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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Thorp in Cascadia

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 3:44 am Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((Valek, where art thee?))

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 4:56 pm Reply with quote

(( I was at the Hard Rock cafe the be completely honest lol , im writting something currently and will be posted in a few mins :smile: ))[/i:f5630bc27a]

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2002-02-24 10:57 ]

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 5:34 pm Reply with quote

- Valek smirked as he looked at silence and Pandemonia taking care of the beast ...

Thorp raised an eyebrow as he said

" Bah ... fuck that ive could have done better . "

Valek clapped his hands six times , as he said

" Quite good ... "

Valek looked around him , and noticed corpses hanging on trees, and some laying on ground , there was about 20 , even tho their skeleton's were looking very old , which would make them really fragile in a way if he brough them back to life ..

As Silence and Pandemonia were walking toward the coterie's way , seeing this and after all of what the coterie been through , they needed to rest a little , they were not all at 100%

Valek smiled evily as he used Mortis to bring back to life the corpses and skeleton's that were haning on the trees and laying on the ground ..

The corpses came back to life , as they started to walk toward Silence and Pandemonia ...

As Silence and Pandemonia were fighting with the corpses and skeleton's the coterie went in another direction .

The corpses and skeleton's would occupied for a long time Silence and Pandemonia , even tho the strengh of Silence and Pandemonia were more then enough powerful to take all of the corpses down more then one time , they would come back up again and again ... eventually Valek knew that the corpses wouldn't get back up again , but it would be ok for now ...

[b:30d8aead93] A few hours later [/b:30d8aead93]

The coterie knew that Silence and Pandemonia were most likely searching for them , but it would be hard to find them again , due to this huge and nearly never ending forest ..

After some time , the coterie finally arrived to Valarious ( Valek's hometown )

The town was silent , a white fume floating over the ground , making impossible to see on what your walking on ... the sounds of houses cracking ... ( If it can help the WHOLE town is DA looking ... )

A ghost of lady walking the streets past by the whole coterie , she was holding her head in her hand , holding it by the hair , making the head nearly touching the unseeable(sp?) ground ...

Valek brought the whole coterie to a safe place ..... a lost and haunted place , if someone could look around carefully on the walls , and if these person's knew Valek well enough , they could tell that it was , Valek's .... mortal home .... demonic lyrics on the wall , pictures of his mortal self a long time ago ....

The coterie closed the door shut as they entered the place ....

Batgirl looked around a little as Valek went and sat in a chair in front of an un-lit fireplace .... [/i:30d8aead93]

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2002-02-24 11:34 ]

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2002 10:09 am Reply with quote
"Valek?" she spoke softly, careful not to disturb the eerie peace within the house. She had so many questions to ask him, but did she really want to know the answers?
"What?" Valek's voice sounded cold and distant. Slowly, his gaze moved from the fireplace to the City Gangrel and the trail of mud that soiled the floor between the door and his boots.
"Have you no respect! Wipe your feet!" Valek's eyes grew dark as he returned his attention to the cold fireplace.
"Well this isn't the fuckin' Ritz Hotel Valek, I don't think the rats will mind..." Thorp scraped the mud from his boots onto a log beside the fireplace, still mumbling under his breath.
"Gabriel?" He looks very pale, thought Batty, Curses, we all look pale, we need vitae, we need to get back to the city.
"Yes?" Gabriel sighed heavily, he clearly didn't share Valek's apparent comfort within the age old house.
"What are we going to do?" She shivered involuntary, the memories of the nightmare still fresh in her mind.

((It's a little half arsed, I'm sorry, but welcome back TiC :grin:


PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2002 11:09 pm Reply with quote
(( No it's a really cool post Bat :smile: im going to post something too soon :smile: ))

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2002-03-02 17:11 ]

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2002 11:28 pm Reply with quote

- As Batgirl asked " What are we going to do? "

As Gabriel was about to answer the walls cracked loudly , just if like something was making its way in the world of the living .

A deadly silence followed as all of the coterie exept Valek looked around to try and see if there was someone , or something .

A cold eerie and demonic voice could be heard ... it said " Ahhhhhh ..... listen to them .... the children of the night .. ... "

-Thorp- " What the fuck ... "

Gabriel slowly put his hand on his gun as he looked around ...

Crows could be heard from outside ...

Valek turned his head slowly to look to a VERY ancient painting ... the picture was him in his mortal days , he was dressed like a priest and in a church in the painting ... Valek frowned as he stood up and slammed his fist in the picture .. making the glass that was protecting it break , as he removed his hand the picture fell on the floor right next to Gabriel's feet ...

