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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 4:28 pm Reply with quote
User avatarAssamitePosts: 105Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:38 pm
[color=darkred:a39941a700] [i:a39941a700]


It had been a little over a year since he had left. The strange things that had happend or not happend as he had later found out. Still he was sure that Valek had told all of them what had been left on his door step his last night in Cascadia. As he looked at the city in the distance he contemplates his next corse of action. The guards he had left in the city had not sent word in months they had either been killed or subverted to someone elses cause. His best corse of action would be to contact Drain of course assuming he was still around. The few contacts he still had were unable to find out anything about the reclusive Nos. They had mentioned several other things going on. The figures mentioned in the reports sounded familure in build but thier actions were out of character. Sorenti would not act as they had described nor would Gab. There was also the "" sighting "" someone that resembled Rea but she would not have returned unless she was seriously deluded or maybe it really was Sorenti she had claimed to love him and that may have caused her to return if it really was him. He was not sure as to what to do if he did return. He had sworn once to kill her but that was a long time ago and well things were definatly different now. Also the reason he had sworn to kill her was because he was the "" Sheriff "" which well that was all a farce. So he was not really bound to the oath although it could be fun to have her think that he was and use that to his advantage. Having a Los in his pocket could be beneficial.

Ahhh but the real question was to enter the town or not he was still a few miles out of town and could go around or head back. What to do what to do.......................... [/i:a39941a700]

You under estimate the power of the dark side.......and never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:33 pm Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
(( decisions decisions..))

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:07 am Reply with quote
User avatarAssamitePosts: 105Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:38 pm
[i:fee35f6e66] [color=darkred:fee35f6e66]

Almost anouther year had gone by and here he was again looking at the same town again off in the distance. He had decided not to detour and stop in to see what was going on in the city, but instead continue on and finish the few contracts he had. Now he was on his way back to Almut he had time. he could stop in. The contacts he had in the city had disappeared. The last message he had mentioned Valek had been removed and a very reclusive individual had been placed in charge. He was tempted to enter just to see if he could find Sorenti, Drain, Gabe, or more importantly her. Ahh yes it always came back to her. When he had left she had gone into hideing not a word to him or anyone else as far as he knew. Noone had known he was positive she was not dead he was going to start looking for her then the whole "" attack "" had happend or not happend. As he stood there he decided he would go and see what he could find out. At the worst he may have to fight his way back out at the best well maybe just maybe he might find what he was looking for........[/color:fee35f6e66][/i:fee35f6e66]

You under estimate the power of the dark side.......and never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:15 am Reply with quote
User avatarAssamitePosts: 105Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:38 pm
[i:d8a3ca5d06] [color=darkred:d8a3ca5d06]

He chose the industrial district to enter the town. It was always easier to get in and out of towns this way no one paid any attention to anouther working stiff headed back into the city after night fall. As he neared the site of his old haven he stopped. What was he doing someone was bound to have taken up residance there and if the had not well activity there would announce his return to anyone that may be watching. So he headed on down to the warf it was only a short distance from where he was. The Door under the bridge would grant him access to the sewer and if he recalled properly if would definatly notify at least one person he needed to see that he was back in town.

He slowly opend the door and stepped in. Light from the street lights framed him in the door way, he saw a slight movment in one of the pipes leading from the chamber. Nodding his head he stepped back into the street letting the door close. Drain would know he was here now and would either find him or send word of a place to meet. Now to find a sutable place to spend the day. He could go several places assuming they were all still vacant. As he walked threw the town he noticed several changes some good some bad.

Looking up he saw he was in a very familure place. It was her shop, it did not look inhabited and an investigation would be doon but not tonight. Instead he went into the grave yard accross the street all the way in the back and to the right. The words CARPA NOCTURNUM enscribed on the back of the head stone near the base unnoticable to any but someone who new it was there. He pressed the proper sequince and the latches released. The headstone would fold over now allowing access to the refuge below. Yes it was cramped but it would suffice for a night or two untill he could speak with Drain and have a more proper undisclosed and privet place to conduct his affaires from for the short time he would be here.

[/color:d8a3ca5d06] [/i:d8a3ca5d06]

You under estimate the power of the dark side.......and never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:22 am Reply with quote
User avatarAssamitePosts: 105Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:38 pm
(( Hrmmm a lil help Drain heh heh Oh and btw anytime the text is like in my previous post that is Cain I am thinking Walker Boh's text will be

[i:7f26e64179][color=darkblue:7f26e64179] Something like this maybe [/color:7f26e64179][/i:7f26e64179] anyway like I said a lil help please ))

You under estimate the power of the dark side.......and never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 9:53 am Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
Drain held the lighter to the note, as the flame creeped up the paper he held it to his cigar, and droped the paper. Watching it float to the ground with sparks drifting down around the dirty stone floor.

the note was simple and written in strange symbles know only to the clan:

[i:ac45f4fe29]resembled Cain. followed to Tomb.[/i:ac45f4fe29]

"Why have you come back Sherriff." He mumbled. "why have any of them come back."

