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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Thorp in Cascadia

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 5:47 am Reply with quote
Gabriel stepped forward slowly, stopping quickly as Valek slipped through the floor, the stones zipping back up after his fall.
"What in the..." Gabriel placed his hand on his sword, then realized that the boy was far older and more powerful than he. He lowered his hand from his sword. "Where is he Malkavian?"
The boy turned his head and walked down the hallway, past the small girl. Gabriel followed him slowly, glancing behind him at the remaining coterie.
"Boy...where has Valek gone?" Gabriel repeated slowly, stepping into the main room. The boy slowly turned around...

((tryin to brainstorm a plot twist....

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 8:00 pm Reply with quote
((I'm writing something :smile:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 8:51 pm Reply with quote
Valek had vanished into a pit below them. Batgirl spun on her heel, instantly worried for her mentor and clan brother.

"Where is he?... WHERE IS HE?" her tongue clicked as she frantically shouted at the child. Gabriel grabbed her arm preventing her from striking Silence.

"Shut-the-fuck-up!" spat back Thorp, still keenly sniffing the girl's scent. "And for the love of beer, arm yerselves... !"

Gabriel drew his pistol again, trying to remember the number of unspent rounds in the magazine. Batty stared coldly at the boy, any compassion she felt for him was now gone, replaced by fear and anxiety. She adjusted the armour under her cape as she reached for her dark sword.

"What is it Thorp?" whispered Gabriel, not really wanting to know. Thorp turned to face him then moved towards the girl. "She'sssssss---"

"Thorp!" The floor opened up again, swallowing the City Gangrel. He fell into the water far below with a loud splash and a surprised yelp. Gabriel had to stop himself from leaping to Thorp's aid and leaving Batgirl alone with the pint-sized kindred.

"Where did they go??? What's down there???" Silence and his lookalike blinked in response. "So help me, one of you had better answer me!" Instead of holding her back as she advanced on the pair, Gabriel pulled her roughly towards the spot where Valek and Thorp had disappeared. Together they trigger the hidden sensor and again the floor opened up. Gabriel muttered a prayer as they fell, their landing narrowly missing Thorp.

"Thanks for dropping in" smirked Thorp. They looked up at the ceiling above them. "I reckon that's got to be fifty metres or so"

"Well we won't be going back that way" Gabriel pushed his wet hair away from his face.

"Where did Valek go?" Batgirl heightened her senses, peering further along the dimly lit tunnel. "I don't see him!" Alarm grew in her voice.

As if in answer, Valek's laughter echoed from the darkness, shortly followed by a furious sloshing sound.

"He's not alone!" warned Thorp...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 10:36 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 2:16 am
Pandemonia watched as all the kindred fell through the flooring. Her smile widened as her eyes settled on her twin. Silence. Her smile turned into a delicate frown and she shook her head from side to side slowly.
She walked over too silence and placed the back of her hand against his cheek.

"They have the key…" her voice was gentle and filled with a disappointment. A little giddy giggle left her mouth and she smiled once more at silence. "Yes brother we will."

She let her hand drop from his cheek then turned to face the trap door in the floor. Silences hand slithered inside of hers as they gripped onto each others hand. They turned and made eye contact once more.

"Its time to go and play" Her voice sounded excited but a trace of evil could be found underling it.

The walked hand in hand as they started there pursuit of there new found friends.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 11:23 pm Reply with quote
The lycanthrope and Valek started battling each other .... both gripping each other's shoulders.... Valek smirked as he looked into the beast eye's .... The beast quickly digged his long and sharp claws into both of Valek's shoulder's .... a scream of pain could be heard in echoe in the tunnel .... Valek was still looking straight in the lycanthrope's flashing blue eyes .... this was no ordinary werewolf .... Valek could tell by the overwhelming power the beast had .... The beast the threw Valek on the wall with huge strenght .... the sounds of bone's crushing could be heard .... Valek coughed blood as he stood up slowly .... The lycanthrope quickly rushed his way next to Valek .... Valek was still standing his back against the wall .... the beast drilled Valek with non stop punches on his chest .... Valek never saw such a powerful werewolf like this before .... even Valek had troubles handling the beast .... The beast lifted up Valek and threw him against the other tunnel wall on the oposite side .... the wall breaked as Valek passed through it .... Valek landed down 20 meters below .... The beast jumped down to reach Valek .... Valek stood up slowly walking back and forth being a little dazzed .... Valek then put his hand on the handle of his sword .... the beast jumped in the air to reach Valek .... as soon as the beast was in range .... Valek took out his sword the "Cthulhu Dawn" and cut the right arm of the beast dodging his jumping attack .... the beast fell on its knees as Valek cut the other arm .... a strange red mist was coming out of Valek's sword this time .... faces of demons could be seen in it .... As Valek arrived to cut the beast's head .... the beast dodged the hit ... jumping back .... New arms were growing on the beast ... as it howled .... "What .... the ..... fuck ... " Valek spat as he saw that .... The beast yelled in a beastly voice "Show me your true face DEMON!! ..... " Valek replied saying "I will never show it to you .... " Valek said in a cold way ....

