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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  L.A. Confidential

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 6:24 pm Reply with quote
Sorenti sat in his Elysium Office, talking over business with the Dark Muse, when there was a knock on his door he did not recognise. He slipped his hand under his desk and pushed the button to open the door. A young and proud woman came in, very alert and very well dressed. She stood and looked at the other two, before asking to see the Prince. Having some nasty recent memories of well dressed women, Sorenti stood pronouncing himself to be his own Chief Secretary, then asking the woman for what she wanted with the Prince and name.

The lady replied she had business with Prince Sorenti and only him, claiming to be Roxanne, the Ventrue Primogen from Los Angeles. Sorenti checked her identity and informed her the Prince would be along shortly, careful to hide his identity until he was satisfied she posed no threat. He then offered her a seat and continued talking quietly to Kiya, as though waiting for the Prince.

As Roxanne began to get jittery through waiting, Sorenti sprung on her, to her great embarassment, that he was in fact Sorenti and apologised for the deception. After extended coutesies on both sides, Roxanne finally began to unfold her story...

She handed Sorenti an envelope containing photographs that she said had been taken at a party in LA recently. The photos showed a man Sorenti recognised to be Morlan, the Seneschal of LA, with a blurred image that was highly likely a woman. On explanation, Roxanne revealed that the woman with him was Adrianna and that she had also been seen with her sire, the infamous Julian, a well-known Sabbat member. When Sorenti had finished perusing the photos, Roxanne stated that she did not know of Adrianna's whereabouts, however, Morlan had been found staked to a fence the following night, with the message "Camarilla Stooge" pinned to his corpse. Adrianna having been the last person seen with him.

Sorenti moved to phone the Prince of LA, at which point, Roxanne quickly informed him that the Prince was missing, with fears of a repetition of the Seneschal's fate. Sorenti questioned Roxanne harshly revealing that the Sheriff had taken temporary control, had issued a hunt on Adrianna and cohorts and that there were fears of Julian grouping an alliance for something big. Sorenti thought quickly and instructed Roxanne to return to LA with a message for the Sheriff.

Sorenti told her he would be in contact with the Inner Circle, to arrange for extra support to be sent to LA, for the purpose of upholding the Camarilla and Traditions. Also that he would send a covert team into LA very quietly, possibly with the agenda of locating and infiltrating Julian's assembly, in an attempt to discover the plan or plans. Then he requested that should Adrianna be captured or found, he was to be informed immediately, before she was harmed in any way. He felt sure that Adrianna was not acting of her own freewill and that Julian was somehow manipulating her, if indeed she was really involved.

Sorenti made Roxanne give her word as a Ventrue that she would do everything she could to prevent Adrianna being harmed before Sorenti could get to see her. Then he asked Kiya to retrieve the file on Julian from the records section of the Kindred library, along with any public records she could find on him. Dismissing Roxanne, with an assurance things would be dealt with post haste....Sorenti contacted the Inner Circle, informing them with as much detail as he could recall.

The question was, if none of the LA Nosferatu had turned up anything, either on the missing Prince OR Adrianna and Julian....who the hell was he going to send and just what would they be able to do? He sighed heavily and called Gabriel...this would need some heavy planning, one mistake and the team could be obliterated, he knew how dangerous Julian was.

((hmmmm I feel a chron coming on lol...nice storyline Adrianna :smile:

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 6:59 pm Reply with quote
The room was pitch black aside from a small halo of light that surrounded a picture frame. The golden frame sat upon a small wooden end table, probably french in design. In the picture frame two figures stood side by side, well dressed and intense. A smile on both their pale lips as they stared straight ahead, their suits wrinkleless and groomed with care.
Across the room, in the darkness, the Ventrue Primogen sat in his lounge chair, staring at the picture as he had the past few nights. Silently he sat, wallowing in his misery.
"Mephisto...." he sighed.
The phone rang, shattering the silence like a window. Gabriel picked up the phone and held it to his ear.
"Yes." he said solemnly.
"Gabriel, are you quite alright?" Sorenti's familiar voice rang out, sounding slightly more British than usual tonight.
"Aye sir, I'm fine. What can I do for you?"
Sorenti explained the situation.....

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 10:50 pm Reply with quote
Sorenti nodded at Gabe's assurance he was ok, then rattled off some thoughts...

"So you see, we have a problem here Gabe, yes...yes...get the Seneschal and the Sheriff here.....uh huh....uh huh...yep...ok good....if we are to stand a chance of getting Adrianna back in one piece, we need to act soon....yes....agreed....ok good, until then...bye"

Sorenti swung back in his chair as he replaced the receiver, this was definitely going to have to be done carefully.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 8:16 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((giggles... Got to keep you boys on your toes. glad you like it. I will post something later k... :cool:


Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 5:56 am Reply with quote
((hmmm need to take it in game, when Gabe gets back and I have a PC again :(

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2001 4:39 am Reply with quote
She headed straight to the library ... seeing what she could find. Maybe old articles in papers. The thought of her being able to find articals on this struck her funny. Rethinking her course of action she went back to her haven.

The bluster night was like many as of recently. A cat hissed and ran off as the sound of crunching leaves kept step with Kiya's strides. She took her normal route by the edge of the woods. Once again using vanish from the minds eye being sure not to be seen. Her pace sped up as her haven came into view. The structure standing tall and silent. Frank stood outside smoking his usual cigar.

Kiya walked up to him ... appearing before his eyes. The cigar fell to he ground, hot ashes showered down over his hand and legs. Startled, he jumped back, and grabbed his assult rifle off the railing and pointing it between Kiya's eyes ready to fire. She grabbed the run from his shaking hand and threw it back at him, letting it bounce of his oversized waist line and onto the ground.

