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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:08 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:57698c614e] " Ventrue ? Every masterwork must have its frame; every bust must have its pillar. This the Ventrue understand, and they perform their functions admirably, I see not why I should consider to end his carreer François " my words couldnt be clearer. The talk was held at one of the most luxurious restaurant in Cascadia. The room dimly lit with red candles, was showing but a glimpse of the furniture, such beautiful crafting was of a remarkable taste. There I sat in the private area of this delightful place, having this conversation with François, his constant complaints about Benoît was starting to bore me.

" Yes I am perfectly aware of this Laura, I was but merely stating my opinion on this matter .... perhaps to replace him would be a good idea ". This iddle chat was amusing at the very start, but became far more boring as time passed by. I gazed outside the near window, at my unpleasant surprise I noticed voyeurs, they did appear to be spying on me, lets not be paranoid, perhaps just staring at me. With a sigh, I placed upon the table,the crystal cup that contained some * Bardeaux *, a delightful centuries old red wine, my favorite. My cup now placed on this luxurious table covered with an expensive piece of redish tissu, I layed back comfortably in my chair as I spoke.

" How deplaced of you to have such thoughts François, Benoît always performed his actions admirably, sometimes I look at you as nothing more than an odious beast... and to think that you are allowed in the halls of culture! Oh, how gauche.... ".

Judging by the look upon is figure, my words clearly irritated him, poor little thing. " How dare you let out such filthy words Laura! "

" My words are nowhere near filthy François, but you forgot your place, keep that in mind ". With a graceful nod he sat back on his chair, knowing that he crossed the boundaries. Finally noticing the voyeurs near the window, François looked at me with a rather uncomfortable emotion upon his face.

" And voyeurs François ? you deceive me, this magnificent city is surely delightful to the naked eye, but to think you brought me to a place where I'm being stared at by voyeurs ? frankly François, do better next time, I already miss home, France has no such idious creatures .... ugh ... "

" You see me truly sorry Laura, I will see that this unpleasant mistake does not happens a second time... but about the idea I had .... "

" François I must give you that, you are persistent, but I have a better idea. Instead of jumping to conclusions like you so lovely do, lets hold a Petite soirée, this would be the perfect opportunity to show our new fashion collection to the Kindred of this city. "

" A graceful idea Laura "

" Of course, what else. Do accordingly, and contact the Prince or Seneschal of this delighful place, I wish to hold this petite soirée as soon as possible, and do see if there is other Toreadors than those we met François, I wish to know so. "[/i:57698c614e]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 7:55 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:b0c9521943]In an heartbeat, something we no longer have, François had finally left. The air deplaced by the door's closing, had blew most of the candle's fire's out, closing the marvelous view of this exquisite room's interior.

Gazing outside by the window, I noticed that the voyeurs were gone... and, no far from the window, the shadow of the crystal cup, still half full with red wine, was cast upon the luxurious wall, by the candle whom was near it, and still lit. The flame on the tip of it was dancing, creating different shapes of shadows upon the wall, rather normal you would say, but it had nearly an artistic touch to it. Sinking in my chair, relaxing comfortably, the sound of a ring disturbed this, oh, so beautiful silence.

" Hello.... oh Christopher it's you! Was wondering if you would call me, did not expect it anymore for tonight, I know it is somewhat late, but is it still okay If I come by? ...... why no ? it's been a month Christopher, and I did not get to see your new haven yet ever since you moved here, is something wrong ? ..... okay, I understand .... no I'll be alright don't worry, I'm just disapointed, that's all ..... bye now .. "

Paying what was due to the restaurant, and the rental of this sublime room where I held this little conversation earlier, I left, passing across such beautiful items in this place made me stop a few times, the hand crafted candleabra's, scultures, and assorted arts hung upon the walls here and there, made the place nearly look like a small art museum.

As I stepped outside, the sound of a flag moving to the wind cought my attention, I looked across the streets and layed my eyes upon the American flag, whom was hanging on a pole fixed to the building. I always had a place for America in my heart, the only thing I ever disliked about it was the violence radiating from certain parts of it, but again, no places are protected fully of violence so .... it is just normality in itself in some ways.

I had my dose of " getting stared at " for tonight, and I was getting tired, seeing the Limousine finally arriving brought me relief .... as I stepped in I asked Luc to bring me to the hotel we previously reserved rooms, just so to make sure we wouldnt have any problems to get a place to sleep.

" Luc, do make it fast, I am exhausted, this soirée was long enough for me ... ahh and, do make sure that I am not bothered for the rest of the night, unless it is important ... "[/i:b0c9521943]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 4:45 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((this is some talented writing...if only i was still Seneschal...i'd meet you

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 6:31 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:f2b569784b]With certainty, I would say this night I was having, was by far one of the most unpleasant.... mind you I had everything to be comfortable, a highly decorated room, frames whom's rarity was matching the difficuly of finding virgin blood those nights, a sublime piano in the corner surrounded by detailed hand crafted statues of the founder of this, oh so delightful place, a balcony high enough, to feed your view with the magnificent scenery of Cascadia's luxurious parts of town. All of this, with a bed of feather, covered with *wine-redish* satin sheets, comfortable enough I'd say, as I did not fully wanted to get out of it, to close the half open window, whom was letting pass drafts of wind, giving me chills.

To not have been able to see Christopher at all for a month was bothering me, I often had the feeling that I was no longer what he desired, or that I failed somewhere, those toughts are tormenting me, daily and nightly. And as of lately, he has been acting strangely on the phone with me, I just don't know what to think anymore, perhaps I'm just worrying myself for nothing? I wish this last part could be exactly it.

