked up at the Prince as he spoke once more " This night finally arrived, and I tought it would never come. In a young one maybe lays the fate of many. " Looking at Arial straight in the eyes the Prince spoke yet again " Pain you will face and feel trust me, and it will be for a reason, no one knows about it more than I do " said Valek as he smiled evily.

Feeling somewhat uncomfortable of what was happening, Arial asked the following as she looked at the dagger still in the Prince hand, " What are you going to do of me ".

" Simply make sure you stay alive " replied the Dark Prince as Arial sighed of relief. Taking off a piece of the dagger that looked like a ring, the Prince threw it to Arial who catched it and gave Valek a questioning look. " Let it be one with you and understand, feel a pain that will be necessary to you, for I don't hide it, this pain will be one of the worst pain you will feel during the ever lasting eternity "

Putting the ring around her finger, Arial fell on the ground feeling an extreme ammount of pain, screaming in pain as she was feeling the eternal flames of Midian against her skin she finally felt the pain go away as the Dark Prince spoke " I had no choice, with this around your finger I will forever know where you will be, unless you take it off .... "

Standing up slowly and picking up her tarot cards, Arial didnt seemed to doubt any words that Valek spoke, even after suffering that ammount of pain, she knew that for a reason the Prince was gonna assist her in her upcoming task, or make her go litteraly thru hell itself if she lied to him

" As for the witnesses you are speaking about, one of them is down below, lets go . " said Valek .[/i:dd78388d4a]

Last edited by Mark Archer on Sun Jan 26, 2003 8:15 am, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 7:52 am Reply with quote
User avatarEndeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
((there ya go.. it makes more sense here))

" As for the witnesses you are speaking about, one of them is down below, lets go . " said Valek.

"I know of this Joseph you speak of. He will be brought here for question-"

Valek stopped suddenly, and looked at a figure standing in front of the door as if he were looking at a ghost. "how did.. you.."

Arial turned to see the same two children she had seen two nights ago. The little girl swung her brother's hand and smiled at Valek sweetly. "I dunno..." The clild-vampire batted her little eyelahes.. "I just thought about this nice lady... And here i was!"

"but this place is protect-" Valek stopped in mid-sentence, apparently unable to speak.

The little girls tone suddenly became less sweet. "YOU WILL listen to me, WHELP! This woman's LIES will NOT be allowed to continue... She comes from a Sabbat controlled city, her crimes have been most heinous, and the Inner Circle of the Camarilla wishes her STOPPED at all costs." The coldness in Pandemonia's voice subsided. "There's a funny man outside your door. I think his name is josef?"

Pandemonia looked to Arial, and Ariel blurted out the thing that was foremost on her mind, as though she MEANT to say it to the ancient child. Unfortunately for her.. it was not the foremost thing she wished to say.

"[b:df3de55307]Oh God I hope Valek doesnt find out I'm lying to him.. He'll KILL me[/b:df3de55307]!". A sudden look of terror crossed Ariels face.

Valek found he could once again speak. "I will have none of your tricks, Malkavian!"

Suddenly Valek was shouting at air. His cold gaze reverted to Arial.

erm... ZOINK
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 8:17 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
Echoe rocked back and forth in his cell, alone, and smiling. Unlife hadnt been this quiet since Vivian was around. Occasionally a little drip would echoe down the dark corridor, and he would drip-echoe back at it. Pandemonia had either decided to leave him alone for a time, or couldnt get into this part of Valeks domain. For this he was grateful. This place wasnt so bad. It was quiet.. and dark. No chatter of strange voices. no footsteps... just drip.. drip... drip...

Echoe had almost completely forgotten about the

"KEY! BlasPhemOusToadLickIng DRUMS! IHAVETOGETOUTOFHEREAND FIND THE KEY! KEY! key...key...key...[size=9:6514578ab6]key...key...key...[/size:6514578ab6][size=7:6514578ab6]key...key...key.......................................................[/size:6514578ab6]

Echoe clawed at his face... he clawed at the walls... he ripped out his hair... He rattled the bars of his cell...

