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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:18 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
Porter felt his veins haemorrhage. Expended blood ran in rivulets down his face, his forearms and fell reluctantly away from him. He smeared the blood across his face as though painting his face for war. His claws, heavy from the gore that hung from the razor-like edges, looked tired and cracked from so much fighting. He swayed on his feet, the movement alarming his allies as much as it lured his enemies.

He wished it was simply a lure, but the last fight with three of the “abominations” had left him feeling drained. A cocktail of his own blood and that of his foes streaked his fangs.

[i:4be58d170e]“Careful, Porter! They’re connected somehow! They learn from...”[/i:4be58d170e]

Gabriel fell silent, out of Porter’s sight. But his warning was enough to shake the Gangrel warrior awake. Lunging forward he snapped his jaws around one of the necks of their assailants. His undead diaphragm swelled into savage action, sucking in great lungfuls of the creature’s blood. Porter’s eyes flashed open, the sparkle briefly lost, came back brighter than before. He felt his strength return in its fullest. He pulled away as something in the blood tried to connect with him. Spitting what little his mouth still held and stumbled back.

Gabriel saw his friend fall as five of the things advanced upon him. He tried to cut a swathe through, desperate to get to his friend before they did but it was as useless an act as swimming against air as you fell from a plane. He felt hope ebb from each strike, his swords cutting through re-knitted flesh as the female Kindred’s esoteric device brought hissing, hellish oblivion to two more of them.

Herman stood now, back to back with Alois. Like Janus incarnate, they fought off another wave. Super accelerated reflexes and solidified shadow lashing out, keeping fate at arms length.


It seemed to the her that fate had abandoned her. Some Maven she turned out to be. Trapped, blind to the time strands around her. And rapidly running out of rounds. Morrighan fought on. Sheer female irascibility driving her to keep firing, keep kicking. Never to stop until her limbs were torn from her and cast aside like rags.

Porter sank to his knees, shaking. The attackers stood around him in a circle, swords pointed in at him. Their faces all wore that same damned confident, no arrogant, leering smile.

Porter started to growl. At first an inaudible rumble in his throat, becoming a crescendo of animal rage. The floor itself started to shake, swell as if answering his summons. From out of nowhere came an animal army. Rats fell from air vents, spiders dropped from the ceiling, flies filled the faces of his would-be-killers. The building groaned and shook as the titanic battle finally wore away its resistance.

Then as suddenly as they had appeared, the animals scattered leaving Porter stood now. Single eye fixed on the five. A steel support fell to his left, cutting him off from the others.

[i:4be58d170e]“You’re trapped Gangrel!”[/i:4be58d170e] At last one spoke.

Porter grinned horribly, his body hair coarsening, thickening. His neck contorting, becoming more muscular to support the suddenly heavy jaws of a wolf. He stood, hunched slightly, claws extended a good two inches longer.

[i:4be58d170e]“And so are you.”[/i:4be58d170e] His words dripped with power.

Two went down before he even seemed to move. The impact of his clawed fists sent seismic ripples through the rapidly crumbling building. A sword swung deadly and rapid in its descent, merely glancing off his furred shoulder. He spun his arm out, crushing the wielders skull and sending the skull and body in opposite directions. Regenerating muscles grabbed his left paw, becoming pulp again as he lifted the bar sending bottles flying, slamming it down. He spun dervish-like, claws ripping and destroying flesh as quickly as it knitted itself. Plaster fell, choking the vision of the others, prompting Gabriel and the three other allies to regroup. Half-watching the Gangrel as he tore five of them apart second by second. His blows becoming heavier, more furious as their incessant regenerating pissed him off even more. Massive wolf jaws clamped on arms, pulling them off. Ribcages were literally torn out, like fish being de-boned. His fur now matted and dyed red with viscera, left wet crimson prints wherever he moved.

But for all his resolve. His utter, primal rage. He was beginning to falter. Bricks fell as the west wing of the club collapsed. Gripping the central support pillar in the club he began to pull it loose, his back and sides skewered and pierced by swords, blood leaking from dozens of lethal strikes. He panted, roaring as the massive marble structure cracked and split with his efforts. A massive section of the club roof toppled pinning one of the attackers. Porter crumpled as the now restored four advanced upon him once more.

A curious stink of ozone filled the air.

There was a brief humming sound as though particles were being charged, forces manipulated. And then one of their attackers disintegrated. Then another. Then a third. Spitting pools of acidic gel littered the remains, preventing restoration.

The roar of an obscenely powerful diesel engine deafened them. Drawing their attentions to the gap in the west wall. A massive, but crudely constructed van stood. Alois threw himself on top of Morrighan as the ionic smell rose again, annihilating another. Gabriel drew sharp breath as the three barrelled turret on the van roof turned, following a fifth targets movements. A near silent pulse of energy left nothing but a corroded crater in the wall.

Porter looked up limply.

[i:4be58d170e]“Well? Don’t just stand there, Beowulf! Get the fuck in!”[/i:4be58d170e]

Gabriel’s mind reeled. Morrighan’s almost crumbled in on itself.

Both Kindred said what they first thought.


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:25 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
By the time any of them had dared to speak, the club was a faint warm glow, barely visible behind the darkened city blocks out the smeared back windows of Alekz van. The massive deisel engine growled as they snaked their way through the innards of the city, towards what the one time assassin Alekz had merely called 'home'.

The van was a slip-shod affair at best, held together by great dubious patches of welded steel in some spots, and mere bungee chords in others. Six of them sat in the back on a pair of opposing benches, staring at one another blankly. Porter, Gabriel, Alois, and their as yet unintroduced Lasombra 'friend' watched each other nonchalantly. In the seat nearest the door (that threatened to swing open with each tightly taken turn) sat a pair of well dressed Kindred they had picked up at the last moment, if only to prevent their deaths at the hands of the cultists. Gabriel knew their names, Isabella and Ewan, and little else about them.