I really couldnt sleep anymore, so I had to get up, slowly drifting out of bed, a strong draft of wind made the top cover flew, to end up laying on the piano in the near corner. Dressing myself with only a red satin night gown, I opened the doors of the balcony, I walked to the edge of it, placing my hands gracefuly on the ramp I sank in toughts, cheeks covered with two single tears whom escaped my eyes as I closed them. I hated myself for doubting Christopher's words, but even so, one would think the same thing as I if in the same situation, a part of me was telling me to rush over there and see what was going on, and yet another part was telling me to trust him completely. I had to bring relief on myself, normaly listening to the Moonlight Sonata is enough to cheer me up, but not only I didnt had it here, but I feel it wouldnt help me. So I did something that I did not had the chance to do in over weeks now.... sing.

My words echoed through the night, the sound of a so marvelous voice, hopefuly didnt bothered anyone. After what seemed like a good ten minutes of it, I stopped, thinking endlessly, I hate to say it, but love always have been my weak point .... The cold nightly wind brushing my air, I stayed there to look at this so magnificent view that was offered to me ....[/i:f2b569784b]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 3:15 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:03b082d3c1]The charming view offered from this balcony, was breath-taking, oh oui, a very delicate view. Smiling warmly as I retracted my hands gracefuly from the balcony's ramp, returning unwillingly inside, I lat out a sigh as I heard the phone ring, placing my hand delicately on the receiver, I slowly brought it to my ear as my eyes were fixed upon the redish cover still laying on the piano.

" Oui allô ..... François? Pour l'amour de Dieu! It is nearly dawn, I wish you had not bothered me for such subjects as this time ... Assamites? make no mistakes, there is art in what they do, but it's an art best viewed from a distance .... François, I know you did not called me just to get my opinion on that, mind you I feel your voice shaking, tell me what's haunting you like that? .... François !! stop turning in circles, what is it... deceased, who? .... François!!!! Stop it, and tell me for God's sakes!! .... Christopher's place? ..... I ... I'll be right there. "

Hearing Christopher's name brought so much worries in my head, François had just announced me that theres been an act of murder commited at Christopher's residence, the body in question had been severly damaged, and none of the Kindred present could place a finger on who's the deceased. I have been with Christopher for an hundred and ten years now, I knew how strong he was, so I doubt that the body would reveal to be him, or so I wish, I'm worried beyond comprehension... so I hurried and dressed myself quickly, and immidiately left.

Time was certainly not on my side, the first rays of light will be cast upon us shortly... roughly two hours, adding to this, the kine could show up at any moment, bon Dieu! this made things more unpleasant than they already are. The streets remained empty, freed of kine occupation at this time of the night, for the most part, this allowed me to speed up the pace, the speed I was going at was suicidal, I needed no more problems on my shoulders than I already had, especially since I had received word on my acceptance in Cascadia for the time being, and on top of that, I REALLY did not needed any mortal occupation around this little incident.

Finaly reaching the desired destination, I parked the vehicule in the back of Christopher's residence, mind you the place was nowhere near small, hidding the car was child's play. As I stepped foot outside the vehicule, I noticed a constant violent wind blowing upon the city, probably announcing a small storm.

As I expected, none was outside, quelle chance!, I rushed my way in, passing by the gigantic pool, some angelic looking statues amongst the dense garden forest that was decorating the backyard, whom was by the way, eye candy, a fantastic view that words couldnt describe.

Promptly stopping in front of a large wooden door, I looked upon the handle, soaken wet, with what seemed to be blood. A chance the door wasnt fully closed, otherwise I would have had to soil my hand with this liquid. Pushing the door slowly, an eerie sound came along with it... closing it behind me, I looked at a ventrue cleaning team whom were already on the work of erasing everything, so to preserve the Masquerade, Francois surprised me to have acted this fast, just as I would If I had been aware of it first.

Each of my step against the marble floor echoed in the entire residence, reaching the scene of crime, Francois was already there, with a graceful nod he indicated, well, pointed the brutal scenery. The view my eyes were witnessing, was terrible, horrifying, if I was still a mortal, the emotions given to me would surely have made me suffer an heartattack. The body was savagely brutalised, completely torned, the face had been ripped, teeths were gone, everything that could have served to identify the victim had been taken away already, most likely by the murderer.

" Ugh .... good God, that's inhuman, mind the expression, beastlike. If this is not the work of a beast, we're dealing with a Methuselah, ahh c'est dégoûtant.... "

The Kindred present, seemed to completely agree with my theory.... A feeling of relief overwhelmed me as I noticed this wasnt Christopher, how did I knew? Christopher had a tatoo of an half-angel on his back, this corpse did not have it ....

Giving the torned body a last look, I gazed upon the ventrue team as I spoke my following words clearly
" Take pictures of it, collect every evidences that can be collected, and bring them to me tomorrow night, ahh et, nettoyer moi tout ca d'accord ? Oh you see me sorry for my french, just clean everything and bring the deceased to Francois tomorrow as well, we will need to inform the local Kindred of this, I wish no problems with them, so I won't hide anything "

One of the ventrue handed me a piece of paper, stained with dried blood. He explained me that the note was held on the wall by a knife stabbed into it, being somewhat angry that they had already erased that part, I understood, since we were getting short on time.

Giving a look at this note, I've been able to read the following :

[b:03b082d3c1]I am the first not the last, condemned by a single kiss, contaminating the world, I live in infamy. I'll kill you and your dreams.[/b:03b082d3c1]

The rest was covered with bloodstains, making it impossible to read, however I could see Christopher's name in the middle of a sentence, aside from this name, the rest was of course, covered with this dried blood. Whom ever it was, he or she had Christopher, needless to say that the expression on my face wasnt an happy one, but for Christopher to have been kidnapped or something along those lines, and judging by the words used on the note, I was sure that we were dealing with a Methuselah, if that was the case, we werent at the end of our worries ....

