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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 5:47 pm Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((Cool....but Valek..THorp WAS a Gangrel once upon a time, don't think he hates forests, he's used to 'em...but oh well, he says he hates everything
Umm...I was going to post But Don't know if you have soemthign in mind I'll just wait...))

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 7:16 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 2:16 am
Pandemonia and Silence continued following after the Party of kindred. They arrived in time to see the portal close in front of them. The kindred had escaped them. For now. Still walking hand in hand they stood staring at the now empty passage. Silence and Pandemonia began to talk through there minds.
"Brother do they think they can escape from our games?"
"I don’t think they wanna play Panda…"
Pandemonia let out a cute little giggle before speaking in her soft Angelic voice
"The games haven’t even begun"

Both of the childlike Malkavian twins took a hold of each others hands firmly. Pandemonia’s eyes began to look vacant as a bright light resonated from them.

Valek, Thorp and Gabe stood starring towards the forest entrance. Batgirl started to walk slowly in the opposite direction from the coterie. The others not noticing her disappearance She heard the gentle soft whisper of voice urging her to continue in her direction. The voice was mesmerising. Enrapturing. Pulling her forwards. The voice drifted away until she could no longer hear it.

She shook her head trying to regain control. A feeling of weakness came over batty. A sharp pain filled both her wrists. She looked down at both of them. Deep cuts ran along each of them. Her blood pouring from the wounds at an extreme rate. She tried to heal the wounds. Taking almost all her strength she healed her wounds. With such little blood in her body she began to feel weak and stunned. She noticed a old English farm house cottage in front of her that looked like something from a distant memory. She staggered towards the building. The door opened with a loud creek as she stepped inside. Her eyes blinked rapidly trying to remain focused. After taking a few more steps she collapsed landing on her back.

Batgirl laid looking up at the roof of the building. A Small hole could be seen in the roof. A fluttering sound could be heard. The sound was of birds wings. Crows. The sound was accompanied by the sound of crowing. Batgirl tried desperately to stand but her body was to weak. Like a dark blanket of evil, crows began to fill the room flying in through the hole in the roof. They circled above her body like a tornado as they spiralled down towards her.

Her eyes opened wide in horror as she struggled to no avail. The Crows swarmed down covering every inch of her body. They started to peck at her undead flesh. Her agonising screams filled the barn as they turned to silent pleas for help. Her struggles were futile as her body was ransacked by these dark birds. She slipped into Torpor as she was forced to relive this nightmare in her head.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 7:32 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 2:16 am
((hope I get your characters portrayed right hehe))

Valek and Gabriel continued to look towards the forest. Thorp quickly glanced behind to see where Batgirl was after realizing he had not heard her voice for some while.

"Where the hell is she?"

Gabriel turned round to look for any sign of Batgirl while Valek continued to smirk evilly in the direction of the forest. Gabriel’s eyes scanned the area looking for any sign of the Cappadocian.

"I can’t see her.." Gabriel’s voice sounded slightly worried as he called out Batgirls name.

Thorp took several long sniffs of the air with his nose high in the air before pointing in the direction in which Batgirl wondered off in. He then nodded in the direction she went in.

"That way"

Gabriel rested his hand on the hilt of his weapon as he started to walk after Batgril.

"Ill go look for her."

[ This Message was edited by: Pandemonia (NPC) on 2001-12-17 15:23 ]

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 7:56 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 2:16 am

The Ventrue followed the path until he arrived in a small clearing. He looked down seeing the body of Batgirl. She was sprawled across the floor in a Torpor like state. Kneeling next to her he ran his eyes along her body not noticing any wounds. He touched her shoulder gently as he called out her name in a soft tone.

Gabriel felt a sharp probing pain in his head before a loud roar of a garou echoed through the sky. He turned round quickly taking his sword in hand as he frantically looked for the beast. Looking straight forward he saw a Kindred engaged in battle with the beast.

The kindred let out scram in pain as the Lupine ripped its claws across its chest shredding the weak clothing and tough skin. As Gabriel heard the scream he recognized it for that of his Sire’s. Sorenti. The massive beast stood at almost twice the height of Sorenti.

Gabriel franticaly ran towards the beast. His path became blocked as thick large stone spikes ruptured from the earth. The spikes created a cage the encircled him. The gaps were too small to slip through but big enough for him to view the fight. His attempts to break free were futile as they towerd above him.

The two exchanged blows. The fight was going even paced until the lupine struck a unsuspecting hit knocking the blade free from Sorenti;s hand. The Garou clenched its teeth over the body of its victim. The teeth ripping into his skin as it proceeded to claw and bite the Kindred.