He carried on, unabated by Mark's constant demands that he "[size=24:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=23:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=22:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=21:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=20:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=19:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=18:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=17:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=16:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=15:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=14:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=13:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=12:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=11:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=10:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=9:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=8:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=7:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=6:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=5:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=4:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=3:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=2:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!...[/size:6514578ab6][size=1:6514578ab6]SHUT UP!.........[/size:6514578ab6]"

"MUST... FIND.. Pandemonia's... key..."

After nearly half an hour, Echoe finally stopped. All that could be heard was "drip.. drip... drip..."

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 1:24 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 71Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 9:00 pm
Kiya woke from her evening nap. Her eyes glanced around the dark damp room. This definitly was not home. Kiya slid the lid off the coffin and sat up slowely, stretching the stiff muscles in her back. "He really needs to get some electricity in here." She thought to herself as her fingers fumbled with a match. Her slender physique stood slowely as she slipped her robe gently over her shoulders. She bent down, picking up the candle as she made her way out of the room.

"Hhhhhhhmmmmmm ... I wonder if he still has those tapes I gave him." Kiya made her way to his small, unmaned security room. It was nothing compared to the fortress that she built in her home, or around the city for that. "I'm definitly going to be remodling this place, a little heat and more lights would not hurt a damn thing." The sound of water could be heard dripping down the walls as she made her way down the stairwell. Kiya's paced quickened slightly as she made her way into the well hidden security room. She fumbled around with a few tapes that were laying on the desk when she heard a growling coming from the audio of one of the moniters. Kiya's eyes glanced up, watching as the demon dog cornered the hideous being. "What the fuck is that?" Kiya thought to herself. Kiya stood there momentarily trying to make out the figure.

She searched the moniters for any sign of Valek. "This has to be that thing wandering your city Valek, and you're not even going to be here to catch it." Kiya's eyes feverishly searched the moniters. "Damnit Valek, where are you?" Just then he came into view, walking slowely down the stairwell with ... "NOW WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Her jealous emerged, stronger then it has in a long time. Kiya stormed out of the room, heading towards the downstairs closest where she stored some of her things. She swung upon the door, exposing her glowing sword. She sighed momentarily, thinking of how she aquired the pieces of word. She dug vigorously through her suitcase pulling out a small hand held unit. Her free hand grabbed her sword as she rushed towards the room with the unwelcomed "guest".

The demon dog remained snarling, the figure still out of sight from the naked eye. Kiya held up the camera, looking through the viewer. She rose her sword in warning. The figure became clear to her. It was the thing she had caught previously creeping through the city.

"I already see that you like playing games. I would advise that you stop know, before you're killed before you have a chance to speak!" Just then Valek walked through the door with Arial.

"What's going on here?" Valek's eyes were glowing red, obviously already frustrated from something previously. Arial looked back and forth from Kiya, Valek, and the dog, unsure of what to do.

"You have an intruder Valek." Kiya motioned him to look through the camera viewer. "Would you like me to kill it now, or would you prefer them to try and explain themselves."


"The courage of the Blue... The valour of the Grey."
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 2:55 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
((nice post Kiya I will post here later tonight but for now one of my images of Valek checking out Arial Marks...:-) He not looking at my ass Kiya so dont kill me :roll: but I guess I can make this cliche remark

[i:5c4ce38edb]"Is that a sword in your hand or you just happy to see me"[/i:5c4ce38edb]


...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 4:29 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 71Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 9:00 pm
(( LOL! OMG ... lucky thing Kiya isn't there ... she woulda killed ya! lol


"The courage of the Blue... The valour of the Grey."
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 4:56 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
Arial Looked to Valek, after the remarks where said but not by her tongue. As Valeks eyes met with Arial's he begain to feel her in his head telepathiclly letting him hear the words the young children where saying through her.

As the children broke the connection with Arial, Valek begain to hear another voice, a mans voice, repeating over and over until it slowly faded out.