Within the hour Drain was in the Esylium awaiting an audiance with the Prince. A message could have been sent but this was information that was best trusted to only a few. and besides, delivering it himself would show his faith in his new Prince, and earn more trust..

True the City was now run by a Nosferatu. but a puppet sent to return order to the city. Order Ba.... the city was being turned into a breeding ground for the Sabbat. they were here.. that was for sure. There may be more going on in here than is being shown, that was the nature of unlife.. but because Drain was a know concort to the old ruling Venture he was no longer trusted. but perhaps this knowledge of Cain will help to build bridges.

--------------Next evening: sundown-----------------------

Carl sat on the hood of his cab leaning against the windshield waiting. He was told to wait here for a fare... HERE next to a Graveyard. and a smelling fish cannerary. He was told to be patient, drive his passenger anywhere he wanted, and to give him the a letter which he kept in his front pocket..

A Clang of metal rang out thru the night followed by the squeak of Rats. When Carl looked over twards where he assumed the sound came from he saw a rat .. a Big rat .. the Biggest fucking Rat he ever saw.. standing on a dumpster and he swore it was watching him.. just staring at him.[/b][/i]

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:17 am Reply with quote
User avatarAssamitePosts: 105Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:38 pm

As he slipped out of the hideing place the first thing he noticed were the rats. Not that it botherd it how ever did serve to tell him that he was correct and Drain was still in residence in the city and he was watching him now. That was fine with him for the moment. Cain slowly made his way to the entrance as he approached he noticed the taxi. It was the same company that Drain had connections with befor, there was a man sitting on the hood. He looked familure but Cain was not sure, standing in the shadows Cain observed the man for a while befor approaching. As he melted out of the shadows and walked up to the man he made efforts to not startle the man. This man could be from Drain but not know who or what he was dealing with. As he neared the man looked up.

"" So are you here to pick me up? ""

The man nodded mouth dropped open.

"" Do you have something for me? ""

Again the nod

"" Well let me have it. ""

The man fished around in his pocket and handed Cain a letter. It said..........

[/color:161482e21c] [/i:161482e21c]

You under estimate the power of the dark side.......and never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 5:44 pm Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
sorry my friend for not meeting you in person.. but my work doesn't allow me out much. I have sent along this ride for you to use as you see fit...The Driver is Carl and is dependable.. honest for the most part. he can drive well, is relatively stupid.. and can be easyly manipulated.

Many faces have changed since youve been gone..and not many to be trusted. I have taken the liberty of informing the prince of your presence in town .. and he will be expecting your visit tonight he is interested meeting the Sheriff of the old Guard.. and curious as to your return. [color=darkred:2b357a353e][/color:2b357a353e][size=18:2b357a353e][/size:2b357a353e]


Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:51 am Reply with quote
User avatarAssamitePosts: 105Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:38 pm

Damn he thought the rat ratted me out to the new Prince already. Oh well it was inevitable he would have to see this new Prince eventually. At least the Convention of Thorns no loger applied. All Assamites were free of the curse now so his old Sabbat status no longer held any weight since they were one indipendant clan now. How ever what to tell this Prince of his reason for being here. No matter what he told him he would more than likely not be believed. How many would believe that a high ranking Assamite was in thier town not to kill someone.

He looked at Carl. "" Drive me to see your employer (( sp )) ""

Sitting back in the seat as Carl drove he wondered what to say to Drain. It had been a long time if things had changed as much as Drain said could Drain be trusted. He had little choice at the moment as Drain was the only one in the city he knew so. Oh well it was all said and done right now best to just get this over with. Still could he ask Drain about her. He may have information already more than likely not though. He could find out though.

As the car continued threw the city Cain lost himself in thought........

[/color:c13002a706] [/i:c13002a706]

You under estimate the power of the dark side.......and never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:12 am Reply with quote
User avatarAssamitePosts: 105Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:38 pm

Walker was at his desk feet up relaxing for a change. No new emergancies for once. Cain had compleated his tasks and was on his way back to Almut he should be here with in the week. He wonederd if he should send his Childe on anouther assignment or let him take some time to himself. There were several new tomes being researched. New things to learn hell they had even uncovered some more of the Thaumatergy secrets from the books they recovered after the raids on the Trem's. Cain would be pleased some of the new secrets could kill from a distance all you had to do was be able to see the target. This could come in very handy.