Gabriel’s anger and frustration were lost as his beast took control. He lashed out trying to break free as he watched the Lupine rip his sire apart. Sorenti’s lifeless corps landed to the floor in a pile of ash as his now separated head rolled down the ground until it rested just in front of Gabriel. The agonized look still on Sorenti’s face looked up into his Childe’s eyes. The Lupine disappeared from sight.

The beast subsided inside Gabriel. He leant against one of the spikes sliding down it slowly until he was slumped down. He held his face in his hands as he bagan to cry. The look on his sires face dominating his mind.

With Batgirl now laying in the middle of the forest and Gabriel leaning agaisnt a tree Thorp and Valek were left waiting at the Forest entance.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 7:59 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 2:16 am
Valek and Thorp heard Gabriel’s scream. They started to move at a fast pace in the direction of there two missing friends. A jolt of pain suddenly filled each of there heads.

((Valek next and then ill Let Thorp either do his or send me the details :P ))

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 8:25 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 2:16 am

Valek blinked rapidly trying to regain his focus. His mind feeling heavy and misty as if he was in a dream. His eyes darted around. Thorp had vanished and was no longer before him. In his place stood a man in a catholic robe. A gold cross hanging from a necklace. Valek smirked evilly.

The priest looked upon Valek. "I’m going to show you the real meaning of Vengeance. You will feel the Lords Wrath. My he have pity on your tormented soul Demon."

Valek smirked at the Priest. "Your pitiful Faith will be lost after you experience eternal torment. Your religion will die by my hand" he walked towards the priest.

The ground behind Valek began to shake violently almost knocking him to his feet. A Large wooden crucifix erupted from the ground. Valek’s body flew up into before hurtling backwards. His body hit the crucifix hard. The sound of bones crunching echoed throughout the forest. His arms and legs were spread apart. He tried to resist only to find his efforts wasted. Chains wrapped themselves tightly round his wrists , ankles and neck holding him tightly to the wooden object. The holiness burning the skin it made contact with.

The crucifix fell so that it was now laying along the floor with Valek still attached. The Priest loomed over the tormented body of Valek. In his hand he held four large metal stakes in the shape of a holy cross. He then moved over to Valek’s left hand "May god…" He rammed a stake through the palm of his left hand and into the crucifix "Have mercy…" Slams one into his right hand "On your soul" Places one through his right foot. "Pathetic demon!" He placed the last one through Valeks left foot.

The priest walked over to Valek’s head. "Im going to purify you of your sins…"

Valek began to chant something in Los Demonis . His chant was interrupted as the priest removed the gold cross from around his neck and placed it down the throat of the Demon. Valek’s body tensed up as his mouth was forced tightly closed around the holy cross. The agonizing burning filled his body from the inside out. His screams of pained muffled against the priests hand.

Using holy water the preist made a cross on Valek’s forehead. The flesh burned as the stench of burning flesh filled the room and his skull could be seen under the cross shape.

Taking a holy cross in his hand made from the finest wood with carved blessings on it he rammed it through the heart of Valek sending him into Torpor. The crucifix then moved back into a vertical position. Valek’s eyes remained weakly open as he could see day light approaching.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 1:03 am Reply with quote
(( WoW. Goood post Panda! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :lol:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 7:05 am Reply with quote
((NICELY done...:smile: okay lets see what i can do...

Gabriel grit his teeth hard together, the pearly enamal threatening to shatter under his jawbone's rigid grip. His blonde hair arched through the air as Gabriel shook the vision from his mind. The blood tears had collected in a small pool by his feet, running in small rivulets through the grass beneath him.
He wiped the blood that lay drying on his face and stood up. Glancing at the stone prison that held him, the Ventrue Primogen decided to climb for it. He allowed his body to quicken to a maddening pace and launched himself towards one of the pyres.
As he soared through the air towards the stone bar, he turned his body, allowing his knees to bend as he made contact with the pyre. Straightening his knees quickly he launched himself upwards and in the opposite direction. He landed on a parallel pyre and continued launching himself upward towards the night sky.
Within mere seconds Gabriel had reached the top of the stone cage, he glanced down to the knoll below. Sorenti's head lay just outside the bars of the cage, the Garou now long gone. Gabriel gripped the stone and began lowering himself down slowly, the ground well over 30 feet below.
There was the sound of rushing air and a crackle of electricity. A bright flash blinded the Ventrue, as the stones disappeared from view. Suddenly he was free falling towards the ground below.
His body struck the ground with resounding force, causing him to roll towards the treeline limply. As his world came back into focus, Gabriel stood slowly, gripping his right arm and willing it to heal.
His Sire's decapitated head was gone as well as the cage. An illusion? Gabriel's thin lips drew back in a vicious snarl. His sharp fangs glistened in the waning moonlight.
He spotted the Former Prince, her body motionless on the far end of the meadow. His muscles still moving quickly, Gabriel shot over to her, kneeling in a flash next to her.
"Bats.....wake up. Something's strange here." Gabriel whispered, running his hand over her brow. She was deep in torpor, her face drawn into an expression of sheer horror. In the distance a crow cried out...