Valek started to speak strangely as he said

" A way back to Cascadia is possible ... the same gate will open at the same place in exactly 6 hours .... "

Gabriel noded as he kneeled down to pick up the painting ... [/i:cdd9bcdb73]

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2002-03-02 17:29 ]

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2002 5:55 pm Reply with quote
He lifted the painting gently from the floor, the glass shards rattling over the canvas. Gabriel shook them free and they showered the floor. He looked over the painting within the humble wooden frame.

The solemn man stared out at Gabriel from within the painting. His skin was pink and full of life, and within his hands he held a small rosary, the tiny wooden cross held close to his breast. Black hair framed his gentle face and eyes. He wore the uniform of a Catholic Priest, his white collar protruding from beneath his robes.

Gabriel glanced over at Valek, judging the change gravely in his mind. The Prince sat motionless, eyes closed and arms crossed like a dusty statue on a monostary of old. His face was considerably paler now, but that was normal as his body had died upon his embrace. However his features were slightly more exaggerated than they had been in his previous life. A dark heavy brow shaded his crimson eyes from the soft lights of the night.

Gabriel set the meager frame on the wooden table which sat in the middle of the room and sat back, allowing his other hand to slip off the hilt of his pistol.

"Jesus f*cking Christ Valek," the Gangrel murmured, "what the f*ck is out there?" Valek chuckled darkly, but stayed statuesque, staring ahead.

"My brethren Graventhorp, nothing else." The wails faded away softly, disappearing like a passing breeze.

Gabriel felt uneasy, and paced the room cautiously, hands clutched behind his back. Stopping by the front window, he peeked at the outside through the slit between boards. The windows were all heavily boarded, allowing thin shafts on light to play out on the floor. The wood was old and rotted, speckled with termite's endless appetites and rain's destructive damage.

Gabriel raised a hand to a board and crushed it beneath his grip, letting the splinters of wood to fall to the floor. Staring out the newly made window he watched the quiet streets.

"Valek," Bats said, "is it truly safe here?" Valek smiled, dragging a sharp nail across the old oak table, a groove forming behind it

"Of course not, otherwise I would've never left."

PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2002 6:24 pm Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((woo!! cool! Ok, sorry I didn't see this before but I was out of town for a week...I don't know what is it that you have planned...but I'll post anyways ASAP...))

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2002 6:46 pm Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
Odnan had taught him how to use his gangrel senses, to know exactly what a scent was and where it came from, to understand and interpret a sound, no matter how minuscule, so every detail could be captured and used in his advantage. But in this eerie place, Graventhorp's senses were confused, foggy and pretty much useless.
His nose only told him about the coterie(nothing he had not sniffed before), the rotten wood and the mildew in various objects. His ears heard the demonic voices whispering, moaning, muttering...but he couldn't tell what the sounds' source was...they seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere. Rather annoying.
"Fuckin' shithole! I'm gonna lose me motherfucking mind! Let's get the crap outta 'ere!" The former gangrel turned to Valek, "Ya said it, Valek, it isn't safe! Let's just go to the fucking woods....away from those...twins, or whatever the sons-of-bitches claim to be...and stay there for the six fucking hours before the gat opens!"
Graventhorp knew, hoped, that his senses would be of much more use in a forest, a place he had been accustomed to, than in this place. No matter how wierd, a forest was a forest.
"No. This isn't a safe place, but it IS the safest place around..." Valek muttered, still staring at the unlit, cold fireplace.
"Will the twins find us here?" Thorp didn't know if Gabriel was thinking out loud or asking.
"I don't know. Normally I would say no...but those two have surprised me before." Valek kept staring at the fireplace, like it did have the hypnotic flames it lacked.
"I don't know if we can defeat those two..." Batgirl looked around at the coterie. Thorp noticed she was paler than usual, pale for a Cappadocian...almost paper white. His mouth felt dry and his old friend, The Beast, grew stronger within him. They needed vitae, fast.
The walls shook and groaned once again, making Thorp really notice how useless his sense of hearing was here. Within him, and old friend seemed to growl with anticipation.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2002 4:42 am Reply with quote
((nice one Thorpedo!!

"I don't know if we can defeat those two..." She felt weak and the hot pangs of hunger burnt her veins. The twins would be here soon and then what? Could Lupus Mortis save their hides once more? She couldn't be sure whether it was the stress of their current situation or perhaps some kind of side effect from using the mysterious weapon, but Thorp was different. Batty shuddered as another wave of whispers washed over the room. Thorp heard it too, his hands covering his ears against the tormented moans.

"We are sitting ducks, waiting for death," Gabriel's eyes were fixed on the photograph as he spoke. "If we go to the forest NOW we may have time to set a trap for the twins."

"A trap?" Batty raised an eyebrow.