Just then there was a polite knock on the door. "" Come in. "" A very thin man enters the room. Walker looks at him it takes a second to register who it is. "" What can I do for you Ahlmed? Do you have the next target location already? ""

"" No sir I have a routine report on your Childe's location you asked for. He has stopped for the day but not in the schedualed location. while this is usually not a problem it seems that he is going to stay there for some time. He is in a cab as we speak headed into the inner city. ""

Walker shakes his head. What is Cain doing unless he is traking on of the targets of opertunity. "" OK Ahlmed what city is he in? ""

Ahlmed seems to shrink back into himself "" Cascadia sir ""

Walker is quickly around the desk looming over Ahlmed "" YOU WATCH HIM 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK UNTILL HE LEAVES THAT CITY IF HE EVEN LOOKS AS IF HE MIGHT BE IN THE LEST AMOUNT OF TROUBLE YOU INFORM ME RIGHT AWAY. I dont know what he is doing back there but it cannot be good. Have a plane on stand by within the hour just incase. ""

Thinking to himself what the hell is going on. As far as he knew all of Cain's contacts in Cascadia were gone, Sorenti was there but the two of them had gone there seperate ways. The Nos Drain was there but Cain would not need to actually go see him to get information from him. He could have done that threw any number of channels. So why actually set foot in that town so much had been lost there........... That was it! He was going there to try and pick up the pieces to find her. It had to be. Walker could understand that. She was magnificant the perfect companion for an Assamite that felt the need for one. Ahhh but how long would it last this time he wondered. And would Cain want to bring her here. He had asked that befor Walker had to say no of course but now Cain was even more respected now than he had been. It could very well be possable for him to obtain permission to bring her here. She would be the first and probably the only nonAssamite to be allowed in Almut with out chains................

[/color:974d960d0b] [/i:974d960d0b]

You under estimate the power of the dark side.......and never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:33 am Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
As the car eased onto the more travled roads Carl began to wonder where to take the strange figure in the back.. to my employer? He wants to go to the Cab company? Why on earth would he want to go there.

Or perhaps he ment to take him to the Eastern Bay Service and Tug on Canal street. That is where the strange man got into the cab with specific instructions on what to do tonight. That made more sense. with his mind made up he turned the cab around and headed back twords the Cascadia Docks. He passed the tell tail signs of poverty and ruin all about the area. But new developers were making small bits of progress. tearing down blown up meth labs and building tenement appartments out of them. In ten years of so this area may be safe again.

The Cab turned the coner into the parking lot.
" Here you go buddy, this is where i was hired from. it looks closed for the night though. Still want to check it out?" Carl said

"Stay here" Cain answered as he opened the car door, and walked up to the door. He turned the handle on the steel door only to find it locked., Then he looked down the street before going around back of the building.
the dock. There was a boat ramp leading up into the building..The smell of Rusted metal, salty sea air and oil permeated everything.

The constant lapping of the water, the clinking of various chains, and the squeaking of wood and metal around the place made it hard to pick out background sounds.

" a nice place to hide" Cain mumbled half to himself, and half to the figure standing in the dark corner under the stairs.

The figure squatted down and looked to each side. before taking half a step forward revealing a short squat Nosferatu wearing a dirty green army jacket. and a pair of black tuxedo pants. and in a nasaly voice said.

" ow comb you came here..Drain tells you to go to da princeb and state your business proppely..unlessb you are ere to unt me down.. if so.. be warned. i am under protection frob many in the citys."

(( ill try to write more tomarrow.. im tired.. and don't want my post to be to long.. read this and then ill post tomarrow..))

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 7:42 am Reply with quote
User avatarAssamitePosts: 105Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:38 pm

"" I am here because I dont know the new Prince. I dont know his name where he holds court. Not a damn thing. I am here because I did not want to tell the cabbie to take me to the Prince or the Elysium. Granted Drain would have told him to take me where ever I wanted to go but may have used actuall names of places like lets say the Elysium is at Suzies Fun Slot or some garbage like that, would I know that? No I would not so I asked the cabbie to take me to his employier so I could get the proper directions and maybe a lil insite into the new Prince and how he would react to me. So if you dont fucking mind I would appriciate it if you would not second guess me and maybe use what lil bit of brain you still posses that has not leaked out your ears and give me some information. ""

With the final words Cain flips an envelope to the squat Nos.

"" There is some cash and a few tidbits of info that you may or may not know yet. ""


You under estimate the power of the dark side.......and never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:47 pm Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
"before you leave " called out the Vampire " why don't you try going to the old esylium.. the one the Blue blood built.. the New prince saw no need to build a new place when one was just built not 5 10 years ago."

Cain listened and mumbleled something about the inefficency Drains Clan. He walked back to the cab and Told Carl to Drive to the City park. and to park in the underground parking garage.