" Francois, I'm heading back home, make sure to inform the appropriate Kindred about this, I'll have all of the evidence in my possession tomorrow, they will probably need them, en tout cas Francois, do accordingly, I'm counting on you . "

Returning back at the hotel, whom I was calling home at the moment, the rest of the team was leaving as soon as they would have finished, tomorrow night is another night, things would hopefuly flow easier ....[/i:03b082d3c1]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 7:30 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:d2f14d6457]Cold and silent, that's how I felt last night, as if it was not enough, these emotions chased me, to regretably join my night again. Ever since my arrival in this delightful city, a rush of unpleasent events kept overwhelming me. I still don't know how I managed to remain so calm after last night, to me Christopher meant everything, and to see him in this position was devouring me from the inside. So much hatred I have for those whom did this to him, so much sadness at the very same time, these emotions never mixed very well together. And believe it or not, on top of that I still have to explain myself to the appropriate kindred about last night, ugh .... God I hate my life sometimes. Wishing for something does not make it happens, I so wished for this night to be already finish and done with.

All the evidences were gathered, the body recovered, everything ready for departure. The elevator slowly lowering, the perimeter of this elegant elevator was made of glass, giving methe opportunity to admire the thousands lights of Cascadia, normaly I so magnificent view would bring a smile upon my face, tonight it made me feel plain, no emotions, I guess to much happened * en si peut de temps *.

The annoying beep sound of the elevator reminded me that I reached ground level... for one of the rare times, I glanced not around me to admire the beauty of things, I simply placed one foot after another until I reached the limousine waiting for me. I in all honesty probably looked very depressed.

" Miss De L'Hiver, is everything alright ? " asked Francois, his voice having a tone of one whom was deeply concerned, worried.

" Oui je vais bien, just bring me to my rendez-vous will you ? " I answered, forcing my voice to remain the one I have normaly, I guess I did not make such a good impression, his face remained worried, closing the door after me once I sat in, Francois's pace was slow enough, I would have time to walk around the car twice before he got in to sit at the driver's seat.

Now departing, I layed my head against the window, looking at the scenery offered as we drove to our rendez-vous point.[/i:d2f14d6457]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 10:41 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:bd5eeb2245]Finalement, tout c'est bien déroulé, if I had simply knew that things would have gone so well with the Kindred deputy of security I had just met, I would surely not have been overly stressed. For a blue blood he had been quite the gentlemen, polite, concerned and helpful on top of everything, God there was deffinately something wrong, I with certainty did not knew exactly what, but I was enjoying the hospitaliy offered to me since that tragic incident with Christopher.

I guess that at some point I was not considered worthy of being trusted entirely, seeing the deputy had assigned two imposing Brujah's to watch over me. However I was seeing it more as two Brujah's watching my every moves, obviously the deputy had not totaly believed the turn of events that contained my story of the past few nights, and mind you those two were certainly not the chatting type, imposing, rude and self concerned was the only things they had for themselves, and trust me on this, NOTHING else.

Hearing the sound of pourring rain before even reaching the glass exit door of this place, I could already feel that Francois would not be to found of this, neither am I currently. Placing my hand on the handle of the door, opening it slowly, Francois had already rushed his way over me seeing those two Brujah's, probably wondering if I had not been put into detention, being over violently pushed by one of them, Francois's back knocked against one of the limousine tainted window, shattering it into pieces.

" Back off! You might have been assigned to watch over me, but that certainly does NOT give you any rights to beat on my friends nor me for that matter, oh and in case I did not mentioned it, you better get used to my lifestyle, because I'm certainly not changing it for you two, oh you might also like to know that this window you just broke? I'll make sure inform your superior for it being deducted from your paycheck... now don't just stay there!! Help him up! "

I guess I had probably overdo it by talking to them in this way, especialy seeing I was inches from them, seeing their size, they could have gived me a beating that I'd remembered, but could I be blamed for it? What gives them the rights to perform such acts of cruelty unto me or Francois, or everyone else? It's acts of pure stupidity, common to the Brujah's, fighting and being rude was probably how they were raised, go figure. Surprisingly, they did not even answered me, and went to help Francois on his feet.

" That's better, godamn manner illeterate, no wonder you are Brujah for god sakes! " angrily spoke Francois, dusting off the shattered glass pieces on his suit. I went to check on him to see if he was deffinately alright, everything seemed to be okay, so I opened the door to let him sit down on the driver's seat, closing slowly, taking my time, even with the pourring rain falling over all of us, I glared at the two Brujah's as I spoke " Don't you dare doing those sort of things once more, you hear me? NO MORE! ... well what are you waiting for, open the darn door!. "

As they opened the door for me to sit in the back, I froze for a few seconds, hearing a howling, coming from far but still, it had always been a sound that terrified me... regaining my senses, I sat in the middle of the black leather seat, I had no choice seeing how one of them sat on my left, the other on my right, god I cannot wait for this little game to be over and done with, it was starting to irritate me more and more. I mean how could those two be so much depraved and lacking so much manners, yes they are Brujah but still, and their looks were nowhere near better, dressed in black leather pants, leather coats, so many piercing that eternity would not be long enough to count them, one with red hair, they other one with green. Oh really, I felt like I was being accompanied by two circus clowns...

