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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 5:52 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
ooc: I like it too, before I met chris few months ago, I was not really used to hear and read that kind of thingies, now I hear him play and sing his music, write stories and songs along those lines, ouf! I was honestly scared at the very start, but I got used to it I guess. Keep writing babe! and you too adrianna :).

Chris is so going to meet problems soon enough, he's playing guitar right now, I'm in his room door closed and I could barely hear myself talking, and it's 1 am ! I think I'll go tell him :lol:

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 1:06 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
She smiled. Turning slowly on her heels to face the casket. There was no fear in her eyes as she spoke.

"You have always been good to me Valek, I'm not sure if it's because you like young vamps or that maybe you sensed that I'm Sabbat so I have nothing for myself to ask other then this..."

"In one month's time I shall hold a party and invite all the vamps I knew in cascadia. At this party I want you to go to Reannag on your knee's, kiss her shoes and beg forgiveness for having ever hurt her. i want this done because I feel that she was wrongly accused and over punished." She spoke so matter of fact that Valek couldn't beleive what he was hearing.

"I want you to promise that you will do this... and if you promise, then I shall release you upon the world to do what ever it is you demon guys do."

(Tag:::you it...giggles)

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 3:09 am Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
(( :shock: Ooooooooooh SHIIIIIIIIIIT !! lol, I didn't saw that one coming for sure lol. Alright, well I'm gonna write something up and post on it asap.

Man ... that's like torturing Valek in the ever worst manner lol, none the less its a fucking cool turn of events!

Come on Chris, you HAVE to think of somethin'! lol ))

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 7:42 am Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
"I want you to promise that you will do this... and if you promise, then I shall release you upon the world to do what ever it is you demons do."

To be released upon the earth again, this was a chance that would not probably come around the corner again anytime soon. Valek's immense anger caused by Adrianna after hearing her request, was heard in deadly cold silence invading the casket's room, the silence lasted for uncountable minutes, each second of this silence was a bleeding scream, in the eternal silence, the silence in itself, was radiating of such an hatred, one beyond imagination.

All of this would become worthy at the very end, no matter what would have been the request, she willingly opens a gate for demons to step thru, giving them once again the opportunity to annahilate this miserable existence, this place, the human race, kindred and alike. A chance they would not about to let pass, plus the dark ones had already figured something out .... a surprise the Kindred were bound to remember ....

" ....... GrAnTeD ....... " This was the word heard, heard in an extended demonic voice, an horrifying sound. Quite surprised to not even hear Valek argue over it, she spoke the following.

" You agree? .... no conditions?, no arguments? .... "

" Do not push your luck Lasombra, you heard me .... " answered the same throat like voice.

This was surely giving a feeling of satisfaction to her, but it was very un-usual of Valek to accept like this.... knowing him, he probably had demented and twisted idea in mind, keeping an eye on what he does would be wise she thought, even if she couldnt really stop anything he would do anyway, but keeping a close eye on things would put more chances on her side.

With a smile on her face, she started to remove the seven blades, one after another, each blade getting retrackted from him, each tip of them, were burnt to the point of have it fall into ashes. After some more thinking, she still went and remove the cross... now only the stake was left, once she withdraw this object, the Dark One would once more regain his unlife. She stood there in deep thoughts, placing her hand on the wooden object, she closed her eyes as she removed it " Forgive me for what I have just unleashed upon this world ... " she whispered, while withdrawing this object....

Immidiately after retreiving the wooden stake, the earth trembled very violently, the tremble seemed to come from ground level, the sound heard were as if the moon was literaly crashing onto this earth. Obviously the moon was still at its rightful place, but something terrifying was happening at ground level in Cascadia, the earthquake was so much powerful, that quite a few skyscrappers and other misc buildings litteraly crumbled, falling and brutaly hitting ground. Each seconds that passed by made the sound heard louder, it was coming down this way, obviously the Dark One was coming back, forcing his way thru everything, not even wanting to wait for the requested time to regain its body.

