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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 10:01 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am

The lights were blinding... Adrianna closed her eyes and ran her hands over her bare arms. everything tingled and at the same time felt slick with...

She could smell the warm salty scent and was certain that it was impossible. How could there be blood, where was it coming from? "I'm 6 feet under for goodness sakes."

She forced her eyes open. The light around seemed to burn her eyes making her close them again. In a panic she moved and found that she was no longer confined to the small space of her casket. She stood up and slipped on something wet and slick on the floor. She landed with a dull crack of bone agianst tile.

This was not her grave... not the place she had spent the last year in quiet slumber. She reached with her hands trying to find some object that would tell her where she was that this wasn't some dream.

That's it she told herself, its all a dream nothing more. I'm still laying in my grave dreaming of blood. dreaming of freedom. She tryed to open her eyes and the searing light overhead forced her to close them again. Hands out stretched she found that she was spawled naked on a floor in a puddle of a thick sticky liquid. and for the first time realized she didn't feel hungry any longer.

She reached...

She panicked...

She wanted to scream and then her hand found something. It was fleshy, and boney all at once.
IT was a hand. A cold hand she thought. But not the hand of a vampire. It was the hand of death, the hand of a victim.

She covered her eyes and opened them. That seemed to be better. She was looking through a small space between her fingers and at a scene she couldn't even begin to comprehend. There were pendigrams on the wall and an alter with her casket set on top as if some sick occult groupies had been trying some dark ritual on her.

That was it.

The floor covered in blood and at least a dozen bodies. Why she did it she could never guess, but it all seemed so funny really, so she began to laugh until her body doubled over.

The thought was too funny to resist "They reached into the abyss to find some guidance from a dark spirit and found me."

She looked around at the slaughter blowing kisses.
"My little saviors, you should have left the abyss to those that understand it best... but i'm sure you've found what you're looking for."

Giggle :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted:

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 3:29 am Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
A shadow of a naked creature, cast upon the wall by the moonlight's rays, reflection of detailed curves and round shapes... reflection of an undead women, death in all it's beauty. Slowly pacing thru the defaced corpses that contained this shattered area, the wind, carrier of death's scent, carrier of dozens tortured souls, caressing & blowing on the girl's naked body. Her macabre laughter was of a morbid symphony, a laughter one couldnt resist but to hear ....

Her feet still pounding the fleshy ground, walking, her pace met complete paralisys as her eyes, witnessed the figure of an old aquaintance... an aquaintance no one would want to have twice in their unlives ...

Her body forced frozen, she glared at this imposing frame, with no fear in her eyes, questions already racing in her mind, all the answers given, before questions, were even asked .... as this familiar voice spoke the following.

" The beauty of death, we all adore ... I have no faith distracting me. I know why your prayers were never answered .... God hates us all, he fucking hates me, he hates you. You know it's true, God hates this place, and God hates this race. Pray for sin, a shattered faith. "

A sick smile appearing on her naked face, would make anyone believes in her addoration for the art of murder, or so it seemed. Her lips yet remaining closed, still listening with a sick envy to know more. The same familiar voice spoke once more

" You whom clawed your coffin until your fingers bled, you whom got insane with the pain afflicted unto you, you whom's blind scream were never answered, I come to you, to bring relief on your pain, and cause unto others, in order for me to do this, you must return the favor I once granted you, free me from my prison, for what you are seeing now, is only but my essence, I remain trapped into the nether realms, until the artifact keeping me from my flesh and bones is removed from my unholy body. Answer my call, and I shall bring pleasures & powers beyond imagination ..... call unto me ... "

The last words were finally spoken, as a pendant containing a black liquid fell on the ground as he disapeared, call unto he said, the pendant was the key....

She smiled as she looked upon the dozen corpses and the words she had just heard... kneeling down and picking up the pendant, her lips opened as she spoke only one name

Valek ....

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 8:41 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
How could she not wonder what had happened. A year in the ground and nothing, and now this...

"Valek" she smiled as she said his name.

She had the feeling that she had done this terrible slaughter, but perhaps it was valek after all. He was the one that saw her return from L.A. And had been kind enough to protect her from her Sabbat Sire. by ordering the other vampires of cascadia to look after her.

"Yes Valek, my sweet prince who offers a feast for his loyal subjects." she licked the wet blood off the back of her hand, it had grown stale but it still tasted good.

She lay face down on the floor whispering his name, thinking that maybe he had found a way to reach across the abyss and find her, to even free her from the cold embrace of final death.