Regardless of the rain, the ride was going rather well, the ground was a tad slippery but that was it. As I glanced through the window, I noticed a shadow making it's way in front of the limousine ... " Watch out!! " I screamed to Christopher, but it was too late, the impact of the vehicule hurting a body could be felt, the car had even passed over it, gosh it gave me chills... as the car fully stopped, I rushed my way outside the car once the Brujah's which were in my way moved. Running towards the poor victim laying cold on the ground, what I saw made me cry. " Oh dear God no .... a child... " why must it happens to me all the time.

Hearing screams, I tilted my head to look at the others to ask for help and to see what was wrong... I was speechless when I saw what was taking place. A pack of werewolves were hammering the limousine, trying to reach in for Francois and the other two Brujah's who obviously got in seeing them arriving few moments ago. Trying not to make any loud noises, I heard a growling coming from nowhere else than down the body I was holding in my arms, not really wanting to lay my eyes on it, fearing what I could see, I lat fall the body on the ground, walking backwards with my eyes now fixed upon a smaller lycanthrope which revealed to be the earlier child .... at my unpleasant surprise we had fell into a trap orchastrated by those beasts.

Seeing the car's door were about to collapse, I had to do something to draw their attention, or else Francois and the other two would be eaten alive, not that I really cared about the Brujah's but, I could not let them just die like this, looking on the other side of the street, I saw a rather big complex, at least a good thirty level building. Having an idea, I turned back to look at the beasts, screaming to get their attention, which worked rather well ... sadly for me, I ran towards the complex and entered it, noticing the lycanthropes still following me, I rushed my way around every corners inside this place, it had to be a complex related to affair, seeing so many cubicules around.

I finally managed to lose them after moving a few level's up, now I just needed to be careful for them not to find me, and I also needed to get out of here as soon as possible, I absolutely need to go check on Francois and the other two outside, but again, were they still out there? They could be inside here just as me ..... oh really I think that wasnt such a good idea ... As I walked backwards, silently of course, I noticed a fire axe hung upon the wall, placing my hands upon it, lifting it slowly, it revealed to be heavier than I thought. I held it in my hands, hoping not have to use it.

Pacing slowly throughout each room and corridors, I made sure the area was clear of any beasts before stepping in. Finally reaching a room where windows were as tall than I am, I paced slowly in its direction, sadly noticing that the distance between here and ground level was to great to be jumped. I sighed as I layed my head on the window, wondering what I could possibly do to get myself out of this mess. My eyes searched endlessly for something that could help me, and found nothing .... all until I noticed a car parked right below on the other side of the window, maybe if I drop something heavy enough on it the alarm of the vehicule would go off, assuming it had one, then maybe someone would hear it and be able to help at some point ...

Quickly breaking the window with the axe, I moved behind the desk to position it, once done, I gave it a push until it fell down by the window, crashing hard unto the car, and thank God the car had an alarm! It went off, it was rather an annoying sound but it was loud enough to be heard by someone, once again, assuming and hoping there would be someone to hear it ....[/i:bd5eeb2245]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 2:20 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
AAAAHHHHH!!!! Welcome back! You have a style and flare unlike any other and it makes for a delightful reading. [b:5ae3b90fa5]DO[/b:5ae3b90fa5] go on!! I'm anticipating the next post. :D

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 4:10 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:c9cbd1930b]Aucune réponse...

Why must there be absolutely no one when you most need it, it has been what now .. quite a few nights since I first arrived in this Metropolis, each seconds passed here thought enjoyable, were also filled with the worst kind of bad luck one could ever hope to find. Being on the ledge of the broken window, I could not take my eyes off of my blood stained hands, the precious liquid still fresh and leaking from a cut, which must have been coming from the broken glass of the window.

Hearing each blood drip hurting randomly the shattered pieces of glass on the floor and the irritating alarm of the vehicule below, plus remembering what has been happening over the last few nights, made me feel as if I was losing my self control more and more by the second, oh I know well that now was surely not the time to lose it, especialy seeing the situation, one can only endure so much before being broke, and this is something I could no longer handle... It was with watery eyes that I completely lost control over myself ...

" Pourquoi!!! " I screamed, right before reaching for the axe I lat drop earlier before pushing the desk to its new home. * Pourquoi * I kept screaming, nailing every walls of the bureau, and everything else within my reach. God I knew it was not the time, but I could not help it, not after every single pathetic turn of events that has been hammering me endlessly lately.

Nailing the axe for the last time on the wall, keeping my hands on the handle, trying to regain control over myself, which I was still not able to. Few seconds later, I heard heavy foosteps in the distance... a short distance, standing still and silent, trying to figure out if it was coming my way, I kept thinking of how I could possibly overcome those beasts, and found nothing at the very moment, surely not by strenght, I would have to use trickery, but with this anger inside me I`m just not able to think straight.

As I feared, one of those abominations had found me, it was with a howling that it entered the room, causing part of the wall to break due to its massive size. All I was feeling was anger, and I need to get rid of it soon if I wish to survive this night, I knew well that I would not be able to take this moon fiend by strenght, but my instinc took over as my hands placed themselves upon the handle of the axe, removing it from the wall.

" You come at a VERY bad time ... you have no idea .." I eyed the beast as it moved slowly around the room, still not knowing what I would do ....[/i:c9cbd1930b]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 6:17 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:6270ca44b9]The tremendous ammount of fear in me, I could no longer contain... my hands could barely handle the axe, both inflicted with fear, shaking like there was no tomorrow. This abomination kept circling around me, it was obviously feeding upon the fear I was radiating unwillingly, and by the looks on it's hateful figure, you could tell it was enjoying seeing me this way.