They shared the main hold with the cannon that had so effectively saved their unlives, a great contraption clearly constructed by a similiar designer to whom the van owed credit, presumably Alekz. The gun contained standard construction pipes, drainage pipes, pieces of a Cadillac engine, and several other components Gabriel couldn't identify.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"Alright,"[/i:f84ed6dc6f] the Lasombra spoke, his eyes flickering darkly between the group, [i:f84ed6dc6f]"I'll be the first to say it. What the fuck?"[/i:f84ed6dc6f]

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"I don't..."[/i:f84ed6dc6f] Gabriel blurted, but was quickly cut off.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"What is this? I arrive in this backwater city and the very first night I'm attacked by animals or ghouls or whatever the hell they were!! Where were the cops?! Where was the Scourge?! Where the bloody fucking hell was the PRINCE?! Who runs this city?! This is..."[/i:f84ed6dc6f] the Lasombra halted mid-sentence and then visibly relaxed, his posture loosening. Gabriel eminated serenity and composure.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"I've never run across those...things...before. I'm not sure where they came from, or what they wanted. The police I cannot explain, as for a Prince, Cascadia has not had one for some time now."[/i:f84ed6dc6f]

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"Hmm. Alright fancy pants, I guess we'll figure this out together. And use your disciplines on me again and I might not take as kindly to it."[/i:f84ed6dc6f] The Lasombra sat back and smoothed his tattered slacks.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"Duly noted. And you can call me Gabriel."[/i:f84ed6dc6f]

The Gangrel, physically exhausted, stared at the passing road through a rusted hole in the bed of the van. Beyond him, Alois peered at the Ventrue inquisitively.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"You said the city hasn't had a Prince for some time?"[/i:f84ed6dc6f]

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"That's right."[/i:f84ed6dc6f] Gabriel replied, returning his attention to the back window and scanning the streets anxiously for any signs that they were being trailed.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"What happened to the last one?"[/i:f84ed6dc6f]

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"His name was Valek...he was somewhat too eccentric for the Inner Council's liking. He was removed from power."[/i:f84ed6dc6f] Gabriel said simply. A pair of halogen lights filled the darkened van with soft blue light and the Ventrue watched them suspciously.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"What happened to him?"[/i:f84ed6dc6f] Alois asked.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"Not sure. In fact, I'm not sure anyone knows."[/i:f84ed6dc6f] The car took a side street and Gabriel sighed.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"How does the city maintain order?"[/i:f84ed6dc6f] Alois sounded more curious than concerned. Porter looked up.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"Believe me, things are more orderly with Valek gone."[/i:f84ed6dc6f] the Gangrel said.

The van pulled to a stop and Alekz interupted the conversation he had been holding with Morrighan, who sat comfortably in the passenger seat. Alekz youthful face peered into the back.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"Here we are...Casa de Alekz!"[/i:f84ed6dc6f]

The kindred filed out and found themselves standing in front of a derelect housing tenement. Gabriel scanned the street once more, and relaxed, assured they were not being followed.


The fire department could do little but wait for the framework of the club to collapse and try to contain the blaze from spreading. There would be no way to tally up the body count until they could sift through the ashes, and at the rate this thing was burning, it wouldn't be long.

Across the street from the club, a lone figure sat atop the roof, unnoticed by the official below. Clad in black combat fatigues, he watched the fire slowly rage and then begin to die. A tiny receiver in his ear chirped with static and then a familiar voice.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"Antigone 3 report in."[/i:f84ed6dc6f]

The man activated the microphone in his collar and whispered.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"Antigone 3 to Creone, leeches."[/i:f84ed6dc6f]

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"Antigone 3, please repeat and confirm."[/i:f84ed6dc6f]

The figure's eyes scanned the debris that lay in the street. The crushed bricks had been spared a charred demise, and were raked with great claw marks that Antigone 3 was far too familiar with.

[i:f84ed6dc6f]"Creone. Repeat. Leeches. Definately leeches."[/i:f84ed6dc6f]

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:16 pm Reply with quote
Lasombra AntitribuPosts: 26Location: UKJoined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:39 pm
As the group piled out of the van Herman hung towards the back of the group, he felt almost despondent, not only had he met something that he might not be able to inflict the final death upon but worse still he had let it get to him. Quite uncouth behaviour, he would have to apologise to the Ventrue at some stage. But for now he had to survive.

That and get himself one of those cannons.

Who was this guy? This Alekz, if he had heard right. Some kind of Techno-freak? The evening was becoming stranger and stranger. Pinching the bridge of his nose he sighed. By the way everything seemed to be going it wasn’t going to get better. But on top of everything else something else was clamouring at the edge of his conscience.

[i:f20f85ffff]The Car. [/i:f20f85ffff]

Groaning he slunk along after the group into the battered tenement building. What a night…

Suddenly grinned, his posture straitening, at least it was interesting; the dammed he supposed had to be careful what they wished for. Well thankfully he still had his mobile, strapped to his right calf. So long as he had that he could.. Well that was hardly the point, firstly he had to find out what the hell was going on.

And now, with the smoke clearing, with the last fires dieing.
Who would have thought that I would be standing and you would be ashes on the wind?
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:34 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 285Location: yorkshireJoined: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:21 pm
OOC guys!! shit.....sorry I've not been around....gosh you've being busy!!! Well here goes for what it's worth.

Isabella couldn't quite believe where she was...or rather who she was with or, what set her even more on edge....who Ewan was amongst.