-Beast-"Your ........ Sister .... Seraphimia ... might come to get you ..... you know as well as i do that she is one of us .... and the most powerful .... " Valek stayed silent as the beast said that .... The beast disapeared in shadows .... and threw a strange looking dagger that stabbed Valek right in the middle of his chest .... Valek looked at it as he fell on the ground ... sitting his back against the wall .... slowly trying to heal up ..... Valek looked once more at the dagger that was in him ... not taking it out .... it had the sign of the "Children of Gaia" on the handle ..... Valek still didnt took out the dagger out of him ... he waited .... Slowly starting to laugh evily ....

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-12-11 17:26 ]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 12:12 am Reply with quote
The twins stood before the trapdoor as it opened once again, looking down at the coterie as they headed up the tunnel towards Valek.

They waited for a moment, then stepped forward into the pit. If anyone had been watching, they would have seen two children floating down as if having only the wait of a feather, as they seemingly vanished from existence.

The twins spoke to eachother telepathically, with a private link so strong it could have been one being with two distinct personalities.

"What did you have in mind Sister? You'll See brother, you'll see. oh, i hear screaming sister.. maybe we should help them? Oh no, Brother, I think they can handle it..."

Pandemonia's laughter filled the dark tunnell...

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 11:22 am Reply with quote
The coterie started to wade in the waist deep water towards the sound of Valek's laughter.

More sounds directed them through the dimly lit tunnels - shouting, splashing, panting... but it was the sound of a lupine's howl that chilled the coterie most.

Without a thought for the sunlight that warmed the living world so far above their heads, the coterie moved through the tunnel, quietly relieved to find the water level subsiding and allowing easier and faster movement.

"aaww shit!" Thorp saw Valek first. "He's been stabbed!"

Valek turned to face Thorp as Gabriel and Batgirl rushed to his side. He cracked his neck and grinned at Thorp then turned his eyes down to the blade in his chest.

"Valek!" Batgirl kneeled beside her mentor, no longer trying to avoid the putrid water and slime covered walls.

Gabriel winced as he watched Valek remove the protruding blade from his chest, lick his blood from its metal then pocket the weapon. As Valek stood, his movement forced a quick gush of blood from the wound reminding him to heal.

"There's Garou in these tunnels... we heard it." Thorp sniffed the air, it had been here but the scent was fading.

"He's gone..." Valek motioned towards the darkness, "Went that way."

From behind the coterie, the laughter of a girl child bounced along the tunnel walls. The four kindred shivered, they knew they must either turn back and face the terrible twins or move forward and face the Lycanthrope...

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 4:57 pm Reply with quote
((Panda honey, post something for me?))
The twins floated invisibly towards the coterie thru the dark tunnels, following the sounds of their bodies sloshing through the deep muck.

Their silent communication continued.
"Sister, Its so very good of these young ones to assist in our pest problem. Yes brother, but we need to get our key from them, how silly that they should take it."

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 2:51 am Reply with quote
((heheh I forgot that Valek still had the key! lol....


PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 6:30 am Reply with quote
((Ok im thinking of something and ill post tonight :smile: ))

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 7:10 pm Reply with quote
((ermmm.. ok.. somebody post? ok?

The coterie helped valek to his feet as the smell of garou grew stronger. Thorpe sniffed the air.

"Oh Shit."

The hairy beast could be seen as it approached, stoping just ten feet short of the coterie.


PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 8:45 pm Reply with quote
((Ok ill reply to the thread soon enough now :smile:

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-12-16 17:37 ]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 12:37 am Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((AHH Sorry I haven't posted in so long, but it's actually Bats' fault! She made me a NeoAddict! NEOPETS RULES! lol, Ok, I'll let you post Valek, since I dunno what to post and I want to go check if the snowager is

Offline Profile
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 7:04 am Reply with quote
((::takes a dark and creepy voice as he says:: "I shall crush all that Neopets stuff with my army of the dead .... all of your souls of neopets players are MINE! LOL

Ok im writting something for the TiC thread now :smile: ))

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 7:56 am Reply with quote
As Valek stood up taking the wolf headed dagger out of him licking the blood on the blade of the dagger.... Valek felt something strange in his chest,just like if this dagger had released some sort of curse in him .... Valek looked at the wound ... it was already healed ... but there was something not right about it,a strange line of white fur was covering the wound ... Valek smirked at it ... saying nothing of it to the rest of the coterie .... But Valek could feel like something was devouring him from inside ... something that was trying to get out .... but what?