As the quake reached down the casket room, some sort of gate opened into the floor, a vortex filled with blood, humanoid organs, remainings of previous victims. Demonic screams were heard from near, inside this vortex like hole ... something slowly came out .... crawling, it looked more like a shadow than anything else, a shadow in the shape of a winged demon, this had to be the essence of Valek, she thought, and she was indeed right. The screams escaping his essence made the ears of the kine and Adrianna bleed, makes you wonder what could happen next.... Stupidly the kine took the cover of the casket, to quickly put it on top of the coffin itself, all this after the essence regained its rightful body.

Obviously thraumatized by what he saw, the kine remained in place, his torso on top of the casket, as if trying to hold it down, closed. As the vortex closed slowly, the casket itself was letting escape some sort of white fog, a smoke of some sort, all of it coming from one point of origin, the coffin's interior. Quickly this dense smoke engulfed the room into its claws, leaving the kine and Adrianna unable to see, or to even perceive anything.

Jason, the kine, screamed his lung's out as they both heard the casket's lid being opened, as if the situation wasnt enough scary as it is, they couldnt see anything. While the mortal was screaming, asking for help and begging for his life to be saved, Adrianna remained in place, knowing nothing would happen to her, however the mortal was another story... painful screams of torture echoed throughout the place, this mortal was experiencing a pain beyond imagination, this annoying sound didnt lasted long, as soon as the beautiful sound of bones shattering were heard, a deadly silence followed.

" ..... Valek ..... " spoke Adrianna as she heard sounds of organs getting ripped, eaten, devoured. As she called for his name once more, a growling that ressembled one of a gigantic beast followed.

" Valek this isnt funny anymore, stop this! " she this time yelled.

" I had nearly forgot how much pleasure I take crushing you miserable peons ..... " answered The ex-Prince of Cascadia. The smoke rapidly disapearing, Adrianna noticed the half eaten corpse of Jason laying dead cold on the ground, standing aside from it, Valek began walking towards Adrianna, stopping inches from her. She still had her eyes on his feet, raising her head slowly to finally tilt her head back a little to be able to look at him straight in his eyes, Valek always had an imposing frame, very intimidating.

" It is good to see you standing, I guess ... I have a feeling I'm going to regret this " spoke Adrianna, as she looked at him straight in his amber red eyes.

" Fair enough of this discussion, I have been held here for long enough, this talk we shall continue elsewhere " spoke coldly Valek. " No need to be this rude, is it all the gratitude you're giving me for freeing you? " she spoke her words, still looking into his eyes. " Nevermind " She said straight after, knowing he had just passed long enough held in here, Valek had always been VERY impatient, and this probably played with his nerves she thought.

Passing in front, Valek walked up the stairs, followed by Adrianna whom was around a good 10 meters back. The way back up seemed to last forever, same as the way down after all. Opening the door slowly, with this same damn creak getting heard, the view of St-Mary's graveyard, still engulfed into a dense white fog was offered, his pace getting somewhat faster, the distance between Adrianna and him grew a little.

As she was about to speak, a cold hand grasped her neck, pushing her against one of the many crypt's wall. " Miserable peon, do you simply have an idea of the chaos you just unleashed upon this world " spoke Valek's sire, holding Adrianna upon the wall with a powerful grasp. " Your unlife, I shall make mine, you have met your end Lasombra " spoke Angelica, her eyes burning with the same anger than the ones of Valek.

" I have been waiting for this for what seem an eternity " spoke Valek as he looked upon Angelica ... " This time you wont have Andarielle to help you, crucified whore " his words made her release her grip from Adrianna's, she slowly walked up to him, both inches from each other... piercing each others eyes with their evil glare.

Failing an attempt to wound Valek, Angelica exposed one of her arms whom got brutaly broken by Valek, the sound of the bone cracking equaled the scream of pain escaping Angelica's lips. Savagely driving his forearm straight to Angelica's torso made her flew in the air to end up crashing upon the crypt whom was of a good 20 meters away from the location of where she just was. Accelerating the pace, the Dark One had the time to reach her before she even had the time to stand up...

Now holding her head into his grip, he endlessly rammed her forehead against the brick wall of the crypt, the blood flowing from her was unthinkable. As Adrianna looked upon Valek, watching him litteraly beat down his sire to a bloody mess, from making her pass thru tombstones, walls, ramming her head against everything imaginable, Adrianna realised how much of a merciless being Valek was, at least towards his ennemies. But again, he always considered everyone as ennemies, aside from a chosen few.