[i:980d5e319e]" That was amazing Izzy....a damn sight better than you see on any cable channel!!! did you see those guys....what where they do you think ....some sort of ghouls? pretty horrific but boy did these guys fight back like their unlife depended on it ....did you see the one that ...well he looked like a know like in ...damn whats that film called? it's a comic book hero sort of film...anyway he looked like him...damn Izzy can you do stuff like that? I hope you can't I'd be pretty mad if you could and ....owwww"[/i:980d5e319e]

Ewan stopped his inane chatter as she gripped his wrist ....tighter......and tighter......and even tighter...until it felt like his bones were going to explode under the pressure as she tightened the grip she spoke ...quietly.

[i:980d5e319e]"Ewan I have a suggestion.....maybe you should be quiet...just look around you ....the people that you are amongst .....each and everyone a of us however has resisted using you as a food bag ....I'm not so sure that any of these would see you as a friend ....more as a takeaway perhaps..."[/i:980d5e319e]

The realization of what she was saying hit Ewan and he glanced around hesistantly...His Isabella would protect him he was sure of that ....but still it was rather .....ohhhh shit......he looked away as......

[i:980d5e319e]" It's Isabella isn't it?"[/i:980d5e319e]

The longing in her to run was unbearable...maybe it was time....what did they say ...face your fear ....or forever be scared.

[i:980d5e319e]" forgive me I'm rather confused as to what has just happened...I mean those things .....they were simply horrific, obviously doing someone elses bidding so to speak .....nothing like that can act upon its own accord.....they have no makes you wonder who is actively seeking out our kind in the city, this is one of the reason's that I have ....I'm sorry ....I'm rambling..... I am Isabella Garrett and you are ?"[/i:980d5e319e]

As she reached out her hand he looked upon her and took in her but casual grey suit worn with a white shirt that just allowed a glimpse of cleavage....obviously expensive....she wore little makeup and a light lipstick, her almost blue black hair was drawn back into a tight bun, making her look almost stern but her bright blue eyes sparkled as she smiled waiting for his reply.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:33 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((hey guys..sorry the internet at my apartment's down :/ i'll try and post tonight.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:36 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 14Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:01 pm

The twin puppies of Joy and Delight tumbled unrestrainedly in Morrighan's breast at the sound and sight of her Sire, leaning from the window of the dilapidated vehicle. Her body moved of it's own accord before she even registered the intense need to be the one to occupy the seat next to him. Nor did she realize that, with the slamming of the passenger door, she had shut away the rest of their passengers from her consciousness.

[i:e9cefe1caf]"Alekz? Is it really you?"[/i:e9cefe1caf] Disbelief vibrated in her words, yet begged them to be true. [i:e9cefe1caf]"I... I... You're supposed to be dead!"[/i:e9cefe1caf] Her own words shocked her badly and she babbled out more. [i:e9cefe1caf]"I mean really dead! F... Final... Death."[/i:e9cefe1caf] Morrie choked as she whispered the last two words and fell silent, staring at their driver. Was it really him... or another double.

She gave him a hurried once-over and made note of the fact that his appearance seemed out of place to the youthfulness of his face. Gone were the immaculately pleated slacks of his former life, as well as the silk shirts and Italian shoes. Instead he was now encased in jeans that had seen much better days, loafers that were more than scuffed and a decidedly ragged and moth-eaten pullover.

But the most telling feature of all was the burning intensity of his eyes as he cast quick glances her way. He, too, was doing his own assessments. [i:e9cefe1caf]"Yes, I know, Morag. I had no choice, if one of us was going to survive that debacle. I had to leave you there, alone and expiring. I'm sorry."[/i:e9cefe1caf] For the first time in their relationship, he used the name she preferred above all others.

Now the dual squirrels of Chaos & Confusion ran a constant circle in her mind as she tried to sort out her thoughts and decide how to proceed. Alekz was no longer her beloved jailer and she wasn't a kidnapped ghoul any more. Now they were Sire and childer. But that didn't mean she could be controlled so easily. Anger began to bubble to the surface.

[i:e9cefe1caf]"Tell me, Alekz. Tell me what happened!"[/i:e9cefe1caf] she demanded, [i:e9cefe1caf]"I have a right to know."[/i:e9cefe1caf] Suddenly, he turned frighteningly dark and maddened eyes on her, hand raised to knock her into next week or, simply, out the van's door. As was his wont, as if he had the right to do so. But the fist couldn't hold it's shape and the thin arm, suddenly exposed, couldn't prevent the trembling that overtook it, until he regained it's grip on the steering wheel.

The Maven gusted a sigh, either in frustration or defeat, she wasn't sure. [i:e9cefe1caf]"Yes, you do, but not now, Morrie. All will come to light soon enough. Be patient."[/i:e9cefe1caf] She fell silent at his use of the hated appellation because all it did was let her know that he was displeased with her. It also brought heavy memories. Ones she preferred to forget.


[i:e9cefe1caf]"Alekz!! Pass me another clip!! This one is just about empty and there's another wave coming. We can't hold them for long and I do hope the cavalry gets here soon!'[/i:e9cefe1caf] She extended her arm backwards, keeping her eye on the doorway, and felt the strength of his hand as he gripped her wrist tightly; waited for the smack of expected ammo to hit the palm of her hand.

Instead, he swung her around and into his chest, pinioning her arms with just one of his. Surprise caught her offguard and allowed him the action that he took and by the time she realized the danger she was in, it was too late. He sank sharp fangs into her neck and the euphoria of his feeding swept her out to sea and she went limp.

The hopeless situation they had been drawn into faded into an obscure place where an old jew, Abram Kaniel, waited for her with twinkling eyes. Yet, once again her tormentor drew her away with his blood as he forced her to drink more deeply than before.