Thats it... she dicided. Valek has unleashed me upon the world.
But that light. That terrible bright light, where is it coming from?

She had to hold her hands over her face and peer between her fingers to discover it's source. And when she saw what was blinding her she couldn't for one instant beleave it.


Sure there were enough to light the room with a dim flickering light. But candles had never made her eyes feel as if she were looking at the sun.

She took her time and knocked the candles to the floor extinguishing them. The room now pitch black looked to her as if it were lit in a soft light.

Now she could see where she was. It was a basement, She could see on one wall the emblem of the tri lamba's.

"This is a frat house."

True enough, it had to be a frat house because the bodies were all men, all in their twenties. She sat down on the alter and looked at their young faces. They were all contorted into masks of terror. Something had scared them, something had happened that none of them expected.
But what had they been playing at pentigrams, and witch signs were every where And they had all been wearing robes.

Her eyes came to rest on a flyer laying in a pool of blood. even though it was dark she could make it out clearly.
PLEDGE NIGHT. it read.

"What happened here?"

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 4:49 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
Jules had always said that sometimes the Lasombra would become blind to light, many of them however could see perfectly in darkness.

"Just i'm I gonna function now. I mean it bad enough I don't have a reflection in the mirror, but if I'm blind in the light then what? ugh..." she folded her arms and pouted

It just din't seem fair. Other vamps din't have to go through this type of stuff, so why me? She wanted to kick Jules so bad right then that she regreted ever sending him off to torpor land, but then he deserved it.

She checked herself over to make sure that nothing else changed while she was in the ground. all the right parts were still in the right place, so at least she hadn't become like the It's yet. The It's were the eldest of her clan. they were so far away from their humanity that they no longer had gender.

But something was different, at least she felt different about things. She took in her suroundings and nothing appeared out of the normal. 12 dead bodies ripped to pieces and the floor covered with blood. Hmmm.


except, somehow this time it didn't bother her. She could remember a time when she liked being around mortals, how she almost hated feeding off of them because she was affraid of doing just this type of thing. so she killed, no biggy. so she left a big mess for the carmies to have to explain. She gave a shrug. This was just the type of thing Jules loved her to do and somehow a year in the ground had made it seem like not that bad of a thing.

No, the only thing she really wanted to know was how she got here and if these guys were somehow connected to Valek?

Now that would be bad. He sends his little minion guys over to help and she, unable to control the beast of course, sorta rips them to pieces and drinks up most... :::looks around at the bloody floor::: ok, some of their blood. but who could blame her?

Of course if Valek did send them to get her, then he must of ment for them to be a snack. She smiled at the warm thoughtfulness of the prince. (note when adrianna was buried Valek was still prince of Cascadia) Such a sweet princy poo she giggled.

But what a bunch of perv's, She was naked afterall and for the most part dead. What were they thinking about? She reached for a robe and wrapped it around her naked body. This was too much like when she was alive and having pictures made. No one ever wanted to take normal photo's, they always wanted her nude, on all fours and making love eyes at the camera. Please... The whole idea of being dead girl of the month made her happy over what she did.

A door opened at the top of the stairs and the light shining in to the basement made Adrianna have to turn her head.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late but I had that thing with wendys parents, and another pledge just showed up..." There was a shadow at the top of the stairs.

"Guys? why are all the lights off?"

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 9:44 pm Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
"Guys? why are all the lights off?"

The words of this kine were radiating with fear, ironic, considering what he was bound to do a few hours earlier... lowering himself slowly by descending the wooden stairs, each step accompanied by the eerie sound of the old wooden stairs cracking. He was far from imaginating that downstairs already stood a creature of darkness, and one in her state, seeking answers, could reveal to be dangerous for whom ever ventured down this basement.

Perfectly melting into shadows, Adrianna kept her eyes unto what could be her next victim, or friend for the time being, all would depend on the answers she would get. Sickly waiting as if she wanted him to find out what happened to his friends, she lat him venture forth deeper into the basement, each footsteps of his were accompanied by his ridiculous fearful voice calling for his friends, this annoying voice reached its end as he slipped and fell down on the bloody ground, most likely due to all the blood and liquid he had just stepped on. Swearing like a fuck, he took his lighter and turned it on, what he saw, blood, disfigured bodies, made him scream like he had just had visions of hell. After falling down again a few times in his attemps to stand up, he finally started to run towards the exit, and got violently stopped, an hand grasping his throat and pushing him against the wall, holding him there.... the place, engulfed into pitch black darkness, this kine couldnt see anything, but he knew something was holding him there.