[i:1f82cec123]Blood Magic is your gift[/i:1f82cec123]

Arial terminated the connection with Valek and approached the children, once again unconsiously chanting something as she placed her hands on the foreheads of each children. The blood inside the vains of Pan demonia and Silence begain to boil. As Arial continued to chant their blood became increasingly hotter and hotter, inflicting excruciating pain in them both.

Their bodies begain to glow a bright red as if any moment were about to burst into two 3 feet tall flames. Arial removed her hands as the two totts screamed in pain running out of the room. Arial's body collapsed to the floor from using so much of her vatie to complete these feats. Valek and Kiya both standing above the young kindred still with no answers to either of their questions.

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 6:28 am Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
[i:806d5c9d66]Looking down at Arial's laying motionless on the ground, the Dark Prince frowned as he spoke " I had my share of problems this night " his voice echoeing thru the whole domain. Turning his attention over to Kiya whom was holding tight the intruder from behind, her sword against the intruder's throat, ready to cut it open if for a reason the thing should attempt any sort of attack on any of the Kindred present.

" I shall take care of the young one " spoke Valek's sire Angelica as she picked up Arial slowly, trying not to hurt the young one " I shall take her to the usual place childe " spoke once more Angelica, refering to a location that only her and Valek knew . Noding to his sire and she disapeared in Darkness with the young Arial, Valek turned to face the intruder that Kiya was still holding tight, her sword still against its throat. The Dark Prince approached the intruder and looked at it straight in the eyes as he spoke the following words

" As for you, whom so ever you are, for we have never met before, you broke two traditions ... and they are as follow; [b:806d5c9d66]Hospitality : honour one another's domain. When thou comest into a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there. Without the word of acceptance thou art nothing !. [/b:806d5c9d66]You certainly didnt came here for presenting yourself, for you were spying, here is the second one ... [b:806d5c9d66]The Domain ; Thy domain is tine own concern. All others owe thee respect while in it. None may challenge thy word while in thy domain . [/b:806d5c9d66]My words are clear and well spoken, you broke those two traditions and shall suffer the consequences ! " spoke the Dark Prince as he was still looking straight in the eyes of the intruder whom appeared earlier when found .

Meanwhile at the receiving room was still sitting Joseph whom was still waiting, a skeletal figure dressed in a long black cloak came to Joseph and spoke the following

" The Prince is currently resolving a matter of the highest importance, and cannot be disturbed, however if you tell me the reasons of your coming I shall check with the Prince, and if it has to do with the problems he his currently dealing with I shall make sure your words gets to him, and then we will see what we can do " spoke the skeletal figure.

As for what concerned the prisoners, Archer, Echoe, there would always be demonhounds and other undead figures to guard the place, and Cappadocian to provide the prisoners with blood if for a reason the search for the truth lasted more than a week time, however none of the servants had any cell keys on them, only the Dark Prince and Kiya had the keys to every cell ....[/i:806d5c9d66]

Last edited by Mark Archer on Mon Jan 27, 2003 7:16 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 6:56 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
[i:3e6b98526e]Later the same night

After placing the intruder in a cell that was on a different floor than the one that Mark and Echoe had been placed, Kiya was awaiting impatiently the decision of the Kindred community as Valek was talking to them on his cellphone. As the Prince turned off his cellphone, Kiya looked at him as if awaiting an answer .

" With the current matter at hand concerning Arial, Mark Archer and Echoe, which have to be delt with as fast as possible, since the Seneschal and Sheriff cannot be reached at the moment, as you are the Dark Muse they agreed on my decision to let you handle this matter concerning this intruder. I also asked them about the two Malkavian children that were here earlier, they never got in contact with them, I specificly checked twice to make sure of it. As for the intruder we have their agreement on doing what we sit fit for what concern the intruder. Speaking of those childrens, as far as I know right now, they made Arial blurt out those words earlier, therefore I haven't really advanced in the whole thing, Angelica brought her to a safer place where even those childrens have no idea where it is, I need to go there and clear everything up, I need to find out what's true and what isnt as soon as possible . You coming or prefer to stay here to take care of the intruder ? Of course if you want you can always take care of it later, but it is thy own choice Kiya . " Spoke the Dark Prince as he smiled to Kiya, awaiting an answer ....