This time, as she died for real, there was no one waiting for her. Only the cold, lonely dark and the blurred, retreating sight of Alekz's face leaning in to whisper in her ear. [i:e9cefe1caf]"This is how it must be, Morrie. Somehow, we've been betrayed and abandoned. Remember when you next awaken, you're the only Maven left and there are some that would give what little humanity they might have left... and more... to acquire you and your "talent". Be afraid of all Kindred, my dear, be [b:e9cefe1caf]very[/b:e9cefe1caf] afraid!"[/i:e9cefe1caf]

She felt him lay her gently on her back, arms outflung, spent gun barely touching her fingertips. Then he closed her eyes with a sweep of his fingers and she heard his footsteps moving away, in the direction of battle. More gun fire and the whine of bullets, followed by shouts and screams from a vague distance. Then a deathly silence. A lone tear managed to escape before the darkness pressed her down.


[i:e9cefe1caf]"Here we are...Casa de Alekz!"[/i:e9cefe1caf]

Her Sire's words dragged the young woman from the black funk she'd sunk into. Frowning, she exited and went to stand with the rest on the sidewalk, awed at the level her educator and one-time lover had sunk to. She was the only one that seemed to notice the man that shuffled out and away from the barely covered recess of the doorway.

The rest of the motley party of undead noticed him all at the same time as the dim-eyed hulk, standing nearly six feet tall, steered around them and silently made his way to the van's door. Alekz opened it and, much to the amazement of all who watched, allowed the brute to remove him from the van.

Craddled in the human's arms, the Maven reached in and retrieved a couple of items, slammed the door shut and gave the order to move inside. [i:e9cefe1caf]"Alright, everyone, Jonas and I will lead the way, just follow, please. Questions and explanations will have to wait until we're inside."[/i:e9cefe1caf] He gave a quick, enigmatic glance towards the red-haired woman but said nothing more. Merely tapped his fleshy porter on the shoulder and the mute entered the building.

Once inside, they piled into an equally antique lift with an expandable gate. With many false stops and shuddering starts, they reached the fourth floor. The top of the tenement, from the looks of the numbered buttons on the wall of the cage. A short walk brought them to the only door in the solitary corridor. The splitting outer paneling spoke of past glory days but the nose itching smell of mold and mildrew said it didn't have much longer.

Alekz leaned down and grasped the doorknob in a firm gesture and it sprang open with a lengthy screech. [i:e9cefe1caf]"Trust me, it was locked."[/i:e9cefe1caf] He gave a tight smile to the group. [i:e9cefe1caf]"You have to know the correct way to open it, once it's secured."[/i:e9cefe1caf] Then he gave a pensive look downward before flicking his eyes back upward at the group standing in the hallway. [i:e9cefe1caf]"Or you wind up [b:e9cefe1caf]very[/b:e9cefe1caf] dead."[/i:e9cefe1caf] He and his valet entered his sanctuary.

The ghoul crossed the main entry to a serviceable wheelchair and lowered him gently. Tucking a waiting, nearby blanket across his knees, he stood up and stared at the group before his master. Piggy little eyes said they trusted no one and nobody to tend his master as well as he did. Alekz waved at an ecclectic mix of seating and everyone filed in to gingerly place their bodies on frail furniture.

Without looking at him, Alekz ordered his servant away. [i:e9cefe1caf]"Get my guests some "refreshment". Then go on with your assignments until I ring for you again."[/i:e9cefe1caf] Jonas let out a huff of displeasure but left swiftly, sweeping all with a look that promised retribution if his master should come to harm. He returned with wine goblets of vitae on a tray, set it down and then left just as quickly as he had returned.

Gabriel decided that it was time for one of them to speak their piece. He glanced around, lingered a bit on Morrighan, who'd moved a seat close to Alekz's side and then centered on his host. [i:e9cefe1caf]"Alright, I think some clarification is in order here. We can start with you, miss..."[/i:e9cefe1caf], he glanced at Morrighan, [i:e9cefe1caf]"...or, you, Alekz. Which one wants to go first?"[/i:e9cefe1caf]

Morag turned an even more ghastly shade of pale and glanced frantically at her Sire. She turned stricken eyes to Gabriel and then to Porter, before sweeping blank ones over Isabella, Ewan, Alois and Herman. Air passages nearly closed down in reaction as she stammered, [i:e9cefe1caf]"I... I... can't! Not here. Not with them here, Ventrue. [b:e9cefe1caf]Or HIM!"[/b:e9cefe1caf][/i:e9cefe1caf] She darted a look from the corner of her eyes at the man beside her. [i:e9cefe1caf]" Don't ask this of me!! You know why I can't say anything!!"[/i:e9cefe1caf]

The building hysterical note in her speech had her ex-lover reaching out to calm her with a touch to her shoulder. [i:e9cefe1caf]"It's alright Morrie. You don't have to. It's alright."[/i:e9cefe1caf] As fast as the panic had struck, it left almost as quickly, with each of his strokes. But her brown eyes pleaded with O'Brien and Porter.

This left Gabriel even more perplexed and the Gangrel just plain tired of it all. [i:e9cefe1caf]"I want to understand why you feel I'm a threat to you, young woman!"[/i:e9cefe1caf], the elder Ventrue barked at her. [i:e9cefe1caf]"I've never seen you before in my life!! I'm pretty sure my companion hasn't either or he'd have told me so by now."[/i:e9cefe1caf] The ancient kindred at his side growled low in agreement, nostrils flaring as he tried to take in her scent again.

[i:e9cefe1caf]"Perhaps, I can make things perfectly clear with one word, Gabe?"[/i:e9cefe1caf] He didn't look at Morrighan but he gripped her hand hard enough to swing her face around to stare into his. He let his surprise fall into the utter quiet.


It took several minutes for the truth to strike at Gabriel and he stared intently at the woman sitting opposite to him. Then he nodded his head as if having figured out the puzzle. Yes, the hair was different, the eyes changed, the body mass a touch more fulsome. But the structure, heighth and movements were the same. Those were harder to erase or change without surgery or re-training. And, finally, the whole death-threat thing made sense.