Valek was now up to his feet,and looked at the lycanthrope in front of him,the coterie looked at it as well ....

"Im tired of this fucking shit .... " Thorp spat as he looked at the beast .... The beast seemed to only look at Valek .... strangely the beast stopped looking at Valek as it looked at the rest of the coterie ....

The beast started to walk toward the coterie as the evil laugh of the young boy and his sister could be heard in the tunnel .... they were getting closer to the coterie now .... Valek then took out his sword the "Cthulhu Dawn" as he said "I will buy us some time .... " The rest of the coterie then said all at the same time "You ain't fighting them alone Valek!"

Valek then said "Thats not what i meant .... step back a little"

The coterie stepped back as Valek stabbed the ground through the water with his sword .... Valek then said a few words in Los Demonis "Aramar kourious markaiila kampa"

These words made the water turn bloody red .... Valek smirked as he said them again turning back the water to a pitch black color .... then a red face of what seemed like the face of Satan himself appeared on the water.... a strong wind started to blow .... but the coterie werent outside .... it was due to the incantation (Spelling? lol) that Valek was doing ....

The water then raised up on both sides ... forming a shield .... no matter what the beast or the twins may do ... the demonic wall would not fall down for now ....

-Gabriel-"Well this may stop them but we are stuck between two of the ....... walls you just made .... "

Thorp raised his middle finger at the beast that was on the other side of the wall .... Thorp smirked as he said "Fucker!"

Valek then pointed the under the water a hole in the ground ....

-Valek-"Theres a hole there ... we can escape by this hole for now .... and see what we can do later .... "

Gabriel frowned a little ... not liking the idea all that much but it was the only good thing to do for now ....

"Theres an exit at the end of this path .... trust me .... " Valek said.

The twins arrived at the wall not able to pass through it .... both started to hit it .... but it was of no use ... the demonic wall would not fall down .... the beast was hitting it as well .... but to no avail .... the demonic wall stayed there ....

-Valek-"I need to finish the incantation .... escape first and ill follow shortly .... "

Gabriel and Batgirl noded .... But Thorp said "Nah im staying here .... just in case ,if something goes wrong i want to be in the first row to fuck up those fuckers .... "

-Valek-"Like you want .... Gabriel , Bat we will join you two shortly .... " Bat and Gabe noded going down the hole swimming their way in it ....

As Bat and Gabe were swimming their way away from the place the beast then talked in a beastly voice saying to Valek

"You will need to fight me .... otherwise i will never uncover the secret of the dagger you have ... and you are starting to feel the effect of it .... " Valek smirked and continued his incantation ....

Thorp was keeping an eye around to be sure that nothing happens while Valek was continuing the incantation ....

Valek was now done ... the wall would last for 15 minutes ....

Thorp and Valek went into the hole swimming their way out of the place ....

-Few minutes later-

Bat and Gabe continued to swim their way out of the place ..... they continued to swim ... as they arrived in what seemed to be the exit .... Bat and Gabe continued to swim when suddenly some sort of a portal appeared .... it was dragging them in .... Bat and Gabe were swallowed by the Portal .... Thorp and Valek followed and they were swallowed by the Portal as well ....

-15 minutes later-

The spell effect ended ... the wall broke down ..... the beast jumped toward Silence .... Silence only movement was a back hand shot .... making the head of the beast leave its body ..... the beast was now dead ... Silence killed it with no efforts .... he was very powerful indeed ....

"Where are they?" Silence asked ....

"I dont know .... " his sister replied ....

Meanwhile ....

Bat,Gabe,Thorp and Valek were all swallowed by the portal .... they apperead on a VERY HIGH hill ... about 500 meters high .... all around the hill was a dark and cold forest .... it seemed dead ...

-Thorp-"AHH FUCK! where are we now!?!?I HATE FORESTS!! .... Shit!!! "

Bat and Gabe were wondering where they were as well ....

Valek then said "Stop worrying .... im the one who created the portal .... and i know where we are .... "

-Gabriel-"And where are we .... Valek?"

-Valek-"Valarious forest .... the forest of my hometown .... " Valek smiled evily ....

-Batgirl-"How far is it from Cascadia?"

-Valek-"3000 miles"


-Valek-"We will find most of the answers we are searching for here .... trust me .... "

-Thorp-"You better beam our asses back to Cascadia when all is done man .... i want to be able to smell the traffic fumes again!"

-Valek-"No worries .... i can bring us back when wanted .... "

The coterie looked at the forest .... the entrance of it looked like a horde of demons destroyed it .....

Valek smiled evily at it ....

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