"Fuck yeah!" Thorp jumped to attention. "Like the one Drain had, you know the one Bats, it fucked up that Garou!"

"And what do we build this trap out of Thorp? We've got nothing!" Batty moved to the opposite side of the room, keeping well within the shadows.

"Valek?" Batty and Thorp turned to face Gabriel then Valek. "I don't suppose there is a weapon cache here?"

Valek turned to the Ventrue and smiled.

((Ok so we all know there isn't a weapon cache in the house but maybe Valek's got an idea... run with it as you see fit :smile:


PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 1:16 am Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((topping and...What the fuck! post!!))

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 3:43 pm Reply with quote
(( Ok im going to reply on this one when i come back from work tonight :smile:

Great posts all :smile: ))

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2002 6:00 pm Reply with quote

- Valek smiled evily at Gabriel , and went to the far left of the room , he opened a door , behind this door was what like seemed like an endless stairway going down ...

Valek slowly started to walk down those stairs as he said ... " So .. are none of you coming .. ? " He smirked and continued to walk down ...

Asht the coterie walked down those endless stairs along with Valek leading the way ... the voices of whispers of the damned could be heard loud and clear , the woodden (sp) wall each side the stairway were scrached and carved deeply by what seemed like it was done like if someone once tried to held himself/herself against the wall with his/her own fingernails .. which carved deep the wood wall , the more deeper they went in the colder and deadlier it was ... the smell of fresh death and decay ... when the coterie finally reached ground level after the stairway ... they were now in some sort of basement , Gabriel's eyes opened wide as he noticed a cemetary was in the basement ... the house was built of a graveyard ... all the coffin's were open exposing only skeleton's dressed up as priests and nuns , it looked like Valek killed all of the priest and nuns at one time , which he did ...

Gabriel did the cross sign as he sighed ...

Valek saw it and said " None of that here , when you get to know them better .. they deserve far much worst than death ... "

-Thorp- " Bah , priests nuns , i dont give a shit , i want weapons ... W-E-A-P-O-N-S ... "

Valek smiled evily at thorp as he heard the words " I dont give a shit " which were obviously related to those nuns and priests ..

Valek stopped in front of a curtain , he put his hand on it and ripped it off , revealing LOADS of weapons behind it , swords , knives , daggers , axes , shields , poleaxe , lances , sharp bones , chains , ropes , ANYTHING to build a trap was here .

-Thorp- " WOAH FUCK YEAH ! now THATS my kinda shit .. "

Gabriel scanned carefuly the room and all the weapons ... while Batgirl looked at a skull on the ground ... she picked it up looking at it and then turned to look at the weapons ... her skin was still EXTREMELY pale , even for a someone from the clan of death .

[b:6581e5c9c7]Meanwhile ... [/b:6581e5c9c7]

Up in the streets came a car ... driving and stopping by ... inside was what looked like goths ..

The guy in the car got out and looked around

-Guy- " Woah ... some scary shit .. EXCELLENT "

The girl in the car replied and said

-Girl- " Please lets go ... ive heard bad things about this town ... and it scared the shit out of me .. "

-Guy- " Ahh come on .. Vampire tales ... the shit with that .. if Vampires were real id kick the shit out of them for even talking to me ... "

The girl got out of the car along with one of her friends and a young girl , the human child was about 5 years old .. They all got in the house (the one we're all in lol)

As soon as the humans sat foot inside the house Valek looked up with hate in his eyes ... " Food is here " Valek spat .. [/i:6581e5c9c7]

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2002 7:11 pm Reply with quote
((i'll post later, still a bit pissed about my stupid CD :mad:

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2002 2:06 am Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
Much more comfortable than he had been on the ground floor, for down there his nose at least seemed to work, Graventhorp tried to think of a trap clever and strong enough for the Malkavian Twins.
"Food is here..." Valek suddenly muttered with the evil smile that was The Prince's trademark. The City Gangrel turned to him, and then his own senses informed him of it. He sniffed the air while concentrating on his acute hearing: Over the stench of putrefaction and kindred, Thorp caught more than one mortal scent, along with car exhaust.
"Judging by the fuckin' racket they're makin', I'd say 'bout three juice-bags...and they drove 'ere...scratch that...four plump and juicy-mortals, one of 'em pretty small."
Valek nodded, agreeing, while Thorp could barely fight The Beast, anxious to sink his fangs on the very welcome visitors.
"That at least should be able to quench our thirst." Batgirl noted, fidgeting.
Gabriel closed his eyes, as if in prayer. Thorp thought he might be praying that one of the mortals be a virgin, for that was the only vitae he would drink.
"Aw, shit! It stinks down there....let's check it out..."
The Proctor turned to the coterie, gangrel ears had not been needed to hear that.

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