"You FOOL! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She slapped him like a bitch as she walked into the house.

"I ... I .... I'm sorry ma'am."

"How many mistakes have you made already? How many? You almost got me killed once, and it seemed to me that you wanted to kill me yourself right there. Get in the fucking house."

Frank walked through the door, his head slung to the floor.

Kiya put her finger in his face, her voice firm and convicting. "You do that again and we'll see how's life is in danger. And for ME to get that damn gun out of your hand so easily, now THAT'S just pathetic."

She stormed into the living room, the doors flying slamming behind her. Frank stood looking at the floor in front of the the entrance.

"Frank, get your useless ass in here and do something for a change." she pointed to the ground next to her. "Come listen to me, and MAYBE you can do something right for a change."

He walked forward, not looking at her. Kiya chuckled to herself. A man of his size and caliber intimidated by her. With this tought her voice softened.

"Frank, I need to find and contact Rambuel Moratha for me. Say you are looking for information on a man Jules. You're looking to assist him in his ventures, and you want to know if you're dealing with a little boy or not. Try to get information as to what he has been able to accomplish in the past." She walked over to the desk pulling out a bloody envelope, and copied down something unto another sheet of paper. She quickly resecured the envelope in the plastic bag in which it came.

"This is the last known address of him. Knowing him it's going to be difficult to find him. But Frank," Her eyes narrow "I want it done TONIGHT! When he asks who you are I don't care what you say. Just remember you don't know me, and you do not live in Cascadia or anywhere withen at least a hundred mile radious." She takes a breath thinking if she had left anything out. "I think that is all. My instructions are clear enough, what do you think Frank?" He shook his head, his eyes fixated on the floor.

"I'm sorry Frank I didn't hear you."

He finally looked up. His face looking like that of a scorned puppy. "Yes ma'am. You will have your information."

"Oh .. and ... don't use any phones from my haven or around my haven. Simple enough. Now get moving!" She smiled to herself as she saw Frank hussle out of the haven faster then she's ever seen him move before.

She heard the door slam when she picked up the phone and started dialing herself.

"Yes. Can I speak to Mr. Venton please. Yes, Ken. Thank you." She heard the russling of papers and a slight click.

"Mr. Venton here."

A smile crept across Kiya's face. She hadn't heard his voice in years. "Aaaaaahhhhhh, my dear friend. How is life finding you?"

There was a brief pause and a voice broke through the silence. "Kiya? Oh my ... " he started chuckling. "Kiya, how are you? I never thought I would hear your voice again. Oh wait, it's probably a good thing that I don't hear from you. What do you need now my little trouble maker?"

She giggled slightly. "It's not me in trouble believe it or not. I think I'm actually helping someone else get out of trouble. But you're right about that favor. I have had so much going on, I have barely had time to myself."

He started laughing a little harder. "Kiya, it's ok girl. I know how you operate. What do you need?"

"Have you ever heard of a man named Jules? Right now he resides in Los Angeles. The only thing I know about him is that he's sabbat, and he's Lasombra."

She heard some clicking as if it was coming off a keyboard. Ken stopped laughing and became very quiet. His voice seemed somewhat unsure, "Kiya, can I ask why you need this?" He never questioned her before. The words peaked her curiosity.

"Ken, I'm really sorry, I seriously can't disclose that to you at this time. I may be giving you a call back though. Can you send me that file? I need it by tomorrow, if that's possibe."

"Of course Kiya. You've asked more from me then this in the past, I think I can manage this simple task. I'll have the portfolio done in about twenty minutes. You should have it in your hands in less then six hours."

"You're the best Ken. Did I ever tell you that before? Thank you so much. I appreciate all that you have done. I need to catch up with you sometime soon. I have TONS to tell you. Take care babe."

"You too Kiya. Please keep in touch. Oh .. and .. I want you to call me in a couple of weeks no matter what. I have no idea what you're planning on doing, but I already don't like it. Just be careful please."

"Of course Ken. Thank you. Goodnight." She hung up the phone and sat back in her chair, waiting for what she was just promised, wondering what could be so horrible about this guy.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2001 10:16 pm Reply with quote
She must have drifter to sleep at some point when she felt a hand shaking her.

"Kiya?" It was the voice of Frank. She opened up her eyes and starred blankly at him.

"I found where Rambuel was, but he was of no help. Here's the number at which I reached him. I traced the number to the location ... and I have that as well."

She smiled slightly. Killing two birds with one stone on this mission pleased her to no extent.

"He would not offer you any assitance?" She was hardly surprised. It was a stupid plan in the first place.

"No ma'am I apologize. I did try my best."

A smile broke into laughter at the sound of his words. "Since when has your best even been good?" She calmed the laughter after a few brief seconds. "Thank you for your effort. It is appreciated."

The doorbell rang loudly. "Frank ... please get that for me." He nodded exiting the room. Seconds later he came back carrying the envelope that she was waiting for. She waved Frank out of the room, quickly indulging herself in the contents of the envelope. She read through the pages. Somewhat dissapointed in what she read, but knew that it would help. She placed the contents back to their original state. She stood and walked over to her safe, putting the envelope in safe keeping where she knew it couldn't be in harms way.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 1:55 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Phone message left on the machine for Sorenti::

"Hello, this message is for Sorenti..." (a short pause) "This is Roxanne, I just thought you would want to know, we have Adrianna, come when you like, no hurries, i'm told she can't escape the cell we have her in sooooo, well see ya soon ciao."


Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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