Porter, however, was still left dangling in the dark as O'Brien swung suddenly hot and intense eyes back to their chair-bound rescuer. Alekz didn't give them time to work up any more outrage. They had more important issues to expend anger upon. He lowered his head in both hands, as if in sorrow, then dug nails into his scalp and dragged them downward, as he raised his face.

The outer layer of skin slowly peeled away and, the once young and fresh Alekzandre Thain, revealed the features of a 50 yr. old wasted man. Again the young Maven woman questioned as to whether this was the [b:e9cefe1caf]real[/b:e9cefe1caf] Alekz... or another clone. But then, only her master could have know about Cyrilynn's handmaiden.

[i:e9cefe1caf]"OH, Alekz!!"[/i:e9cefe1caf] her tones tinged with bitterness and sorrow, [i:e9cefe1caf]"What have you done?"[/i:e9cefe1caf]

((Ok, I've been at this for hours and my eyes are bleary. I'll fine comb this later and make needed changes. I'm heading back to bed. Cya in a bit and I hope ya all post more! Great job, Izzy. Keep it up guys!!:)))

You have made me everything I am and stolen everything I was . I love you, I hate you.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 1:06 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm

...yup...just wow!

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 1:30 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm

...yup...just wow![/quote:8c4eeba571]

Couldn't put it better myself. Way to go Trish!

Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:31 am Reply with quote
Lasombra AntitribuPosts: 26Location: UKJoined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:39 pm
“Oooooo-K” The Lasombra let slip out under his breath, he felt as if he had walked into some Damned version of the Jerry Springer show. Sighing he leant against the wall in the shade of the door way, in recent years he always felt better in the shadows. He remembered in life, rejoicing at the sun on his face, now though even bright lights left him feeling exposed, uneasy in a way he couldn’t define. He could hold it in check perfectly well, it wasn’t that there was anything wrong with standing in the light, he was just… more comfortable out of it.

Tilting his head he spoke into Alois’ ear, almost silently, few but the heightened senses of a degenerate could even detect the whisper. Not that he believed the other Kindred would notice, so enraptured they seemed.
“What the hell is going on? Why are we in this dive? And who’s that guy?” As he finished he nodded towards their apparent savoir.

There was almost no way this night could get any stranger, Herman thought for the second time in the night.

He cursed himself for the idiocy of the thought almost immediately and began to scan the room for weapons, anyone who could make that cannon could surely make a hand held version?

And now, with the smoke clearing, with the last fires dieing.
Who would have thought that I would be standing and you would be ashes on the wind?
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:17 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
The Ventrue's eyes narrowed and were drawn instantly towards his possible escape routes. What [i:c51416463a]was[/i:c51416463a] this?

[i:c51416463a]"Whoever you might be...I think you owe us an explanation."[/i:c51416463a] Gabriel hissed, his hands tightly clasped behind him back. The pitiful wretch before him gazed wearily from the chair.

[i:c51416463a]"Listen O'Brien,"[/i:c51416463a] Porter grumbled, his heavy furrowed brow showcasing his disapproval of the situation, [i:c51416463a]"I didn't go through all this shit tonight just to play Scooby Doo Mysteries. Lets find out just who this prick is."[/i:c51416463a]

Before any of the corterie could object, the Gangrel lurched forward and grabbed the wheelchairs padded armrest. In a one nimble movement he toppled the chair and it's unfortunate inhabitant. Alekz fell sprawling to the floor, his hands outstretched to break his fall.

[i:c51416463a]"Alekzandre!!!"[/i:c51416463a] Morag cried out, but the ancient Gangrel had already straddled the cripple and sat with one hand over his throat and the other displaying a gruesome set of feral claws.

There was apparently no doubt of the old man's identity in her mind, because she instantly leapt out of Porter's striking distance and leveled her unique pistol at his skull.

[i:c51416463a]"Get up. I SAID GET UP!!"[/i:c51416463a] she shrieked, blood tears now beginning to form. The Gangrel grimaced but did not relinquish his position.

The old man's massive retainer now re-entered the room, shock quickly morphing to fury. His mighty frame charged the nearest betrayer and within seconds Herman had subdued the massive man with little effort.

[i:c51416463a]"Porter...Porter...let him up."[/i:c51416463a] The tension softened for a moment, the air becoming slightly fragrant. Like a cool breeze soaking up the carressing aromas of open fields, the atmosphere was perceptively calming. Once more, the Ventrue exuded tranquility. The thick Gangrel's muscles visibly slackened, and Morrag's barrel fell ever so slightly.

[i:c51416463a]"If nothing else Porter, we owe him our unlives tonight. Perhaps we should let him have his say before we gut him like a fish, eh?"[/i:c51416463a] Gabriel smiled slightly, his contenance soothing. Porter looked back at the old man who lay straining under his considerable weight.

He stood but did not move to assist Alekz, who struggled to right his chair. Once he had righted himself, in part due to Morrag's assistance, the elderly figure sighed despondantly.

[i:c51416463a]"I do owe you all an explanation..."[/i:c51416463a] he placed a wrinkled hand on Morrag's, perhaps more for his own support than hers. [i:c51416463a]"Where to begin?"[/i:c51416463a]


The great chateau blocked out a better part of the night's infinite blackness. Great spotlights that lit the ground hid it in part from their view. If the blueprints had been right however, they should have little problem infiltrating the compound and reaching their objective.

The extravagant manor was constructed in a similiar fashion to many of the other mansions in rural France, to be a carnate reflection of the owner's wealth and opulence. With it's intricate and well kept hedge maze and garden stretching alongside the massive and well-lit front drive it certainly bore some resemblance to the ancient palaces French royalty had speckled the countryside with.

The building itself was a massive work, intricate masonry rose to three perceivable stories, the windows darkened and lifeless. From behind the delicately patterned curtains, the five shadows that even now slipped adroitly over the front gate would be unnoticable.