" Welcome to the horror of revelations " she said, having a sick pleasure into torturing mentaly this kine... his words were but only begs, pathetic really ....

" You will tell me what happened here, be aware, that a single lie will make me peirce your throat with my very own fingers, hands. " spoke Adrianna.

His answers where no where near anything coherent, aside from one part that cought her attention, the word Cappadocian came out of his mouth. Grasping tighter his throat with her hand, as if demanding where he heard this word, the kine answered that he knew nothing more that at one of their many rituals, a dark spirit mentioned this word.... suddenly all became clear to her. Valek had said moments ago that he was held into a prison, the nether realms, by what he mentioned, his capture and emprisonment, was done with a perfect touch, therefore his powers over reality are limited, for now, and the only way he had found for a possible come back was using these kines ....

Clever she thought, manipulating kine had always been childs play, so for someone like Valek, doing so must have been effortless she thought.

Suddenly the upper door opened once more, the view of at least another dozen kine was offered, every single one of them, firearms in hand, they had obviously heard the screams of their fellow friend, one of them spoke the name of the guy while positioning the flashlight he had, downstairs, no answers were given, his throat was getting grasped more and more each seconds that passed by, results ... he couldnt speak.

As they were all about to leave, the light emitted by the flashlight finaly reached the guy's face, the view of the forearm of Adrianna was also exposed, giving a chilling view, a pale white arm, holding tight this kine against the wall, nails digged into his flesh.

As the group were rushing their way downstairs, a chilling sound cold as death, stoped them in their tracks... this sound was somewhat difficult to explain, a growling mixed with demons voices most likely would fit the situation well. The walls emmited the sound of scratching, as if dozens of beasts were trapped inside, and forcing their way out, where each sound were heard, also appeared a line of blood upon the wall.

Everything happened so fast, that before even knowing it, all the bodies were falling and rolling down the stairs, all mutilated for the most part. For a kindred, the view of those stairs, flowing with blood was indeed very attracktive. Valek was maybe trapped in the nether realms for the time being, but his grasp still reached upon this reality, and was able to perform a few minor things, such as this mutilation.

Her tongue slowly licking her lips, taking off the blood that was spread upon her by this mutilation, Adrianna returned her glare upon her victim, which at her big surprise was possessed... releasing her grip and watching the scenery, she listened to what the demon had to say.

" ThE DaRk OnE wIlL sHoW yOu WhAt hE, aNd wHaT wE'vE kNoWn aLl tHiS tImE, GoD hAtEs uS aLl. BeNeAtH tHe hOwLiNg sTaRs hE lIeS, aWaItInG fOr hIs dElIvErAnCe, yOu ArE tHe ChOsEn OnE, tHe OnE hE cHoSed .... YoU wIlL fInD hIm wHeRe tHe DeAd LiEs .... "

With a sick and twisted smile, the possessed handed a machete to Adrianna, the dark spirit now going away, the kine returned to its body, filled with fear, now laying on the ground, he looked upon her, the girl who had the machete in hand ....

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 12:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
"Well, that was scary." She stood over him looking down into his terrorfide eyes.

"Please don't kill me, p-p-please...I-It wasn't supose to work...I-I mean...joel said it was just a hoax, w-we were just gonna scare them..." He was on his knees with his hands neatly folded.

She looked around the room at all the terrorfide faces frozen that way in death. "Hmmmm...well that look pretty scared to me I think it must have worked..."

"P-please don't kill me."

"Ugh what is that smell? did you just pee your pants?" she let go of his neck and through him against the wall.

"are you gonna kill me?"

"not if you tell me what I want to know."

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 2:08 am Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
" I swear to God, I told you all I knew! Just please don't kill me! " he said, while continuously pushing himself against the wall, he was clearly terrorized, and all he probably think about was to get the hell out of there alive. Chances were slim to none, after all he had witnessed, death was probably the most possible outcome, after torture of course, for without that, it would take so much fun and sickness away.

Slowly placing the edged side of the machete on her tongue, so to cut her tongue lightly and slowly, she looked upon the object, a blood-line forming as it was racing down the edge, with a sick and twisted smile she licked it off, one of her hand running along her skin, obviously enjoying the pain she self-inflicted to herself.