I think what was the most scary in this moment was not that I was in the precense of this fiend, not the exagerated ammount of saliva and blood escaping it's out of proportion jaw, it was not knowing when it would make it's first move, surely I had a few occasions to escape by where it came but... knowing how close this being would be behind me, I was no where near to take the chance, no matter how much I wish to have it out of my vision, I would rather have it in front of me, knowing where it is than having my back turned to it.

" Mais bon Dieu qu'attend tu!? " I yelled to it, wondering why it was simply circling me endlessly, and why was it taking so long to do something... mind you it's not that I want this idious beast do anything but, it would be easier for me to react to it's movements than attacking such a massive creature.

After what seemed an eternity to me, it's movements came to an end, his muscular legs placing themselves in position for a leap, the motion caused some of the shattered glass pieces on the floor to move as it's nails inserted themselves solidly into the bureau's floor.

" If it's meant to be... then come to me! " I screamed once more at it, readying myself for the crucial moment... it was with a terrying growling that it leaped into the air, and with the utmost luck that I managed to avoid it's attack by quickly lowering myself completely on the floor, and quickly moving to the other side of the room. Seeing an opportunity to escape the room as the beast was getting back up from it's last attack, I ran out of the room.

Just as I thought earlier... God it was a bad move, not only because I felt it's claws clawing my back, it was because I had just noticed how much the main room of this floor was packed, filled with desk everywhere. Luckily the blow revealed to not be a deep slash, mind you it still was hurting quite a lot, not my exact idea of a pleasent outcome.

Crumbling on the floor due to the impact and pain caused by the blow, I knew I had little time to react, so it has been with the most ammount of speed I could come up with that I turned to luckily hit the beast in its torso, inserting the sharp side of the axe into it. With a painful scream the beast fell down hard, and believe it or not, the fiend also found the energy to claw my right foot as he hurted the floor.

The overbearing pain was bluring my vision, his claws were sank deep into my foot... both being on the ground near a desk, a few pens were gathered on the floor, probably due to the violent activities that has been taking place for the last few minutes, reaching for the first pen in front of me, I quickly placed my fingers around it, holding it thight in my hand I nailed one of the beast eyes, causing the hoping effects, its claws were removed, and hurting it more than it was already.

Crawling away from it as fast than I could, I looked back at the fiend, lucky for me it was still laying motionless on the floor, a pool of blood appearing slowly from under it's massive frame. Knowing that there were more of those beasts inside of this complex and also not knowing if this one was really dead, I knew I had to get up and get out of here by any means.

Painfuly getting on my feet, it was with a sharp and constent pain that I moved myself slowly, which at the moment was the fastest I could go, damn those wounds of mine. If I am to fall on another one, my luck will surely be thinner.

The pain was really killing me... so as I reached the next desk I stopped and sat down on top of it. Feeling the sharp pain of my two wounds, my back was still not so bad compared to what my foot was, but God I really need to find something to help me. Still in sitting position I opened one of the desk's drawers, going throught many files and folders, but found nothing helpful. With a sigh I opened the last drawer, once more going throught miscealenous files and folders, and found a small wooden box under them.

The box actually revealed to be somewhat heavy for something I assumed contained papers or photos. Giving one last look at the beast, re-assuring myself it was still laying at the same place, I returned my eyes upon this box, opening it slowly, laughing a little as I saw what was inside, a 9mm gun with some bullets and two charger clips, why did I laughed? I found it kind of ironic to find this considering the situation and that I was hoping to find something helpful to get myself out of here.

Loading the weapon with its rightful charger, I looked once more at the Lycanthrope... I once more stood up, still having this content pain, I paced slowly back towards the beast whom was still bathing in a pool of it's own blood. Hearing a weak breathing sound, I now knew that the abomination was still alive, his eyes turning to look at me as I arrived next to it. You could tell by looking deep inside it's glare that if it could and had enough strenght, it would get up and slash me to pieces.

I raised my arm, so the cannon of the weapon would aim the skull of this fiend, slowly placing my finger on the trigger, the sound of a gunshot resonated on this level of the complex... the breathing of the beast stopped, it was now deffinately dead. Turning my back on it and walking away with difficulty towards the stairway which leaded one floor lower, I heard footsteps in the distance again, God as if I did not went throught enough right now...

" Will it ever end ... " I whispered, aiming in the direction from which the sounds were coming from ...[/i:6270ca44b9]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 8:09 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:05bd3a20d8]The atrocity of my wounds, and the pain emmited from them kept bluring my vision, nothing to help my current case. And just to make it worst, each feet hitting the ground in the distance made me remember that someone or something was getting one step closer to me... knowing the current state of my vision, I kept hoping that whatever was coming, would reveal to be friendly... slim to none were my chances to have luck on my side right now, bearing this thought in mind, I kept the handgun facing the door, readying myself for the worst outcome.

A normal but somewhat familiar frame appeared as the door opened, mind you with my vision right now it was difficult to decifer the most simple thing, and I swear I'm sure I heard it call my name! It could not be, at least not unless it was Francois, or one of the two Brujah's of earlier... and this voice, thought familiar, sounded like none of them. It could be anyone except for them, and part of me was afraid to even find out who or what it could be.

" Do not make me shoot what my eyes cannot see, step out of the shadows " I spoke with a demanding tone, hoping to have what I desired. Nothing changed, either this person noticed my lack of vision, or ... no or, I don't even desire finding out what the other reason could be. Feeling my strenght fading away slowly, I switched the pistol from the right hand to the left, and helped myself staying on my feet by supporting some weight on my right hand whom was placed on the nearest desk I could find.

