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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:13 am Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
I knew down the nethers that more than one villain broke their shackles, and offered freedom of slavery in exchange of my capture, or her death. They will be back, and next time, surely in numbers. I needed more than walking fleshbags, sure they had their utility, but they would never stand tall against what would come next.

I needed someone, or something that would stand, defy and fight back against my former brethrens. What bothered me the most currently was not entirely this particular thing, the society in itself, should they ever discover my return, would surely send their most skilled assassins on my case, cannot really blame them, after all, my alliance with the Kabal years ago cause Cascadia's downfall... surely, they'd still remember.

And as far as it concerns me now, I regret nothing. I had my reasons, no one ever knew them, no one.. beside her, and hell, would it have really changed something if they did? This past cleansing was the only possible outcome.

When I look at Cascadia now, they had recovered from it, which means, there were still kindred of influence within its walls, some were clever enough to survive the past carnage.

For once, my desires were not to plundge Cascadia's face six feet under, thought tempted by reliving such a pleasure, it was no longer appearing in my priorities, I wanted her back, plain and simple, if it could be done without alerting anyone, I'd do it... but if raising hell once more is the only key to her, I would do worst than I had ever done before.

[b:99aea6902b]Knowing the dice will only be rolled once, he began to fortify his defenses, starting by summoning as many wraiths and creatures he could with the power given to him.

Remaining six feet under, thought awaken, the creatures orders were clear, none of them were to even appear, unless was he in danger of failing...[/b:99aea6902b]

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:51 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Location: your nightmaresJoined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:51 pm
It stretched almost reluctantly, it had being a long time, was it many moons or perhaps many years that it had lain dormant and chained.It didn't care but now it could feel something, a calling, something was willing it to stir and to let it be known that it was still alive, that it still should be feared. slowly it eased out its evil black tendrils in the confines of its prison, ever so gently trying to tease its way out of the blanket that seemed to shroud it.

The restrictions put there to dampen it down where indeed strong and it lay and listened once again .....yes there it was again, very faintly but was him.

The nails dug deep into the back of his hand and he sat up bolt upright, his other hand reached for his dagger as he looked around the room then to the prone figure laid next to him. The moonlight fell on her alabaster skin and he watched as her eyelids flickered, her lips parted ever so slightly and he leaned down to listen to what she was saying.

[i:7bdef21290]" No your wrong my love, its not possible now hush now and sleep"[/i:7bdef21290]

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:59 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[b:10696ee702]Am I alone?[/b:10696ee702]

[i:10696ee702]Is there anybody alive?[/i:10696ee702] I questioned myself and anyone who could hear me, the city had obviously been the host of a disaster, there was no other possible ways of explaining the numerous accidented vehicles in sight.

What had happened here? there was blood, obvious acts of violence, accidented cars, but nobody present, not a single soul in sight. My vampiric senses returned negative to me, it was as if everybody left, or disapeared.

The further I dared to go, the worst it became, but did I had any other choices? I needed to find help, someone, or something that could pull me out of this mess... and I had a feeling, I really needed out of this noir scenery.


The further I ventured, the more I felt watched, what led me further you'd asked me? I could hear faintly in the distance, the sound of a motor turning.

Strange, I kept hearing a cracking noise always so close to me, was I being followed? I don't think so, I would have felt such a thing... [i:10696ee702]*sighs*[/i:10696ee702] at least I hope.

[i:10696ee702][color=darkred:10696ee702]* tap tap tap.. *[/color:10696ee702][/i:10696ee702]

Something was running around me, I had just heard it again, I close my eyes and followed the motorized sound that seemed so close to me now. The same pattern kept returning... something was playing with me, or it just couldnt find me, honestly, I prefered the first option.


[b:10696ee702]The siren screamed, terrorized by a creature that leaped throughout a window in the distance, and began to rush torwards her, judging by the shape, it was once a human, but it's skin had been burnt..[/b:10696ee702]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 8:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
[b:3f6a99a622]I got my mind made up, shock, denial, anger, acceptance.[/b:3f6a99a622]

So far I recovered no decent informations on her whereabouts and the worthless fleshbag I sent earlier had given me no signs of interests. Patience had never been something I possessed, and it became clear at this point, I will reach for what I want, no matter what the consequences will be, otherwise, it'll just be an endless waiting game.

I had no other alternatives than letting the demon in me resume his past carnage, should I desired to succeed, alone, the chances were slim, and with it, I was placing a huge advantage in my pocket.

With no real clues, I couldnt risk heading anywhere blindly, I would need solid leads, and if none was found in my domain, hers seemed the best place to visit next.