Placing the edge against the throat of the victim, she gently asked " Where the dead lies ... this brings out the word graveyard in your pathetic mind does it? Tell me which graveyard you and the rest of your deceased friends went to before this night's ritual .... "

His answers was barely audible, mixed with babblings, and sounds of fear, pain ... but the word St-Mary came out of his mouth.

St-Mary's graveyard she thought, smiling she once more looked down upon this pathetic being as he said with fear " Is ... i .. is there an .. any .. t ... thing you want to .. to ... kn .. kn .... knnnnow ? "

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 5:20 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
She smiled and pulled the boy to his feet by his neck. "Yes...I want to know what you little pervs did with my chothes and after that you can take me how to get to St marys graveyard."

"And your going to let me live?"

"If your a good boy... I'll think about it." she smiled showing her fangs.

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 8:38 am Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
Answering with fear in his voice, stating where was her clothes, Jason, the kine, awaited in place, not moving... glaring at her while she was getting in her clothes.

Everything seemed to go by so fast she thought, she had just awaken and she was already carrying on her shoulders what none would have dared to accept.

Valek had always been known for his cruelty, sickness and evil towards everyone, pure and simple, he always hated everything that contained the very existence, life itself. Every kindred would say hands down that Valek is one not to be trusted, she heard that countless times in the past, but as far as she could remember, SHE was the only one Valek granted a favor for in the past, and tonight he had made possible for her to awaken once more, and ever since her comeback, he had already protected her once. She had a feeling she could trust him completely.

Returning to the kine... and forcing him to show her the way to St-Mary's graveyard, they both departed. Walking amongst the deserted streets of Cascadia, the streetlights were doing a good job at blinding Adrianna's vision, she had just woke up from a long slumber, re-adapting to certain things would take a little more time. She followed Jason from a distance, so he wouldnt notice the lack of vision in precense of the light for the time being.

The walk was long enough, but they finaly had reached the graveyard. Before she even entered, Adrianna noticed two figures, one of them was wearing a long black cloak, and the other one seemed to be raditating a blinding white light, same as a holy spirit she thought. All of the questions she was asking herself were given answers, it was a strange feeling certainly, but she liked it. The same whispering voice handing over the answer, made her realise that the two beings standing in this yard, was Angelica ( Valek's sire ) and Andarielle. She had once heard about Valek's sire, for what she knew, she was just as demented and twisted as her childe.

Just as she was wondering how she would get thru those two, a dense and heavy fog raised slowly from the cold grass ground... Engulfing the entire place, making it hard to see any single thing.

She had to walk into this place... so she did, but knowing that Valek's sire could fall on her at any seconds made her feel rather uncomfortable, a great ammount of fear was present. Holding the kine by an arm as she was making her way thru the gigantic maze of crypts that was this place, guided by only the whispers she kept tracking to finaly find the resting place of the Dark One, she knew that the other two were close enough, as she could hear their footsteps around her. After once again a long and painful walk, she stumbled upon an old wooden door, upon the door was carved a pentagram, and the words " Diabolis Interium " were written. No doubts it had to be the place.

As she reached for the handle, the door slowly opened by themselves, and closing back after her entry with the kine. She followed an endless stairway leading continuously down, the place barely containing ANY light, if not any at all, made the walk difficult during the the process of walking down this stairway. After what seemed like eternity, she finally reached an old wooden door once more, a warning was wrote with human blood upon the door

" Betrayed eternaly, I'll rip inside your soul... contaminating the world, defying God and Son, faithless, no religion, I live in infamy. " this was also written but it wasnt the warning, the rest she wasnt able to read, as it was wrote in a strange way, most likely in another language.

Pushing the doors open, she noticed a stone coffin, approaching it slowly, the scenery she was witnessing was of a rare cruelty. She had finally found Valek, and obviously blades found their way in him before her, seven blades were inserted, stabbed in him, all located at vital organs, arms, legs neck etc .. along with a wooden stake halfway inserted in his chest, keeping him into torpor. And as if it wasnt enough, the artifact he had previously talked about, was on also on him, an ancient holy cross. This view gave chills to Adrianna, it seemed that Valek had suffered greatly before his entry into torpor. Seeing in this state, motionless, not moving and eyes closed, would give any ennemies a sight to be satisfied. She look upon him once more before finding a text carved upon the stone coffin

" The seven blades holds chained the demon's strenght, the stake keeps him asleep, the cross keeps the world from damnation, their removal shall bring back the demon to life .... "

For once, an ancient text is clear enough to be understood she though, she placed her hands slowly on the coffin, as she took a deep breath.

" Damn arent you gonna remove that shit? " spoke the kine, fear still present in his voice.