" Mais mon ange, tu ne me reconnait donc pas ? " This same earlier voice spoke to me, stepping out of the shadows. A soothing and recomforting face was shown to me, I ... could not believe what I was seeing, it had to be my bad vision I was suffering from at the moment.

" Christopher ? .... " I felt so relieved thinking it could be him, then deceived also thinking that my blurry vision was showing me things that werent, and then so worried knowing it couldnt be him. Things clearly made no sense to me anymore at the moment, I had lost a good ammount of blood from my wounds, and my judgement was probably altered from it. But I could not explain how this person ressemble Christopher so much, the voice, the figure ... everything.

I droped the weapon, hearing words that only Christopher knew how to say to me. Deep inside my heart, I so desired for it to be really him that I went in his arms... The feeling of being held by the one you love is priceless, I broke down in tears feeling his arms around me, thinking of everything I had just went throught. " All this time I thought you were dead " I said to him ...

" But I am ... sweetheart " he said as I felt a needle piercing gently the skin of my neck, I felt an injection, than being pushed... not being able to support my own weight on my wounded foot, I fell down hard. Trying to get myself back up by pushing myself up with my two arms, feeling a foot in the middle of my back, I got rapidly pushed back down.

Not being able to move anymore, I could feel a cold pain where I had suffered the injection, and I was losing my senses at a very high rate... I was still awake, but I did not knew for how long.

" She seems very displeased of it " another voice spoke, not being the one of Christopher. Things were clearly not getting any better for me, I was now hearing everything as if an endless echoe.

" She'll deal with it, that's only the beginning, how to know if *IT* works ? ... "

" Complete temporary paralysis of senses, temporary lost of any movements which she seems to be suffering from, than lost of consience, a short delay follows before the subject suffers the effects, in her case the dose got minized, the effect will be lasting for a night, two if we're lucky... if it works then we can see to do it over on a larger scale .... should we leave her there Christopher ? "

" Yes, the other ones that were with her will find her soon enough, and when *IT* takes effect, they will regret even helping her up ..."[/i:05bd3a20d8]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 5:54 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:1dccdc65c5]It feels like abuse, like if *IT* was over me, altering my reality, what I see and feel, God what an unpleasent feeling. Obviously I had doubts about where I really was, can you blame me? Not really, I really have to find out where I am exactly, so I tilted my head a little, eyeing what I could while remaining on the floor, it was hard to tell if my location remained the same or not considering everything was a blur to me but... feeling the cold marble floor against my skin gave me shivers throughout my entire body, I now knew my position never varried, not even an inch.

I could feel a change, everything seemed so different, so strange... before it gets any worst, hopefuly it wont, but just in case I really need to get a move on, plus... if I am to fall on one of those beasts again with my current condition, I wouldnt bet too much on keeping myself alive.

I do not know what was happening to me, I remember the earlier fight with the lycanthrope, suffering an injection, but who did this to me? everything's a blur, I don't remember seeing anyone, put aside this fiend of a beast.

Oh quelle douleur, getting up was nearly unconceivable... the pain thought unbearable, was nothing compared to the waves of sense alterations I was enduring. Alteration of vision, difficulty keeping myself on my two feet, and, judging by what I was remembering... actually I should say what I do not remember, it seemed I was also suffering a partial lost of memory, hopefuly it would not last for too long. But this was no where near the worst... my sense of touch seemed to be the most affected, it seemed the more I touch, the less I feel. It makes no sense, and I'm not even understanding it myself, I feel things without even placing my hands on, and feel absolutely nothing when I should.

I finally got myself up, with much difficulty... a chance the walls were there as they became my support.. There was no way I could stay up without any kind of help, so I had to remain against the wall, moving at a pace that would not provoke a fall, god I surely did not needed that on top of everything else. I kept wondering how I could possibly walk down any stairs, at least that was until I noticed an elevator in front of me, and thank god! it was not so far from my current location.

" Ugh... du sang " I could not help but to notice the blood staining the elevator's call button, of course that had to be right after I pressed on it, I was hoping this blood was coming from me or the previous beast I had fought, at least if it is mine... it gave me the hope that the others were alright... God I hope nothing happened to them.

*Beep* The elevator's doors opened themselves in the usual way, each door sliding on it's rightful side, mind you I would have made a better choice by taking the stairs, despite the pain it could have brought me... why?... the elevator's interior was covered with fresh blood, claw marks, empty gun shells along with it's according weapon. And to cover the whole thing, the light was out, looks like it had been badly damaged, sparks kept making their presence felt each 4 or 5 seconds... sighs, might as well just take it since I'm there, plus it's the easiest way down for me considering my current bad state.

Moving in the far back wall of the elevator, hearing the sound of the empty gunshells moving as my feet stepped throught them, forcing them to change position, my head started to hurt a little... this insignificant pain became rapidly stronger until it reached the point of being unbearable. I lowered myself and sat down, bringing my knees close to me so to lay my head on it, in hope the feeling would just disapear...

Instead of it going away, it kept hammering my head with a sharp and constent pain. Throughout this painful process, I had parcels of what happened coming back to me, images of some sort if you will. What I saw... I was not ready to believe, it just couldnt be! why would Christopher do such a thing, especially to me, but it made so much sense at the same time... after all this injection would explain everything I am going throught right now...

" God please help me, I don't know what to think anymore... " I said with watery eyes, makeup staining part of my cheeks as I was crying beyond reason over the parcels of memory I just got back, after all I went throught with Christopher, he just couldnt do that to me... everything is so messed up right now in my head, I don't know what to think anymore. And God this awful pain I wish it could just GO AWAY!