Alekzandre Thain motioned to his compatriots to stay near. He didn't know much about the owner of the house other than what his contacts had provided him with. A rich Kindred of indiscernable lineage that had lived in the area as long as anyone active these nights could recall. He was something of a socialite and the local Primogen had chalked up several high society disappearances to his dinner parties.

[i:c51416463a]"He was reported leaving three nights ago. So this should be a cakewalk."[/i:c51416463a] Alekz whispered, his youthful face barely visible in the waning moonlight. [i:c51416463a]"His study is in the eastern wing...second floor."[/i:c51416463a]

He motioned to a lightless window.

[i:c51416463a]"We get in, get what we came for, and get out."[/i:c51416463a]

His corterie nodded compliance and the group set off through the hedgemaze. Every so often, Alekz stopped the group and sat silently listening for minutes at a time.


[i:c51416463a]"Quiet."[/i:c51416463a] he held his hand to his pale lips and concentrated. If the rumors were true...they didn't want to run across any of his security forces. IF the rumors were true.

In the distance, the murmor of conversation was barely detectable. Alekz slipped over the final wall of the hedge maze, moving swiftly enough to spare the plant his full weight. Once all five members were over they darted towards the wall of the house, pressing their bodies close to it's cool exterior.

Within a breadth, Alekz had gracefully scaled the exterior wall and sliced a small hole from the window and maneuvered his lithe form through into the darkened room beyond. Alekzandre extended his senses and began to get a clear perception of the dimensions of the darkened room.

The lights burst to life, exposing the startled Alekzandre, who wrenched his pistol from it's resting place. There was a [i:c51416463a]thunk[/i:c51416463a] as a thick steel cover slid down over the window that had served as Alekzandre's entrance port.

Three figures appeared in the doorway. Two appeared to be identical twins. Tall and lean with dark complexions, they both peered at their prey with a predatory hunger. Between them, a figure who exuded authority towered over them. His posture and presence were regal and assured, a large shalk of raven black hair cascaded down his back and framed dark features.

[i:c51416463a]"Denneval, I presume."[/i:c51416463a] Alekz tossed the pistol down. If the clone guard left any doubt in Alekzandre's mind, the pure power that seeped and flowed from Denneval communicated clearly the resistance would be ill advised.

[i:c51416463a]"Insistent to the last boy."[/i:c51416463a] the vampire crooned, his teeth glistening with a savage satisfaction.

[i:c51416463a]"The last? Hardly. The Primogen know of your experiments Denneval."[/i:c51416463a] he eyes the clones, who seemed to be restrained by some invsible will.

[i:c51416463a]" If the Primogen already know, why are you trembling? I see through you like sunlight through glass. You are transparent little Grendel. Your allies are outside, no? Fighting for their very unlives. Your little game is over."
Outside, the sound of slaughter harkened to Alekz that he was alone...and at Denneval's mercy.


[i:c51416463a]"Denneval was right. I had failed. I was subsequently tortured...and drained of my unlife. Leaving...this..."[/i:c51416463a] Alekzandre peered down at his own wrinkled hands, the one time source of infinite capabilities. Now feeble and worn, he sat back in his chair peering out from dead eyes at the corterie.

[i:c51416463a]"Denneval is involved in all this?"[/i:c51416463a] Gabriel said reluctantly. [i:c51416463a]"We're in deep shit."[/i:c51416463a]

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 3:26 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
[i:d61c3521e9]“Denneval? Who in fuck is Denneval?”[/i:d61c3521e9] Porter shook with growing fury. [i:d61c3521e9]“Listen! I’m getting mighty pissed off at all this intrigue and talk of monsters bullshit! I want straight answers, and I want them now!”[/i:d61c3521e9]

Alekz looked over at the old Gangrel who stood barrel chested and rightfully indignant.

[i:d61c3521e9]“You want answers, savage? Very well.”[/i:d61c3521e9] He pushed himself over to a desk littered with papers and the odd 9mm round.

[i:d61c3521e9]“Denneval is or rather was the Beast of Gevaudan. He’s Gangrel, but not like any you have faced before. Porter is it? You remember whisperings at your gathers in the past. Tales of the Lion of Nemea? That was Denneval, though he was known by another name in those times....”[/i:d61c3521e9]

Porter looked visibly drawn, his skin whitened with a sudden realisation.


Gabriel looked blankly.

Alois however allowed his jaw to hang open.

[i:d61c3521e9]“But he’s just a Greek myth. The Greek who drove the War god away in fear.”

“Myth, my friend, doesn’t have a habit of gutting you and leaving you withered to watch him devour your allies. Myth doesn’t leave you shivering in the night, amassing some pathetic defence against his attentions.”[/i:d61c3521e9]

Porter visibly pulled the collar of his ruined shirt up as though warding off some chill wind. [i:d61c3521e9]“Diomedes was no myth. Not among the Gangrel.”[/i:d61c3521e9]

Herman piped up next.

[i:d61c3521e9]“So what are you telling me? That some mouldy old Gangrel boogeyman is behind all of this?”[/i:d61c3521e9]

Porter’s glare hushed him.

Alekz answered with a sigh.

[i:d61c3521e9]“No. He’s the brawn, not the brains behind it. He’s amassed a clone army. One that will shake the very earth if it ever marches. An army of you, Porter.”[/i:d61c3521e9] He paused.

Porter’s eyebrows asked the obvious.

[i:d61c3521e9]“Poe was not unique. He was a scout. The first of hundreds. Denneval has hundreds just like him at his beck and call.”[/i:d61c3521e9]

Porter. Gabriel. And quite frankly, all of the group answered in kind, whether they thought it or whispered it or even shouted it. The words were the same.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:49 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 14Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:01 pm
The aftershocks of rage and terror still pinged through the young Maven's system. Despite O'Brien's soothing efforts. Her hands shook as she reached for the withered husk before her, to get him back into his chair so that he could regain his dignity. She glanced over at Herman, where Jonas was emitting a high pitched whine of distress and reaching towards his domitor with outstretched, flexing hands.

