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<  Dusty Books  ~  Remembrance

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 5:44 am Reply with quote
It was a cool night even for early autumn. Vincent lay in his bed for the first time in a week, and for the first time in well over a thousand years, Vincent fell to sleep after dark.

"Father!" A young man shouted across a stone corridor to an older man. "I've looked everywhere for you. The fights are about to begin in the coliseum. We must go see the newest Warrior from Africa. I heard he-"

"Rubbish!" the old man cut him off "The Competitions are Inhuman. Waste of good men!" His voice was wise, and his tone rich. His clothing was red with golden thread.

"But Father!"

"Caesar!" the young man was cut off again, this time by a man dressed in a white robe-like garment. "You have duties you must tend to, you are late." He looked outside; the sun was at it highest.

"One moment senator. Son." He rested his hand on his son's shoulder. "You may go to the Game, but remember senseless slaughter only degrades your soul, torturing you forever from inside. Kill only when no other alternative is available." His icyblue eyes met his child's "Remember that your father will always love you." He put his arms around his Son and hugged him strongly.


He looked into his child's eyes one last time before turning to the senator. "Don't ever drag me from my son again...Understood Senator? Somethings are more important than Rome." he began to walk with the senator.

"My Caesar!" he laughed "Nothing is more important than Rome's well being...Nothing." The two walked down the corridor and then faded into the distance.

The boy, still standing where his father left him, looked around. "Ahem" a voice from behind him sounded. The boy turned around quickly. Prince Valek and two of his demons stood behind the young man. The two demons leaped towards the Boy.

Vincent jumped up. He had broken out in a cold sweat, the kindred blood was pumping through his veins and his heart was beginning to pump. His spine tingled and shivers ran down his entire body. He buried his head in his hands and wept. He wept all night long.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 2:58 pm Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
(( Nice post man , im not home for this week so i really dont know when ill be able to reply on it :( . But ill do for sure anyway :) , Vincent had a nice dream hehe ))

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 2:39 am Reply with quote
The young man traveled down a long corridor on this, the longest night, of the year, when he heard a struggle coming from his father's chambers. Outside the large cedar doors lay two guards, ones throat was slit, and the other run through. Without thinking, the boy lifted a sword from aside the guard.

The young man burst into his father's chambers, sword in hand. Standing over his father, he could see a man dressed in a black cloak. The man clasped a dagger to the oldmans throat. The assassin looked up as the youngman entered; he smiled through his cloak as he cut into the flesh of the Caesar.

The young man ran towards the assassin and swung the heavy sword. The assassin leapt over the boy and landed behind him. The youngman turned about quickly and to his dismay the assassin had vanished. The boy quickly ran to his father's side.

"Father!" the boy shouted, but the old mans wounds prevented him from speaking, he reached out towards his son. The young man too his father in his arms, tears forming in his eyes. He looked into his father's wise eyes for the last time. His last breath had left him. The boy began to cry, but then jumped up. "I will avenge you father!" he shouted, the tears flowing freely down his smooth cheek.

Soon the Caesars closest friend and Senator rushed in. "What happened!" he demanded. The youngman tried to explain but he was overwhelmed with grief. "We must get you out of Rome, you are in grave danger." he said while covering the Caesar with a sheet. "I will arrange everything, you must go quickly from here and go into hiding, your life is in danger. I know of only one place where you could hide. Do you have everything you will need?"

The boy shook his head "No" he looked across the room to his fathers suit of armor, The finest steel with gold plating, in the center it bore the family crest. He slowly walked to it. Shaking he placed his hand upon the crest. "I must make my father proud." he whispered. As quickly as he could he put the heavy armor on.

He looked about the room and saw his family's sword about the mantel. It was larger than an average one handed sword, and made of the strongest metals in the known world. It was fit for a king, encrusted in jewels and a gold and silver hilt. He lifted the sword from its place, he could barely left it. He knew he must grow stronger if he was to wield it.

He made his way to the hiding place arranged by the senator. The boy looked around at the hay that lay about the barn. Suddenly it caught fire! Prince Valek rose from the black flames, which were quickly spreading. Glowing red spirits encircled the black prince until he completely emerged from the depths of hell. Then they spiraled out towards the heavens.

The screams of the damned echoed in the youngmans head as Valek entered a strange series of motions and began to speak in a strange tongue. Hideous creatures rose from all around the boy, clawing at his flesh.

Vincent rose, a cold swear had taken over him. It's been pitch black, and although he learned how to see in the darkness, he feared his surroundings. He pulled the blanket over his face. Tears ran freely down his white cheek.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 8:18 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
((At last a Vampire to rival Valek :)

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 9:12 pm Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
(( Very nice post once again man :) , Vincent's dreams are nice hehe , hey im still in NY now , ill be back home next saturday , so i cant post on any ic threads at the moment , but ill be sure to get on postin' this coming saturday when i get home man :) ))

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 4:49 am Reply with quote

Last edited by Guest on Sat Sep 28, 2002 5:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 5:13 am Reply with quote
Vincent sat up in his bed, the sun had been down for nearly two hours now, He peered around the room, taking in all his surroundings.
On the wall opposite his bed rested a sword, beside that a suit of Suit of armour. Both were rusted but the reminents of gold and silver still shown through the ancient encrustment.

Vincent shook his head as he lifted the sword off the inlet. He slashed the air, testing the durability of the sword. "It has been a long while..." he whispered softly to the sword. He swung it one last time before placeing it back upon the shelf. His eyes turned to the Suit of armour.

"You protected me many times my friend" his soft and soothing voice spoke the Armour. He ran his fingers across the chestplate, feeling the invisible Crest in the center. "Father...I will see you soon enough..."
He turned away from the armour and walked to the door.


Various people called out to him as he left his room, but he had no time to speak with them, and he appoligetically told them so. he continued his journey untill he was outside.

He walked down the dark street untill the dead trees began to Talon over the road. he walked to one tree in particular, the most gnarled tree in sight, and ever so slightly he rested a finger upon a limb. Almost instintaniously the tree began to regain its youthfulness, the tree, however still gnarled up, began to turn green under the yellow glow of the street lamps. Vincent smiled, he was both shocked and amazed. he grinned and continued on his journey.


Vincents hair hung down midback, his beard to his chest. His black silk robes hung slightly above his ankles, his bear feet ontop of broken glass. A very comical sight he was indeed.

Vincent looked up at the tall lair of the Evil one before sitting down on the trunk of a fallen tree. He began to think to himself and hope that god would hear his thoughts.

"I do not wish to have to kill Valek ...But i must do what i must do. But god please do forgive me for i know we are to teach those younger than ourselves, and learn from those with older. But he does not wish to learn, he is pure darkness...but i know deep down he is lost and pleading to his brother for help. I know if i give him the world he will twist it...But if I were in his place, would i do the same? would i be as Black as the Blackest childe of God and the Devil? "

He shook his head and shed a tear for what he knew would one day happen

" Muslums Pray there is no heaven above or hell below your feet, and That heaven is what you make it and hell is what you go through. And yet there is very much a God. The true living god who takes the same form for all yet is seen differently by few. Perhaps thier way is the correct way? All paths are Correct Vincent, You know this, as well as I, you are just a bit confused at the moment, but this will pass and all will fare well."

He smiled at his own mental Conversation. He stood up from the log and began to walk home. With every step he took on the ground lotus blossoms began to sprout. Dark clouds began to form in the distance, a storm is on the way.[/u]

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