Something was deffinately going very wrong, this pain kept increasing, and I could feel as if it was grasping to get complete control over me...

[b:1dccdc65c5]- - - - - - - - - -
Meanwhile, complex Main Hall, first floor.[/b:1dccdc65c5]

" The elevator is coming down F " said one the brujah's to Francois... typicaly said with the usual lack of manners certain Brujah's seemed to be tainted by since birth. Francois replied by saying once more that his name was not F but Francois... Brujah's never seem to learn he thought, and if this elevator revealed to be containing something harmful he would rather being ready than standing in the middle of the room not knowing what to do and speaking stupidities... bearing this thought in mind, he turned to explain to the Brujah's... at his pleasant surprise the two of them were already positioned, taking cover and hiding behind gigantic marble pillars that were elegantly decorating this hall.

All of them were holding their breaths, they had obviously already met certain problems earlier on and surely did not wanted anymore of them. The light indicating on which floor the elevator is at kept going down, with a beep the elevator signaled it had reached it's destination, the Main hall, first floor. " If it's the same shit-head that crapped my coat earlier, he's ALL MINE " spoke one of the Brujah as the elevator's door opened slowly... and jammed in the middle of the process, leaving room to only see part of me, some blood and empty shells.

" Laura ! " screamed Francois, fearing the worst had happened seeing me motionless in a pool of blood, which wasnt mine... but how could he be aware of it? he just did not knew... and was as usual, assuming the worst had happened... which actually what happened to me was not so far from being the [b:1dccdc65c5]worst[/b:1dccdc65c5] or at least close to it.

During my way down I had lost conciense again, after going through enormous ammount of pain, and feeling that grasp over me. I hope there was a way I could warn them but seeing the current situation, and me being unconcious it made it a tad difficult. Laura! Francois kept screaming while trying to force open the elevator's doors.

Expressions of relief was upon the face of Francois, seeing me getting up slowly... Oh bon Dieu I wish he could know that I was maybe standing there but it wasnt me, the substance injected into me earlier had took complete control over me, simply put, it triggered an enormous and uncontrolable frenzy, a terrible lust for blood.

" Laura comment te sent tu? " said Francois, obviously worried and wondering how I was feeling... instead of giving an answer, my arm reached between the barely opened doors of the elevator to tightly grip Francois's suit, pulling him back and forth, slamming him into the doors with violence. He could notice the mark on my neck and directly knew something happened and that I was obviously not being myself.

Gunshots resonated in the room, the Brujah's obviously had the urge to shoot me seeing Francois in this current state. " Don't shoot! " he screamed, fearing one of the bullets might reach me or him, or simply both of us. Trying to release himself from the tight grasp I had on him, Francois kept telling me to stop, hoping I could gain back my senses, which sadly failed.

" Something's wrong she is not herself! " screamed Francois right before he managed to free himself from me by tearing off part of his suit. Fear could be read on his face as he saw me forcing open the doors, my eyes not leaving his for a single second.

" Whatever you both do, do not harm her... I repeat DO NOT HARM HER! " said Francois to the two Brujah's.

" I hate to break your fun fag-boy but I think she has more chance to hurt us than anything else right now. " spoke one of the Brujah's, noticing the frenzy in my eyes.... [/i:1dccdc65c5]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 6:52 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Don't stop now!! This is just getting to the good part. :shock:

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 6:51 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
Tears running down my cheeks, begging to be viewed, they were the proof and stated fact that deep inside me, I was witnessing my every actions, but had no control what so ever over it. What I have been experiencing in the past few hours has been the worst I had ever been throught in my entire existence... and at this very moment it was getting even worst, put yourself in my position, you are witnessing your every single acts, but have no control over it, and right now my eyes were fixed upon those of Francois, a friend who had always been there for me, even throughout the worst... and now I am about to witness attrocities that I'll be inflicting upon him, and I have absolutely no way I can regain control of myself, and no way I can let him know...

Oh really, I wish I could be dead right now, so I would not have to go throught this any longer, I could be freed of this constent torture that has been my life ever since my entry in this city... and most importantly, I absolutely wish not to hurt Francois, it would be too hard on me. As if this was not hard enough for me, I kept thinking of Christopher, what he had just done to me, I feel heart broken and betrayed, we had been together for a hundred and ten years, we always loved each other beyond everything else, what could it be that forced him to do this to me, why...

The look on Francois's face was terrible, he was horrified to see me this way, stained with blood, most of it was not coming from me, my clothes tattered and thorned, my back covered with the claw marks of a lycanthrope, and God my foot... there was no words to explain how painful it is still, and how bad it must look at this very moment. I guess the worst for him was probably to see the expression expressed unwillingly on my face, covered in frenzy, my eyes... God my eyes... I just can't find words to explain how terrifying they were... inhabited by this madness overwhelming me.

Francois froze where he stood, the fear overwhelming his emotions... no matter how many times the Brujah's were screaming for him to get away, he just could not hear them, all he was seeing was me slowly getting closer to him by the second, god knows he would have the time to run away, due to the poor state of my feet I could barely walk. Despite my movement speed, I was still getting from poin A to point B, slowly and painfuly mind you but surely.

If I could regain control over me, even for just a split second, I would tell him to run as far away from me while he still can. Sadly he regained his senses only when my arm reached for him... it was too late for him to even remotly think getting away now. The struggle caused by Francois trying to free himself brought us both on the floor. While laying on his back trying to get me off of him, I grasped both wrists, nailing them on the freezing marble floor, holding them there as the frenzy made me scream inches from his face...