Not able to stand anymore, Angelica fell down on the grass, what she had told Marius back some time ago, revealed to be true, Valek's strenght had enormously increased.

Laying in a pool of her own blood, Angelica looked upon Valek whom now had a rusty metal bar in hand, she reached for him, exposing her hand as if asking to stop. Smirking at her, Valek began to slam this metal bar endlessly down on her, each hit made her vomit more and more blood.

" ENOUGH!! " Adrianna screamed, it had been already a good five minutes that Angelica had been laying motionless on the ground, and he didnt stopped slamming this metal object on her.... Valek had obviously gone more paranoid than he was before, depending on the situation, this could be a good and a bad thing.

Giving it one last shot, he speared her rib cage with the sharp metal object. Making Angelica suffer just a little more.
" I'm not done with you yet .... " whispered Valek to the ear of Angelica.

" We need to get back, we cant stay outside like this " said Adrianna as she looked at Valek picking up Angelica from the ground.

" My domain is non existent anymore, perhaps going to yours would be a wise idea ... " spoke Valek, as Adrianna noded in agreement, even if he probably saved her from a certain death or one hell of a beating, she still felt like keeping an eye on him, after all she had saw tonight, who could blame her ? and she had yet to find out why he always had put her in his good grace ...

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 1:04 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
Inside the haven everything was covered with a thin layer of dust and the electricity no longer worked. But adrianna didn't need it. The darker things were the better she could see. She wanted to ask Valek if her condition would be perminate but decided not to bother him.

"Hey, your free already, stop acting so grumpy"

"Hmmmph..." he grunted and scowled at the dusty room she lead him to.

"Where will you be staying?" he asked with a frown.

"Basement." she smiled.

There were a lot of things that adrianna could have asked Valek, But she din't. She quietly closed the door to the secret tomb beneath the Lasombra haven and did her best to settle in.
Imagin, having an evil guy like valek wondering around upstairs while your sleeping... She giggled, it seemed no diffrent then having Jules back. Maybe that was what was bothering her.


It was this whole male thing about always wanting to destroy the world, like that is really going to promote evil or something. Men can be soooo extreme some times.

It seemed funny to not be feeling any real fear... sure he could kill me she thought, but then she expected nothing else so why be afraid of it. The trouble was, she didn't know how Valek ended up in that tomb, he had been prince when she went away, and if he were still prince then why hadn't anyone gone to rescue him. this party could turn into a real fight if the other vamps were the ones who put him there.

"well anyway, they din't come looking for me either" she whispered so, I'll think about invatations tomarrow....

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 am Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
It had been already a few hours since Adrianna and Valek had arrived... a few hours since she had fell asleep in the basement... on the other hand Valek was still awake, in the room offered to him for the time being, at least for this night.

Sitting in the darkest corner of the room, in dust that was still covered by the shadows of night, his sire on the other hand, was now crucified upside down on the wall, judging by the marks on her body she had been tortured, even so, no screams were heard during the process, probably due to the enormous lack of strenght in Angelica, after all the blood she had lost, and all the hits she had received this night, she could barely move even if she wanted to. In over 1300 years of life, Valek always had valued his sire as much as he valued his goals, and his unlife. For him to inflict so much on her like this, anyone would know that something had happened before his entry into torpor.

" It is useless Valek, you know as well as I, that I cannot die, just like you. We are not only Kindred, we are demons before anything else, we will always come back to life. " spoke Angelica with a weak voice.

" I'll kill you again " answered Valek, in a cold and non caring voice. " Who said I would kill you right now, miserable worm, I'm simply going to make you wish you never existed, you'll endure pain beyond imagination. " spoke once more Valek, with the same tone of voice.

Even if demons enjoyed pain, you could tell the one Valek was inflicting upon her was different, a pain that even demons may beg for it to end.

" She might be the reason of your come back, but you were also the reason of HER comeback as well. And after all you did for this fucking Lasombra in the past, how did she showed her appreciation? By asking the resquet she asked you, a request that you can ignore now that you're out of the nether realms. "

" Indeed you are right, but I suggest you keep it closed, or I'll have that virgin body of yours raped for a lifetime. Surprised are you not? You never told me and yet I know, do not play with my nerves, you tried my tolerance, and you know the results. " answered Valek, his voice slowly switching to his real voice, one of a demon.