With no questions asked Carl began to pull out of the driveway. " So buddy did you get everything you needed?" He said looking over his shoulder.

" Shut up and drive." Cain replied and stared out the window.

45 mins later Cain was in an elevator going down to the esyliums old location. With a muffled :ding: and a quiet humm.. the doors opended onto the Foyer of the esylium.. Its physical apperance hadent changed but the place felt down cast.. and depressed.

Cain stepped off of the elevator and saw a quick dart of movement out ot the corner of his eye..when from the other side came a call
"Mr Cain hello. welcome to the Princes court.. you are expected" The voice belonged to a smartly dressed gentelman holding a PDA and trying not to look intimadated by the Vamperic assassin.

"have you fed, of course not.. well if you are in need. the prince has a herd avalible to you. just ask.. He will a little busy at the moment but has instructed me to show you around..and to offer you a room in the city. a safe place..I am Leslie of the Malkavian Clan .. please follow me. and ill give you a tour of our place."

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 6:35 am Reply with quote
User avatarAssamitePosts: 105Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:38 pm

Great a fucking Loon that's all I need to deal with now, and the "" Prince "" wants me to wait. Just great just great. Looking at Leslie he shakes his head.

"" Fine.....Whatever although unless things have changed that much there are a few rooms over that way for privet meetings. A set of offices in the back for the Sheriff, Senchel, and the Prince for privet matters and at the back of that hall a spiral stair case going down in to the basment where you will find several holding cells and a store room or two. Or were you going to show me the "" holding his hands up to make quotation marks "" "" secret "" escape doors and such out of this place. You may ask how I know well its because I helped with the design and lay out now unless you have some new info I will be right over there in that corner waiting patiantly for the Prince to have the time to see me if that's OK with you. ""

Leslie looks at Cain startled by the tone and swiftness of his reproach. By the time he is done he can say nothing all he can do is nod his head up and down makes a note on his PDA and scurries off.

Cain walks over to his corner yes it was his corner it was the same one he was always in when he was the sheriff here. Not much had changed with it. The chair he sat in was still there a lil dusty evedently no one used it anymore. All the better he thinks to himself as he sits down. Ahh this is more like it he reaches in his coat pocket and pulls out a cigar and some wooden matches. He lights up looks for his ash tray sees it acrossed the room. Damn he thinks ok maybe some things have changed a lil. He gets up grabs the ash tray takes it back to its proper spot and resumes his seat, and wonders well just how long will I have to sit here this time. As he thinks back to the first time he enterd this city and sat in a chair very like this one waiting to see Rhiannon. It was differant then though then he was concerned that he would be exicuted for being a member of the Sabbat. Things were different now so there was very lilttle worry about that now now it was just a matter of time and how long he must wait to see the Prince.


You under estimate the power of the dark side.......and never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:35 pm Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
Cain sat in the corner looking all around feeling eyes on him from every direction.

Leslie returned 3 cigeretts later and escorted Cain to a large conferance room. The lights were off and Cain refelxively reached for the switch. A soft click was answered only by darkness.

"He prefers it dark, There is a lighter and a candle on the table. please feel free to light them. And know this Assimite..I let you in fully knowing you are armed.. If violence should happen while you are in there. you will not leave this building.. you may know the secrets of this place..but we know you... your Habbits.. your likely escape routes.. your style of attack.. I have been reading a lot about you in the last half hour. so please tread carefully. He will be in momentarly... "

and with a rather shy turn the Malkavian left the room.

Cain went to the table and light the candles. The room turned a flickering orange color as he looked around. This was the table used for council meeting. the tell tail marks for some former friends and enemies were left on the mahogany top. The highly polished end where the Ventrue sat.. the knife scratches where the Brujah sat.. the claw marks for the Gangral.. A full look at tthe room showed the recent use of a secret door. and some new listening devices.

A soft rustle brought Cain spinning around, his hand reaching into his jacktet.

"I should know better than to try to slip in when someone as astute as yourself has come to pay us a visit. Please sit down Mr Cain.. I am Erik. Some would call me Prince.. but i think of myself more as a stewerd of Cascadia. As there was no formal process to my appointment.. What may i do for you?" The speaker was staying in the shadow cast by the candle, it was done easily enough.

Erik was Tall. and dressed like a stage preformer in flowing capes and frills.. he had a bone white mask over half of his face.. and the other half was exposed and blistered with puss running down into his eye. Tufts of hair were sticking out all on his head.. an attempt had obviously been made to keep them down but the Hair gel did nothing more than make the tufts look greasy and matted. The Nosferatu had the smell of flowers and burnt flesh all over him. the fomer was an obvious mask for the latter.

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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