She caught the Lasombra's eyes and nodded for him to release the man. Jonas lumberbed straight towards Alekz and tenderly assisted her in getting his master into his conveyance again. Then knelt down on the other side of the old man's knees and laid his head in Thain's lap. He sighed as the knotted hand unconciously stroked the hair and the whimpers of distress faded into a dreamy kind of contentment.

If it was possible to fall instantly into lust/love with someone, it was equally likely that one could tumble into hatred/disgust. And in this particular instant, she was even more convinced that the Gangrel would be her next target. About as soon as the opportunity presented itself he was going to be one_dead_vampire! There were only two reasons why she hadn't blown him away when he had his hands on her ex-lover.

One was because the time threads had shown that his actions wouldn't have resulted in an ashed corpse. But that hadn't stopped her gut reaction to his lunge. His sheer animalistic impulsiveness gave him the ability to sidestep her Sagacity when he acted without thought, and that alone made him extremely dangerous to her and her kind.

The second reason had been because her obvious threat to his unlife was based on a bluff. She'd been completely out of bullets and had realized that only seconds after she'd drawn and aimed her gun. However, she wasn't going to be telling anyone [b:7ee1618f4e]that[/b:7ee1618f4e]!! What they didn't know, could save her life if things went seriously wrong again.

Gabriel's questioning of Alekzandre, and the revelation of this Denneval creature, didn't amount to more than a buzz in her head as other concerns chased themselves over and over again in her mind. But, with the Ventrue's defusing of the intense confrontation prior, an errant thought finally came home to roost in Morag's ever vigilant mind.

Shy before those much more experienced then she, Morrighan hesitantly voiced it into the strained silence. [i:7ee1618f4e]"Um... I'd like to point out, gentlemen, and Madam,"[/i:7ee1618f4e] she gave a glance at Isabella, [i:7ee1618f4e]"that we can't stay here much longer."[/i:7ee1618f4e] She glanced around at the mixed assemblage. [i:7ee1618f4e]"In case anyone hasn't considered it yet... I'm sure we've been watched [b:7ee1618f4e]and[/b:7ee1618f4e] followed here. It wouldn't have been hard to do, so, all of us, you included Alekz, need to get away from here, soon. Real soon... like... now?"[/i:7ee1618f4e]

You have made me everything I am and stolen everything I was . I love you, I hate you.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:12 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
The group fell silent to the soggy sounds of cars passing over freshly-rained upon streets outside the tiny apartment. They stared blankly at one another for awhile, considering their options and the implications of the revelations released in the past few moments. Gabriel mused over their situation and looked to the coterie.

There was no cohesion. No committment. In the end, Porter and Gabriel would go. He was quite sure. But for now, Morrag was right. She looked nervous and intimidated, her face flushing with the after effects of the rage she must have felt watching Porter fall upon her former master.

The Gangrel looked restless and unconvinced. His single glistening eye peered out the window, and Gabriel could sense the great willpower he was enforcing to stay and assist him, an action very uncommon among Cainites.

Herman rested casually against one of Alekzandre's worn couches, it's cracked exterior offering little comfort but many stories. The shadows on the wall in front of him stretched and twisted, raced and crept. The Ventrue had never trusted the Lasombra, and for good reason.

The Toreador Alois looked indifferent. He had certainly performed admirably at the nightclub, and Gabriel was regretful that he couldn't fill him in more. But time was of the essence, and there would be time for explanation if he desired it. For now, he would simply have to hold on for dear unlife.

The dapper couple from the club had been listening intently to Alekzandre's story and did not appear to be either convinced or reassured. The male reached towards the female cautiously, his fingers brushing hers. She quickly crossed her arms without looking at him. The rebuke showed on the young man's face, and he fell back to peering at the floor.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"She's right."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] Alois said. [i:2c0a7ce4f9]"I think the best course of action would be to find safe haven for now."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9]

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"Yeah...who knows? Those things could still be looking for us. I don't know about you guys...but I'm gettin' out of this hellhole."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] The Lasombra mused, more to himself than to the group. The Gangrel huffed.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"Let em find me. I'm not running."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] he grumbled, and indeed the gleam of battle flashed in his eye like the moon's rays caught in a pan.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"Maybe there's a middle ground."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] Gabriel offered at length. [i:2c0a7ce4f9]"Maybe we should speak with Drain."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9]

The Toreador and Lasombra exchanged curious glances and answered with apathetic shrugs. The couple said nothing, only watching intently. Finally Herman offered the question on all of thier minds.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"Who's Drain?"[/i:2c0a7ce4f9]

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"He's the Nosferatu Primogen."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] said Porter.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"He's been part of Cascadia as long as anyone walking these nights can remember."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] Gabriel said, pulling his tattered coat from the couch upon which Herman sat. [i:2c0a7ce4f9]"If anyone can tell us what's going on it's him. He shares the Nossies distinct penchant for information gathering."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9]

The corterie began to collect their belongings, as Alekzandre rolled weakly to the lift.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"Do you need any further information on Denneval?"[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] the one time killer offered.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"I know where to find him. I'm sure Drain can tell us what we need to know."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] Gabriel said, shaking the old man's hand. [i:2c0a7ce4f9]"Thanks for everything Alekz."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9]

The defeated figure's grip strengthened and he pulled Gabriel in close, until his cracked lips lightly brushed the Ventrue's ear.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"Be careful Beowulf. There's more at work here. He's working [b:2c0a7ce4f9]for[/b:2c0a7ce4f9] someone. And I think they must be more powerful than even he. At the least, they have a massive collection of resources."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9]


By the time they reached the subway, it was nearly desolate. Crumbled fliers for rock shows and dance parties lay strewn across the cold, tile floor. Grafitti cried it's colorful phrases across the walls like ancient hieroglyphics. The group walked to the edge of the platform and leapt onto the tracks, amongst the cigarette butts and smashed pennies.