" What keeps you from killing her ... she will come to you seeking answers, save yourself the problem and end her fucking unlife" spoke Angelica " Nothing keeps me from killing her, you and the rest of this fucking world. I have my reasons, so for the last time, shut it, or else. "

As she was about to speak once more, she felt the cold steel of Valek's sword, passing thru her torso, getting against her, he turned the blade slowly left and right, making her feel the pain more and more, her silence remained, but the pain she was enduring could be seen in her eyes.

" She will come to me with questions indeed, and the answers will revealed unpleasant, I won't hide the truth on the subject. " spoke Valek as he kept torturing her endlessly.

- - - - -

Meanwhile, down in the secret basement where Adrianna went for slumber, her rest was about to get disturbed. She was slightly frowning as she was dreaming. Having visions of different people getting crucified, each hammering sounds that caused the hammers banging the on nails to crucify the victims, was followed by a flash of the party she might do, each hammering sound, came with flickering images of Valek standing in a room filled with Kindred corpses, a good part of them looked familiar to Adrianna, then all of a sudden, everything became dark for a few seconds, until it came back once more, but it was different, she was seeing the party as it was taking place, hundreds of kindred talking with each other, the scenery of it was captivating, the voices suddenly stopped as the Dark One entered the room, all eyes fixed upon him, as everyone though him to have met final death. The images became blury for a few seconds ... as it became clear once more she was clearly seeing Valek taking on hundreds of Kindred by himself, as if it was child's play... that was of course after filling the request of Adrianna.
She kept seeing the dream again and again, each time came with a different version, but the same ending, him standing amongst hundreds of corpses, looking at her .... what did it mean ? why was I dreaming of this she thought. So many questions she had, and yet no answers at all.

After seeing those dreams, she was pondering if she would go ask Valek about it, and the many other questions she probably had, or wait until tomorrow night to bring it up ....

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:15 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
"BAd dreams? I rescue him and he gives me bad dreams, how rude."

It was still a few hour before nightfall when adrianna opened her eyes. "Ok he wants to play bad dreams, very well, I have a few bad dreams of my own to give him."

She walked over to the closet and opened it. There inside was her extensive CD collection, still right where she left it. She took one out and moved over to the CD player that was hooked up to Haven speaker system. It was the best investment she ever made. Imagin being able to hear music all over the haven, cranked up to concert levels. :::giggles:::

"Bad dreams... Lets see what kind of bad dreams you have from this. She took Britney Spears out of the case and popped it in the player, then turned the volume up all the way.

She went and sat down in the chair in the middle of the room and began to concentrate. It seemed there were a lot of things Valek didn't know about the Lasombra. With in seconds her eyes began to bleed as well as her mouth and nose. The blood dripped down until it was covering her front, but instead of turning red the way that blood does, Adrianna's blood turned black covering her until she was nothing more then a shadow.

""He prolly thinks he gonna get out of his promise. Very well, Its time to see that he doesn't. Find a shadow in the shadows if you can," She giggles...

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:52 pm Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
(( Britney Spears!? argh! lol.

Very nice post! going to add on it as soon as I can. :) ))

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 8:44 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((hey, nice to see you awake again Adrianna :)

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 7:49 pm Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
The irritating sound of this voice, this music playing in the background, had obviously seriously pounded Valek's sensible nerves, it could be seen in his glowing red eyes, as he was standing in the room where Adrianna became one with the shadows. Those hateful eyes were carefuly scanning the room for the object of torture that was emitting this fucking music.

" Had enough yet ... " Adrianna spoke, still one with the shadows. The answer obviously revealed to be yes, as his fist brutaly broke down to pieces the radio. " After bringing you back, this is the consideration you have for me? Summoning nightmares during my slumber ... " spoke once more Adrianna, she had a smile on her face seeing Valek searching for her and seeing nothing else but shadows around, not a single trace of Adrianna.

His eyes became white as he spoke the lost language of the damned.