The very first thing Francois noticed was not the aggressive look upon my face, but the tear escaping one of my eyes, only then was he sure that I was there somewhere, but could not beat this frenzy overtaking me. This moment for him seemed to last a life time, he saw the tear detached itself from my watery eye, to slowly regain a similar environment... his eye. For him this is what triggered the worst ammount of pain he had ever felt... the frenzy in me kept getting worst, my hands were scratching and hammering Francois with a tremendous ammount of quickness, forcing him to scream out the pain he was enduring.

Francois's state was growing worst, the Brujah's did thought good by trying to get me off of him, and when I say trying, I do mean trying... many attemps were failed. Each time I managed to push them back effortlessly, the strenght was quite convincing. Normally I would not have been able to do such a thing, not that I would even think about doing so anyway.

" Restrain her he said? Screw that, she's done fuckin' with me! " Yelled one of the Brujah while looking at Francois enduring so much right now. It did not took too long that he was already next to me... I suffered a blow powerful enough to get me off Francois in an instant! A blow like that would surely knock anybody out for some time, believe it or not, I was getting up from it, make no mistakes I was sharply feeling the unbearable pain, but the frenzy on me became to great to meet it's end in an instant.

While one of the Brujah took care of helping Francois regain his senses, the other one was covering me with blows, seeing he had notice that restraining was just getting him nowhere. The last blow I suffered brought me against one of the complex tall windows, actually the window was around twice my height.

" STOP IT !! " Francois screamed his lungs out, seeing what the Brujah was doing to me, mind you he was doing a good job at keeping me away from them, but the idea was to restrain me, not killing me. The fatigue appearing even on my face still covered with frenzy, he gave me one last shot, he pushed me violently throught the window, I fell down and rolled every single stairs outside until I reached the catwalk.

" Impossible " the Brujah said as his eyes saw me trying to get up slowly again... and giving reasons to his expectations, I fell back down in uncouciousness.

" What's gone wrong with you! I said earlier DO NOT HARM HER!! You idiot! " said Francois, in a VERY angry tone of voice, the Brujah was obviously pointing the fact that I was literaly killing him earlier and that he had to do something. Poor Francois, he always had thought of me before anything else, even before himself.

" Nevermind... quick, go pick her up and tie her in the limousine... " spoke Francois, worried beyond belief for me. I guess seeing me motionless in the distance outside was not an enjoyable sight.

" The Limousine F? You mean what's left of it right ... " With a nod Francois just agreed with what the Brujah was saying, obviously he didnt had the patience to deal with them right now. Both Brujah looked at Francois with a questioning face for what concerned the destination.

" We're bringing her to her sire... Louis De Lioncourt. He will know how to handle this situation .... "[/i:060ffba587]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 7:28 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:192eb66e90]A night had passed...

I woke up... hearing a voice calling my name, or something similar, I could not really tell. Every words or sounds had the particularity of presenting themselves as if living a dream, or being in one, and this constent echoe kept tormenting me... giving me such a headache, and god my head kept turning beyond reason, enough to drive me insane I tell you. And as for what concerned my vision, nothing changed, it was still blurry, of course it became worst, I was also suffering a double vision, oh how annoying! Figures, nothing to help me really.

From what I can tell, I am isolated in a room... wide and dark, at the exception of the light up myself hanging on the ceiling, casting it's light upon me. It is only when I moved my head to try and see what was around that I realised I had control over myself again... finally! I felt weak, and I was certainly not healed at a hundred percent yet, seeing I could still feel the pain in certain areas of my body, mostly where I got wounded, but thank GOD! I had control over me again.

I tried moving my arms, nothing happened... becoming nervous seeing this, I tried moving my legs, very same effect, they were not moving. I guess I had been drugged to relief some of my pain, because it took me a few seconds before realising I was tied down on this hospital-like bed... straps holding tight my wrists, arms and legs...

The first questions that came in my mind were of course what happened, and how did I got here, of course no one was around to give me any answers, the entire room was silent and empty, a disturbing silence mind you, considering the fact that I heard someone calling my name earlier, or so I think.

I could see I had been cleaned, seeing I was wearing the usual normal white outfit hospitals gives to their patients, and I had no more blood stains on me. I could only hope that this was the doing of Francois or any of my relatives, if not I could only fear the worst, after what happened to me back there, I could only imagine what could happen if I was in the wrong hands right now.

I tried moving my head a little again, seeing it was the only part of me whom was not strapped. In front of me I could see a large black tainted window, and in the left corner of the room was what seemed to be a camera, with my vision I couldnt really tell but, I assumed that the little flashing red light was a signal saying this camera was in recording process.

Oh really, I guess I don't need to say, I absolutely hate the fact that I'm being watched, especially not knowing who are the ones watching.. Grand Dieu c'est insuportable!...

Stress had already started to overwhelm me, and things became just worst when the whole room suddenly lit up. The room contained much more than I thought, the light now present in the room made me see a few monitors not so far from the camera, I could not count how much there was but I would say at least five. All of them were showing my face, filled with fright. I was already scared as it is, and seeing my own *visage* filled with fear did not helped my case.

The lights than shut down once more, leaving open only the camera, the monitors and the light over me,the one I previously talked about. Hearing the door opening, I quickly tried to free myself of those straps holding me tight on this bed, but to no avail... I now know someone or something is in the room, but I just could not see, the area where it was standing in was pitch black.

Each of the footsteps kept reminding me that *MAYBE* the worst is to come, I could only hope that everything would turn out to be in my favor...

[b:192eb66e90]End of Part 1[/b:192eb66e90]

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[b:192eb66e90]ooc:[/b:192eb66e90] Part 2 is to come soon[/i:192eb66e90]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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