((thx. sorry it's been so long since i've posted

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 2:19 pm Reply with quote
((umm... dudes it's still daylight in Cascadia, remember? lol

I'll post something IC asap :smile:


::woots for neopets::

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 2:33 pm Reply with quote
Her mind raced but her body lay motionless. Her senses were flooded and confused with the horrible memories of a time long gone but never forgotten. She lay on the floor of the cottage screaming as the first crow pushed its way through the decaying roof.

"Caw! Caw!" The crow was in the rafters looking down at her. It flew landing close to her body but she was too weak to move away. Other crows answered its call from outside, each 'caw' bringing others to the cottage.

Batgirl screamed trying to move but was too weak to struggle.

"Gabriel!!!!!!" she cried out. The coterie was gone.

The room gradually filled with crows. They lined the rafters, jossling for room. As the beam grew crowded they flew down to her.

"Caw... caw... caw... caw... caw..."

It was happening again. She was trapped, weak and terrified.

peck-peck-peck... caw... caw... peck... The crows pecked and scratched at her body, their beaks and talons tearing at her flesh.

"Gabriel!! Valek!! Thorp!! Please..." she sobbed as the crows attacked... "Why is this happening again???"

((I'll post again asap :smile:


PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 3:54 pm Reply with quote
((yeah but Valek transported us 3000 miles away from Cascadia. pretty sure it's a different timezone..

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 5:46 pm Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((Ok, Gabe I was pretty sure that the cage had a roof, you knwo the stone pike thingies curved and actually met at the top...if not what class of a cage would it be, huh? lol, well, it's your

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 9:06 pm Reply with quote
((kiss my butt, the post never said ANYTHING about them curving towards each other. just that they towered above there :P

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 9:13 pm Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((well, got tired of waitin', here goes Thorp's worst fear))
Thorp stopped in mid-run as a numbing, probing pain filled his head he raised both his ahnds to either side of his head and then shook it.
"Glad you could make it, Thorpie." A chill ran down Thorp's back..that couldn't be. He turned around and suddenly the forest became the outside of a huge Cathedral. English by the looks of it...maybe at 1400's. The scenery of The Event. And there, just as he remebered it, stood Xgrath...first childe of Odnan. In his hand, struggling Arin the Gangrel, Graventhorp's only love.
"No, No, no, no." Thorp began to mumble, almost chanting.
Just as he rembered Xgrath let go of Arin, who fell on her knees, weak. Xgrath's hands began to stretch in the usual manner of Feral Claws...and then with 4 gruesome slashes Arin' laid in a pool of blood...missing all 4 limbs. While all this ahppened Thorp was paralized with fear...knowing what came next. Blood tears began to ran down his cheeks for the first time in a long time. Xgrath smiled at him and slowly walked. Feral claws again becamed his animlaistic hands, and then a stake was produced. Thorp knew this was when he was supposed to Frenzy, fight Xgrath and ultimately lose...but that didn't happen, instead Xgrath just smiled walked up to him and with a lighting fast movement staked him thoroughly. Altough he was supposed to be in torpor he could still feel being carried, dumped into a coffin and then buried.
Dark, hot, lonely. Buried again for over 200 years. And Odnan was dead, so he could never save him like he had before. Dark. Lonely. Dead.

((ok, Thorp was in torpor, staked and buried for real from 1484 thru 1786, when Odnan awakened him again, and shortly after, in the early 1800's he became a City Gangrel. This is why he isn't as strong as normal 700 year olds are...he was buried for 200, so. This is what Thorp calls "The Event" and its mentioned beofre in this very Thread...but never really told what it is. Sorry for the lame ass writing but I'm kinda tired an too pysched about christmas to think about anything else, christmas break RULES! ok, I'll stop typin' now.))

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 9:28 pm Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((argh, sorry he was buried for 302 years to be exact. Ok, Thorp's timeline, just to show that I've thought of his entire storyline
Thorp's birthdate=1275
Embraced by Odnan=1294
The Event=1484-1786
Leaves England for America=1788
Finds Arin again= 1789
Becomes City Gangrel= 1821
Arin killed (for good) by hunter= 1825
Arrival to Cascadia=2001

Arin was awakened the first time by, you guessed it, Cappas.THe mortal hunter that killed Arin for good was actually later embraced by a Brujah, but Thorp doesn't know that, yet. I've also thought of what happens between 1825 and now,but its just details. (he lived in New York, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Washington DC and Cascadia. Not in that order. umm.. ok, I knwo I'm boring but I got nothing else to do, so there.) ))

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