" Quel re, el Los Demonis, Diabolis "

Those words resulted in hundreds of spirits to crawl out of the ground, made of shadows they all looked alike the reaper, directing themselves toward Adrianna, each of them passing thru her, taking her invisibility away, roughly they ate the shadows.

As her concealement faded, she didnt even had the time to blink that she was already against the wall, Valek holding her by her throat, her feet no longer touching the ground.

" You self-righteous fuck, give me a reason not to rip your fucking face off, why don't you take a good look in these eyes, for if you continue this little game, I'm the one who's gonna tear your fucking heart out.
you've tried my tolerance, I am patient toward you, but don't overdo it! " he spoke in a demon voice.

" The nightmares you are speaking of, I am not the cause of it, do not forget that my sire is also present, and at the moment she isnt to found of me, hence the nightmares she probably made you have, believe me if I would have been the one making you have nightmares, those dreams would have killed you. And as for your request, it will be granted, I will keep my word on it, however what I do straight after isnt part of our agreement. " With those words said, Valek released the grip he had upon Adrianna's throat.

Now free of the hold, she rammed her fist into Valek's face " Don't you dare start this little scenery again! " she spoke, her eyes filled with anger. " Anger ... you are on the right track " answered Valek, obviously liking the anger Adrianna had let overcome her willingly a few seconds ago.

" I saved your unlife in the past, and brought you back again recently, why is it you ask such a request to me ... ? " spoke Valek, crossing his arms.. waiting.

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 12:49 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
( k, it getting rough now. :::thinks::: Me hit valek in face, prolly would have used knee in lower area... :D :::giggles::: no biggy all good, gonna have to think of something real good now.

By the way... that thing with the demon shadow things was real good. :D Hoply I can come up with something just as good. :twisted:

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 1:15 am Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
(( lol, hey leave him a future! don't hit him there! hehe ))

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 3:13 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
She did her best to keep from laughing right then. Of course he would want to know that, why wouldn't he?

"Lets just say it satisfies my sense of irony." she gave him a small condesending smile when she said that.

"No that's not good enough, I could kill you right now..." he said placing his hand back on her neck and sqeezing.

"Oh please do... That's all you old vamps ever want to do to me... give me a sun tan... bury me in the ground... keep me prisoner because I don't know how act around the elders." :roll: "I swear, Just do me and get it over with. I mean what did I ever do to the vamping world that makes me a threat to the likes of you. Was it because I was born to the world of darkness in the wrong clan? oh please...give me a break. All you other clans have it so easy, you never have to work for anything or suffer the type of things we lasombra do. Its no wonder we turn Sabbat."

Valek lifted Adrianna off the ground by her neck and pressed her agianst the wall. "You don't know what true suffering is." he sneered.

"Oh don't I?" The conviction returned to her face and anger flashed in her eyes. "You don't know anything about me."

He had to admit that was true, but it didn't change the fact that she hadn't answered his question so he sqeezed her neck a little tighter until his nails began to dig into her flesh.
"Answer my question or suffer." He threatened.

Her eyes narrowed, but there was neither fear or pain in them as she began to grin. "I forgot to thank you Valek, for giving me something I couldn't work out for myself."

"Oh and what would that be?"

"Quel re, el Demonis, Diabolis" She shouted.
From the void two dozen shadow creatures appeared the first of them entered Adrianna's mouth and she imediately faded back to shadow escapng Valeks' grip. The rest of them spun around valek shrouding him in total darkness from which even he had no way to move or see what was happening in the room or move with out feeling dizzy from the swirling creatures.

"I suppose dark prince that when its your time you will see all of us vampires destroyed. That of course suits me just fine. You have one month to forfill your promise."

Valek heard the sound of Adrianna's laughter as she departed from the room. She should not have been able to do that advanced obtanibration, not at her level he thought. Something has changed. He looked for her in the house but didn't see her again that evening.


(Tag you it...)

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 4:57 pm Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
(( Pretty cool post there :).

I'm off for the rest of the weekend basicaly so, I'll be returning with a post around monday :).

Great work on this one again! ))

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:17 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
(( hmmmmmmm now do you think that he should kiss my barefeet or should I wear shoes??? hmmmmmmmmm decisions decisions....:):) Great posts by the way :):) I may even jump in :)

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