Meanwhile at Angelica's haven

After taking care of the few wounds that Arial had on her, and feeding her with blood so she could regain her strenght, Angelica sat and waited patiently for the young Arial to wake up .

" I have better things to do than to wait for this whelp to wake up " spoke Angelica as she was obviously growing impatient. With those words said, Arial began to move a little, waking up slowly, noticing it Angelica stood up and went to stand aside the alter on where Arial was laying. As Arial turned her head to look at Angelica, her vision still blurry, she launched a punch that hit the 1670 years old 4th gen Cappadocian, growling at this act, Angelica quickly grabbed Arial's neck as she spoke " Do that one more time and you will die by my hands ! " spoke Angelica. Waking up fully and realising what she did Arial spoke " I am sorry, I didnt knew it was you " looking around at the place Arial asked the following " Where are we ? " .

" In my haven, don't you worry no one will find you here, only Valek and Kiya are aware of this location, they should arrive shortly, I presume . " obviously noticing the crescent moon tatoo on the back of Arial earlier, Angelica asked the following " Are you even aware of its meaning young one ? " said Angelica, refering to the tatoo on the back of Arial .... [/i:3e6b98526e]

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 7:41 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
-Angelica-" In my haven, don't you worry no one will find you here, only Valek and Kiya are aware of this location, they should arrive shortly, I presume . " obviously noticing the crescent moon tatoo on the back of Arial earlier, Angelica asked the following " Are you even aware of its meaning young one ? " said Angelica, refering to the tatoo on the back of Arial ....

Arial took a few minutes to think about the question at hand. She thought about getting out of here and running, running for her life. She figured she could try the old I need to go get some stuff trick, that Rachel fell for but something told her that it would not work with these Vamps, to many knew about her and running would make proove Marks and Echos innocents, however that did give Arial an idea. She begain to smile then answered Angelicas question.

-Arial-"This tattoo here on my back....A product of a combination of drugs and liquire on the way home from a Rave one night a few years back. Really it has no meaning just a moon and star. Most guys find it attractive for girls to have tattos on there lower back."

That was the only explination Arial could have for it. But in the vampire world it could be interpreted as many diffrent things, as scholars are still trying to desepher the Nod Propcheis to this day. Perhaps her Sire was stalking her for this very reason, or maybe it is all a couiencdence(sp) that she carries this mark. For all Arial knew it was just a tattoo.

-Arial-"Dose this tattoo a symbol of my clan or something you know I am a Brujador."

Arial continued to speak before Angelica could respond to her answers.

-Arial-"So whats the 411 on Valek, i mean is he seeing anyone? he kinda of cute. Are Vampires even allowed to have like boyfriends and girlfriends or even just sex for all that matters."

Angelica already impatient babysitting this talkive welp finally had enough and shouted out

-Angelica-[b:d860b3b9ac][i:d860b3b9ac]"Enough be silent"[/i:d860b3b9ac][/b:d860b3b9ac]

Arial frowned abit and started to stare at the grown feeling that her presents is still not to welcome here in the city.

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 6:20 pm Reply with quote
User avatarBone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
She drops obfuscate and stands in front of the animal. She stares into the eyes of the demonhound.
It feels a soothing voice within it's head.
"Turn the other way and have a bit of a nap.", it tells him.
the hound turns tail and walks off to the corner and curls up in corner to sleep.
"This is the best that can be done? Animals sent after me? Does no one know animalism?", she asks herself.
She shakes her head.
"Apparently there's something left to be learned.", she says as snappy hisses at her quietly.
Hermonie nods and cloaks them again.

Cut the sky to cry down blood.
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