For awhile, the walked along silently, Gabriel peering darkly into the tunnel's depths. Finally the Ventrue stopped, turned abrubtly to his left, and heavy an old bit of sheet metal from it's place against the tunnel wall. It revealed a crudely constructed doorway. Soft, velvet light drifted from beyond it's depths, permeating the darkness.

Gabriel stepped through carefully and the group followed. Once they had entirely crossed the threshold, Gabriel directed the group's attention to an area above the doorway they had just traversed. High above, attacked to a hinge was a large plank with several variations of nails and spikes attached to it's front side, all rusty not surprisingly.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"He knows we're coming."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] The Ventrue said.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"How do you know?"[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] The Toreador asked, peering up at the deadly device.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"We'd be dead otherwise."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] Gabriel replied.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]" would be anyway."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] Porter chuckled. As if to confirm their suspicions, the tiny [i:2c0a7ce4f9]whirrrrr[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] of a camera turning on it's hinge echoed in the darkness. They followed it's sound and sure enough, a tiny camera with a piece of duct tape over it's power light peered intently at the group.

Gabriel waved.

The corterie rushed through the remainder of the disabled traps, each one conjuring images to their minds of the very real dangers of entering a Nosferatu Warren unwanted or uninvited. Gabriel was quite happy that Drain hadn't wanted him stabbed, speared, sliced, gutted, or crushed, because he clearly had the ability to enact all of the above.

Finally, they came to a large brick wall with no clear door. At their feet, a thick mire of grime and fecal matter floated, it's oily surface skin lapping at their legs. The smell was nausceating, and Gabriel happily stopped breathing.

The Gangrel paced angrily like a tiger in a cage.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"Well? Where do we go now? I thought he had made the way clear!"[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] he growled.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"There."[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] Gabriel murmured glumly, pointing at a tiny hole in the wall only large enough to crawl through.

[i:2c0a7ce4f9]"You mean we have to crawl through this shit?!"[/i:2c0a7ce4f9] Alois cried.

In the distance, Gabriel could swear he heard the Dark Man's cackle.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:23 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
Excrement. Shit. Faeces.

It was all meaningless to the dead. Those of more “delicate” demeanours might wince and appear suitably disgusted by it, but even to them it was still a fading remnant of their living years.

Porter tossed his bedraggled suit jacket, rolling up his shirt sleeves before he dunked his head under the oily, scummy surface. Pulling himself forward and under, he began to slowly slide without pause for breath, along the narrow sluice. From time to time his sickly glowing eye would pick out shapes most would rather remain unrecognised. A badly rotten human foetus rolled by in the roils of piss and shit, its tiny decayed face contorted as if drowning. Porter pushed past it, hooking his tapered fingers around grooves and ridges, a long dead rat caught up his hair as he finally sank into a deeper pool like chamber. Rising to the surface with a snarl.

He nodded at Gabriel who bobbed up nearby. The two smearing the watery traces of their sub-excretal journey away from their faces.

The joke chuckled up and out of him before he could silence it.

[i:52d8fcffde]“You look like shit, Gabriel.”[/i:52d8fcffde]

Gabriel sneered then looked up at the ledge overhanging the pool. Scores of hundreds of rats stood staring at them. Needle sharp teeth chattered and screeched derisively, as though trying to intimidate the intruders. As Alois and the others broke the scum surface the rats reached a crescendo.

Porter hauled his arse free of the mire. He combed grime and grease from his eye and glared at the rats who stood defiantly in his way.

He slowly went down on one knee and made his feelings known.

The rats looked at each other as the Gangrel growled at them.

Had he just told them to fuck off? Who did he think he was? Only the boss could do that!

[i:52d8fcffde]“Yeah you heard me right! FUCK RIGHT OFF!”[/i:52d8fcffde]

The rats started, then ran off in every direction.

[i:52d8fcffde]“Way to go, mutt. Piss off the Warren why don’t you?”[/i:52d8fcffde]

Porter eyed the shadows, grinning as several Nosferatu approached. His smile belligerent to the ridiculous.

[i:52d8fcffde]“Bite me.”[/i:52d8fcffde]

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 3:57 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Slowly, like gagging bits of fecal matter, the remainder of the coterie bobbed to the surface, much to the obvious delight of the gathering Nosferatu.

God, it was awful. The odors clung to their clothes, their hair, everything...

Gabriel was the first out of the water (if you could call it that). He pulled himself out of the scummy, oily mixture and began the process of shaking it off, trying not the appear overly concerned. The Nosferatu scurried.

[i:d4f3d36ad6]"Oh look. The pretty one has some shit on his face."[/i:d4f3d36ad6]

[i:d4f3d36ad6]"What's wrong stud? Ass juice a bit much for you?"[/i:d4f3d36ad6]

[i:d4f3d36ad6]"I think he's going to puke!"

"C'mon puke!"

"Look at em!!! HAHAHAHAHA!"[/i:d4f3d36ad6]

They fell silent as a presence stepped forward from the back of the chamber. A large figure in a long tattered overcoat, covered in the grime and bile of Cascadia's gritty streets. A heavy fedora shadowed his mangled face, but a set of crooked, yellowed teeth protruded from the darkness.

[i:d4f3d36ad6]"Hiya Gabe."[/i:d4f3d36ad6] the familiar voice croaked.

[i:d4f3d36ad6]"Good evening Drain. I hope we didn't catch you at an odd hour."[/i:d4f3d36ad6] The Ventrue said cordially, extending his hand.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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