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 12:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
"Not sure really..." she looked at her nails they looked dirty with the blood from her earlier slaughter and it bothered her to see them in such a state.

"I mean, there was mention of power and all that other cool stuff that most people want and I'm sure that old Valek here would give me what ever I want for doing this... and well that's the problem."

As she spoke the demon spirit of Valek over took the kine again. It was easy for him this time because the fear the kine was feeling had overwhelmed him and left his guard down. A deep throaty voice escaped Jasons lips and his eye's rolled back in his head.

"Adrianna, free me and I will make you a queen, you shall have power and riches beyond your wildest imagination."

She giggles... "Oh please Valek..."

As she laughed she could feel his thoughts turn on her from that place beyond the dark abyss that held him fast. She of course stopped laughing, not because he had gained any control, but because she wanted to.

"I'm suprised Valek, in all your many years you seem to not understand my clan very well. You see, if I could be controled so easily by things like Dominate and Awe, I would have been no use to my Sabat Sire while in a cammie city. Sweet Jules, the only good thing you ever did for me was make me strong willed." She bowed her head and resummed her giggling.

Jasons body bent over backward nearly twisting him into a pretzel. " How dare you laugh you Bitch...Release me and I will..." he shouted in that same throaty voice Adrianna knew was Valek.

"Now now, you needn't get so put out... of course I will release you of course, but you must promise to do something first. And by that I mean the type of promise that if you should break it, you will end up right back here. She smiled and caressed the casket.

"There is no such promise." Jasons face contorted as if he were trying to to think what Adrianna could mean while at the same time hold back the truth that he did know of such a promise. The trouble was, he couldn't understand how a vamp as young as adrianna could know of such things so ancient.

"Oh but there is, and you know what it is. of course it would bring about your undoing and send you off to final death. and of course we wouldn't want that would we?"

"THERE IS NO SUCH PROMISE." Jason shouted until his throat bled.

"My sweet dark prince, You are talking to one who has been to the abyss and the elders of my clan...oh wait... I'm soory... I forgot that part. When last we met I was under house arrest. But my Sire took me to meet the Eldest of my clan... I like to call them It's but that another story... Anyway I had to prove myself to them... you know... take that leap of faith beyond our world to see first hand the truth of the abyss... to know the darkness as only one of my clan can and to become something more.
I lost much humanity, but :::giggles::: I think i'm a better person for it. It was there that I learned the truth about your demon essence... imagine a demon ruling over cascadia. The sabat thought it brillent." She smiled.


"Verywell, I know where you are, Lets say in a month or so I come back and ask you if your ready to hear what I want." She said turning around to leave.

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 2:16 am Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
(( woah, VERY cool turn of events there :), nice work on the post! I'm adding on it soon ))

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 3:08 am Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
" Those two are still lurking in the area, one of them is of my bloodline, you won't escape this place alive without me.... " spoke the essence of Valek, passing thru the possessed kine... keeping the same pace, starting to walk up the stairs, she answered him coldly

" It is a chance I am willing to take, and a chance you are taking as well, if I die, you will not be getting out of this realm anytime soon .... " her cold words were followed by her usual giggles. Obviously angering him more by the second, a loud and powerful demonic scream made the place tremble.

" Perhaps I was wrong about you, you are wiser than I thought you were .... " those words brought a smile upon the face of Adrianna, knowing he was now ready to hear what she had to request. Backtracking her way down the few stairs she had passed, she entered the room once more.

" Wise, correct, but I know more of you than you think " The deadly silence following those words, was only freeing the ground for more words to follow.

" You are the son of Midian, known amongst the mortal as Lucifer. I have learned much, and yet so many are unaware of it " she spoke " I must say I take a vile pleasure by forcing you like this " she spoke once more, a smile once more appearing on her face.

" I take it you are ready to hear what I have to say ? " forcing him once more to agree with her, knowing Valek, she knew he wasnt the kind to be toyed around with, but this time he had no other alternatives.

" Speak .... what is your request .... "

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 3:33 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
(Giggles this is funn, We prolly the only ones reading it. shame huh? Anyway I have to go to work so I will post later.)

(p.s be very afraid.) :D

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 3:54 am Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
(( Yeah it's quite cool, I'm enjoying it anyway lol.

I'm taking your words for advice, I think Ima go eat a bowl of fear right now, just so it bangs less hard later hehe lol. Well have fun at work, I have a feeling I'm gonna so like your upcoming post lol ))

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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