[u:3f6a99a622][b:3f6a99a622]Laura De L'Hiver's Mansion[/b:3f6a99a622][/u:3f6a99a622]

I never really had any interests in Toreadors in general, even if I return in the nights of my Princedom over this city, things were no different. Perusing the shadows of her garden, I remembered how much life she brought to this place with her simple presence. Now, it looked as an abandoned ghost house.

The garden withered with my simple presence, the results brought me comfort, youd go and ask me why ? this was a visible proof that my powers were returned to me slowly.

Rain rushed my researched and led me inside sooner than I had expected. Upon entering, I dusted the rain drops off my coat, to conclusively stick my glare upon a painting of her and Christopher.

For years I had restrained myself to gut this ignorant fuck, for her, it would have compromised one too many things in the society. In the end however, I was offered his head on a silver plate, needless to say, I grasped the occasion.

[color=darkred:3f6a99a622]As the rain outside slowly shifted into a storm, the fallen Prince began his search for anything that would lead him to her... [/color:3f6a99a622]

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:20 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
The speed on which it ran was unbeleivable, the horrendous screams it lat out each passing seconds, made my blood run cold. It had only one thing in mind... me.

The dice were rolled, and the challenge sent, the bids? my life. With the little strenght I had left in me, I blindly rushed my way torwards the creature, the reason behind such nonsense? the vehicle was halfway from both sides, I could not afford to fail, I had to make it, if not for me… than for him.

I ran and gave the best I could, but no matter the efforts I pulled out of me, the beast doubled it and made it to its goal within an heartbeat. With blood pouring down it’s irregular jaw, the monster clawed itself, his ever red eyeballs devouring me from the distance that separated both of us.

Imposing his presence, pacing forward, it kept tearing itself to shreds, never losing sight of me. With each step forth it placed, I placed one backwards, I knew I was in no condition to face such an attrocity.

[b:4e5b773f62][color=darkred:4e5b773f62]*painful moan*[/color:4e5b773f62][/b:4e5b773f62]

My naked feet pressured over broken glass, each step I placed afterwards, just dug it deeper within my pale skin.

[color=darkred:4e5b773f62]Keeping her eyes upon the monster, she never noticed the danger she was exposing herself to upon venturing into the nearby alley, the creature was intentionaly forcing her back for something... but what?[/color:4e5b773f62]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:34 pm Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 167Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 am
In shape and clues, it was undeniable that the manor had been emptied inside out, perhaps purpously, it was impossible to even think of finding out, thought the elegant furniture was still in place, photos and the like, nothing was missing but one particular thing, the proof of her existence was no more.

Thought present in numerous paintings, it was as if she had became a ghost from the past, no documents, nothing could attest that she had been buried, that she even had a burial ceremony for that matter.

[i:31b41024e0]Unfortunate isnt it?[/i:31b41024e0] a voice broke the shackles that held silence present, the particularity of it was somehow disturbing, it was his own voice, Valek's voice, but spoke by someone else...

An exact replica appeared behind the mirror from the room of mirrors the fallen prince was at the very moment. He approached the mirror, curious, never had he a relection of himself in one of those things, let alone the years he was still a mortal, of course.

The figure followed his every movement, and eventualy led him to the fact that it could possibly be in fact, his own reflection. It had been over a thousand years since last such a thing happened, and he had forgotten himself, what he looked like.

[i:31b41024e0]Have you forgotten who I am! who you are!? [/i:31b41024e0] his reflection, chocking the dark one with his hands as he became close enough for his other self to lay hands on him. The hands and arms passing thru the mirror as if it was a mere pool of water.

[i:31b41024e0]If not me who are you![/i:31b41024e0]

[i:31b41024e0]Can't you recognize me? I am a part of you, I am what you left down the brimstones when you broke your chains. [/i:31b41024e0] his relfection answered, leaving a question mark upon the fallen one's face.

[i:31b41024e0]I am your own cruelty, partly left behind when you left, for her. It seemed there was no more place in your own black heart Valek, you had to leave part of your own madness down below, all this traded for what? love for a fucking bitch! [/i:31b41024e0]

The hall of mirrors exploded entirely, leaving the thousand of shards floating around the fallen one in a circular motion..

A smirk painted Valek's visage, glaring at his own reflection, well, that reflection was now flesh and bones, standing outside the deadly trap of shards it had for him.

[i:31b41024e0]As you can see, I am granted the same powers as you, come back to reason and return willingly, or face the consequences.... [/i:31b41024e0]

[color=darkred:31b41024e0][i:31b41024e0]I chose, the consequences... [/i:31b41024e0][/color:31b41024e0]

[b:31b41024e0]Tonight, I face an ennemy I know well, myself...[/b:31b41024e0]

I was a creature before I could stand, the only thing I ever really loved... was hate.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 3:09 am Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
(( im sure this is a good place for me to jump in. but i don't have time to write. and you guys are doing so well..... perhaps ill think about it overnight ... keep it going guys ))

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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